Falcom's latest financial report reveals that a new Trails title is set to release before September 2024. It's highly likely that it'll end up being the third game in the series' latest saga, following on from Kuro no Kiseki and Kuro no Kiseki 2: Crimson Sin. The latter hit Japan in 2022, as Falcom focused on Ys X: Nordics this year.
The thing is, we're still waiting on all three of those games here in the west — although things are at least in motion. Kuro no Kiseki is being localised as Trails through Daybreak in summer 2024, and there's hope that its sequel, Crimson Sin, won't be too far behind.
In any case, the franchise's western publisher, NIS America, is going to be kept busy. The company's done an admirable job of getting fans caught up on Falcom's huge series, localising Cold Steel 3, Cold Steel 4, Zero, Azure, and Reverie over the course of just a few years — but it does feel like a bit of a never-ending struggle at this point.
Are you looking forward to Daybreak dropping next year? And do you have high hopes for the Trails games going forward? Prepare to avoid spoilers for yet another new title in the comments section below.
[source falcom.co.jp, via gematsu.com]
Comments 14
I wonder if it will still look like a PS3 game
Daybreak is definitely among my most anticipated games for next year. Even though it's a bit of a shame we are going to be two games behind I get it. Translation and English VO take time.
It could be worse. At least now Trails seems successful enough that it's basically a forgone conclusion that the games will make their way over to other territories eventually whereas that wasn't always the case.
Hey NIS/Falcom, give some love to the "Trails in the sky" trilogy while you're at it
I might just learn Japanese. It’ll take less time for me to become fluent than it’s taking Falcom to release these over here!
@Czar_Khastik They legally can't, XSEED are the ones who translated those, so they're the ones with the rights. Same for Cold Steel 1 and 2, they won't be ported to modern platforms either.
@Athrum It doesn't need to look like a ps5 game let alone a ps4 game. These types of visuals peaked ages ago.
@Czar_Khastik Xseed is keeping those hostage. You have to take it up with them. I wish nis had them because we'd probably have them by now on modern consoles or an announcement at least.
I remember falcom said they were interested in remaking the sky games. But that was a long time ago.
Oh yes, I forgot about XSEED. But honestly, they should know that people would be willing to pay for the remastered trilogy so I'm stil having my hopes up.
When I see games like Nayuta being remastered, it is not fair that these gems are left behind (nothing wrong with Nayuta, I'm sure it's a fun game, but priorities should be priorities)
@Athrum Yawn Comments like yours are absolutely stupid. I can't imagine how many great titles you missed out on, because you care so much about graphics lmao
Glad to see more coming westward (Ho!). Just wish that certain physical versions of their games were more readily available. Trails of Azure / Zero for example.
I'm still playing Trails of Cold Steel, so I'm not too worried that we're not up to date in the west yet. As the article says though, Falcom and NIS are doing a great job getting us there. If we keep supporting the franchise, the dream of a simultaneous release may happen one day - I might be caught up by then!
@Athrum I can answer that. Yes, it will. This is a small developer that makes long RPG's with lots of story and care.
Graphics don't make a game good.
I love so much that they continue to regularly push out these titles. I wish more devs would take note. I don’t need massive improvements in graphics, quest logs, and world size in every game.
@Atlus Persona 6 anytime? It’s been a while.
Kuro 1&2 are the best in the series graphically and MC wise I played the fan translation which are superb. I'm excited for purchase the English copy when it drops as well
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