Dead Space 3 is the black sheep of the storied survival horror franchise, mainly because it instead focused on being a cooperative third-person shooter. It was scary for mostly unintended reasons, but in a revealing interview, and with the context of the successful Dead Space remake released earlier this year, writer and co-producer Chuck Beaver mused he would "redo Dead Space 3 almost completely" if given a second chance.
Beaver appeared on the CaptainBribo podcast (thanks, PCGamesN) and explained that while he likes the broad strokes of the setting and circumstance, he'd want to redo the whole story to focus on a "broken Isaac". Co-op would remain, but the action would be stripped back, with each player experiencing their own version of the spooks, which sounds quite cool.
"Now, in this [Dead Space] remake territory, I would redo Dead Space 3 almost completely, but I would keep the lore beat it’s predicated on, keep the lore you find out, and I would have Ellie there but in a different relationship [with Isaac] and redo the entire main story."
CaptainBribo and Beaver acknowledge this wish is a speculative one, as it does seem like the remade Dead Space is headed in a different direction. Beaver describes where, ultimately, Dead Space 3 went wrong and said, "The plan [with Dead Space 3] was that we’d expand into other gameplay genres. All those bits together not only didn’t generate a new audience, they lost the old audience. We weren’t allowed to make a horror game from the beginning.”
Are you a Dead Space 3 apologist? Would you like to see Beaver's revamped vision, or are some things better left undisturbed? Indulge in speculative fiction in the comments section below.
[source youtube.com, via pcgamesn.com, eurogamer.net]
Comments 24
We all knew that EA didn't want Visceral to make a horror game because they wanted more money so badly. If the developers of the DS1 remake remake 3 I'm really hoping that it's an entirely different direction. Everything from the weapon crafting, love triangle, and human enemies were such awful ideas.
Just let it go. Make a new game in the spirit of dead space instead of just rehashing the old games. Dead space was an amazing game. Dead space 2 was average and i thought it had lost what made the 1st game so great. I never went near the thurd game because i'd had enough to be honest. Take whatever ideas you had initialy before being told you can't make it and make it for somebody who will appreciate your vision.
Dead Space 2 is one of my favourite games of all time, well up for a remake on that. Sure, DS3 needs a lot of work.
@kyleforrester87 Dead Space 2 was fantastic, so many great moments. And I agree with most people, Dead Space 3 was not great.
I think if the DS2 remake will be a success which most likely will be then they will properly remake DS3
I'd love to try Dead Space 2 again. I remember loving the majority of the game but I thought that it became too action orientated towards the latter stages.
Those Crawlers freaked me out though.
One thing DS3 did well was having the second player see different visions to Isaac. Same that he wasn't really integral to the story and those egregious MTXs
I would really hope to see Dead Space 3 remade to the level of which the producer would have like to have seen, because although I still liked the game, it was too far away from the horror levels generated by 1 & 2! I thought there could have been a feel of John Carpenters ‘The Thing’ about the game, with the ice planet and dormant alien DNA, so I would like to see some ideas implemented in like that. That would be able to generate a good level of Horror for sure! I would also love to see a remake of 3 being a huge success and then a 4th game being commissioned to conclude the story.
Agree on DS2 being too action oriented already. DS3 put me off so much I never finished it. It’s too bad The Callisto Protocol got so much flak. I’m currently playing it thanks to PS Plus and loving everything about it. I’d rather play TCP2 than a remake of Dead Space 3 but thanks to the hate the game got it won’t happen most likely.
Dead Space 3 was not good and was so far removed from what made the first two great unfortunately. A full reworking from the ground up would absolutely be required - but at that point they may as well make a completely new title
The thing I least liked about DS3 was being locked out of areas if you played the game solo. When I bought the game, I bought the entire game, so even if playing solo, I should not have been prevented from playing parts of the game that I had actually paid for.
Whilst most definitely the weakest of the trilogy, DS3 was still a fun game for the most part. It was enjoyable both solo and in co-op. It just wasn't what most of us wanted. If it does get remade, then I hope it takes a different direction from the original.
Next though, I would love to see DS2 remade. That was an excellent game that built well on the first. I know the setting was not to the liking of all, but just trudging around a ship once again would have not moved the story along sufficiently and would quickly have become stale. I imagine that the second game is already being remade right now. Hopefully we will get official confirmation pretty soon as I, for one, cannot wait...
@gollumb82 Callisto Protocol is 100x worse than DS3, and DS3 deserves to be in a landfill with ET. I'm hoping they remake DS2, but if they want to continue Isaac's story they need to scrap everything regarding DS3 and do a full reboot for that portion of the story.
And, here's hoping we never get something as godawful as Callisto Protocol again.
I found the first half of DS3 pretty good, it was in the second half after landing on the ice planet everything went to... necromorph poop.
Could literally feel the pressure of the publisher to insert stuff that had no place there like cover-based shooting, QTE's and whatever else was popular in the shooters of the PS3 era. The final boss was just over-the-top silly and the ending was terrible.
That game needs a remake far more than 1 and 2.
I couldn’t disagree more but you are entitled to your own opinion.
First I need a remake of part 2, that game was fantastic and I enjoyed it just as much as the first if not more! After that I want them to do their own vision of 3 with the help of the old Visceral developers. EA's push for microtransactions and multiplayer ruined that game beyond fixing
Knowing exactly what the game is, I liked it. The hardcore run after finishing it in zealot wasn't so difficult but it was a truly pleasant experience.
Dead Space is a cult classic and Dead Space 2 is outstanding; DS3 is far from the same level but it doesn't deserve all the hate as well.
@Nepp67 so they did want them to make a horror game? Double negative in first senetence.
It's hard to decide what I want here. I'd love to see dead space 2 get the love ds1 just got. DS3 is honestly my favorite of the 3. I know dead space fans consider that blasphemy and down right heresy. I like the core premise of dead space, but its never been "scary". I felt like DS2 really built on its foundations managing to establish what the first tried to achieve. Three it gave the franchise that ALIENS twist it needed to keep it healthy. It's the colonial marines game we never got. It helped take things further and gave a different reason than being at the wrong place at the wrong time for Issac to be there.
That being said dead space 3 is imperfect in many ways. I love the experimentation of its very different setting and gameplay elements, but its clear snow doesn't work all to well for the scaries. Not enough creativity went onto weapons and I think hiring someone from insomniac could have helped with this. Love dead space gear, but they could have gone further with the "I'm an engineer" aspect of the game unshackled from some of the rules of the first two. The mad Men behind the auger, v7 splicer, and discoball weapon could have come up with something and added that build your own weapon spice for combining these elements.
The coop was a fantastic idea, but not well executed. Not sure creating an entire second game would work, but the madness segments should have gone on longer and had more gameplay mechanics baked into them. I'd have had both players questioning reality until the very end. DS3 just made it weak story element that didn't impact gameplay in enough of a meaningful way so it was memorable. No coordination. Sadly part of the issue is a post party chat world and general real world getting in the way, but I think some good ideas could have been worked out.
I'd like this improved upon, but then a proper vision from the creators could have taken it to whole new heights. So I'm not opposed to a reimagining of the game instead of a proper remake with some alterations.
I do think people are two hard on dead space 3. Probably everything the spinoff game should have been.
I loved Dead Space 3 from a gameplay perspective; the weapon building fit with the character beautifully, and was what I wanted since the beginning. But yeah, not scary at all. I support this remake!
I didn't mind 3. Played through it again about a year ago to get the rest of the achievements and its Good bit of Co op fun.
Fingers crossed for a dead space 2 remake then 3 but recon it abit.
And let it lead into 4 👀
@NotSoCryptic Ah didn't notice that, thank you!
@NotSoCryptic Dead Space 3 is practically disappointing in every aspect of its gameplay, story, and characters. I didn't come to dead space to fight human enemies, to have rocket launchers and chain guns, and not need to think about survival at all. Especially when they introduced the most OPPOSITE DIRECTION item for a survival horror series, universal ammo. Genuinely I was hyped for Tau Volantis, it had a lot of potential to be this living snow world where you need to think about the temperature on your suit, dynamic snow storms coming in to play, and possibly even it being semi open world(Because of side missions), but no it's nothing like that. Suits are just cosmetic and the snow map is just... there.
@Nepp67 which is another reason I'm torn on the matter. I'm clearly not the target audience for dead space. You are. You're the fan base, I honestly rather have the original fanbase respected, instead of being pandered too. I don't agree with all of your points, but I get where you're coming from. I think a game more tailored to your needs than mine, would be healthier for the industry as a whole with regards to this game. Like any other franchise that forks horribly into new genres, it unfortunately created fans of ds3 like myself. I think you get priority here. I'd like to see variety return to gaming, certain evolve this franchise in another way.
Dead space remake on pc has Stuttering issues and has since Day 1, they patched it Feb and the forums to that game even for some console players is the same and they've never acknowledged it.
In fact EA Motive have been silent since it's first/last patch in Feb 2023 it's a shame because when you do get a good run it looks amazing
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