Veteran developer of the series and director of Tekken 8, Katsuhiro Harada, has spoken up about the toll trolling and harassment takes, causing real damage to team morale and even incurring additional financial costs on the larger FGC (fighting game community) in extreme cases.
Harada shared an image where one individual threatened to "hit [him] with a burning hammer" if the Capoeira instructor, mercenary, and owner of the Eddy Gordo Orphanage, Eddy Gordo, wasn't in the upcoming Tekken 8, expected in 2024 on PS5.
This kind of harassment is sadly not new, and something developers deal with constantly. Harada makes some excellent points, explaining that when threats like this get made, event operators may increase security, in turn raising the cost for fans wanting to attend gaming events. Further, citing that company management doesn't like being intimidated, Harada says the chances of a specific character being included in the game actually go down.
What do you think of Harada's perspective and the knock-on effect this kind of harassment can have? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com, via ign.com]
Comments 8
Honestly I'd give up on Eddie. His fate in T7 is worse than death.
Harada should make a "Burning Hammer DLC" skin for Eddie and charge it more than one of upcoming season passes.
it is their choice to get more security or scrap planned content on the basis of manchildren misbehaving online. However, their reasoning seems absurd after a small linguistic analysis.
1: Swearing to '*****' seems to be a ironic way of swearing to a deity. '*****' as a word can function as any word class the user wants and mostly used in anger or for comedic effect. In this case, it is clearly the latter.
2: The reference is presumably some kind of move, the manchild wishes to use in game. Thus, the threat functions as a referential to what is the main idea transmitted in that slab of a tweet.
3: Still, it is beyond fair that the team and the world as a whole pushes back on toxic communication. To take all the fans hostage and increase costs due to a bad interpretation of a tweet from some dark corner of the internet (or maybe it is quite visible, I don't have X) seems, to me, out of proportion.
The death of social media cannot come quickly enough. And believe me, the visitor numbers absolutely imply a crash is on the horizon.
Some sad people makes a media product the reason of their lives. Imagine threating someone because X character won't be in Y game... Grow up, get a girlfriend, have sex.
I'm not downplaying what this guy said, but I just thought people would like to know that the "Burning Hammer" is a Wrestling move where you hoist the opponent on your shoulders, and attempt to drop them on their head.
Humanity is so broken. We have really gotten to the point that violence is so casual that people say it like it is a greeting or something. Yet half these idiots would cry if they got a hang nail. And like Harada says it helps no one but has a cost. Just in case one of those nutty buddies are serious.
@LifeGirl Yes it needs to come asap. I remeber when the internet first came out people were using it for very useful things to find knowledge of things that they dident know or find facts on things they were interested in. Also for dating of course porn has always been a biggie since the Pam and Tommy video way way way back in the day. But none of that was toxic to no one else what you did in your home was your business. Now since social media their is a certain majority who just live on that thing and torment and aggravate and hate anybody for any reason.
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