The fact Konami is referring to its new Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection as Volume 1 suggests there's likely another in the works, and the Internet combined with sources speaking to IGN believe they've figured out what games will be made available. Via some online sleuthing and source outreach, it's speculated Volume 2 will contain Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, and Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker.
Word of such a collection first got out through Twitter user Nitroid, who was digging through the timeline featured on the new Metal Gear Solid website. According to them, inspecting the page reveals placeholder buttons for the three aforementioned titles, suggesting they'll eventually be added to the live page upon a Volume 2 announcement. Such evidence wouldn't normally demand coverage, but IGN has since followed up saying it "understands this lineup for Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 2 is accurate" having spoken to sources.
The big news here — if true — would be Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriot finally being let out of PS3 prison. The game isn't playable on any modern PlayStation consoles, and has never been ported anywhere else. In a collection with The Phantom Pain (presumably also including Ground Zeroes) and Peace Walker, it seems like the perfect opportunity to bring the stealth game back for a new generation.
Before we can consider a second collection, though, there's Volume 1 releasing on 24th October 2023. Konami also has Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater in the works with contributions from Virtuos. The first Master Collection contains:
- Metal Gear Solid (PS1 original)
- Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (PS3 remaster)
- Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS3 remaster)
- Metal Gear (MSX + NES versions)
- Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake
- Metal Gear: Snake's Revenge
Do you hope Metal Gear Solid 4 is finally freed of its PS3 shackles? Let us know in the comments below.
[source ign.com]
Comments 71
You just know the fanboys are going to be running to their keyboard battle stations if 4 goes multi-platform.
If true, this is great news. That means EVERYONE can finally play MGS4.
MGS4! Cant wait
Nice that we don't have to emulate the games anymore. The people behind RPCS3 are punching air rn
I have all games on ps3 but ain't no way in hell am I taking out my stinky old ps3 with that janky controller and outrageously long load times to play these games. So it's great that myself and many others will be able to play these games for the first time after hearing soooo many people rave about how good this series is!
What if it's just Portable Ops
MGS: Master Collection Vol. 3 will then consist of Metal Gear Ac!d 1 & 2
And don't forget Twin Snakes! It's not a Master Collection without it.
I wonder if this is using a PS3 emulator or they’ve actually ported it. I guess if it’s available for PS4 as well it must be an actual port. Be nice to play this again.
About damn time. Its been 15 years at this point.
Loved it back on PS3 but didn't think I wouldn't be able to play it on any other console since then
@Netret0120 Doc says “It’s been…….9 years!”
@GorosBat Don't disrespect the PS3. The PS3 was revolutionary back in the day and in my opinion the best PlayStation ever made, even now there's things the PS3 can do that not even PS4 and PS5 can do. It was way ahead of it's time.
@UnusedBabyWipes That would be incredible. Wonder who owns the rights to Twin Snakes it was on the gamecube right
Good news for sure, they don’t call it the Cell for nothing. More like a jail cell of tech that isn’t compatible with anything PS. More games that get freed from that the better. Please bring Resistance games to PS5 next.
@Snake_V5 Nah it's trash 😜
Wouldn’t be surprised if MGS4 is still stuck at 30fps. Wasn’t that game like impossible to update the refresh rate?
Never played MGS4 so that's genuinely exciting.
Peace walker with modern controls please.
Final wish, what a wonderful surprise if MGSV had the missing story content back in to make it finally complete HKs vision. I know, I know, but maybe if we all wish hard enough, something might happen.
Was also hoping for Rising as it happens after 4 but that was a pipe dream at best lol il be happy to replay 4 and give peace walker and 5 another try
Nitroid probably had a vein burst seeing all the gaming journalists leap on his tweet.
Edit: yeah https://twitter.com/Nitroid/status/1672009923566137345?s=20
Mgs4 is some of the best gameplay in the series in my opinion but damn it's also that most long-winded and convoluted too lol...that's saying something for a Kojima game
I'd love to have 4 finally playable on modern hardware. That's gotta happen on Volume 2. If that happens and it's a good port, that will go a long way in getting back in fans good graces for Konami.
Also please Acid 1&2!
Couldn’t Portable Ops, Peace Walker and Acid 1 & 2 make up a separate Vol.3? Arguably Peace Walker is a main series entry, but would it not make some sense to have 4, Ground Zeroes and 5 in one package and the remainder of the handheld games in a Vol.3?
Or just put everything in Vol.2 and make everyone happy.
Cool all those other metal gear games are welcome.word up son
@Vacuumator In theory yes but Peace Walker is actually a very big canon story to MGS whice leads into Ground Zeroes. Also MGSV got a "complete" version which bundled GZ into one package so that's probably the version they will use.
I hope Acid 1 + 2 and Portable Ops are included. Revengence probably will get a remaster release because it isn't canon to MGS "let's be honest" plus it's too big of a game to be among the small print games.
I'd happily do without Twin Snakes because while it's decently made, it's a terrible remake to MGS.
Should add portable ops, twin snakes, and the acids games too.
@BusyOlf not necessarily. I think many are just happy for it to be updated for modern consoles after it being stuck on PS3 going nowhere for the past decade rather than fanboys complaining about it not remaing a PS exclusive. PS got to play Alan Wake and now Xbox and Nintendo will now most likely get to play MGS4. That's a W for everyone
Removed - disrespecting others; user is banned
Biped machines that s**t and moo like cows and supermodel super soldiers that posed sexily for Snake if you took them down non-lethal. Loved MGS4.
Why MGS5 tho? That game is still playable on modern consoles through backwards compatibility. Should've been Portable OPS.
Now I do wonder how they will address some of the PS3-only feature that MGS4 have if it's coming out on multi-plat, especially that "Disc" swap joke.
Would be weird. 4 would work better with Rising and even the Ac!d games for fun. Portable Ops and Peace Walker would be suited more to being bundled with 5.
I hope they have another collection featuring twin snakes, acid 1&2, and portable ops, it would be nice to have the complete collection on modern consoles, and hopefully we'll see a complete collection of silent hill games on modern consoles too.
The remake/remaster generation continues unabated
Honestly I’d like Ac!d and the Gameboy Color versions in there as well, if only as a portable Switch release.
Removed - flaming/arguing
@BusyOlf funny thing is. It's was never an exclusive. Like Sony never made it exclusive. Konami in short didn't bother with making an xb360 version due to disc space.
On topic. If the controls are tight I'll be fine with it.
would have been better had they released these games in their chronological order... including the more obscure entries such as acid and mgs mobile. i would structure it like so...
master collection 1:
mgs 3
mgs portable ops
mgs peace walker
mgs v - ground zeroes
mgs v - phantom pain
master collection 2:
mg ghost babel
mgs mobile (obscure novelty but would be neat to see)
mgs 2
master collection 3:
mgs 4
mg acid
mg acid 2
mg rising - revengeance
@BusyOlf not really fanboys do not care about natal gear solid that much these days.
Fanboys mostly go for death stranding.
But i would want to know what they do with the scene where they make fun of the xbox360 because it did not allow bluray sized disc.
@The_ghostmen "natal gear solid" "death stranding"
I'm happy for people but not that interested im more interested in the actual remakes than the collections.
Unless the collections have been enhanced and loads times gone. I dont think I'll bother.
I just hope MGS4 has a less brutal trophy list this time around.
@GorosBat I loved my PS3 but it's really difficult going back and using the DualShock 3.
@Porco This is far better than what's actually happening.
@Snake_V5 Genuine question. What can the PS3 do that the PS4 and PS5 can't?
Mgs4 omg that rail cannon boss in the snow blizzard, still haunts me sometimes 😱😱
I still find it crazy that mgs4 wasn't on Xbox 360 cuz it would've been like 5 to 7 discs that's absolutely wild 😅
Yeah, PS3 is and will be the best console for me too. I don't buy MGS4 is coming back though. I think they will remake it after Delta.
I just want Twin Snakes. I'm so bored of them releasing the pixelated PS1 version of MGS.
If true, this will be great to be able to play all of MGS on modern consoles. Hopefully if they do Volume 3 they finally port Twin Snakes.
I'm sold already. I have a PS3 and MGS4 but it'll be much better in 4k@60FPS
I mean of course MGS4 will be in Vol.2, the second they called the collections volumes this was going to happen.
Copy music CDs directly onto the PS3.
Ability to save photos, music, videos on the PS3.
Be able to download Pictures, music, videos from the Internet Browser on PS3.
PS2 backwards compatibility (if you had 60gb model)
It actually had an Internet browser unlike the PS5.
Built in DLNA (media server)
@PlasmaticSnake Hah jokes on you, I never made it pass the wall of light after opening the front door!
@Snake_V5 Fair enough. Those are things the PS3 can do and PS4/5 can't. But who really wants any of these things anymore?
Who actually cares about uploading their photos onto their console? If it was such a hot feature don't you think Sony would have continued the ability into future PlayStations?
How often are people genuinely wishing they could copy their CDs onto their console?
It also wasn't a PS3 thing. I was able to rip all my CDs onto my original Xbox HDD and have my songs playing as a radio station on GTA3 and Vice City. That was the first and most useful example of something you mentioned.
Nothing else you've listed is desirable for Sony to implement because nobody cares about it being in their PlayStation.
@__jamiie I wasn't really talking about all of that being relevant today. I was just responding to that guy who was sort of downplaying the PS3 and all of that I mentioned to you is how it was back in the day. I do think it's a joke however that PS5 doesn't even have an Internet Browser when TVs have them built in as well as Xbox does too. PS5 also doesn't have a media player which is something PS4 has, even PS3 could and that was over 10 years ago.
@Snake_V5 Don't get me wrong. I absolutely adore my PS3. It's an incredible machine that deserves far more praise than it will ever get. Uncharted is my favourite series ever and I enjoyed every single hour I put into that trilogy on PS3. I still think that the entire PS3/360/Wii generation is one of the best and most creative in history.
@__jamiie Yeah I agree, PS3 era was a great one. It's a shame really because they never fully utilised PS3. I've always also hated Sony stance on the PS3, it's like they've always looked at it like a mistake they just want to forget about.
@Snake_V5 I completely agree. They went all out with PS3 then had to compromise because the industry wasn't ready. I feel the same about my Vita. One of the greatest handheld consoles ever. But Sony themselves lost interest pretty quickly. If they had all their first party studios making Vita games the gaming world would be a very different place. Vita was an incredible machine just like the PS3.
Sony's fickle nature is why I'm worried about my PSVR2. I have around 30 games for it and probably 80 for my PSVR1. But part of me thinks that Sony will treat it as a failed experiment in the same way they dropped Vita. I have tons of games to play but where are the first party Sony games???
Hopefully my worries are unfounded.
I'm curious, do ps5 controllers have sensetivity on their face buttons like PS3? How will MGS2/3/4 go on PS5 if it doesn't?
@__jamiie Folders man...it had damn folders🤣👍
@Discol76 God I f***ing miss folders. 😥
Wow what a package i loved Peacewalker and Mgs 4 was pretty great the octocamo was amazing.
@Ken_Kaniff dear god yes! One of the most brutal I’ve come across that I’ve wanted to achieve and here I am still no platinum for it…
@__jamiie I’m the same - I’m waiting until there is a consistent flow of games and then maybe I will pick one up but it does worry me the way they have dropped stuff in the past.
@BusyOlf anyone who does is pathetic. If people care that much about things being exclusive they are in this hobby for the wrong reasons.
@Tsushima I am pretty sure Nintendo fully owns it as even though it was in collaborations with Konami and Kojima they had nothing to do with the development and it was fully funded by Nintendo when then got Silicon Knights developing it.
I'd love to be able to play MGS 4 on PS5 if it means better loading times. One of my favorite games of all-time, it alone made the PS3 worth buying.
Hell even IF the PS5 version only can get MSG4 in Vol 2 it's a win. Hopefully it comes to any new platform, that and the Metal Gear Ac!d games along with Ghost Babel.
LoL keep 5 I don't think it's metal gear it's something but not metal gear I'm a fan of Sutherland since the 80s. I'm sorry David Hayter is solid snake anything else don't bother. 5 didn't grab me like the rest of them from the ps1 to ps3. 5th game was such a disappointment.
How in the actual hell is 5 not Metal Gear? It had the most in depth and refined gameplay of the entire series and even the goofy s--t that makes a Metal Gear game was there fully intact.
@PegasusActual93 People hate MGSV for what it isn't, not for what it is. Which is silly. Ideally Kojima would've made another MGS with proper Big Boss, but personally I was blown away by MGSV in every regard. I just wish there was more of it. Even reviews at the time were all like "10/10, buuuut it's only 2/3rds of a game and we honestly can't tell you that what is actually here is not a masterpiece"...
@PegasusActual93 just didn't feel right dude. Everything felt broke go on a mission credits finish it credits I was lost with it wtf were they doing type thing. The 4th game is the last good metal gear solid game I played. No idea what game grabbed me back then. Hell I must of went back to mass effect trilogy LoL if you enjoyed it that's cool all the power to you just not for me LoL
Have a good one 👍
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