Rejoice, for ultra-promising action RPG Granblue Fantasy: Relink finally has a confirmed release date. The freshly revealed 1st February 2024 launch date does technically mean that the game will fulfil its promise of arriving in the previously announced 'winter 2023' window — but we're sure that many of you reading this will have been anticipating a date with '2023' on the end of it.
Still, it's nice to actually know when Relink is coming. If you haven't been keeping up, the project was delayed several times over the last few years, and at one point went through a change in primary developer. The title was originally in production at Platinum Games, but it was uprooted and brought in-house by Cygames, the company that created the Granblue Fantasy franchise.
Hopefully, this will mean that gaming in 2024 gets off to a great start — but can you hold out until February for Granblue Fantasy: Relink? Feel free to mark your calendars in the comments section below.
Comments 20
Finally a date not too far either good bday gift for me next year
Called it, but still that's not bad, there's a lot of games out next few months, something to look forwards to in new year
...For now.
They better not delay it again. I won't trust it until it's on a shelf lol
Can't believe this game actually got a release date
But why is every JRPG (FF7R2, P3R, LAD8 and this) releasing early 2024?
I'm honestly fine with this release date. Gives me something to look forward to next year. This end of the year is so stacked as it is
FF7 Rebirth, Persona 3 Reload, Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth and Granblue Fantasy Relink all in early 2024. My wallet is crying. And Nintendo could add to that with Switch releases soon. And I thought early 2023 was packed
Yes finally! I've been waiting for this. 2024 is already packed with great JRPGs. Definitely getting this alongside FF7 Remake and P3 Reloaded
End of the year is stacked anyway. Not too far off and hopefully schedule is a bit clearer for game to strive
As much as I want this last year, I am glad my backlog of jrpgs is given a chance to be completed. Just know its gonna be in the crossfire of ff7 rebirth.
Bummed it won't make it this year but unlikely to buy it immediately anyway.
This is probably a good thing with so many games coming in fall this gives me a little bit of breathing room.
@Sam_ATLUS Oh crap! Totally forgot about like a dragon and persona as well. There goes my wages
Finally. Day 1
This is one I will not care about reviews. Need to try it for myself.
I'm sure it will do great against FF7 Rebirth and Person 3 Reload. 😅
Happy day for sure. Cannot wait. Looks like anime heaven.
THANK YOU for giving me a true Final Fantasy 16!!!
@Sam_ATLUS Lunar New Year is a major holiday in Asia. Releasing big Japanese games in February is akin to Western games releasing right around Black Friday and Christmas. This has historically worked out well in the West too, as by the time February and March come around even the Westerner's wallets have recovered enough. And if you were fortunate enough to get a new console, you may be ready for the latest hot new game a few months later in late Winter.
Granblue fantasy relink and ff7 rebirth in the same period I'm ecstatic 😆😆😆😆😆
@Bingo-Bongo Tough time for our JRPG fans, especially now Persona 3 Reload just got announced for February 2, the day after Granblue Fantasy Relink. Somehow I knew this would happen. Just need to pray Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth and FF7 Rebirth are March now
@Sam_ATLUS even more tough on my bank account! I would be happy with April and May, actually need time to play the damn things!
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