Arguably the biggest winner from Sony’s PS Showcase this week was Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, with its gameplay reveal attracting an absolutely colossal amount of attention. At the time of writing, the official PlayStation upload of the gameplay footage has attracted over 7.4 million views, while the Marvel version is sitting above 9.1 million. This, of course, excludes all the various other mirrors that exist around the web – as well as the Kraven the Hunter cinematic, which was uploaded separately by Sony.
The 10 minute unveiling includes a lot of footage from Insomniac Games’ sequel, showcasing Peter Parker’s symbiote suit, the ability to seamlessly switch to Miles Morales, and a glimpse of the region of Queens. The gameplay generally just looks a lot faster and denser, too – and that’s exciting, because the original was no slouch to start with.
Clearly this is going to be one of the biggest games of the year, and while there’s no release date right now, the developer has said that more information on that front is coming very soon. How hyped are you for this sequel? Embrace your inner-edgelord in the comments section below.
[source youtube.com, via youtube.com]
Comments 66
Personally I wasn’t impressed. I was expecting to be blown away and wasn’t. Still think it’s going to be good
To me the Spider-Man games are good, but not the masterpieces they seem to be described as. Decent stories and fun movement mechanics, but the combat and the crime fighting leaves a lot to be desired. It feels like they're 7 or 8/10 games which are hyped as 10/10s and they just don't hold a candle in my mind to GoW or Horizon.
All of that said, I can definitely see improvements in the trailer, and anyone who thinks it looks like the PS4 game is tripping
Looks great. First was terrific, this likely will be as well.
spiderman just simply isnt on the same level as other sony exclusives like last of us or god of war
@theheadofabroom agree
spiderman felt like a 7/10 game
miles morales was glorified DLC with a rubbish villain 6/10
spiderman 2 looked ok but very much more of the same. after miles morales frankly im a bit bored of spiderman now
If it’s out in time it’s my tip for GOTY. Starfield has been hyped an i’ll def play day 1 but i have far more confidence in Spiderman 2. Insomniac have said Spiderman 2 will be the best game they ever made. I don’t doubt them.
@trev666 Redfall was a 7 out of 10 on average. You tried that??? Spiderman for it’s time was a solid 9 for me.
@theheadofabroom Interesting, for me both Spider-Man games are definitely a 8.5- 9/10 whereas HFW is the definition of "not fun" for me personally
As someone who enjoyed the Spider-Man 2018 game, I wasn't all that hype back when this was announced in 2021 and I wasn't one of those who have been eagerly asking for a gameplay reveal prior to the last PS showcase but after seeing the gameplay, I am now excited to play this.
Makes me wonder if they arent saying the release date so.that people who are interested keep checking, the more people go on to search if they have revealed the release date the more chance they have of noticing other games they may be interested in, for example somebody who is interested in spiderman but doesn't own a ps5, is waiting for spiderman 2 to release to buy a ps5 spiderman 1, miles morales and spiderman 2 might see an advert for hogwarts and decide to buy a ps5 to play that and wait for the spiderman 2, even if it only adds 1 more sale per 100 people it's still extra sales of games
Spider man 2 does feel like an extension of the 1st remaster. The graphics and combat look exactly the same with no real change. A wingsuit and venom symbiotic skills just seem like power-ups more than anything.
It does sound like I'm complaining but I'm actually excited about this game lol
I was never hyped for the first Spider-Man and even though I played and obtained the Platinum I wouldn't describe it as an awesome game just entertaining.
When Miles Morales came out I didn't even buy it but played it when was added to the PS Plus service.
Spider-Man 2 looks good but to be honest I was more excited by Granblue Fantasy,,Assassins Creed and the Plucky Squire!
Reading comments here you could easily get the impression the first Spider-man game was not that well loved but all publicly available player engagement metrics tell a very different story.
Spider-Man Remastered has a 52.1% completion rate for the main campaign(the Horizon games are in the 30’s btw) and 23.8% of players took the time to 100% every district(I love the game and never even did this in 2 playthroughs).
Additionally on steam it has 96.53% positive reviews.
@kaijukaiser I’m going to have to disagree with you on both of your points here. The graphics are very similar to the ps5 remaster which I feel wasn't too far off from the original ps4 spiderman.
I would have liked to see that unrealistic expectation you talk about since other ps5 games seem to be doing it. I felt like demon souls and the upcoming stellar blade have that real next gen feel and I wish Spiderman wowed me like that
To me it looked completely uninspired. As did MM. After finishing the first one I don’t really want to do it all over again with a very slightly prettier package.
But, just goes to show that perhaps Sony know what they are doing when it comes to putting these showcases together, despite what we all think here.
@donnyPS5 instead of ramping up the basic graphic fidelity too much they chose to do things like making the traversal much faster. If the environments were complex pushed it would not be possible to stream the assets at that speed.
When you play the game I imagine you will get a lot from the increased traversal speeds.
Opening combat scene is giving me major Edge of Tomorrow vibes. He's behaving just like the aliens in the movie.
I skipped it and refuse to watch it. There's no need to see it to convince myself to get it. I know I'll love it anyway. It's as sure a bet as it gets. It was the same with God of War Ragnarok.
@TheArtfulDodger no way spiderman is a 9/10 god of war is a 9/10 spiderman isnt even in the same league as that
I have never played the spiderman games as I'm not too big on super heroes apart from Guardians of the Galaxy, but after watching the show case I am very tempted to give the remaster version a try when it's next in a sale.
I get why some people don't rate the game highly as perhaps they have no interest in super hero games or aren't a big spiderman fan, whereas those who grew up liking spiderman would think highly of the game as its their dream game, similar to those who thought Hogwarts Legacy was their dream game as they grew up a fan of Harry Potter.
@ChrisDeku thats a really good point i didnt consider. If that is the case i think having a seemless switch between characters would be a good trade off for next next gen graphics.
But with that being said, Demon souls starts up pretty fast and the graphics still look next next gen.
This and GoT are quite overrated on here. Horizon, GoW, TLOU, Uncharted are way ahead when it comes to PS Exclusives.
Yeah, the showcase has made me rethink this and it's now a solid "wait for it on PSPlus". Shiny graphics aside, it doesn't look like it's bringing anything new to the table gameplay wise. The same old QTEs stick out like a sore thumb in this day and age.
Aside from Screwball and all crimes needed for 100% districts, Insomniacs Spider-man and Miles Morales are 9 out of 10 games for me all day long, so much fun. The City That Never Sleeps dlc aside from Screwball also so much fun. Had so much fun platting Remastered Spidey again last night and going to start the dlc again tonight for another 100%. Bring on Spidey2, so much looking forward to it, can't wait to see all the new traversal tricks, new gadgets, new abilities, new villains to take on and new parts of the bigger map
I think the general consensus is Spider-Man is a good game, but it's more about making the fans happy, and growing the fan base, rather than really pushing things to the next level of gaming as a whole. Which is fair enough, when a lot of established IPs used for games really let down the large established fan base. And Sony and Spider-Man go hand in hand so that just makes people happy. Not every game has to be generational, but consistently good and not a huge let down is a worthy achievement, and gaming and playstation are a lot better off for having these type of games too.
Personally, I never found anything in Spider-Man to make me fall in love with it. It's more like the Hollywood film style superhero, rather than an in depth character driven thing. But it's maybe got a little more about it than the films do. I'd love the Venom addition to be what kicks it on to the next level, with a more grown up feeling, and I'm not sure so far whether that will exactly be the case, based on some of the dialogue in the trailer. But then some of the trailer did give off those darker vibes, despite the cheesy Xbox style character build used for The Hunter. Maybe the game itself will have a split personality, but it's definitely one to keep an eye on.
What it does is do is hype me more for Wolverine. I imagine thay will have a clear identity, and it will be brutal and emotional.
Gameplay looked mid and samey with little evolution honestly. And I platinumed the other two,miles to be was way more impressive
@TheArt All of them are overrated.
Not only am a lifelong Spider-Man fan, but Insomniac doesn't miss, so I know the game will be excellent. I'm looking forward to it!
@SlySnake0407 if the release date is October onwards They might do a state of play or just go hard on advertising, they know it will sell well
The game will be definitely worth the asking price..Still insomniac managed to add ray tracing options and great VRR support to the remaster so i expect nothing less..
@TheArt I love them all. So long as I sprinkle in different types of games and indies in-between. I don't know how you do it, jumping between all the different open world games at the same time.
@ChrisDeku I think Spider-Man is just one of those games that's very, very, very good but not ground breaking or anything like that.
Which is totally fine — it's an absolutely excellent game. But maybe that explains the slightly muted reception on sites like this.
(Still can't wait for it, though!)
I can't wait! We get to play through the Venom saga! The speed of traversal has gone through the roof and Spidey has got his Spidey arms and symbiote suit!
The water splashes looked a bit flat but hardly reason enough to downplay a banger...
I must admit, I was not overly impressed by 'Spider-Man' - it played 'OK' but not really better than Spider-Man 2 (the Treyarch made game) but had to many QTE's, repetition and a lot of the things I hate about Ubisoft Open World games - towers to unlock the map, some awful side quests, terrible 'stealth' sections, etc etc
This looked even less exciting to me. It reminds me of Prototype. The one thing that helped the first is that Sony gave them time to Polish and release a game that's both a solid performer and equally solid visual quality but I don't think it was anything better than an '8/10'. I expect this to be equally 'solid' but I doubt I'll buy it at launch
Looks a bit too setpiece-driven for my liking. Traversal looks fun, though, so I feel like it probably works well as an open world experience.
I own the GOTY edition of the PS4 original. Definitely want to get to it sooner than later.
it was a bit disappointing to be honest... supposedly this is a ps5 only game and it looked as if it was somewhat held back by the previous console generation (or maybe that was just the video compression talking, i dunno). sequel fatigue is a growing concern amogst the AAA space as well and i'm not sure this game will bring enough new ideas to the table to hold my interest.
I don't really get why they spoilt the game by showing Peter wearing the symbiote???
Kinda give the game away that Peter maybe a boss that Miles will have to fight???
Or have I possibly spoilt the game? 😂😂😂
@BNAG_Gamer you could tell this was happening from the second we saw Venom. It’s how Spider-Man stories work
I really loved the first game and quite enjoyed Miles Morales. Very excited for this, however I still need to get a PS5 if I wanna play it.. damn
I see a lot of people wanting a PS5 exclusive to somehow have these ridiculously leap on visual fidelity. It’s not going to happen. Last Gen might not had been able to push 4k/60 visuals, hell, ir was barely able to push 1080p/30, but the techniques used to generate art were top notch.
There is no extreme new leap in tech that will impact visuals outside of higher res and frame rate. Main characters already were using polygon counts that made it near impossible to see angles edges.
It is especially hard to make brightly lit scenes have high impact, and Spider-Man is a game that takes place mostly outdoors with sun light shining everywhere.
Any leap in visual quality going forward won’t come from horse power, but from new techniques that we are yet to see used.
@MightyDemon82 Lol I just take my time with them and I just love open worlds but so far GoT's open world has been too bland compared to most.
I thought Miles Morales was better than the first game but my favourite Spider-Man game is still Shattered Dimensions. I’m really looking forward to Spider-Man 2 though.
Saw the gameplay video during the showcase, but I wasn't that impressed...
Even the first 2 games weren't the masterpieces most of the media made them up to be... I would score them at ~8/10. Best Spider-Man games? Probably. But overall ? No, I'd put games like Bloodborne, God of War or Horizon above them.
I have no doubt Spider-Man 2 is gonna be a good game, but I fear it won't stray too much from the same old open world formula...
It's gonna play it safe as many sequels do nowadays, and will stick to being "the first game with improvements"...
Should I mention the rumor that it's gonna take place in New York... again? If true, it couldn't be a less unfortunate choice of locale... will make the 2nd game feel like a DLC and not a sequel.
All I can say with absolute certainty for now, is that I'm reserved... that "hype" mentioned here doesn't apply to me, at least.
I'll wait for reviews on this one before deciding if it's worth my money and time.
@Wazeddie22 hello fellow Lunar fan!
I thought I was the only one who didn’t feel any type of emotion seeing the new SM2 gameplay.
It didn’t hit me with that same WOW factor the first game did when its gameplay was revealed.
Even then, this game is still going to be a Platinum for me
@Shinnok789 Horizon Zero Dawn, yes. Horizon Forbidden West was the pits.
N.i.c.e.Queens new york represents.spiderman 2 is going to be amazing.word up son
Definitely a wait for sale IP unless you simply love spider boy. I'd rather invest in some interesting third party games upcoming rather than simply play another samey story with what looks to be very much more of the same in terms of gameplay loop. I waited to play the best versions of these games at steep discount and still found then derivitstive, underwhelming, cheesy, and extremely repetitive. The gameplay loop on offer here is far more dated and loathed than it was when the original Spiderman released on PS4 when everyone was copying that formula full steam ahead.
Most of what they showed in that trailer was so safe and iterative. Hopefully they delve deeper into the indoor environs and more tailored mission design. However, if it's more map reveal unlocks, backpack collecting, picture taking, same animation car stopping, and goon beating the same scenario over and over and over again in a very sterile and uninteractive giant open world. It's a hard pass until it's on sub.
The real bummer is not that this game is just another iterative safe sequel. It's that we have to spend the coming months seeing these outlets hype this up over and over again because now we know that Sony has little else interesting on the near horizon unless you want fortnite and destiny clones.
@ItsBritneyB_tch That's your opinion, for myself I liked them both a lot, and their respective DLC's.
@trev666 yeah I’m not so excited for another Spider-Man game set in the same copy/paste New York.. my eyes are on Wolverine.. that guy knows how to travel lol
If there's far to much shooters, if there's far to much gaas, If there's far to much linear, If there's far to much open world, if there's far to much zombie games you'll always get loads complaining acting as if they can do a better job than all these devs. Personally I really enjoy attacking an open world map just as much as I do a tight compact linear story. What's the point of having an open world map if there's no sort of collectables or no side content inbetween the main story, might as well just turn it into a linear story instead
PlayStation fans never happy about anything you guys are worse than the Xbox fans.
@TheCollector316 These are the positive comments I come here for, shame I have to sift through mounds of negativity to do so!
@4kgk2 Well some of them aren't even playstation fans when you look at their comment history.
@KaijuKaiser Exactly and Both Zelda TOTK and God of War Ragnarok were better than the games before them. Some people just love to moan for the sake of it. Spiderman 2 will most likely sell like crazy and score better than spiderman 1, hopefully that will silenece them.... Atleast until the next playstation exclusive when they start again.
Oh go on I’ll contribute… absolutely will not be playing it though.
@danzoEX Hey,nice to see there are some still about!
It’s impressive for sure, Spider-Man 2 is going to do huge numbers.
But what’s way more impressive and downright shocking to me is that the youtube channel for Marathon has a measly 20k subscribers and almost 19 million views for the Marathon trailer. Look into it if anyone is curious.
It’s got the numbers of Spider-Man 2’s Marvel and PlayStation account views combined on a tiny youtube channel. That’s more impressive to me since it’s not a household name like Spider-Man.
Not surprised. Day 1 for me, first one was tons of fun - Miles Morales really made me a fan (They did cut Inwood out of the map 🤣😅 WTF) This one also looks fantastic.
Not even seen the last few Spiderman movies or a fan of the books to be honest. But love the games.
@trev666 I’d say it’s close. Ragnarok is a 10 but that’s new. I think Spiderman 2 will be a 10. Insomniac say it’s the best game they ever made.
@KaijuKaiser These are not unrealistic expectations. When you consider the fact that this is a PS5 exclusive and look back at the reveal trailer (even if it's in-engine), it just doesn't look like the generational leap that you would expect from a "next-gen" game. When you compare to the leap that the Arkham games made between AC and AK, there's no comparison.
@DeepSpace5D That's because EVERY website that links the Video for their 'news' article also contribute to those numbers. You don't have to watch on youtube on their channel, you can probably watch the video on Push Square, on Pure Xbox, on Eurogamer etc etc - all of which adds to their 'view count'.
With this being one of the 'New' games announced from Bungie, their 'first' since joining Sony and with it being a multi-platform release, chances are that a LOT of people will watch - not just PS fanboys either.
Anyway, the fact that these video's get linked everywhere helps the viewer numbers - even if it doesn't help their Subscriber numbers...
@theheadofabroom I think it depends on how much of a Spidey fan someone is. I have been for like 40 years, so these are basically the Spidey games I've always wanted, but I can understand them not being someone's thing if they didn't grow up with the comics, etc.
@BAMozzy Right, but can’t the same be said for the Spider-Man 2 video as well as all the other games that were at the showcase? They were all linked on various websites, and none of them did anywhere close to the viewership numbers that Marathon and Spider-Man 2 got.
That was precisely my point that a new Bungie release is a very big deal. I think it’s impressive that a reboot of a very old game from Bungie is doing Spider-Man 2 engagement numbers.
But you’re right about the size of the Youtube account not mattering much if all the websites linked it.
@KaijuKaiser All good xD
I was seriously impressed! Only care about the story, but hope they introduce alot of cool combat & traversal mechanics.
Fall 2023 can't get here soon enough, though I hope the true release date is in November, not September or October.
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