Rumours of a Red Dead Redemption return have been doing the rounds for years. After the release of Red Dead Redemption 2, there was widespread speculation regarding a full remake of the first game, built on the foundation of its sequel. Then, there were all kinds of whispers regarding a potential remaster for current consoles. Expectations surrounding Rockstar's rumoured plans were fairly high, and so the official announcement of Red Dead Redemption for PS4 has gone down like a lead balloon.
If you haven't heard, this is a straight port of Red Dead Redemption. Aside from boasting text in some additional languages, there are no enhancements. Based on Rockstar's press release, there's no 60 frames-per-second, no resolution boost, no updated assets, nothing. The Undead Nightmare expansion is included, but multiplayer is gone. Rockstar isn't developing it, either. Oh, and here's the kicker: it'll be priced at $50.
Needless to say, fans aren't happy — ourselves included! The Red Dead Redemption reddit is in flames, with plenty of people questioning Rockstar's recent decision making. Elsewhere, the reveal trailer itself is being slaughtered. On Rockstar's official YouTube channel, the video currently sits at just over 500,000 views, with 30,000 likes and a whopping 78,000 dislikes. Unsurprisingly, it's a similar story on other channels.
Now look, it's nice that Red Dead Redemption is being brought forward in order to finally escape the clutches of the PS3 generation. And it's nice that it's coming to the Nintendo Switch. But as mentioned, it's the $50 price tag that stings. And given the saga that was Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy back in 2021 — a collection that launched in a horrific state and honestly didn't get that much better — it feels like faith (thanks, Dutch) in Rockstar is at an all-time low.
How do you feel about Red Dead Redemption's revival? Role-play an outraged John Marston in the comments section below.
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Comments 106
It’s honestly wild for them to try to sell this, at this price. But, a company as big as Rockstar most likely has data supporting that some poor fools WILL fork over $50, which is even sadder.
Should be $30 if JUST a Port. But $50? Nah.
Didn't the map already on rdr2?
Nevertheless, it's gonna sell like hotcakes. Sad, but it's the truth.
It's all part of the plan guys, we just gotta have faith
They could have at least make use of the basic PS5 features, like optimized loading times, haptic feedback and adaptive triggers. Also, for a 13 year old game I expected 60fps.
No matter how great of a game, €50 for a 13 year old port is insane.
They dont even release game on Xbox, because Xbox provides backwards compability for x360 console version. And again, this is port from 3rd party company. Just pathetic, I was hyped aroundthose remaster rumours but what to expect.. just dissapointment, all resources ar given for GTA online and GTA 6...
Nigel West Dickens would be proud of this con.
Even when the last couple rumors talked about it being "just" a remaster and not a full on remake in the style 2, I was pretty excited about the idea of the game with updated visuals and the potential of new, modern features.
This **** is just sad.
So not even the bare minimum of quality improvements...
@Dom_31 This is not a remaster they didn't do anything with it. I guess this is RockStar development.
I picked up both the Xbox 360 games for around £13 and it will play just as well as this lol.
It’s nothing more than a cash grab and a real shame to see
I feel like this is all TakeTwo: "The $50 is a punishment to PS for giving us extra work because of that complicated PS3." Hahaha no way I'm getting this unless probably a sale, why would I bother when RDR2 is leagues ahead. This should be $20.
The fact its cheaper on Xbox, always on discount and has 4K on SX and 1440p on SS means this overpriced port is taking the mick. At the very least it should have 4K/60fps.
@TheArt should be free if you already own it digitally, £15 if you dont. Game is two gens old and will look, control and play like a two gen old game.
Rockstar have taken a massive u turn up their own backsides these last few years. All while riding a wave of MT's and online paywalls.
@Flaming_Kaiser honestly if it turned out Rockstar was ran by Douglas Reynholm alot of things would make sense
@TheArt and $10 if you own the PS3 version
I'm not buying it at $50 but I'll definitely pick it up on a sale in the future. I actually don't mind the fact it's just a port personally. Never really expected much more than that anyway. The price is a bit steep though.
„Based on Rockstar's press release, there's no 60 frames-per-second, no resolution boost, no updated assets, nothing.“ The fact that they don’t mention 60 fps and resolution boost doesn‘t mean those won’t be there. I didn‘t count pixels, but I‘ve got the impression that the resolution in the video (which is 4k30) is higher than 720p. So please be more cautious with statements like this.
At least a straight PS3 port won't be like that mess of a GTA trilogy but 50, hell no. Makes me wonder why their waiting until October to release it on disc though. Maybe from August 17th to October their going to release updates for it or like 60fps or 4k like Xbox series X already has for it? Probably not
The company earns a ton of money every month with GTA V so why not make a decent remake and ask 40 bucks instead of 50 for a port. This is absurd.
While I can excuse a straight no-frills port for the Switch release as Red Dead's never been on a Nintendo console before (plus the portability would require it to be less intensive power-wise anyways), having it be the exact same game from 13 years ago for PS4 is majorly disappointing. It's definitely nice to have the game be more accessible given it's legendary status in the gaming space, but I'll just stick to getting the old GOTY Edition for my PS3 instead if I want to try out RDR1 🤷
Why do they not want money. Same with bloodbourne. Give us a bit of an updated version with better frame rate and resolution, that's all people are asking for.
Before the announcement I was really looking forward to this RDR1 release hoping it would be similar to GTA5 release on PS5.
I pre-orered GTA5 (PS5 version) in March 2022 for £8.75 from PS Store.
Well it's a massive disappointment to fans with an stinging high price tag.
This is why I still have a PS3 set up under the television.
These thrice daily articles will drive more sales.
I wish remasters in general would just die off. They're usually pretty blatant cash grabs.
Besides agreeing with all of the above, I’ll say this as well - between this, the GTA trilogy fiasco, abysmal support for RDO, decade-long milking of GTO, the departure of Dan Houser and other key creatives from Rockstar’s history… I now have zero interest I GTA6. Absolutely none.
I just want 60 fps & 4K version with fair price, is that too much to ask rockstar?
I'm playing on PS3, it holds up well, but the controller is more pants than i remember. Having it on my ps5 would be okay but not at that price.
The original Red Dead Redemption is probably my favorite video game of all time. It has a lot of sentimental value to me being that it was of the first games I was really ever truly engrossed in. I’m sure many people share this out look on the original but I honestly can’t express how disappointed I am as a Rockstar fan. I was expecting a pretty conservative effort with this project, I never expected them to make a full remake. Maybe something similar to the treatment that Rockstar gave the GTA V CURRENT gen version. Upgraded resolution and frame rate with some of the next gen bells and whistles we can all expect. They managed to underdeliver even on the lowest of expectations. The $50 price tag is a blatant slap in the face to every Rockstar fan. The trailer they released legit tells you nothing about what this version of RDR justifies that $50 price tag. Not even a native PS5 version? Rockstar couldn’t even be bothered to port it to current gen. The PlayStation page says “Pro Enhanced” but what does that even mean at this point? At the end of the day, the definitive version of RDR is on Series X. Im extremely grateful that I have a Series X to boot up RDR in full 4K with all of the content. I just wish Rockstar gave us a proper current gen version of the game that so many of us love so much.
Well they clearly say they base their statement on the (lack of any adittional) informaiton directly from Rockstar's press release. Youtube videos do not necessarily reflect ingame preformance/resolution, and even if it did run in 4k 30fps - this is how the game already runs on Xbox Series X consoles in BC, so yeah pretty much nothing new... well several new subtitle and system menu languages, so there's that I guess. Are they worth between 30-40 EUR to somehow explain this price, not so sure.
Edit: BTW It would be hilarious if the Xbox versions do not get the adittional languages as a patch, so PS and Switch still have "the most difinitive version" of them all... OK I change my mind, 50$ seems like a steal now
Although I only ever played the ps3 port, I seem to recall hearing the 360 was considered the better version visually back in the day in terms of textures/draw distance etc. Given the ps4 & Switch gpu's would be an upgrade over those in the 360/ps3,wonder if these ports will be based off that version or the ps3's?🤔
The bigger concern is the port has once again been offloaded to a third party Double Eleven whose credits apparently included Crackdown 3, & most concerning Fallout 76! 😕
The other factor is the state of the old source code & how much time they've had given the GTA "definitive edition remaster" was seemingly pushed out by Take-two despite their knowing it was a mess & tried to spin to the contrary!
I was pumped for it and then found out its gonna be 50 bucks. Just a bit too high. Will probably get it once it gets to 20-30
All of the negative reactions feels like gamer entitlement to me. Would a remaster been more appealing? Certainly. Is the price too high? I believe so… but this is preservation for the game on widely available systems - not everyone has a PS3 - and it’s entirely new to the Nintendo audience. One has every right to feel disappointed, but to get a port alone (barring it’s not busted) is still a better product than the GTA Definitive Trilogy.
Unfortunately I am part of the problem because I will be buying it physically on Switch (if it is all on the cart that is). Buying it for $50USD on PS4 seems a little silly, however. If only full BC was a thing.
Personally I don't get all the hate. It's an excellent game, and I didn't have any way of replaying it until now, so I'm interested. Not sure though if I'll get it at full price, or wait for a sale.
Better off with the Xbox backwards compatibility.
If you don't like the price, don't buy it
I say blame the Xbox. They feel the backward compatibility of Xbox os consoles provides them with a get out of jail parity card so they can just port it. Same with the switch. Bring it forward and just let it sit there till everyone forgets it's just a port. So when we are all waiting for rdr3 to release people will splurge on the clunker port instead of hunting down an Xbox, clouding it, or running it off a ps3. If they are playstation gamers.
They'll let it sit at 50 untouched.
@JRPGSensei ps5 is full bc with ps4. The plan is to continue doing that on ps6.
@ThaBEN ps4 title, it won't. BC features only.
What's maddening is that the bad PR doesn't seem to mean anything to them.
They know people will pay for it anyway. It's somewhat true but rather shameless when it's clear they're putting far less effort in than less popular games and publishers.
I mean 60fps and a resolution bump would of avoided a lot of this negativity and they know that.
I beat this game 3 times 10+ years ago.. I know the story front and back.. I don’t see why others who have beaten it multiple times are complaining.. it was a great game but ffs these remakes are getting annoying.. I’d rather play NEW games with NEW stories but I guess that’s just me.. I’ll sit back and watch people cry for silly reasons 🤷♂️
I was super excited for this. Not for 50 bucks, even as a remaster. But maybe 35 at most. But this? Rockstar now have almost no way to recover their reputation.
@WolfyTn I disagree, the map, a lot of characters and assets are already built in RDR2. You can't blame people for expecting more. Plus if it is a simple port then it shouldn't cost as much as assassins creed mirage.
@NotSoCryptic but not PS3, which is why people are being charged $50 to play this game on PS4 / 5.
I've said it before and I've said it again, if Rockstar really wanted to come out of this looking awesome, they should have just remade the first game in the engine of the second and made it so you could play through both games together, like the new Hitman games do.
Also, make all of the Online content (weapons, outfits etc) available in the story.
Plus... Imagine Undead Nightmare with RDR2's weather effects, mist etc.
@NotSoCryptic Ah yes because it’s Xbox fault that PlayStation did a half assed attempt with Backwards compatibility.
Same with that horrid POS GTA trilogy. Clearly enough dum-dum gamers rolled over for that one that we now get an even lazier effort. Fanboys are literally ruining the industry.
@Mitsui You’re kidding right? It’s well known what a colossal balls-up that release was. It’s even referenced in this very article. That said, if sales figures are all you judge the quality of something by I guess it’s no surprise we disagree. I’m glad I’m not you, though.
Good. Now let's follow through and NOT BUY THE DAMN GAME SO THEY KNOW WE'RE SERIOUS.
They will not give a damn about any of this if it still sells even remotely well.
@Slippship you can actually connect your DualSense to your PS3 as a Bluetooth controller when you go back to play old games - I've done it because going back to the DS3 also felt awful to me. Doesn't work with DualSense on PS4, but does work on PS3 for some reason
Rockstar know people will suck it up for minimal effort
£50 for this port is disgusting, meanwhile RDR2 fans are still waiting for a 60fps patch. Read the room Rockstar ffs.
Definitely not worth that price. It's literally just a simple port with zero enhancements. A person can emulate it on Steam Deck for the portability factor that the Switch has.
@NotSoCryptic How is it Xbox's fault that Playstation didn't do the BC program as great as them? If anything, the blame is on Rockstar for this crap, and PS for not doing a proper smart delivery program that could remedy this disaster.
Sony should put a lot of effort into BC, for example, make it possible to play Bloodborne in 60fps. If Microsoft can increase the resolution and fps of old games, then so can Sony.
I'm convinced they're doing this to make Playstation look bad by comparison to Xbox, which you can already play Red Dead through backward compatibility with higher resolution and framerate (and at a cheaper price too).
Its a shameless greedy cash grab.
It's got big enough reputation that people will buy it not knowing what a lazy cynical effort it is
Yeah this is lazy to say the least when there is no 60fps,no resolution Increase or nothing else to at least make the ps4 jump at all worthwhile ,I wouldn't have bought it again anyway myself as I've played ps3 version and finished it ,but surely if yr going to jump to a gen above then at least there should be some improvements and especially at that price, a fantastic game but I can see this not selling well at all,another big lazy cash grab and to much of it these days
I dont care that they didnt put energy into this port
I dont care that they didnt put energy into the gta triology port.
As long as allllllllllllll that energy is going into GTA VI !!!!
Shoulda been $20… maybe $30… $40 max since it’s just a straight port. I have a Series X where it already runs at 4K on there, so I’ll just snag a physical copy whenever I want to play it for like $20 or less lol.
@Dark_Knight They did unlock the frame rate for a handful of PS4 games on PS5 (Racthet and Clank, God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, etc.) but I agree, Bloodborne seems like such an obvious choice to give a 60fps update.
I feel like they’re just sitting on a remaster to sell to us for $70 lol.
Sony can easily increase the resolution and FPS of Red Dead Redemption like Microsoft did
If Sony tried a little harder, there would be no need to make remasters
@Danloaded A man with taste. 😂👌
But i think even would say no this is just to much.
Removed - flaming/arguing
@Altaria_97 It should have been €30 thats the absolute max and then it would be still outrageous.
@Altaria_97 If they give me Bloodborne like they did Demon Souls I'll pay up no questions asked.
@Dark_Knight then Sony would not sell remasters though.
I'll just boot up my PS3 and play RDR there. There is really no reson to buy that game again if you have it already.
@NeuralDeclan Yeah, same — was the DS3 D-pad always so spongey? Or has the inner material just perished over time?
Total pass, even at $10.
For a proper PS5 update I would have paid $30.
@Mitsui That isn’t rhetoric, just me saying I’m glad I’m not someone who bases the value and quality of something on financial figures. A little rudely in retrospect, sure, so apologies for that. But that is what your reply suggested given my post referred to the buggy, migraine-inducing mess the GTA trilogy remasters undeniably were, not how well they sold despite that. If that’s not what you meant then fair enough. Just a classic case of miscommunication 👍🏻
EA, oops i mean Rockstar was once a good company. Today is all about money.
Oops i mean...MONEY! Right?!
So how about we that buy games, dont buy it these games. We want, we demand, we have rights ti getting good and decent games. After all we pay now much more. Wheres that good games at a decent price? Srry my english but you get the point
@thechetearly Yeah, I would never pay $50 for a port of a 13-year old game. Maybe 30.
TFW gamestop just takes the games from the clearance bin and puts them on the shelf with a $50 sticker.
@Weebleman I loved that show so much.
@NeuralDeclan yes I know. But it can be a pain and I can't be bothered. 😂 Normally use a DS4 with a long usb lead.
"Based on Rockstar's press release, there's no 60 frames-per-second, no resolution boost, no updated assets, nothing."
Great news, day-never purchase!
"We hear our fans' love for Red Dead loud and clear, and the desire for greater support for Red Dead 2. So instead, here's the original 13 year old game with zero updates that we'll sell you for full price! 👍"
Rockstar are just the absolute worst sometimes.
I agree with the article; it's the price that stinks. Do a port of a 13 year old PS3 game but price it as such. It wouldn't surprise me if the CEO of Rockstar was Leviticus Cornwall himself.
I mean, when the xbox version is running at 4k 60fps there is no excuse for this to run just like it did on the ps3.
That being said, i would still play this at 30fps 1080p if it were priced accordingly.
50$ is a lot for a simple port and at the very least there really should be an upgrade on the 7th gen version
@JRPGSensei You could say this is meant to resolve that problem.
Sony lacks the balls to make an emulator for PS3, we'll never see one.
People cannot be on board with this. I get that we have asked for this for countless years but this is literally the definition of the bare minimum. Please don’t support this, it’s beyond lazy and clearly an attempt at getting more money out of consumers. If we support this then it’s just letting developers know that they can do the bare minimum and still turn a profit. This does not make me excited for GTA6 if there is a GTA6 at this point.
@Rafie Let's break this down:
1) Xbox hasn't done a great job of BC. If we are talking pre Xbox One, Xbox 360's BC on the One and Series platforms has been utter trash beyond the few titles they hand picked. More than 50% of that library is still stuck on Xbox 360. Titles like Tales of Vesperia are still locked to the Xbox 360 resulting in the Definitive Edition. That isn't even getting into the original Xbox which is also garbage BC across 3 generations of Xbox.
2) Xbox also didn't support BC 2 generations ago. They were bullish on it not being needed. Sony had supplied 3 generations with 100% BC prior to the Xbox 360 on PS3. So between consumers and that lack of commitment Sony abandoned Ken Kutaragi's Vision for the future of PlayStation. This also resulted in the Adoption of the X86_64 architecture instead of the furthering what we saw on PS2 and PS3.
3) You miss understand how its Microsofts fault. They had BC. They are only offering parity. The Xbox is not getting this port. So if you're mad this isn't a remaster, its the xbox's fault.
@IAmAshCohen17 Not what I meant at all. It's because Xbox has BC that you're not getting a remaster.
However if you trace the history of Backward Compatibility, you'd find Sony use to provide 99% Backward Compatibility for 2 hardware generations on PS3. Because of Xbox 360 and Microsofts half assed approach to BC was the reason you not only saw that feature removed on later revisions of PS3, but saw a complete absence of it on PS4.
I also find it ironic you call sony's implementation half assed and not microsofts. Microsoft doesn't even offer 50% of the Xbox 360 library on Xbox One or Series. The original Xbox its practically non-existent across all three of those platforms and does not work right half the time. Panzer Dragoon Orta still bugs out in later stages.
BC for PS1-3 is dead as a result of consumer decisions.
No enhancements,no graphical update,no 60fps and they want 50 dollars for it.
Not a chance but u know it'll sell well.
Con artists
Plus I bought it on PS3 already so anyone that has should get it at a massive discount
It's a money grab for sure but to the people who are upset that it isn't some full remake or significant remaster it's kind of their own fault for hyping based on nothing but rumours
Well, Rockstar has left Rockstar. They call themselves something else now. I forget. Vicious media or some sh1t. I'll be keeping an eye on them. But this new "Rockstar" is just a reformed shell. The new EA.
Rockstar is definetely not the same company since GTA Online boomed. I hate current situation so much!
Yea, it got thrashed because it's BS how they're handling it.
Bit of a stretch to blame Xbox BC for RDR not getting a remaster.
You're not convincing anyone. Gotta keep grinding that axe though!
Wait, so this port isn’t the same version as the One X? It’s just exactly the same as the PS3 version? Oh wow! That just further justifies everyone’s anger at the £50 price point.
That reveal trailer is very misleading because you can clearly see it’s in 4K with updated assets, basically showing the game running on One X or Series X but advertising it for PS4 and Switch. WTH is going on over at Rockstar? 🤯
They make more than enough money to put some level of effort in. Im glad its coming to Switch though.
I don't get the hate, if you don't want to pay £40 to play it, then don't. it's not like anyone is being forced to hand over their money.
@Human_Tornado There's nothing "entitled" about expecting R* to do a little bit more than the absolute bare minimum for $50. They're not doing this for game preservation. They're doing it to milk PlayStation fans dry. The Xbox version, which is technically free (if you already owned it on Xbox 360), will outperform the PlayStation version because of the One X/Series X enhancements. Anyone who owns a Series X|S can buy a better version of this game right now for far less.
But yeah, PlayStation fans are "entitled" if they expected anything more.
@MonkasaurusRex It's gamers fault that R* have under delivered??? That's a fairly impressive take on things.
@popey1980 Of course no-one has to hand over their money. That's not the point. People expected a little more love and care shown towards a re-release of a game they love.
Rockstar had GTA V go across 3 generations of consoles.
People will buy this, too, because they're sheep, and trophy hunters.
A "remaster" that somehow is worse than the 360 backward compatibility version, all that money from shark cards and they can't even make a "remaster" 60fps, take two and rockstar have really gone into EA/Activision realms of scummy.
@Dark_Knight we've seen sony would rather have people pay for last of us three times full price than dabble in bc
Did anyone at Rockstar say anything that would make people believe this was anything more substantial than what they offered? Quite simply they did not. any amount of fantasy that people concocted and disappointment when it didn't come true isn't on Rockstar it's on people who let their imaginations run wild. I have a personal belief that unless information is coming from people actually involved and in an official capacity it's best to take all the rumours with a grain of salt. Rockstar promised nothing so it's not disappointing it's just a thing that happened. I don't get it, but I also have a series X and can play RDR1 whenever I want without paying for it again so maybe I'm inherently less bothered by the situation.
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