PlayStation boss Jim Ryan has announced more than 40 million PS5 consoles have now been sold since its release in November 2020. With any PS5 Stock issues now completely rectified, Ryan said: "With the support of PlayStation fans, we have reached a milestone of 40 million PS5 consoles sold through to gamers since launch. Thank you so much to our community of gamers — without you this would have been an impossible task."
The news was shared in an official website post from Sony Interactive Entertainment, where it's also confirmed over 2,500 games are available for the system. It's not revealed where the vote took place, but Sony has apparently polled PS5 users on their favourite games and has come up with a top 40. The likes of Final Fantasy XVI, God of War Ragnarok, Gran Turismo 7, Hogwarts Legacy, Horizon Forbidden West, and Resident Evil 4 are all included. You can check out the full list through the link.
The platform holder then goes on to congratulate itself for releasing different PS5 Console Covers and PS5 DualSense controllers in various colours. "We developed PS5 with our community at the forefront of our thinking, which led us to deliver innovations like the adaptive triggers and haptic feedback in the DualSense controller, as well as PlayStation VR2," Jim Ryan adds. "PlayStation Studios and our third-party partners have jumped in to take advantage of these capabilities and expand their creative toolkit to deliver a generational leap in the experiences they bring to gamers."
The last time Sony shared a PS5 console sales update was in February 2023, when it confirmed 32.1 million systems had been shipped as of 31st December 2022. Therefore, the company has sold roughly another eight million units since the start of the year.
[source sonyinteractive.com]
Comments 55
"Thank you so much to our community of gamers — without you this would have been an impossible task."
Correct. It is mathematically impossible to sell 40 million console units without people buying those units.
Really impressive numbers overall! Awesome stuff!
Is shipped and sold the same? I know shipped means Sony sold to retailers, is there a figure for how many have been sold to customers? Sony can sell 40 million to retailers but thar doesn't mean people like us have bought them. Is that right Sammy?
Incredible figures, Sony is on a roll this gen. How much had PS4 sold at the same stage in its lifetime?
Jimbo remembered VR2 i see!
I'll likely add to those numbers once that price drop is confirmed 👀
How does this compare to PS4 for the same point? Curios to see if they caught up
Only a couple of months slower than the PS4 I think. Not bad considering the impact the pandemic’s had on the generation. Doesn’t even feel like we’ve begun to scratch the surface of this gen given the last-gen releases of big games and such. Astro’s Playroom is probably still the biggest wow moment so far.
If the sales remain the same, it'll probably be around 80-90 mil by 2027-2028 when PS6 will launch, unless they lower the price and bring out some unmissable exclusives.
80-90 mil is PS3 numbers, which is not great.
A lot of people are still sticking to their PS4s, as long as it's still receiving good AAA games, like upcoming Armored Core. Sony needs to get something out to convince those people to move over. GTA6 might be that game, even if not exclusive.
@riceNpea Technically correct (the best kind of correct) but it seems safe to assume that retailers ordering large amounts from Sony means retailers selling similarly large amounts to customers.
@Sil_Am yep we need the exclusives. Currently feels like a gen of remasters.
Well-deserved (and earned) success and they didn't have to buy any publishers.
@Voltan, it's not, but a lot of the popular games are still cross-gen. Like how many would have jumped on a PS5 just for Armored Core 6, but they won't cause they can still play it on their PS4 for another 100 hours of use with the system.
The PS4 is the best bang for buck console in history. Cross-gen games don't even look that bad on it.
@Sil_Am Also ps4 must be the best manufactured electronics device ever..they just refuse to die.
@Moonmonkey my PSVR2 disagrees
The PS4 is still incredible value for money. Probably more so than any other modern console. What the PS5 needs is exclusives and a price cut. Otherwise I can legit see a ceiling for the PS5.
@Sil_Am if GTA is legit current gen, sales of PS5 and Xbox Series X will skyrocket more than any exclusive offering. I don't know if Rockstar announced anything, but the temptation to release on PS4 would obviously still be there because of install base, but I genuinely think around 20million PS5's would sell almost over night if it was this gen only. And the shared install base would probably end up a good 100million + in no time, so I do hope they release that game current gen only, as it would hopefully be the push to all games leaving behind the old hardware.
Also, it's hard to find Xbox series X install base, as it always lumps in the s too, which is not really a current gen console which is also holding the future of games back
@Ravix Xbox series is already trending behind last gen..which is very worrying.
N.i.c.e. PlayStation 5 is a amazing console.word up son
I think it'll pick up even more once the cross gen games have completely stopped and system sellers arrive. I think Spider-Man will make it surge like crazy. It did for the PS4.
And Xbox just got reported that console sales are down. PlayStation consoles always have a much bigger appeal even with trickled "next gen" games it seems. But console gaming has always been their strength and their first party IP's are arguably unrivalled. I think it's time to start bringing back some dormant ones though. Resistance for one as many have said with the proper care and time to establish could rival other shooters if completely rebooted.
Remaster the others and reboot the franchise. Oh, and where is MediEvil 2 remake Sony?
Great news! Now we need more great exclusive games! I plan to get a PS5 in October.
Congrats to Sony for the achievement!
@zebric21 it is worrying for competition, therefore potentially quality (although I trust Sony to back quality most of the time) but when Sony drops it's PS5 price, what reason would anyone have for buying the halfway gen, Series S even? Will people just stop buying Xbox altogether? Especially as they said they don't believe in a "pro" upgrade.
I also don't think Starfield will be the system seller they might want either. It was a game I always had an interest in, and I always expected to buy an Xbox this generation, but I then shifted to thinking I'd buy a pc instead, as there were consistently no other games on Xbox I was interested in, to then thinking, I'm not even that bothered about Starfield now anyway. It's a bit depressing really 😮
@riceNpea I do think there's loads of good games on psvr2 and im enjoying it as much as the 1st one but sonys apparent lack of enthusiasm for the product and its lack of big budget games is seemingly putting off people purchasing it....I hope this changes as if people keep ignoring it support will dry up eventually!I just wish sony would throw more 1st party support behind the thing
@ROTTIEMAN16 yeah, more support would be very welcome.
Just found out at work today that a new PS5 is coming later this year (Not a slim version). Price will be cheaper too.
I did my part two months ago haha
Amazing. But not surprised.
It will always be about the games. And PS5 just has them... 1st party and 3rd Party.
And not random 2nd tier stuff... actual top line games. This is what makes it worth paying for new hardware.
Shipped isn't the same as sold. Some of the previous stories via the links refer to shipped and this one as sold.
It's an amazing achievement anyway. Although I really can't see a 'generational leap' aside from PSVR2. I still don't think this gen has even started to show what's possible.
@zebric21 Going by Switch sales i would say that holds that crown over PS4. In truth though neither beat the PS2.
I bought one. Yet to be convinced if it was worth it for the sort of games I like.
@__jamiie this one states sold through to gamers, meaning the consoles are in consumer hands.
Even the previous ‘shipped’ amount was less than 40mil
@PsBoxSwitchOwner Yes I know. That's what I said. Which means the increase in 'sales' in this article is incorrect because the previous were quoting shipped systems.
PlayStation - The Greatest of all Time ❤️
@Sil_Am sales will not remain the same over the course of a console's lifetime. That has never happened and never will happen. They will always slow down as it ages out. The PS5 is halfway done. I can see it around 70 maybe. Which is pretty good for this thing.
@TrickyDicky99 No, there are over 4000 PS4 games playable on PS5.
They must be talking strictly of PS5 games.
Love to see PS5 doing well 💪🏻
@DennisReynolds PS4 is 10 years old and still getting AAA bangers. I'm sure it'll still be getting at least jrpgs and indies 5 years from now. It is probably the best console ever, disconsidering numbers (Switch competes in 2 markets and completely dominates 1 of them).
I guarantee a vast majority of those games are the flood of shovelware that's hit the store these past few years.
@Sil_Am i see many of my ps friends just buying a pc.
As sony has been releasing less exclusives.
Mostly of them have a nintendo switch for themselves and the kids.
@Sil_Am Might as well say the PS5 is the "best console ever" as it can play every PS4 game most of them better as well as having access to the PS5 library and SSD speeds. All that said i would rate the PS2, 360 and Switch's library over the PS4/PS5.
@StripedTomato For a while they stopped selling PS4, but then they realized they can't produce enough PS5s and made PS4 available again, only the Slim, though. Probably to have a cheaper system on the market to compete with Series S, at least for a while.
@DennisReynolds Can't argue with that, but in my eyes PS4 > Switch because of the vast AAA library. You can't even compare them. At the end of the day, it's a matter of taste. If Switch had all the multilatform AAA that the PS4 has, it would easily surpass it, cause most jrpgs have been already ported to it, even if many have shoddy ports, to say the least.
So over 40 Million copies of Astro's Playroom have been sold
Please stop making PS4 games!!
@AdamNovice still the best gaming experience showcasing PS5 and free with machine
@AdamNovice Man they need to make a full game of Astro Playroom.
I proudly did my part.
@TrickyDicky99 "2,500 games . . of which 2,475 are PS4 games"
... of which 2,450 run way better on the newer hardware.
This winter is the only time there is a real need to upgrade. Nearly all PS5 exclusives can be found on PS4.
I imagine these figures would have been higher if the damn thing was freely available from the jump. PS5 came out in November 2020 and literally couldn’t buy one until Xmas 2022. I’m in Australia - not sure if that makes a difference.
@Netret0120 Which is very annoying because the vast majority of games are built for both, forgoing any meaningful graphical wizardry for new games on PS5. Even some PS5 exclusives like Dead Space look and play like last Gen.
I hope this practice goes away. It wasn’t like this with PS3 into PS4 - just a few cross platform games for the first 6 months or so.
It really hurts the idea of a ‘next gen’ experience.
Those games play like crap on PS4 too. I tried Wo-Long and Resident Evil 4 on PS4 just out of curiosity and it’s not pretty. Frame rates are non existent.
Agreed. My friends haven't bothered upgrading because there has literally been no reason for them to.
They played GOW Ragnarok. Horizon Forbidden West, Hogwarts Legacy and they love COD so they have been playing COD MW2 as well.
The only time I can see them upgrading is this winter once Spider-Man 2 and games like FF7 Rebirth come out which are PS5 only.
@Darylb88 ps5 is now cheaper, disc version in Smyths Toys UK is now 399
Edit: correction
@TrickyDicky99 Exactly. The point being the hardware is worth it even though there are relatively few current-gen exclusives. Which isn't to say that games designed with the newer hardware as a baseline aren't going to be even better.
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