Sony didn't fancy announcing the release date for Marvel's Spider-Man 2 itself — instead, it threw Geoff a bone and let him host it on his stage. Either way, we now know when the game's coming, and it's 20th October, 2023.
To celebrate the announcement of the date, Insomniac Games has also released the official cover art, which lines up with the two previous boxes:
As well as that, we also got a look at two awesome pieces of concept art — one featuring Kraven the Hunter, and the other focusing on Venom:
Pre-order details have also been detailed over on the PS Blog, and as you'd expect, there are bonuses and various editions to peruse.
Are you excited to play Spidey 2 in October? Tell us in the comments section below.
Comments 47
I was NOT expecting this announcement for this event. Summer Game Fest a goodun!
Excellent! Can’t wait until October now! I hope there will be a cool Collectors Edition aswell! A statue with either Kraven or Venom will be equally awesome!!
That's three days before my birthday. Yay!
Best news for today
Only around 30 minutes left , and I fear there won't be anything anymore.. Which makes this show even worse than expected with my lowest expectations possible. Even worse than the Sony one.
Now onto the Xbox showcase on Sunday then.
And then last chance for Anapurna at the end of June.
And then having to wait until December again.
When will there finally be a good game show again...
Here we go!
Nice! Between this and Starfield, Fall is going to be sweet.
3 days after Alan Wake 2 😢
Really starting to think the PlayStation showcase was just thrown together last minute and the spiderman 2 gameplay was going to be at gamefest until they moved, but saved the release date for gamefest. Would explain why we only got cgi trailers for the other 1st party games.
@Bionic-Spencer go to the ps blog. There is a venom statue pre orders on 16th
Insomniac are seriously on top their game this past decade and its only gonna start getting better with the Wolverine hype train most likely ramping up next year too
Yes, I'm looking forward to playing it because I absolutely loved the first game and Miles Morales. So I'll definitely be picking this game up.
@MustachioFurioso sick pfp dude
@Americansamurai1 CGI trailers don't happen overnight, the plan was in all likelihood to show gameplay at the showcase then release date at SGF to keep the marketing machine ticking over.
Day before my birthday 🥰
Fantastic news to hear, but why wasn't this just announced at the PS Showcase?
@AdamNovice that concord trailer didn't take long to make. Also when I say last minute I don't mean a week or anything. I'm thinking a couple months
Looks like there might be multiple colour-schemes for the suits this time. Looking forward to this.
@Americansamurai1 That's still too short of a time window to get everything together. Especially when they need to secure 3rd party trailers.
Oh cool Venom is in the game, and it’s not Eddie Brock. Damn it Insomniac you had one job.
@AdamNovice I disagree, the showcase felt thrown together really bad pacing.
@Jireland92 It wouldn't make sense for Eddie to be Venom when it's been set up for either Harry Osborn or possibly Kraven to be Venom, plus Eddie has been done to death at this point.
October will be crazy! ACM-AW2-Spidey2. Also that Venom artwork is my new desktop.
@AdamNovice making Harry Venom is dumb though. Eddie is the only Venom that’s been remotely interesting and I’ve been waiting for a comic accurate game depiction for years.
N.i.c.e. its cool Spiderman 2 gats a October release date.its going be amazing.word up son
Glad to have a date, but why on earth did Sony reserve this for this showcase instead of their own?
Also, who will be actually shocked when Kraven the Hunter becomes Venom?
@Jireland92 Why is it "dumb" though, they set it up in the last game plus it's Insomniac's take on these characters where they don't have to worry about continuity.
@Tharsman it keeps the game in the news cycle. It's all just steps in the marketing machince.
May: Gameplay reveal
June:Release date and preorders etc.
@AdamNovice Harry as a character doesn’t really work for Venom. Venom is obsessed with killing Spider Man because he was wronged by him. Eddie’s life ruined by Spider man albeit indirectly, which is interesting since Eddie is the Everyman Spidey always fights for. He’s living proof that no matter what Spidey does some people will slip through the cracks.
Nothing we’ve seen indicates Harry will be like this. If they we’re going to make Harry Venom they should have laid the groundwork better in the first game.
OK now I'm truly satisfied with my PS5 purchase. That leaves me with just the right amount of time to finish the exclusives log and FFXVI.
@AdamNovice they didn’t set up Harry being Venom, they simply set up the symbiote being manipulated by Osborne to keep Harry alive. I actually expect the plot to drive that a bit, Venom having dual agendas against both spider man and Osborne.
Had to be October. Starfield is September.
And they couldn't have announced this at the showcase why?
I am an extremely sad individual because I do not own a PS5 and this is the ONLY game that would make me buy one!
Marvel's Spider-Man series and Batman Arkham Series are THE ABSOLUTE BEST superhero games ever made!
It's a bonkers few months. (Select launches only)
Aug 31 - Baldurs Gate 3
Sept 6 - Starfield
Sept 19 - Lies of P
Sept 19 - Mortal Kombat 1
Oct 3 - Disgaea 7
Oct 12 - Assassin's Creed Mirage
Oct 13 - Lords of the Fallen
Oct 17 - Alan Wake 2
Oct 20 - Spider-man 2
Oct 25 - Alone in the Dark
Nov 9 - Like a Dragon: TMWEHS
Nov 10 - The Day Before (probably not. lol)
And that's before several showcases that will likely add more games to the mix. There are several other AA titles and Indies that might struggle in between all this, and I expect some of these dates might change.
@Grimwood I'm fairly sure you will never see another "good" showcase by your metric. The times are completely different now.
Happy to hear Sony can't use this title as their crutch after 2023.
I’ll just wait till it’s on Gamepass 🤓
@themightyant I'll say. It is a bonkers next couple of months! So many games so little time.
You had me at "Venom is played by Tony Todd", Insomniac. Inspired choice, can't wait.
Expensive month for me, Spider-Man 2 & Forza Motorsports (if true, 10th OCT 2023)
@Pusher2021 @cburg @Scottyy @Shstrick @Westernwolf4 October is hella packed, as pointed out by @themightyant
Some of us will have to pick and choose what they buy at full price, myself included.
I'll be buying Alan Wake 2 and Spider-Man 2, everything else can wait for sales/discounts. I'm still on Assassin's Creed 3, and I haven't played the Alone in the Dark series or the first Lords of the Fallen game.
@Fizza Correct, but we didn't know the actual release day until now!
@KidRyan if Starfield is half as good and long as Morrowind, Oblivion & Skyrim I suspect I will still be playing that for 6+ weeks up to Spider-man 2 everything else will have to wait. What a huge range of games, backlog be screwed
I bought AW2, will buy Spidey 2 hopefully. My friend got ACM, so I can check that out later. But my priority is Spidey 2, I don't want to limit myself to 3 days for rushing AW2.
@themightyant I've only played the beginning of Fallout 3's prologue, so not much of a Bethesda fan/in a hurry to play Starfield.
Especially when it seems to be a fusion of No Man's Sky and Skyrim. (NMS looks boring to me sorry)
@Scottyy I completely understand your dilemma! Not the end of the world if we take the time to beat Alan Wake 2 first, I doubt Spidey 2 spoilers will be that rampant online.
Though the safer thing would be to wait for Spidey 2 and play thru that first, since I doubt as many people will be playing AW2 and possibly spoilering it.
@KidRyan No need to be sorry, we all like different things. 👍
Yeah, I think it is much more likely to get spoiled about Spidey 2. In the time of Ragnarok even the news here spoiled some of the things about the game with careless pictures in news and referencing actors in the game with specific roles etc.
@themightyant Thank you for that!
@Scottyy I only ever saw the trailers for Ragnarok, was able to avoid most of the story spoilers before playing.
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