Bungie is bringing Marathon back as a PvP extraction-style shooter, and it looks about as sci-fi and kinetic as you'd expect from the team that brought you Destiny 2. As the benchmark for quality in the high-stakes world of service games, it stands to reason that the studio would want to take things to the next level with Marathon, and it appears the plan is to do precisely that
Insider Gaming has dug further, reapproaching sources and gleaning additional information. Anything can change between now and whenever the game ultimately comes out. We're logging this as a Rumour, but credit where it's due: Tom Henderson and Co. were dead-on before and likely will be again.
Something that came up several times, apparently, was the idea of making Marathon the "ultimate live service". One source said that the team is aiming for single-digit load times, from readying up to playing live on the server.
Escape from Tarkov players know that alone would be a game changer. In addition, Marathon's various maps will have secrets hidden away in them for the community to obsess over. In fact, Tarkov is referenced repeatedly, with essentially the same core gameplay loop in place, which Insider describes thusly:
- Choose your missions (to complete in the game)
- Buy / Choose your loadout/perks/abilities/gear
- Drop into a server
- Hunt for loot / Complete missions / Explore and find secrets
- Extract
- Spend XP on Updates
- Repeat
It is also understood that three maps are currently in development, but whether or not they make it in at launch remains to be seen.
Further, Tarkov staples like Permadeath will be present, and solo players will be able to get in on the action but will find themselves up against duos and trios. There will also apparently be some kind of oxygen system at play, feeding further into hardcore survival elements. Being shot and having a canister ruptured was given as an example, with other injuries (bleeding, concussion) having adverse effects on gameplay as well.
What do you think, does Bungie's take on Tarkov sound like something you'd be interested in with Marathon, or do you prefer your multiplayer in shorter bursts? Let us know down below.
[source insider-gaming.com]
Comments 52
It's a shame that this cool-looking art direction is being used for something that is a complete turn-off for me. I'd love to play a single-player FPS from Bungie that looked like this.
I'm really intrigued by It though I agree it would be cool if Bungie did a standalone SP game.
Ugh. I just want a dope alien shooter like the originals.
If it’s a better extraction experience than BF2042 I will be buying. Can’t see this game being out anytime soon though so I may have tired of the experience by then
This along with Aztecross's video on Bungie's monetization. It makes sense, they haven't cared about Destiny's PVP for a long while now.
It's a shame they're going to match solo players with duos and trios. It feels horrible to get smashed in that scenario and the only reason tarkov gets away with it is because the whole game is designed in such a player-hostile way on purpose to a stubborn degree. General console players are not going to accept "just get good" when they get matched into games as a solo player where there are trios just farming people.
God every game doesn’t have to be single player you guys are as worse as xbox fanboys who call single player games one and done.
@4kgk2 for real I thought I was the only one thinking that
Execs just did not learn from the battle royale crash that forcing devs to chase the current trend when average AAA development time is getting longer and longer is a fundamentally flawed idea. There will be a new trend before this game releases.
I haven't been interested in live service shooters and I'm miffed that Bungie put the brakes on Factions 2 — that said, the Marathon teaser was incredible and I'll give the game a fair shot
Nup no interest in multiplayer games. Get bored of doing constant team deathmatch to rank up. At least with destiny had other things you could do and the crucible was a small part of the game . Plenty of other games coming out. I hope live service games fail and teach Sony a lesson
@4kgk2 No, but at least few could be singleplayer. 99% shooters are multiplayer now and if they represent as "also singleplayer" than know that campaign or whatever singleplayer stuff is shoddy.
For years I've turned every rock on this Earth in search of the Ultimate live service game. Well, guess my search is over
Chances are by the time this game comes out, extraction shooters are all old news and the new meta service games are, I don’t know, vertical hack and slash climbers or apocalyptic destruction derbies.
I could not be less excited or interested.
Though, all these companies must be making money off this crap because they keep churning them out.
Before someone states this is first game like this from Bungie, I’m aware. I’m saying all companies are chasing the GaaS trend.
I miss how gaming was during the PS3/360 era.
@Tharsman I’m expecting companies to circle back to traditional multiplayer games that are GaaS. It will be traditional small/medium maps with TDM, CtF, and Capture Zone modes and they will release free new maps and modes over time while supporting a store and battlepass.
They will abandon multiplayer with big maps of battle royale and extraction. I believe a traditional route may be easier for them.
The original Marathon on Mac decades ago was basically unplayable. So basically they are making Destiny Again and calling it something nostalgic. Yay.
Meanwhile everyone else wants a tight single player campaign. Instead, one of the best first person developers on the planet is intent on targeting and exploiting a minority with predatory monetisation and nefarious game design. Talk about selling your soul for coin.
I’d like Naughty Dog to walk into Bungie studio, take a look at the game and then tell Sony, ‘ Nah, not good enough, scrap it’.
See how it feels, Bungie.
@number1024 ND’s online Last of Us isn’t out either bit Bungie get to call the shots?! It’s about fairness. Why does one studio get carte blanche on another? And correct if I’m wrong but most people slammed Marathon on the showcase saying it’s bland and boring. Last of Us online? Well thanks to Bungie, we will never know.
Oh, and by the way I’m not angry, well not until someone is rude and tells me to stick my head in a fridge.
Narrator: It wasn't.
I don't like live service game but I'm confident in bungie ability to deliver great games, destiny 2 still going strong after all this year is the proof.
I really wish they're going back to making great single & multiplayer in 1 package again like halo though, can you imagine Marathon as single player open world fps games with the story like the old marathon, about ai running rampant in alien invasion? Man I hate sony live service oriented future 😓
It's going to be interesting to see how many of these Sony GaaS games find success or flop. Wasn't there talk of 12 live service projects?
Perhaps Bungie mean ‘ultimate’ in the truest sense i.e. ‘final’. We can but hope
I wouldn't play this even if it was free.
@4kgk2 This is such a childish comment.
Nothing about it appealed to me at all. The reveal trailer did nothing for me, if anything it actually puts me off and lost my interest very quickly - in fact I've tried to watch it several times since because its instantly forgettable.
They do at least have their 'reputation' and of course Sony's too, but they are competing in a very competitive genre with many options for Gamers - ones that are Free to Play and/or much more 'Grounded' in reality.
Each to their own of course but with many options, some F2P too (like Warzone DMZ), its going to have to do something 'special' to attract and 'keep' an audience engaged otherwise it will 'die' as its solely dependent on having a Large pool of Gamers playing regularly...
Is there not going to be any other mode other than this extraction mode? That's my main question so far with this game. The whole Extraction shooter concept just does not sound appealing to me at all. Just sounds stressful more than fun to me.
I'd be interested in giving it a go if it has other more traditional modes like CTF and TDM though. Love me a good arena shooter and they are few and far between sadly these days. Halo Infinite and COD are basically the only ones. ☹️
@johnny30 Hopefully they really lean into hunting for secrets as a way to level up as well.
I know there’s a lot of animosity toward live service games around these parts, but I genuinely like what I saw of the art direction in the new Marathon. I’ll at least give it a shot… depending on price to play, of course. If it’s F2P like Destiny 2, there’s little risk in trying it, at least.
Really don't have time for another live service game
I'll at least give it a shot before I cry about it being live service. Now is it free 2 play, or buy? Sorry if I skipped that part.
I don't do PvP or live service, so it's a thanks-but-no-thanks from me. I hope those who are into this sort of thing enjoy it though.
I'd be fine with it if it wasn't called Marathon. In using that name, we'll never get an ACTUAL new Marathon.
At this point, I have no faith in bungie to get anything right other than the gunplay- and I doubt most players will get much of a chance to experience if there’s sweaty, roaming multi-player death squads killing all the solo players.
Maybe I’m dead wrong. This isn’t my kind of game either way. I just wish bungie made the kind off games they used to: I.e, a real Marathon game.
Mandating group play seems like an Achilles heel to this succeeding. Seems to me like drop-in-drop-out play is a critical component to a GaaS having legs, and having to schedule with people immediately limits its appeal to a hardcore online gamer faction. A faction that's already engaged with other service games.
@Tharsman My bet is on co-op sandbox open world action match 3 with light RPG elements.
@NEStalgia competitive pvp sabotage mine sweeper with gatcha waifus is the future, I tell you!
...and for that reason, I'm out.
@4kgk2 It's not about every game. There are very few decent single player shooters on PlayStation. It could have been another one, but now it won't. It's a missed opportunity.
@Ken_Kaniff If it's not free then there will be no reason playing it. Fans of that kind of games expect their games be free to play.
Imagine how much cooler this would be if it was just a modern remake of well... The actual Marathon games.
@SplooshDmg Nonsense, there's no credit card slot.
I can't wait for the Myth reboot where you pay per arrow.
@NEStalgia They called it Marathon because it's a race to the in game shop!
@SplooshDmg I thought it was because when you see the shop you run far far away?
@NEStalgia Nope. They run as fast those little whale legs can carry them.
@SplooshDmg Wonder how much money I can make selling genuine Picassos to the blind? It's no less exploitative than gaas, and it's only one payment rather than endless. I feel morally justified really.
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Removed - trolling/baiting; user is banned
@number1024 Friday 26th May 2023 PushSquare. That’s the source you asked for.
Bungie playing God.
Bungie should drop this and focus more on destiny. There's been no new content for pvp in years (so i'm told by veteran clan members) I started playing some point last year and bought the year pass for light fall and have caught up to everything. The weekly drip of season pass content took a sharp decline when season of the deep came out. Clearly their efforts and resources are being spent elsewhere. And for those who don't know destiny is not free 2 play. It's free to try. Free means access to everything which this is not.
@PSme That’ll be ironic ( and kinda funny if it happened) considering Bungie gave a negative report of ND‘s proposed LOU mulitplayer spinoff game not long ago.
@Korgon It seems to have worked for some games ( think Rainbow Six or Payday) though I don’t know if it’s a kind of style that lends itself well to being remixed unless bungie got really unconventional and off the wall with it which they probably won’t do now in their current state.
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