Final Fantasy VII Remake and its standalone expansion/upgrade, Integrade, have together crossed an impressive sales milestone, with Square Enix announcing that more than seven million copies have been sold worldwide.
This figure compiles physical and digital editions of the game across both PlayStation and PC. Square Enix is notoriously tough to read regarding sales expectations, as we were recently reminded with Final Fantasy XVI, which was described as doing "fine" at 3 million copies sold. The Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters notched up another 3 million units, admittedly across a much larger swathe of platforms.
Analyst Daniel Ahmed notes that the original PS1 version managed 9.8 million before being re-released on other platforms but that the changing nature of game distribution makes this all difficult to parse. Recall that Final Fantasy VII Remake was available as a PlayStation Plus Premium title back in March 2021, which makes things slightly murkier and brings up repressed memories of that painful upgrade debacle.
Does 7 million copies sold seem appropriate for Final Fantasy VII Remake and Intergrade? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 29
I bought FFVII on launch day in 1997 for PS1 (as well as BradyGames paperback guide).
Made it very close to the final boss fight, then just abandoned for reasons I honestly can’t remember.
Wonder if is worth playing any of the ‘updates’ / continuations on latest gen hardware.
No longer having a paperback guide will take away some of the nostalgia for me.
I wonder how many 16 has sold by now, it sold 3 million in its first week, I know 15 has sold over 10 million as well. I would like to see how these latest installments have done against the games of old like the 8,9,10 & 12, especially since people say the franchise is dying but numbers like this suggest otherwise.
@UltimateOtaku91 I take it the latest entries are extremely front loaded. Without a significant price cut FF16 likely won't sell much, unfortunately, no matter how good it is. All the bad press from the vultures who jumped the gun didn't help either.
Took me 2 years to clear the original, I was swayed by a resi evil and tomb raider LoL. Then got my ass kicked multiple times by meteor. I'm loving the remake can't wait for more.
@naruball Yeah it's a shame as well since its actually a solid game, even the critics rated quite high and sitting at 86 on metacritic which is 3 higher than another certain game that released the other day that people are raving about. But I reckon it's at 4/5 million sales now and will slowly grow as the gen goes on and launches on PC soon.
@naruball are the vultures the fans who have been alienated since ffxv?
@Arisen nope. The sites that reported that Square Enix was disappointed with sales of FF16, even though they never said that. Even after SE clarified that they never said that, sites kept running with that story because it attracted traffic, hence the term "vultures". Fans have every right not to like the game and its direction and to express their disappointment.
Negative comments from gamers are absolutely fair. Negative press from sites when it's based on misinformation, is not. It's what happened with the psvita, what happened with PSVR2 and what will happen with many other products. Calling something a flop dissuades others from buying it and makes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Ghosts of Tsushima was a brand new ip and outsold this game by 3 million in a much shorter time frame…7 million is kinda low for a remake of such a hyped iconic game imo, people who never even played FF7 know Cloud Tifa etc.
When is the last time Square Enix were actually happy with the sales of a game?
Their expectations appear to be unrealistic.
@Shad361 It's unfair to simply make that claim. FF7 remake was available as a PS Plus game in less than a year (March 2021), and the fact that the Intermission DLC is exclusive to PS5 likely impacted its sales. Additionally, this is only the first chapter of FF7. I believe some people are waiting for the complete trilogy or Rebirth.
@sd7232 Wait really? Well first, it's worth it on its own merit to go back and complete something you didn't all those years ago. But more importantly, I played it all those years ago as a 13-14 year old myself but a lot of psychosis story stuff just went over my head. I recently replayed it with my wife a year and a half ago or so and it's fantastic. (Bonus note: If you have a PC, mod it with 7th Heaven modding tool and it's like an 4k True Remake)
@BrockSmith At the very least I’d like to take on the final boss, “Sepiroth” (think that is correct from what I originally remember - did not look up).
My PS1 and memory card are long gone. Maybe there is some way I can fast forward in the original untouched game. Will look into it.
Tried the remake twice but quite after going through the dam? Level. Just not my cup of tea.
It only says digitally, so how many in total?
@Nowings it was put on PlayStation plus because the game did not have that much legs…they announced it sold 5 million and then nothing for years afters.
@InsaneWade FF7 transcends the JRPG label, it was one of the best selling PS1 franchises of all time. And Persona exploded in popularity and sales this generation, I’m not even convinced Final Fantasy is a bigger franchise anymore especially with younger gamers.
Games like DMC5 and Nier Automata have reached 7 million.
Well-deserved success! It's my favorite Final Fantasy game, followed by Final Fantasy XVI.
@sd7232 i just used action replay back then to give max stats gold and etc i remember one shotting everything with ultima weapon. Ive seen ppl use exploits with the 7777 glitch and it didnt seem fun to set that up.
@naruball i thought it did get a price cut, ff16 is selling for $50 on amazon. Sucks that i bought it for full price..
@naruball SE disappointed with sales but they only sold it to ps5 fanboys.. maybe make it available to xbox and steam as well if you want to make sales. We all know sony gave them some exclusivity money. Also maybe make the game less devil may cry and more FF and you will sell more to FF fans..
@Netret0120 probably their cash cow which is ff14.. which is why they dont need to release more mmo. Ff11 was probably the beta for 14 lol
@Kidfried as an original ff7 fan i didnt like the remake cause they added in ghosts.. like wth were they thinking. Almost changed it to different game entirely.
@SonOfPSXDave lmao i quit from the beginning to the dam multiple times too. I like ff7 but the remake is not fun for me. Original is so much better
@Shad361 FF series stopped being good after FFX.
FFX-2 pretty bland
FF12 kinda boring
FF13, 13-2, lightning returns all not good
FF15? Mediocre
FF watever dark souls (strangers of paradise) dunno wat that was supposed to be
FF16. Its decent
New generation? They supposed to appeal to us older generation aka the dads..
Stranger Of Paradise is super hammy, b movie fun!
@BansheeNorn not on psn.
Also, no official word that they were disappointed. Being available on xb doesn't mean it would have sold much better. Plenty of games come out on xb as well yet sell 80% on ps5/4.
@naruball Fair I misunderstood.
@Netret0120 FF16. That was the last time they were happy with sales figures.
7 mil is good. The other 30+ million who bought a ps5 must only stick to cod or Fortnite because ff7 remake deserves more sales than that
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