The breaking news just keeps on coming out of Square Enix: today it's been confirmed Final Fantasy VII Rebirth on PS5 will feature "new comrades" that you can "cooperate with". Wow! This is the fifth development comment the company has issued, and none except the first have been of much — if any at all — substance. Still, now you know there's going to be new characters to play as during combat.
The question posed to battle director Teruki Endo is as follows: "Has the battle system changed from Final Fantasy VII Remake?" Funnily, his response doesn't even properly answer the question: "In Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, new comrades will join you in battle and you can cooperate with other party members in even closer ways than before."
Now we know Square Enix is "working on nailing down a release date", the PS5 exclusive will have loads of freedom, it has a story and characters, and now there'll even be new characters to play as during combat. Again: wow! Who do you hope these new comrades are? Let us know in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 34
It's definitely starting to sound like a game of sorts.
(Jokes aside, I can't wait to see some gameplay for this.)
Are they f---ing with us?
I think they are f---ing with us.
I never thought Square would be casually trolling Final Fantasy fans in a daily basis. Or this is some kind of bad joke?
I don't feel like that answers the question directly.
One can read between the lines and assume that the battle system is more or less the same but with an expanded roster and what I am guessing are some kind of new link attacks with other team members.
I am going to say this part covers getting Red XIII, Yuffie, Cait Sith, Vincent, and Cid on the team. Maybe there will be some new team mates?!
I hope the developers make Yuffie's combat mechanics a little more...uhm...obvious? I never really felt like I grasped how she should work.
Just let me fight with Red XIII and il be happy.
Does feel like this is leading up to a reveal of some sort, although you'd expect Sony to have wanted to show that off in the autumn
Well, clearly Zack will be in the game, based on the only trailer we’ve seen, so that does make some sense, even if the answer doesn’t answer the question.
@GamingFan4Lyf Hoping this does not mean those characters won't be playable, but more like Sonen in Intergrade...
I feel like the "cooperate with party members in closer ways" bit might be referring to a system similar to what Yuffie and Sonon had on her DLC campaign.
You can also read words, like a book, except it's not a book. It's a game.
Wow, I didn't know cooperative comrades are something that can be achieved with current gen hardware
"Cooperate with other party members in even closer ways than before."
Oh man. We know what the super FF7 nerds are hoping for. 🤣
@Uncharted2007 A mid battle Hi-Five command for Aerith and Cloud or Tifa and Aerith?
Very strange updates. Do they think we as FF7 fans have never played FF7 before. Of course new comrades will be here and playable. Theres another 4 that havent joined the group yet (by original story standards) and Red will be playable this time too. So 5.
@Rob_230 Maybe the release date is on the earlier side of Winter 2023 like December, Square Enix did reveal FFXVI's release date 6 months before launch at the Game Awards.
I can't wait to see more of Tifa! 😎 I love Tifa.
Tifa is the Waifu.
Well her and Chun-li.
I think it means there could be some kind of chain attack system, like in Xenoblade Chronicles. Or maybe something like in FF9, where Vivi could supercharge Steiner's attacks with magic. Quite a weird inclusion in that game, if you think about it - a cool concept but not fleshed out at all, kind of like the synthesis system, too, but I digress. It also kind of suggests you can hire people you meet along the way to help out in combat.
Dude, maybe it's all connected, like it's a code or something, you know?
@Uncharted2007 Hmm...you can "cooperate" with your comrades in "even closer ways than before". Sounds like the Golden Saucer will be the Golden Saucy, amirite?
@KaijuKaiser At least there's one thing in the FF universe that we can agree on. We both read that line and immediately thought "Golden Saucer" lol.
@OrtadragoonX Yes definitely 😎
Just make it look even better now that PS4 can be dropped and we're good.
Build up to trailer on thursday??? Summer game fest???
They spelt Gambit system wrong.
I think the key info is "closer ways than before" which is...very vague.
Not news. Yuffie, Red XIII, Possibly Zack if they are *****. Maybe Vincent and Cid if they make it to the northern crator and explaining the "Rebirth" aspect of the "Reunion".
This twitter thread is really interesting, suggesting we need to be looking at the words in green each day as a whole:
Whatever the case, there will definitely be more to these than meets the eye
Perhaps more indirect AI control, like the gambit system in Final Fantasy XII…?
I can't tell if you are all being purposely dense or not just for the comedy. Please let me know in the comments below.
It's pretty obvious this is leading into the Summer Games Fest with a trailer reveal. That's why it's a bunch of vague answers because the actual content of the trailer will explain things.
The 7th comment will land directly on the 8th.
They definitely mean Dual Tech type stuff. Like Yuffie's DLC where you can do combo attacks with different players. It's probably gonna be extremely customizable. This was a pretty good info tease personally.
Just looking for Ruby or Emerald wandering around.
@Rob_230 I got mega hyped after reading that, but trying to lower said levels so I'm not disappointed possibly.
As opposed to final fantasy sixteen which doesn't.
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