Following a bit of confusion surrounding the developer of Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater since the remake's reveal yesterday, Konami has now clarified Virtuos Studio is indeed supporting development. It's the team rumours spoke of in the months leading up to the PlayStation Showcase announcement, so it comes as little surprise.
"In addition to Konami's development team who is involved in the development of the Metal Gear series, the game is fully supported by Virtuos, which is a development company that has been cooperating with the past Metal Gear series," a spokesperson told Kotaku.
Screenshots released by Konami can be viewed below.
Mostly known for ports, Virtuos has assisted on a number of projects over the past decade. It ported the Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster to PS3 and PS Vita, brought Batman: Return to Arkham to PS4, and assisted Guerrilla Games with art on Horizon Zero Dawn and last year's Horizon Forbidden West. Most recently, it produced the poorly-received PS5 remaster of The Outer Worlds. Patches for that version are still ongoing.
Konami said: "We are remaking Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, one of the most beloved instalments of the Metal Gear series, revealing the origin story of Snake, as Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater. We are working hard for Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater to be a faithful recreation of the original story and game design, while evolving the gameplay with stunning visuals and a seamless user experience." The original voice cast is also confirmed to be returning; David Hayter didn't speak as Big Boss in the announcement trailer.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 33
Happy to see they released in-game screenshots. They look absolutely stunning! I'm pretty excited to dive back into this jungle and have it feel truly dense, dark and dangerous.
Though it stings a little seeing Kojima not involved, I'm really looking forward to this.
"Most recently, it produced the poorly-received PS5 remaster of The Outer Worlds"
*giant red exclamation mark appears above head
Hopefully it'll turn out great but right now I'm just hyped that I get to play MGS1 again, hopefully it'll have a platinum trophy.
True gamers play The Outer Worlds on PS5 without any patches
I played 1 & 2 but never bothered with 3 so as I am definitely looking foward to this once it’s released
The screenshots look great. Really great! More than anything I'm just glad that Metal Gear lives again. We really have been starved for that tactical espionage action.
So far so good. Keep it up Konami. I'm feeling optimistic for this!
This will be released after the 1-3 collection for PS5, right?
@Czar_Khastik nah kid true gamers just avoid that dead game altogether son
Was excited till I saw it's a terrible studio doing the remake and same crap dead 2011 HD version of the others I played them on a vita years ago 😴😴😴
That reveal trailer.....Snake looked as if he was concentrating hard, like he was peeing in the water & was upset the cameraman busted him
@AgentCooper it literally says they are developing it, with the other studio supporting them.
@JohntheRaptor He said Kojima. Not Konami.
Please god just be a straight 1-1 remake like Demon's Souls and Shadow Of The Colossus were Snake Eater is one of the greatest games ever just make it look nicer at 60 FPS that's all that's needed. Also huuuuuuge props for also releasing the collection I've always said if you're gonna remake a game the original should still be made available on current platforms a remake is never gonna please everyone and even if it does doesn't mean the original shouldn't be preserved y'know
David Hayter hasn't said he's back.
Konami is back!!!! XD
Enjoyed my time with Phantom Pain but not having David Hayter is still to me one of the worst decisions in gaming. Nothing wrong with Keifer and his voice but the complete lack of dialogue in Phantom Pain made Snake lifeless with kinda like a dead impression and just came across a bit dumb. Only David Hayter is both Big Boss and Solid Snake, no one else
I hope they pick new voice actors. Hater was sounding rough even in MGS4. Can't be good for his throat.
Couple of ignores now. Feels good everytime signing in knowing they're non existent to me anymore
@Ichiban right! cloth physics be damned, that scowl has immortalised itself onto his headband. Can't iron that out.
@Keyblade-Dan for goodness sakes no! Improve the control scheme and interface. Going into the menu mid battle and applying a bunch of different medical products was only interesting on paper, not a good gameplay element.
A remake without any quality of life improvements is just lazy. Imagine the resident evil remakes or ff7 would just be the exact same game with prettier graphics.
The Pachinko graphics we all wanted have come to
@tameshiyaku Well yeah obviously Quality of life changes again Demon's Souls was basically 1-1 and still had QOL changes like yeah the clunky janky cure menu. I mostly meant don't mess with or change the story and overall gameplay should've been a bit clearer
I have mixed feelings about this one as I don't trust MGS being touched by anyone besides Kojima as he is the heart & soul of the series and all of its quirks. Even with Twin Snakes something was off and always felt like a soulless remake. On a positive note, I hope i'm wrong about it.
@Keyblade-Dan interestingly, before Kojima departed from Konami, he did express that if he'd remake the series he'd want adjust some story elements, but at the end of the day just doesn't have the time to do so to devote himself to other projects, yet he was open to other studios taking up the challenge.
The thought of someone else changing it though is scary. I wished they'd get him onboard in an advising role.
@Gremio108 That's kinda scary I have to agree.
if konami cared about this remake and property in general, they would have hired bluepoint to take on this massive undertaking (bluepoint remastered the old mgs collection on ps3 afterall and are already familiar with the series). they have more than proven themselves at this point and have earned the good will of the the community. let's be honest here... virtuos is a support studio and not deserving of such a high profile game. this is not the type of remake where you sit back and hope for the best... no, you hire the best team and make this the best game it can be. leaving a mgs3 remake up to chance is highly discouraging. my only hope is that bluepoint is remaking mgs 1 and that is why they are not taking part in this project. yes, i'm probably dreaming... also, i wonder how kojima feels about this...
They are the manliest of all men.
Reveal trailer was hype, but hopefully we'll get to see some solid gameplay at Summer Games Fest or Xbox's Showcase.
Do whatever you want most important thing is the entact unchanged games are being released I can't wait. I've these games on gog but the keyboard mouse I'm so really bad I'm a joypad type guy since the nes lol
@LiamCroft We already knew this!
@PlatinumKing you do, doesn't mean everybody else does
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