Bungie's intent with its in-development Marathon, so the rumours say, is to create the "ultimate live service game". Judging by how much weight the Destiny studio's word seems to carry within Sony's current corporate climate, we'd believe they'll be given carte blanche to do so.
Announced on Twitter, Andrew Witts has joined the Marathon team as gameplay design director. Witts has an impressive background in modern multiplayer design, spending a year working on Fortnite and another two on Rainbow Six: Siege. Most recently, he worked at 343 Industries as multiplayer lead modes and systems designer on Halo Infinite, which adds a pleasing air of symmetry to the affair, as Bungie famously used to develop the series.
Marathon is still a long way out, but we have no doubt a big-budget AAA "sci-fi PvP extraction shooter" will be a hit with multiplayer fans. Provided, that is, Bungie manages to distil the predominantly PC-style of gameplay for console audiences. Considering the studio is often used as a figurative yardstick against which competitors are measured, it seems more a matter of when and not if.
Are you looking forward to Marathon? Or have you already found "your" service game? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com, via eurogamer.net]
Comments 36
I'm not sure recruiting top Halo Infinite talent is a positive thing.
I hope this is good, but the PvP aspects of Destiny are, honestly, not very good or well supported.
For an 'ultimate live service game' I'd expect frequent updates and changes in a large scale to the game like Fortnite etc. Destiny has had, what, 1 new multiplayer map in like 3 years.
And don't get me started on Gambit. A mode I actually quite enjoy.
Hopefully being a new IP itll get loads of support and content from the get go
Not “literally the yardstick”. The company is not a yardstick…it’s a company.
Sony multiplayer studios about to get a lot of cod talent too once this deal go through money won’t fix Microsoft gaming division bad management.
@MasterChiefWiggum ha! Doesn’t it get so frustrating the fact that the word “literally” is always used the very opposite of what it actually means?
@AhmadSumadi Drives me nuts! Well, not literally…😉
@MasterChiefWiggum @AhmadSumadi While a matter of heated debate amongst word-nerds, the usage has grown to include emphasis in informal settings (check usage c. colloquial for examples)
That said, your points are well taken, and it actually kind of annoys me as well haha. Updated
I’m hoping this one isn’t years out. I don’t have “my” live service game currently, to use the phrase. I fell out with Destiny 2 because it started to feel overly meta and grindy and then Warzone roughly two or three years ago now (because of a whole saga I had with my Activision account getting hacked and stolen) and I couldn’t find the right game to get hooked on. Sure, Infinite is fun for a few rounds, but that’s about it for me right now and I know it’s not even the best Halo MP to be had. Overwatch 2 ruined Overwatch for me (and the aforementioned hacking thing didn’t help, as I lost all of my old content). I tried Apex, didn’t like it at all. Fortnite’s success mystifies me. Knockout City got the plug pulled (and no one played it). No idea if Splitgate fixed how long it took to get into matches, but I’m not waiting 10 minutes to queue, even if the game is essentially free. Etc etc on other titles.
I would like a multiplayer title to sink some time into with friends that isn’t CoD. My multiplayer friends have all migrated to CoD at this point and get on considerably less than we all used to. Me, I’ve no desire for CoD. It’s time for something fresh. I’m not really a live service gamer, but I do want something to casually play when I need social time in gaming. I’m hoping Marathon is it. I love the style!
Still amazes me that between ps and xbox, its PS who kept an acquired studio multiplatform, given how xbox is apparently gods gift to the world
Back when I was a child my family only had Macintosh computers in the house due to the software my architect father used for his job being Mac only. Back then the only first person shooter that was available was Marathon. I remember it being clunky as hell and had really obtuse level design. The furthest I could get was about level 4 before I couldn’t work out where to go. The days before sites like GameFaqs too, so getting help was near impossible!!
Marathon seems like a really weird IP to resurrect for modern audiences. It a super obscure title.
Anyone else remember it on ancient Mac computers?
@TheCollector316 my exact thoughts.
@somnambulance You probably dodged a bullet with Warzone. COD games are so predatory.
@Rmg0731 Sony acquiring bungie wasn’t a normal studio purchase. It why Bungie costed Sony 2 billion. Bungie wasn’t signing any deals unless they could stay multiplatform, and forced Sony to pay way more than they’re worth to insure that talent stays on board after the purchase.
It no different to Microsoft’s Minecraft purchase. Zenimax and ABK could easily multi platform if they wanted to, but they don’t and aren’t going to force Microsoft to let them… The shareholders only care about lining their pockets with Microsoft’s cash.
@TheCollector316 it is when the guy worked on Fortnite and r6s two actually good games lol. MS most likely gave him money to see if he and many other talents who already left could save Halo but you need a miracle for that, not just good brains.
I'm actually exited about this, halo aside this guy was a game designer for 6sigue the only competitive first person shooter I have ever enjoyed. So it's personal but still, Bungie does good (regularly lol) stuff and this guy knows about good stuff so Marathon is even more exciting now.
@Total_Weirdo i respect your opinion but i think it's quite the contrary. This move isn't an emergency button, it's putting the right tool in the right spot to get the work done.
It's true that Bungie will have a lot of expectations over them but if you pay what Sony paid for them is because you KNOW they can do it. Even Bungie already is talking about how they won't stop Destiny as a franchise despite Marathon success, they already know their vision is in to make a lot of money. It's always bad to have high expectations as a fan but at least for now there is no control damage here lol so having low expectations isn't the way to go either.
I cannot wait to try Marathon and see what Bungie has been working on.
@4kgk2 alot of staff at ABK wanted the buy out as they got to unionise. I'm not sure there will be a huge exodus as they supported it
I've dabbled in Fortnite and Paladins, but it's been since the days of Delta Force: Land Warrior that I really actively played an online shooter. However I like the style of this game so much that I think I'm gonna give it a serious shot
@Sakai the execs are the only ones that wanted the buy out and a lot people who were at Bethesda already left. so why don’t you think good amount of people at Activision would leave especially that they are force to over work themselves trying to make cod games on the switch.
@4kgk2 I already mentioned why in my initial post, because MS recognised their attempts to unionise, where as AbK were fighting against it. The workers wanted it, and alot of them supported MS during the regulatory process
@Sakai that not enough to keep people you don’t live in the state I can tell. Having a union won’t fully protect workers from sh*tty management. you Xbox dudes forget the history of Microsoft buying theses companies and bunch of people end up leaving.
Another live service game to throw into the ever growing mass grave of live service games, just tumbling off into the abyss like lemmings.
@4kgk2 idk man remember babylons fall that game didn't last even a year and what about forspoken both of these games actually got made and sold to people yet you here acting like sony higher ups are so good? Where's your game pass little bro?
@Mythologue I don’t understand why some of you dudes want all of Sony live services to fail it’s weird . you know Sony will use the money made from they’re live services games to help fund from more single player games right.
@Deityjester I don’t want a gamepass on PlayStation I can afford to buy my games. Sony didn’t make any of the games you named square enix did.
I personally loved Halo Infinite actually. It just needed a bit more content at launch is all but the core gameplay was brilliant so perhaps this is good news.
My main hold-up with Marathon is the extraction shooter part. Obviously I can only guess at how it will work but from what Bungie has revealed so far about it...just doesn't sound very fun to me personally. If they also have more traditional MP modes as well in the game though I'll definitely give it a try.
They'll be forced out. Too much Microsoft staff. Have you not been reading the news?
@lacerz yes I have thanks. Thats how I knew about them wanting to unionise and supported the merger
@Khayl It’s not the correct use of the word. End of. I don’t care how people are misusing it.
@Sakai Good. So you’re aware that there will be a plethora of talent to poach after the M&A when the layoffs go into effect.
@lacerz got a source for that?
As someone that's hardly burnt out on Halo, Infinite was..... . ...... bland.
Wasn't bad, just really average and u was really excited to play it.
Hiring him is not bragging rights
@4kgk2 they actually already have COD senior talent
It’s already started. More to come.
@lacerz changes to the overwatch league. how is that evidence that a big amount of developers will leave after the merger
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