Square Enix has revealed by way of a musical theatre show announcement that the Final Fantasy series has now sold over 180 million copies worldwide. The confirmation page reads (via Google Translate): "Since its first release in 1987, the legendary role-playing game "Final Fantasy" series boasts over 180 million shipments and downloads worldwide."
This is an updated stat, which last sat at 173 million in March 2022. Since then, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion, the PS4 and Nintendo Switch versions of Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster, and Final Fantasy XVI have all released. Final Fantasy XVI had sold three million copies as of 28th June 2023, meaning it's likely the biggest contributor to the series hitting this latest sales milestone. It also means the entire Final Fantasy franchise has sold just as well as Grand Theft Auto V!
If you're looking to attend the Takarazuka Revue Performance, tickets go on sale in April 2024 and it'll be accompanied by a show from the Sora Troupe. "A mysterious person appears in front of the heartbroken poet Fujiwara Teika, who laments that he will never write love songs again after falling in love. Invited by this beautiful woman who has acted and sung the joy, beauty, and pain of love for 110 years, Teika sets out on a journey to a mysterious world filled with countless love songs..."
[source kageki.hankyu.co.jp]
Comments 33
Here's to another 180m! Well done, SE!
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Amazing. Now about that FFX Remake...
@SJR I would rather an FFX-0 where we follow Braska, Auron and Jecht.
Sixteen+ games to equal one GTA game is kind of pathetic when you really think about it though.
@LifeGirl yeah, considering how the average game sells about 100m, it's definitely pathetic.
@LifeGirl FF has always been niche. SE has been trying to change that since the merger.
Wouldn't say it's working, just the loud ones are louder and have more platforms to be noisy in the media.
Also, Square has a tendency to blow their own horn all the time over sales "milestones" unlike FromSoftware, which can actually sell impressive numbers, AND still RPG.
I’m really enjoying XVI as a story (just over 60% through apparently); it has me hooked. But the game itself is lacking something that made previous mainline games special to me. It might be the lack of RPG systems and it might be the lack of exploration. But yea I am left wanting more from the gameplay. Story though, as I said, is good stuff so far.
Got Pixel Remasters digital on PS5(PS4) and physical on Switch so i’ve done my bit. If they hit Xbox I will probably get them again ahem .
Impressive but I also feel like there's been close to 180 million different Final Fantasy games and remakes at this point as well
As a final fantasy die hard who has invested in almost every title, i would almost have expected the number to be higher after 35 years - but at the same time its a very impressive and well deserved milestone for what was once quite a niche genre.
If they could reprint the pixel remasters on disc id be buying it again tomorrow
@naruball Can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. Either way, it quite clearly says in the article that GTA 5 is equal to the entire FF series. And that really isn't very impressive.
@Cordyceps do you have the record for having comments removed? You must be near the top of the leaderboard at least.
@hi_drnick across all accounts... probably. This one is relatively new, so... give me a week. 🙃
@LifeGirl I don't really think the comparison to GTA V is meant to be impressive or unimpressive, rather it's just meant to put things into perspective a bit. GTA V is the 2nd best selling videogame of all time and by a wide margin. I see it as a bit of a fluke and I honestly don't think Rockstar could replicate it's success if they tried.
@Sekijo What's funny about that is Skyrim is not even in the top 50. You'd think across all of its releases that it would have sold better 😂
GTA V - 180 Million Copies Sold
Final Fantasy Franchise - 180 Million Copies Sold
No wonder Rockstar are taking their sweet time with GTA 6!
@Sekijo @tabris95 Skyrim has sold over 60 million copies. Currently ranked 7th.
@LifeGirl Well, let's see. It's like saying
"Did you make 300k this year? Elon Musk made 100billion. That's pathetic." Which makes 99.9999999% of the population... pathetic. Same with FF. Or almost every game/franchise ever released.
Push square staff brought up an interesting fact. It was the same that came to my mind as soon as I read the title. They, of course, didn't call the result "pathetic", because it's anything but.
@LifeGirl those gta sales numbers aren't correctly represented Rockstar and other industry insiders have already talked about how almost two thirds of those sales are already existing players rebuying the game to get the shark card currency which is way cheaper than buying in game
@Drago201 So if I buy 10 copies of a game it should only be counted as 1 copy because you like Final Fantasy better than Grand Theft Auto?
@Cashews is that what you understood from that comment?
@Cashews no wut I'm saying is that the popularity is overblown because 180 million individual people didn't buy the game the same people bought it multiple times
@Drago201 Ah that is a good point. GTA V is a huge bomb. They should take the servers offline and stop making the series.
I mean, If someone is willing to buy 8 copies to get currency is the game really all that popular? I don't think so. The 4th mobile version of Final Fantasy 3 is more popular.
Not tryna compare, but GTA 5 outselling an entire franchise is INSANITY
@NathanKang Yup GTA is insanity on its own. It has outsold most franchises already.
@Drago201 Like there aren't people who don't buy multiple copies of final fantasy games or every remake every time it drops even though they have that game already? Your point isnt as valid as you think. Don't forget the FF shriners
@RedShirtRod Thanks. That makes way more sense haha. Weird that it was absent from the Wikipedia page.
Funny thing is GTA5 isn't even the top selling game. That's minecraft at 238 million copies.
Doesn't mean anything to FF numbers though, 180 million is pretty damn impressive for a niche market (jrpg's).
Ask any regular person if they can name some games; chances are they will know gta, minecraft and fifa. They will likely not have heard of final fantasy though.
Is Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin does not count? It was released March 2022. (Or is it just forgotten?)
@savarunl does that include mobile downloads as well?
@tabris95 Yeah I saw it's still reporting the 20 million sold from 2014. The 60 million figure only came out last month so maybe someone will update it soon.
@naruball yes and no. That number is across all units sold. So mobile for the western version is included. It doesn't include the Chinese version as that's free. That version has been downloaded 400 million times.
@RedShirtRod so, de we know how much it sold on consoles and PC?
@naruball Difficult to say for sure. If we take the numbers from my first source there are 133 million pocket editions sold so that would put Java and Bedrock editions at roughly 105 million. There is an article that mentions more players play it on console than PC but that's from 2014. I would assume total sales would include the Xbox one and PS4 versions as well. What I can't say is if the upgrades from those versions to Bedrock were included, but they were free so I don't think they are included in the total. Any players using Game Pass are probably also not included in the total sold, only monthly userbase.
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