An additional Halloween Fatality is available for purchase within Mortal Kombat 1’s in-game store right now, and the release’s community is incensed by the addition. The finisher costs 1,200 Dragon Crystals, but you’ll need to cough up $10 for 1,250 Dragon Crystals in order to obtain it. When you consider the entire release can be purchased for $70, with dozens of Fatalities inside it, that doesn’t exactly seem like great value for money.
Unsurprisingly, the release’s community is already taking a stand, encouraging each other to boycott the Fatality so it doesn’t become a trend. Many have argued that the title is transforming into a freemium release, despite it commanding a full-price at launch.
Personally, we’re not surprised to see the addition of paid Fatalities, although we do agree the price seems obscenely steep. Obviously, these aren’t easy animations to create, but with a single finisher costing a sizeable proportion of the game’s launch price, we’re aligned with the community in thinking this doesn’t represent good value for money.
[source ign.com]
Comments 40
This is like the horse armor DLC all over again
Yeah the subreddit is uh pretty p*ssed to say the least and i don't blame them. Even at say 400 Krystals it would be pushing things as Fatalities should be free but they're just taking the mick with the current price.
The whole game is pretty disgusting from a MTX pov though. There's far less content then past games and the push to MTX is bigger then ever. Shame really as gameplay wise its easily the best MK, it also has a strong roster and a fantastic story mode so its sad greed has ruined what could have been the highlight of the series.
@Deadlyblack Its worse as Horse Armour is far cheaper.
For me was the addition of kameos and air combo spam from the beta. This definitely doesn't help to get it anytime soon..
Pretty sure if Polyphony can regularly add cars to GT7 for free then surely NRS can add one seasonal fatality. Disgraceful.
What the hell did these people expect? NetherRealm and WB have been all-in on the microtransactions crap since MKX, and it's only gotten much worse over time. At this point, I have zero sympathy for these players because they keep buying these games to begin with.
I started the boycott after MKX was a micro transaction filled game. Took people this long to catch up. 😂
Things have been going this route since MKX and 11 😮💨 just like I did with those games I will happily buy the Komplete versión of MK1, can't wait in 2 years to play it!
When you're old enough to remember the pre-internet gaming days when you'd play through a fighting or driving game & shock,horror unlock extra fighters,cars etc.!! Good times!
Aahh the old micro transactions articles that refuse to die. I've always been down for expansions i.e. something that actually gives you value for your money and actually extends your games longevity and i really can't wait for elden rings dlc. These kind of things are abhorrent to me but as in the AC games (any ubisoft game really) i just ignore them as i have zero need for them. I bought the first warzone battle pass then used the ingame currency to buy further passes but i never bought any skins etc. I would have been all over diablo 4's battle pass if i could do the same but they dropped a bollock on that one. A game costs you between £50-£70 upwards depending on where you shop or have shackled yourself to the digital store and then are expected to supplement these greedy publishers with over priced trinkets and locked out content that should already be there (it is but its locked out until mr bank card opens the vault door) and yet people still buy them. If people did not buy into these they would cease to be a thing but quite evidentley there is a huge market for them as almost every game has some form of these financial tumors attaching themselves. I guess i'm lucky enough that i can resist the temptation to buy into these digital sugar rushes but there are those who can't and i feel sorry for those who these devs are banking on literally to keep spending..
This is getting ridiculous, $10 for what is effectively a 30 second cutscene is just insane. These fighting games are already monetised to hell and they still want more. Street Fighter 6 was just as bad with its Ninja Turtle skins that cost over £40 and aren't even playable characters but just a costume.
This could have been a fun little addition for Halloween that helped keep interest and even drive sales for the game, instead they've turned it into an awful short term and short sighted cash grab
@RBMango MK11 actually had an ok middle ground, most of the store skins could earned in game and they constantly gave you MTX currency for free so if you saved up you could afford the more premium stuff without spending real money. Finally new stages and Fatalites were free in MK11 so it was fair to expect the MK11 formula would carry over to MK1.
I loved Injustice 2 and MK11 and I easily played them for months and then on and off for years.
So, I blindly bought the 120$ edition of MK1 based off of my previous enjoyment.
I haven’t regretted buying a video game this badly in years. When compared to even the day one versions of IJ2 and MK11, MK1 has far less content.
I quit playing MK1 after a couple weeks and I’ve never done that with an NRS title.
Lesson learned. I’ll NEVER buy another NRS title day one again. I’ll either rent it or wait for a big sale.
@DennisReynolds @OmegaStriver guess we should have known with all of WB's restructuring and financial woes. Seems like any decision they've made lately has been impacted by that. Because outside of this weak entry, NetherRealm had been having some solid releases.
Oh these people really are taking the piss now!!!!
Not really the same but we have mk1 and cities skylines 2. Two pretty bad launches and for very different reasons. While one is charging stupid money for 30 seconds of graphics and goading it's fans with disrespectful tweets, the other has openly stated that its not in the state they wanted and now have announced 8 free packs with a load of free content and committed to get things right. So WB it's not that you can't do the right thing and give back to a loyal audience. It's more you WONT. Both games launched incomplete but it seems that one studio gives more of a toss about the players than the other. As a player of MK from the very first game its sad to see the state the series is in right now in terms of its leadership as it seems they have just checked out mentally and just chasing a paycheck at this stage rather than putting out a quality product they are actually proud of. Rambling rant over.
It's not exactly the most difficult thing to ignore/boycott really. Just fire up youtube for a minute and boom, no need to even think about it ever again.
It's a silly extra and an even more silly price but if people think boycotting this is going to dissuade WB/NR from doing something similar in the future...your probably going to be sorely mistaken. They wouldn't do it if it didn't make money.
Boycott the whole game
Damn that's just ridiculous story expansions are the only dlc worth it actually getting content for money not some ***** like dis
@Korgon Maybe so but it saves you a ton of money. I bought MK11 the Ultimate Edition for €20 stil had a blast.
Everyone is complaining here but we are all guilty for this. They lied from the start about MT the amounts are getting bigger and more expensive.
How many seasons do so fighters have already it's a fact that you buy the game atleast two times. The €10 increase in price is low compared to the amount you spend on the extra monetization you spend ingame nowadays.
Also if you hear about the secondhand market that kills of a lot the profit. It's so weird that renting out games is a thing do they pay for the renting out is my first question? The €10 online pass that EA thought of looks a lot cheaper then the amount we spend on MT now.
@OmegaStriver couldn’t be agreed more! Such a disappointment of a game
This is why Mortal Kombat (9) was the last good Mortal Kombat for me.
Blame WB Games. Don't forget how they put Hogwarts Legacy ads in MK11. NRS would do well to get away from them, but they're in their pocket big time.
fake currency always only had the purpose of masking overly high prices. Luckily I can't recall buying a game with those systems in it. I make a point not to.
I was more referring to ignoring just this DLC, not necessarily the full game but glad you enjoyed MK11.
How long before for example - Nintendo charging us for enabling Mario to jump higher, Microsoft charging us for shields for Master Chief and Sony charging us for infinite lives for Ratchet?
After playing Invasions mode and grinding the Kameo mastery trophy, I got over 3500 Dragon Crystals. That was more than enough to buy the Halloween fatality for my hard work! I also bought the JCVD skin with earned dragon crystals too. Invasions mode will reset and if you complete it you'll have enough crystals to buy what you want for free. It's the way things work these days. Buy it for 12 bucks and you're a sucker.
A youtuber said that this is not NRS fault or Ed Boon. WB is likely pulling the strings here.
@PSPortalRules No kidding
@Korgon I can understand that people want it but the excessive amount of monetization makes me wait a lot more now it saves me tons of money.
I expect Tekken 8 is planning all sorts of rubbish like this as well.
I've owned every Tekken game and Tekken 8 will be the first I'm not bothered about.
Yes they'll ask u not to buy it but u know the sheep will buy it.if it was a different Halloween fatality for every character then it would be ok but it's only one for all characters and it's not that good to be honest
Heaven forbid actually GIVING the skins away for free as a gift and a thank you to the community for paying full price and supporting the game from launch. What a nice idea that would have been. Instead they choose greed and are rightfully being dragged through the mud for it. A full price have should be just that - a FULL price, complete game. I have no issue with paid DLC that expands the original title and gives the player something new, but cosmetics - 🖕
@Hundred_Hand_Slap How about not buying it all and wait for the game to be a lot cheaper. I do think grindy trophies is another way to put these kinds of monetization in.
@Flaming_Kaiser Ya, I would never spend 12 dollars on a microtransaction. Problem is, people will buy it and justify this scheme to the suits at WB. Tisk, tisk, gamers.
@Hundred_Hand_Slap You don't have to tell me. There are a few gamers here that blamed the gamers who bought a cyberpunk PS4 that they were expecting to much that the game work on that console. Gamers can be a stupid bunch sometimes.
@Flaming_Kaiser We hear it a lot to "speak with your wallet". These are instances where consumers should speak with their wallets. It's the most powerful tool we have to combat getting taken advantage of by the companies we put on a pedestal.
@Hundred_Hand_Slap Maybe it's what we deserve for being like this. Let's be real here if people are this stupid how can you not take advantage even when it's wrong to do so.
@Flaming_Kaiser Exactly. Consumers need to do better.
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