Yoshinori Kitase, who worked on the original Final Fantasy 6 as a director, made headlines a couple of months back when he revealed that other Square Enix employees keep asking him about a potential remake of the classic RPG. At the time, Kitase admitted that remaking such an old title would be "difficult", but that hasn't stopped him from bringing up his beloved Final Fantasy 6 again.
During a recent developer roundtable, Kitase signs off by urging everyone not to forget Final Fantasy 6. He rather cheekily says: "Working on the [early Final Fantasy games] was great fun and I'd just like to push Final Fantasy 6 again!"
For Kitase to bring the game back into spotlight, we have to wonder whether the Square Enix veteran really is pushing for some kind of revival. We obviously got the Final Fantasy 6 Pixel Remaster in April — which is great — but a full-on remake would be next level. Final Fantasy 6, after all, is one of the most highly regarded instalments in the series — and it's the best Final Fantasy game, according to our user-rated list.
Would you like to see Kitase get the greenlight to explore a remake of Final Fantasy 6? Wold you want a remake? Be sure to join up with the Returners in the comments section below.
[source gamesradar.com]
Comments 44
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@Cashews if you don't care then why did you post about it on this article instead of you know ignoring it.
Real talk in this age of remakes and remasters i wouldnt mind a remake of final fantasy 6!
Maybe a remake with similar graphics to octopath traveler, and keep the turn base combat.
I loved FF6 even if I never finished it (I should probably get the remaster on my phone and finally do it).
I wonder how well a character like Ultros would translate to modern presentation though
Also, if you can't suplex a train, they might as well not release it
I’m very wary. I love FF6. Squeenix just cannot help Nomuraing games these days. Besides, they’d want to make it an action game and I’m not convinced that would work in any way given that you’d have to play as all those different characters with completely different fighting styles. At a bare minimum you’d have to play as Terra, Locke, Sabin, Edgar, Celes and I can’t remember if it forces you to go Cyan at some point. At that rate, they might as well go the whole hog and let you play as the rest which would mean action combat Gau or Mog. Dragon Quest XI proved that massive turn based JRPGs with a cartoony style can not just work these days but prove to be a generational masterpiece. Basically yeah, make it DQXI with the watercolour engine similar to Valkyria Chronicles to capture the Amano designs.
I think the main question isn't so much WOULD we like a remake but WHEN would we get one? It's 2023 and we only have part 1/3 of the FFVII remake that was announced in 2015.
@Melee_Ace Good point. There’s the rumored FF9 remake too. Looking forward to playing this in my 60s.
Aren't they also rumoured to be remaking IX, and X? I'll believe it when I see them.
I stand by what I've always said: VI would benefit the most from a remake, but not to change what's already there, just smooth away the rough edges of the narrative presentation.
Having played through most of the Pixel Remaster, the gameplay was mostly patched up nicely. But the story presentation still needs considerable work.
I’m down for anything Final Fantasy 6. I’d be cool if they tied 6 into the 7 Remakes even, given how off the wall the Remake’s plot could go. Unlike many (judging by what I read on here), I’m loving what Square does these days and have faith in them.
@Sekijo I'll rephrase then - I care, very much on every level imaginable, that Square Enix is such a bad company today than what they were 10 years ago. Everything they touch turns to mud - and they are only good for remaking their classics. They exist on the shoulders of creativity long past. Every console, every mobile device - multiple iterations. The only thing SE is good for besides those remakes - is making really bad variations of games like Splatoon and Stardew Valley - that fail in execution and in sales.
That said, bring on more NFT chatter and Final Fantasy Six.
@Cashews FF14, 7R and 16 beg do differ, and those were all done in the last 10 years as you said.
Edit: And that's just the FF games, you had DQXI, Octopath 1 and 2 and other games in the mix.
@Cashews Triangle Strategy, Dragon Quest XI, and NieR: Automata were all great. And while I have no interest, many people seem to think highly of Final Fantasy XVI. They definitely publish great games once in a while that aren't just remakes or remasters of older games.
Really, though, how bad is it when a team of developers want to remake A game instead of creating their own? Pitiful.
Big hell no to a remake.
@Cashews hail. Lemme buy you a beer.
Automata is the only good game they've done in the past decade and that was mostly Platinum.
The talks about remakes of FFVI and Chrono Trigger come up quite frequently, but, in my opinion, they would both be pretty tough to remake as they are both nearly perfect games that have aged extremely well.
Just finished 16. The first half started off strong but man i was so sick of the boring side quests by the end. The combat, while decent, was all there was to the game. I still think they haven't made a truly good game in series since ix
As with all classic remakes, I'd be both excited and terrified. FF6 is one of the best and needs more love for sure...but my faith in SE is at an all-time low after the disaster that was FF7R. If they changed any story points in a 6 remake it will be terrible. I'm equally scared for the rumored FF9 remake...my favorite game of all time.
@Happymoogle For the same reason that you engaged with them instead of ignoring them.
Just keep it away from Tetsuya Nomura. If he directs it, Terra will have visions of Kefka every 5 minutes and we will be able to change history so the world won't be ruined.
Video games are the only medium where people look at a masterpiece like FF6 and say “That game is so good it should be remade!” Why do we need a remake?
@Doctor-Moo word. I'll buy you a beer too!
You're not allowed to touch the masterpieces for a reason.
@Voltan if FF7R can translate the Hell House boss then there should be no problem translating Ultros.
@nessisonett I have been championing the idea of designing a modern game in the Amano style for ages and I’m so pumped to hear others suggest it. It’s literally part of FF’s DNA and inspired the original sprite designs. It’s there for the taking and it would look gorgeous and unique. Can’t wrap my head around why they wouldn’t do it.
No point. Would just be full of people living in the past complaining that it's not turn based, and dumping on its review scores.
@Cashews Square have released some brilliant games in the last 10 years, are you crazy!?
@Corc11 the last game I consider a bonafide, universally acclaimed game was NIER- and that was because of Platinum.
@Cashews and that's fine.
But people don't have to agree with you.
@Reptilio Curious why you didn’t like the story?
I thought the game starts out slow because of the way the combat was limited at the beginning. By the end the combat was great and I really enjoyed the story.
Some of the side quests were….not great.
FF6 and Chrono Trugger are considered the holy grail of JRPGs. I personally don't think out if a Remastered port should either be touched. As much as I did enjoy FF7R I still don't think the trilogy will hold a candle to the original. Sea of Stars looks to be the best turned bases rpg in quite a lone time if the demo is anything to go off of
It depends on the type of remake.
If it was for a Chono trigger remake, I'd say shut up and take my money for a full on remake AND a HD2D.
Terra-ble. Excellent pun, please no remake.
I feel like this site covers Square disproportionately when there's other RPGs to cover, but whatever, that's just one reader's feedback.
Also, gotta butt heads with y'all commenting, a 7/10 is NOT a stellar game. It's usually "good - fans of the genre will be pleased, but others may not be convinced"
A 7/10 being hailed as great is pure echo chamber. No. It is. By definition.
Also, FF14 is over 10 years old, disqualified. FF16 is still too new, recency bias. The average gamer is finishing up now and their reviews (just from the comments here on PS) suggest a 7/10 game, which is a bit off from the diehards out the gate assessment. It's also incredibly divisive fanbase wise (what isn't tho amirite?)
I will agree the Octopath games are very good, but they are honestly too little, too late since I was thirsty for that type of game for 25+ years. And they're SaGa games! Not at all FF, just turn-based. The dissatisfaction with the new direction goes deeper than just turn based, and if you don't get that, you were never an old school fan. (Will die on this hill)
But again, the games are 7s. They might have scored higher, but the fact that the media is constantly covering square for little to no reason other than to keep them top of mind should suggest to the rest of you that the scores are over-inflated a bit.
We mean certified bangers. 10/10s like everyone acts like the next FF will be. Indeed. A legit 9 or 10 game. Not a "7 or 8 par for the course" for a legacy AAA company. A game that absolutely everyone should experience.
Like Final Fantasy VII was.
And all the last decade yielded on that upper echelon was from Yoko Taro and Platinum games. Nier Automata deserves all the praise. The books, anime, all dat. It is true excellence 👏
Our Chip - We are the old school fans who were "sacrificed" for the new fans' tastes. Read into that however you want. It's one of those concepts that if you won't understand it without an explanation, then you won't understand with one either.
Je ne sais qois.
That's enough nonsense from me, have a great whatever it is where you are when you read this. But know that Automata is the only certified banger in the past decade. ✌️
Can remake, but it will be a completely different game.
From Sweden with love.......1994.
Printed out a walkthrough...my first.
5 cm thick, A4 paper.
Used Webcrawler.
That summer went by like i fkn breeze in
Sweden for me.
3lace VM.
I fell in love with that girl i never met again......ofc.
That DT - Yamaha was beautiful, took us everywhere.
But in the end it was the fullfilling of a masterpiece for me at age 14.
Reading and playing and getting everything in the game as i was reading was my first encounter with the finalfantasy world...and completing a game that wa that big ..Don't know if i dare to touch it again....
I hope it gets the same level of love as ff7 has received. Granted ff7 remake is not a true remake, but a sequel to advent children. The level of quality and care taken is one id love to see for ff6. It'll be interesting to see how they navigate the shift in technology. I would not be opposed to a classic turn based random encounter systems like the early days. I think we've had a sufficient break from it to warrant reintroduction, directors choice of course. I just know that the most important elements need to remain intact, the opening, the opera house, the floating continent, tower of zozo, ghost forest, the final battle, Kefka tower, Figaro, and of course suplexing the phantom train.
Wake me up when Final Fantasy X and X-2 are getting that visual quality remake like FF7 did.
@Cashews It's fruitless here man. I mean, there are two different simultaneously developed remakes for Final Fantasy VII and they haven't even finished part 2 of the main remake (the other is Ever Crisis), And there are rumors swirling about remakes for FF6, FF8, FF9 and FF10.
That's pathetic. I'm not even sure if that's an opinion or an actual fact, but that's pathetic.
@Shadcai I fully agree with this, it's the only way to do it justice.
For me it remains the best in the series, have yet to play a few FF titles, but the jump in quality was enormous (for previous entries). They can try, maybe it will be awesome, who knows?
I love Final Fantasy as much as the next fan, and VI is far and away my favorite game ever made…but I saw what happened with Seiken Densetsu 3/Trials of Mana. Hard pass.
FF6 is a perfect game ever. Since I played it, none of RPG made me satisfied.
Square should remake it ASAP.
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