Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1 is out now on PS5 and PS4, and it hasn't taken dedicated fans very long at all to unearth evidence of yet more Metal Gear ports. According to Timo635 on Reddit, there are clear references to Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, and Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain in the PC launcher for the collection's version of Metal Gear Solid 2.
"There's a function for finding the right path to read assets for. They have listings for all the Volume 1 games, but also 4, 5, and Peace Walker, hinting that those may actually be part of the rumoured Vol 2," writes Timo635.
Of course, the 'Vol. 1' part of the name has always suggested that Konami has plans to re-release more Metal Gear titles, but it's still nice to have what is seemingly some degree of confirmation.
For Metal Gear Solid 4 in particular, this could be the dawn of a new age, having long been locked to the PS3. Peace Walker, meanwhile, was unshackled from the PSP when it was remastered on PS3. Both games may finally taste sweet multiplatform freedom in the relatively near future — although it'll be interesting to see just how a port of 4 holds up, given its many PS3-specific functions.
As for Metal Gear Solid 5... well, the game already runs like a dream (on both PS4 and PS5, via backwards compatibility), so we imagine that'll be more of a re-release in Master Collection wrapping than anything.
It's also worth mentioning that these three games were rumoured to be part of Vol. 2 months ago — so it's safe to say that the evidence is really starting to add up now.
Would you take fresh ports of Metal Gear Sold 4, 5, and Peace Walker? Try not to age too quickly in the comments section below.
[source reddit.com]
Comments 30
No Rising? Smh that would sell like cakes which are hot!
@colonelkilgore They know it's popular Rising will probably get a separate remaster so they can make more money 😅
I'm wondering how MGSV would differ at all here, other than Switch it's already readily available everywhere. They could adjust some of the grinding for late game equipment? Would they keep the licenced tracks?
I want a Volume 3 that includes all of the side games. First one had Snake's Revenge, so no reason to go all out. Give us Ghost Babel, give us the Acid duology, Portable Ops, Rising, and yes, give us Survive. The purpose of this collection is preservation, having a version of Survive that doesn't require a constant internet connection would be dope.
Edit: Actually that leak mentions Acid (MGA) for Volume 2, so dope.
@colonelkilgore maybe vol 3 would be spin offs. Ac!d, rising, and shudder survive
‘’Kept you waiting’.
Only have MGS4 left to play. So I’ll be all over this.
The best thing to do with MGSV would be to tweak the helicopter rides which were obviously a hidden loading screen. It was fine on PS4 (its actually quite a well optimised game) but it should be skippable on PS5. I doubt they'll bother though
MGS4 would require a lot of effort. Considering the bare bones on this collection it doesn't look good.
It would be nice to see MGS4 finally release on something other then the PS3. Hopefully it isn't a terrible port.
5 seems kind of redundant since like the article stated the PS4 version already runs pretty flawlessly and is easily available. I would rather see Portable Ops and the Acid games instead.
Obviously it would be great to see Peace Walker and especially 4 show up. If they really want to go the extra mile it would incredible if they made MGS4's online playable again! I'd be happy just to see MGS4 freed from PS3 prison though.
Sounds good to me. I’ve always wanted to play MGS4: Guns of the Patriots, so it’ll be a treat to play it on PS5. Such a shame there will be no new MGS games from Kojima though.
I mean it would be pretty suspicious regardless to make a remastered collection and then give it a subtitle of "Volume 1."
Fingers crossed for vol 2 content. Installing vol 1 from disc as I type. A bit weird how it works installing as it's not the usual norm but I'll get used to it. No more getting the PS1, PS2 or PS3 out to play any of the MGS classics anymore which is nice. You'd have to imagine this vol 1 and future vol 2 collection will be playable on PS6 too through backwards compatibilty, future proofing these classics even more. Also MGS1 now with trophies is a W in my book
Wish the original classic 90s Resident Evil trilogy did something similar
They could use the opportunity to finish 5, but it's Konami. I assume they'll remain effort averse.
@JeongersGaming Portable Ops is NOT a side game. It contains a lot of post Snake Eater story that is relevant to MGS5.
For completion, it would be good to see Portable Ops and the Acid games included so I'd expect to see them in the next collection.
Looking forward to seeing if they can get MGS 5 running on a Switch lol
Given with volume 1 they considered the NES and MSX2 games bonus additions, it would be cool if Portable Ops and the Acid games were bonus additions for volume 2 (Rising I'd guess would be a separate remaster).
@Danloaded Rather they had that one as Rising, Acid 1&2
@colonelkilgore I would go for that!
I posted this on PX but it's relevant here too. I'd love to see at least 2 more collections, maybe with the following breakdown of games:
Vol 2 - MGS (game boy), Twin Snakes, Mobile, Portable Ops, MGS4, Ac!d and Ac!d 2
Vol 3 - Rising Revengance, Peace Walker, Ground Zeroes, Phantom Pain and Survive
If they could find a way to emulate Touch! properly then that would be a good get. Social Ops and the various versions of Online are probably a lost cause.
I really want a port of Mobile though, the interquel between mgs 1&2 because it was an N-Gage 2 game so it's quite hard to find/emulate
@LifeGirl I know it's important, I just meant as in it wasn't Kojima directed. Portable Ops is unfairly considered non canon despite being alluded to in Peace Walker, but that's not what I was suggesting. It deserves a second chance.
@ralphdibny MGS Mobile is a great shout. Always wanted to play that one.
I also really need MGS Ghost Babel which was on the GBC back in the day. Mainly cos I know I have the cart somewhere and it's been driving me nuts that I can't find it! 😁
I just don't see MGS4 making the cut. Think about it the game relied heavily on the CBE which has serious compatibility issues with AMD APU's so the game would have to be completely re-engineered for use with a different architecture. Given the quite frankly lazy effort on vol1 ports being just that, ports I don't see Konami putting in the work. It'll likely just be, MGS5, MGS: Peace Walker, MGS: Ground Zeroes, MGS: Rising and of course that generic zombie survival masquerade that'll sell microtransactions.
I guess we'll see. Either way I personally still have the Legacy Collection on PS3.
@GADG3Tx87 I agree, which is why I’m not buying volume 1, until they confirm mgs4 in volume 2.
I just don’t see it happening in a playable form (cutscene viewer maybe?) but am hoping to be pleasantly surprised
Hopefully the rumour is true that they had the game in a playable, yet unreleased state for Xbox 360
What is a “ps3 specific function” that wouldn’t be on ps5?
please do not include mgs v in volume 2. there is no reason to do so other than for konami to inflate the cost of the collection. i thought collections were intended to bring a bunch of games together onto a new platform that previously were not available? all mgs v needs is a ps5 patch and it is done.
no, bring back some other mgs games that have been lost to time... such as mgs ghost babel and the two mgs acid games. that would be far more fitting. and if they do in fact port mgs 4 onto modern platforms, i have very little faith it will run well haha... i think it will be a complete mess and people will wish they had held onto their ps3's
The one they can't leave out is Portable Ops. It's much better than we remember!!
Already played MGS 4 and Peace Walker on PS3 and PSP but would love to buy them again for PS5 with updated graphics and, possibly, better controls. Those two upgrades with all other content intact, those ports would be sure day-one buys from me.
Curious to try mgs 4, also remake of mgs3.
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