Sony still hasn't given its updated PS5 model an official release date, but all the leaked information and public spottings are pointing towards 10th November 2023, the same day Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is out. As reported by Charlie Intel, new promotions are now advertising the PS5 Slim along with a copy of the FPS for $499.99, which means you get the game for free.
This PS5 Slim bundle has already been spotted in retail warehouses waiting to be distributed to the public, so it's very much a real thing. Now we know Modern Warfare 3 is provided without any extra cost (presumably the digital version) when purchasing the PS5 with a disc drive, all that's left to know is when it actually launches. Charlie Intel states 10th November 2023, but there's no evidence of that yet in the attached promo image.
It had been suggested the PS5 Slim will be available first in a $559.99 bundle with Marvel's Spider-Man 2 on 8th November 2023, but there's been no evidence of such a thing since the claim was made. A hardware bundle with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is the only certainty at the time of writing. Don't forget that if you opt for the digital PS5 Slim and then choose to buy the disc drive later on, you will need an internet connection to complete the actual pairing.
Would you choose this bundle if you're in the market for a PS5 Slim? Share your purchasing decisions in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 48
If they do the same with Spiderman 2, they're going have massive sales this holiday season
No, Sony still has marketing rights with their current contract. The new 10 year contract has not started yet.
This is why no game pass yet.
lmfao it's not really hard to see how they made this look like you are getting a trash game like COD for free right? Considering that COD is basically a live service predation game in terms of the majority of the revenue it brings in, it makes sense to take a hit when determining a bundle price.
lmfao the game isn't free, and no they didn't pay MS for bundling this garbage free. They just take a hit on the hardware retail price to balance it out in order to churn holiday sales.
come on now... THINK
It's amazing how many people on Push Square suddenly hate COD with a passion. Considering the number of players it has and the money it generates on PlayStation, it's strange that it seems to be as popular here as Balan Wonderworld.
@__jamiie you will find CoD unpopular on most gaming sites. Most of us are more into gaming than the average Joe so we judge things differently.
But it will still sell like crazy regardless of what is said on gaming sites.
Of course it's very possible Sony reveals the Slim release date via a blog post but I still get the feeling of a State of Play on Thursday with everything going on.
@__jamiie To be fair COD has been ridiculed here and on most gaming sites for years. It's nothing new.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner @themightyant Everyone is entitled to their opinion. They're not really my type of game TBF and I've only ever played a campaign here or there.
However those people calling the games garbage and trash are wrong. Virtually all of them are objectively well made and polished games. Games which also generate obscene amounts of money for Sony that then allows them to invest in first party studios and games.
So before people start flinging silly and incorrect insults around, they should consider not biting the hand that feeds them.
So how is this related to the internet connection required for pairing as this is the disc version?
I think you mean:
"New PS5 adverts reveal bundle with
a free game"
No matter how many times people say PS5 Slim, it will never be called PS5 Slim.
Even the advert simply says PS5. Sony are not using the "slim" name in marketing this time. And yet the Internet is full of people saying PS5 Slim like that is what its been branded, and Google even has questions like "is ps5 slim less powerful" 😓
Eww c'mon y ps5 I'd take the tales of arise dlc over that thing ooo and star ocean 2 that'd be fun hell even like a dragon would be amazing as well
The price for this bundle is $559 (according to this article) and the price for PS5 is $499, by itself. So the increase is paying for something.
@Suppressed I don’t think you read it carefully enough, chap.
I don’t think the UK are getting the slim for a while yet. Was at my local Game Saturday and asked the question.
They said they have heard nothing but possibly next February/March 2024.
I guess they are focusing on the market USA where the most competition is, as PlayStation has most of Europe in the bag already.
Shame as I fancied a digital slim.
Just want to order the thing. They seem to be cutting it a bit close with a 11/10 release date. Hopefully we can get preorders in soon!
@ChrisDeku lol You're right, I just skimmed it. My bad.
@SkyLineHaze This bundle is probably in the original contract Sony had with Activision, or at least would have been negotiated with Activision long before Microsoft bought them.
What's crazy though is the amount of Ps5's a now Xbox owned game is going to sell for Sony.
You dam lucky lot in the USA, at least you getting them this year and have the choice.
@__jamiie did anyone call them garbage or trash here? If so I missed it or they are blocked.
I agree they are objectively well made, I like a COD campaign, but for all their technical wizardry they are typically uninspired cookie cutter action fare that has been doing the same thing for over a decade.
Microsoft must be pleased, for everyone sold a copy of their game is sold too 😄
@themightyant Yes there were quite a few comments in this thread.
I agree that even though they can be very uninspired, the campaigns occasionally scratch an itch.
@BANJO It will be Xbox's best selling game ever! 🤣
I've gotten a bit bored of call of duty at the moment..actually bored is not the correct word as burnt out is probably more apt. The first call of duty i enjoyed for years was WW2 which i really did like. I bought the modern warfare reboot and loved it and i loved warzone which according to my ps stats tells me that overall i've played it for 768 hours 😳. In turn i bought mw2 and now i've had enough for a while. The only thing that i wish is that call of duty had a new engine mainly because that source engine is a bit old and really shows its limitations now. With the power that the ps5 provides it can't be that hard to design a new engine can it? I'm not down with the size of the installs either and i can't for the life of me understand why its so large or why the campaign has to be downloaded in sections. Its just downright odd.
So now Microsoft will be making money off every PS5 Slim sold?
@Ravix probably worried about offending people by using the word "slim" or something. It just feels right to call it the PS5 Slim, given their naming conventions through PS2 onwards.
@JayJ Yes, it certainly benefits both Microsoft and Sony this bundle. Sony sells it's hardware, and Microsoft gets a cut from COD being bundled in too... Everyone's a winner 😅
Ok...I'm Thinking
Price for PS5 Slim with Disc Drive 499.99
Price for CoD 3 + 69.99
Total if bought separately = 569.98
Price of Bundle 499.99
Price if bought seperate - 569.98
Discount on bundle price = - 69.99
Price of Game +69.99
Price I save on the bundle -69.99
Price paid for game 0
Yup after careful thought it does look like anybody who buys the bundle does in fact get the game for no charge or FREE for the end user.
The annoying thing about digital games is if you don't like it you can't sell it or do anything with it, it's frustrating, when buying my PS5 and the bundles it comes with a dam voucher code and I already have the disc version is unreal
@OldGamer999 hmm, I'm not surprised, we always waiting last anyways 🙄
@__jamiie I've had a love/hate relationship with CoD for a number of years now. I stopped playing MW2 a few months ago and won't be buying MW3 as I don't like the direction that particular iteration of CoD is heading. I have, however, reverted back to playing Black Ops Cold War as in my opinion it's the last good CoD game. I will probably buy any future releases that I like the look of, bit if CoD continues on its current design path then I'm done with it. Nothing at all to do with MS as to why I have issues with CoD.
I think it’s maybe the market with the biggest competition to Sony the USA.
As UK and Europe is mainly Sony land, so they can leave us out for a while.
I stopped caring about bundles when I know scalpers are just going to get them all first lol
@MikeOrator ORRRRRR could it be price Sony paid to include the lame COD game was as usual but instead they simply reduced the price of the ps5 refresh with this given bundle? Could that not also be a possibility? This is starting to greatly increase my concern for humanity here. Could it not also potentially be this? Or is the only possibility yours?
Either way they are eating the supposed 69.99 cost of the game right? Regardless of the method to do so. Really we are merely arguing nothing
@Ravix Yep it's a replacement and not even slim. Maybe it should be called "PS5 Sliced" 😆
@themightyant You've probably blocked the negative Nancy guy.
@KundaliniRising333 I'm really not sure what point you're trying to make here. The announced price of the PS5 'Slim' was $499 and the price of the bundle including MW3 is also $499, therefore the if you buy the bundle you are indeed getting the game for free. I'm mean it's blatantly obvious that Sony will be absorbing the costs to cover including the game for free in some manner but that doesn't exclude the fact that for the consumer the game is indeed completely free.
Sony are getting the sales hot!!
I probably might get the discless slim at 1 point. But I wouldn't be playing cod. So this won't be good for me. Would prefer if we had multiple options to choose from.
I'd maybe want ratchet and clank or maybe Spiderman 1 & 2.
In UK the ps5 slim will be more expensive than the og digital ps5 so your not really getting cod for free, probably paying the same price if you bought an og ps5 and cod together
We’ve had a digital and disc version since launch(got the digital due to being unable to get a disc at launch-launch), and she doesn’t miss having physical media to be honest. Most of the games she tends to play are off Plus Extra and anything she really has to have like a new Sims game then I can still game share and get my own copy. I can see how for others that might not work so well though obviously. For me personally I like physical because of the trade in values
I don't care what Sony paid for the game to entice more people to buy the PS5. The bottom line, as you can clearly see in my calculations, is that the people who buy the bundle GET...IT...FOR...FREE...
Ugh, an over saturated genre game. Oh well, free is free. Wonder if scalpers are going to let anyone buy it at MSRP anytime soon. Hope whoever tries to scalp it, mortgages their house and loses it. HAHA. JK, kind of.
@__jamiie They are garbage to me but one man's garbage...
The PS5 slim looks cheap when you look at the photos comparison.
@__jamiie Balan was fun for me, low expectations, got my Rayman 3 suit game and I enjoy flops (or see the flop coming but still want the game regardless) and AAs so that's just me. XD
That aside COD has it's casual fans, some hardcore fans, most that hear about it & don't care and us that did play it but have no interest anymore.
I like many have played other shooters old and new, play other genres and games (not the COD/sports games) or moved on from certain aspects of COD not being as fun/exciting or enjoyable anymore. So we may fit into the don't care camp probably nowadays, or maybe come back later. I don't care anymore got my fix, played other shooters more interesting to me (old ones Bright Memory Infinite and TItanfall 2 the last few cared about of modern shooters, can't forget Wanted Dead).
So why would we care if it's bundled, many could get the bundle for the console and (if physical or a code can trade most likely not and bundled like Astro's Playroom digitally maybe with the console) trade it in. I traded COD in for another game with one of my Xboxes purchases because why not in a chance like that get something else instead of more worthy to us if we get game choices to swap out then go eh didn't really want that or won't get much selling it.
Then again if Not For Resale then well that changes things too. XD Or selling it in the future when collectors want Not For Resale copies of copies because their unique or something like that.
Saw an AC Unity Not For Resale in EB Games/Gamestop few days ago, worth a photo not much more.
@SuntannedDuck2 I quite enjoyed Balan too. Didn't get very far but will definitely go back.
I also love a good 'bad' game. I really enjoyed Wanted Dead for example.
Seriously this disc drive may as well be a photo of one 🤦
@__jamiie Same here. Not far through Wanted Dead but it did it for me too. I enjoyed Devils Third and Wanted Dead has it's similarities but hack n slash shooter, wackiness in areas by all means I was interested.
@SuntannedDuck2 I loved Devil's Third and I'm gutted it's going to forever be stuck on the Wii U.
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