If you're buying a boxed copy of Marvel's Spider-Man 2 this week, developer Insomniac Games wants you to know that the game's "playable with no patch or online requirement" straight from the disc — which is nice to hear. But the studio also strongly recommends grabbing the day one update, which should be available to download at launch.
"The disc contains the entire game and is playable from start to finish with no patch or online requirement," the team explains. "But for the best experience, we highly encourage physical/disc-based players to download update Version 1.001.002 on launch day — prior to experiencing the opening mission of the game for the first time."
Now obviously, day one patches are nothing new, but it just goes to show that even the most polished projects can still be improved upon before release. In particular, this update promises improvements to the "opening sections of the game", and "includes other general refinements to your spidey experience". Additional accessibility options are also part of this patch.
Of course, if you're grabbing the game digitally, then this update will be included in your download automatically.
We always find ourselves wondering just how many people must miss out on day one patches. Our consoles are so reliant on an internet connection these days that not having it online seems strange, but we suppose Spider-Man 2 will appeal to a very broad audience who might not necessarily be aware of things like day one updates.
Dare we ask if you play your PS5 games without an internet connection? Raise an eyebrow in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 24
I won't go into spoilers on which one but one of the movie suits was basically a mobile quality placeholder suit without the patch, the subreddit had a meltdown over how "bad" it looked (it did look lackluster compared to the film tbh) only for the patch to completely fix it.
Considering I’ve only ever replayed about 4 out of the past 500 games I’ve purchased, I’ll be buying physical from now on so I can resell it immediately after completing
Gaming is my main/only hobby and a day one patch is very welcomed..
For people without internet I believe you can put the update on a USB at a friends house then install it directly onto your PS5 without internet.. Don’t quote me on that
@DennisReynolds Wow Reddit going into meltdown ! Usually such a mild mannered bunch of scholars.
Weird how all games these days rely on patches to work properly and dlc expansions. The days of getting a 100% complete game on disc or cartridge with all features and bonus content included day one feels like a lifetime ago. Consoles being online means they can now charge you more money for the extra weapons and skins or story expansions which used to be all included on disc day one about 17 years ago. Take RE4 remake expansion Separate Ways now costing more money to play as an example. If the PS2 version had Internet updates and could add expansions there's no way Separate Ways would have been free on the PS2. Different times I suppose so it made more sense back then but today you pay £60 or £70 and you still ain't getting close to 100% of the game you've just purchased
That’s good to know, thank you insomniac
Pretty weird rant to go on when its about a game that is 100 % on disc with zero mtx or add ons?
I agree with your distaste for the practice, but not where you make the point....
If you play your games without updating them first, you are a barbarian.
All Digital so I'm good. I like games to be in a good state at launch and on disc but improvements are always welcome.
Why I wouldn't download the day one patch?
@Titntin it's sort of related in a way because the patch Insomniac are putting out would have been impossible less than 20 years ago. Obviously the same goes for every modern game these days not just Insomniac specifically. Absolutely adore Insomniac
Had fun with Fall Guys when launched on PS Plus and so many fun online races in GT Sport and GT7. Absolutely adore getting trophies and plats too. None of this would have been possible without the internet so I don't hate gaming online all the time
41 just getting older and sometimes moody these days
Not sure about day one, but if it's on my must buy list I'm usually finished with the game before substantial patches come out. Exception, Cyberpunk 2077. I bought it played for 30 minutes and shelved it. Over a year later with patches actually making it playable, I picked it back up. Got at least 20 hours in and having a blast. Can't imagine a QA team just passing the first version unless there was pressure from top dogs. I would have never signed off on it.
100% game on disc!? So now can we dispel the myth of disc being just a small data holder with all the rest of the game having to be downloaded and physical disc are irrelevant?
@PegasusActual93 games appear to be far more complex today I know. It was the fact that the complete game was fully on this disc that triggered my first comment, it reminded me of a time when games literally had to be as bug free as possible on release day because there was literally no second chances
@PegasusActual93 many still charging us extra for story expansions though, of which some of those expansion ideas would have been blended into the main campaign back in the day on day one or be used for the follow up sequel sometimes. On occasions to get the full experience of a game today you have to spend almost £100 and sometimes a little more, £60 or £70 on day one and then sometimes a further £20 to £50 for all the eventual smaller expansions or just be charged extra on day one with the season pass gold edition whatever they're called. Of course no one is forcing the player to get those expansions but if the player is really enjoying a particular game then he or she will most likely get those expansions
@Beerheadgamer82 it's not like old games used to be perfect without faults. It's just that once they were made, you just had to live with the bugs. And the games were much shorter and simpler.
@naruball naturally being a hypocrite here because really enjoy a lot of modern games. Don't mind being a hypocrite on this occasion though, cause it would mean completely stop playing new games around mid to late 00s when patches and dlc became a thing, could never have imagined myself ever doing that and missing out on so many good games
'41 just getting older and sometimes moody these days'
I'm 59, doesn't stop me from recognising that insomniac are the very last company to call out over updates and nickel diming customers.
With age can come wisdom, but its wise to make a point you feel strongly in a thread, or at a game which demonstrates your point, instead of completely undermining it.
Almost any other game and your points would be valid...
@Titntin it's not Imsomniac themselves that triggered me, was the complete game fully playable on disc that triggered me, made me go back in time a little how it used to be, could have been any other developer doing this and I would have come up with the exact same comment. For the record I've almost purchased every new Insomniac game since around Resistance 2 some 15 years ago and also really enjoyed The City That Never Sleeps expansions getting all its trophies. Thoroughly enjoyed Spidey1 and Miles Morales plats. 2016 reboot of R&C such a fun plat and of course Rift Apart too. My first comment here wasn't attacking Insomniac at all, was attacking the video game industry in general, although I can also see why it looks like I'm attacking Insomniac
The second sentence of this article is related to what I've been commenting
Marvels Spider-man 2 pre ordered physically months ago which is something I don't do often with pre orders but this is Insomniac so I trust
@Beerheadgamer82 Still dont understand mate.
The game is fully functional and will play fine without the patch. It doesn't need the patch.
However, they have found a way to make it slightly better if you want so they recommend the patch. Its like the introduction of the 40hz modes to ratchet - they found a way to make it even better, so they added it later.
That's a very different circumstance to nearly every other game which releases patches as its broken without them. That's what's broken in the industry, and this is definitely NOT an example of it.
@Titntin I actually like the fact its fully playable from start to finish without a patch, but that also triggered me in a weird nostalgic way hence my first comment here, which I could have worded better as to not look like I'm attacking Insomniac
Spidey2 is gonna be fully updated on my end and will be checking out all the modes including its 120hz 40fps, VRR and all that too. There's a lot of modes on release from what I've seen on Digital Foundry so far. Genuinely can't wait for it, been excited for it all year
@Beerheadgamer82 I hope you enjoy it my friend, it really does look excellent!
It's 2023, there shouldn't be anyone without an Internet connection. However, there's not a single game that has an excuse in any capacity to require an Internet connection, no, MP games do NOT have an excuse.... those devs should always offer a complete 1:1 offline-bot equivalent without exception.
As for Spider-Man and the D1P, there's no reason to not download it, just as there's no reason in 2023 to buy a physical disc.
@WolfyTn I don't buy games to sell them. If that's the case, get a different hobby. It doesn't matter if you replay them or not, you got your money's worth out of every game you've beaten and I'd you haven't beaten them, play them!
I've never understood a "gamer" with a backlog who only owned 6 games because they trade everything in. Most of my digital libraries were all purchased under $30, with many being cheaper than a disc ever could be.
@RobynAlecksys it’s usually the only way I can get a new game without the wife b*#%&ing 🤣 I figure a $1 per hour is worth my time so if I can get 30 hours out of Spider-Man 2 and sell it next week for $40-$50 after beating it then whatever 🤷♂️ I can put that towards a used copy of AC: Mirage or something then resell that.. it’s a nice cycle.. I have 100s of digital games.. just switched back to physical w my PS5
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