Crystal Dynamics, the developer behind the rebooted Tomb Raider franchise, has been hit with a round of layoffs. This follows the ongoing crumbling of Embracer Group, which announced a large-scale restructuring of its assets in June, resulting in layoffs, closures and cancellations.
Back then, Crystal Dynamics stated that it would be insulated against such action, so this news does come as a surprise. Word began to trickle out as employees announced they had been laid off, and it appears that nine brand/marketing staff and one IT employee have been let go. Crystal Dynamics confirmed these reports on Twitter in a statement.
The next Tomb Raider title will reportedly be the most expansive and most expensive yet made (bankrolled by Amazon Games), which is likely small consolation to those now left in the lurch. If Crystal Dynamics is no longer sacred, we can't imagine any other developers under the Embracer umbrella would feel especially secure right now.