It's something we've seen several times over at this point, but Sony has found a real knack for compiling Trophy lists that players want to conquer. With many of its first-party titles, the percentage of players who have bothered to unlock the Platinum Trophy skews higher than comparable third-party games. However, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 has taken things up a notch.
According to current Trophy data, 20.3 per cent of players have earned the sequel's Platinum gong. Of all the players who have booted up the game, just over a fifth of them have gone on to complete the full Trophy list. That's an incredibly high completion rate for a game like this.
Over half of players have completed the main story — 58 per cent to be precise — which, again, is unusually high, but for a fifth of all players to stick around and complete all the districts and side content too is pretty astounding.
Now, this won't include players who don't have their consoles online, so it's not flawless information. And obviously, not everyone buys everything, so comparisons to other games are only so useful. Still, a 20 per cent rate for the Plat is ridiculously high. As far as we can tell, the next highest first-party Platinum rate is for Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, which is currently at 12 per cent.
It's great news for Sony and Insomniac because it means players have genuinely loved playing Marvel's Spider-Man 2 and have felt compelled to see and do everything. 20.3 per cent is a Platinum earn rate most major games can only dream of.
Did you grab the Plat for Spidey 2? Let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 59
I mean… it wasn’t exactly a hard game to platinum.
@danzoEX Depends if you have arachnophobia or not.
@_camo_ @danzoEX Presumably Arachnophobic people would have avoided the gsme altogether 😂
But yeah it wasnt hard to platinum but it was an enjoyable platinum.
I definitely enjoyed it, as I did the first Spidey game which I also got platinum on.
Haven’t platted MM yet, but that was because other things came up. Need to go back and give that a shot.
I wish more Platinums were like this, just playing the game normally and finishing all the side quests without having to spend dozens more hours in game until the game is no longer fun. That is bad game design.
It's unfortunate I can only get the plat once for this one. Have Spider-Man and Miles Morales platted on both PS4 and PS5
@dskatter Miles Morales is the only one that requires two playthroughs to get all trophies. It's a shorter game so it's not too hard to do, but can totally understand why someone would have other gaming priorities!
Yep i have mine and thoroughly enjoyed it too! I actually thought the plat completion was higher, having looked at PSN profiles this morning, but its a good sign in particular that people are seeing out the story and then sticking around for more content
You give credit to sony for making trophy lists that people want to conquer , actually it's more like they just require you the play the game for 85% then some.side quests and done, most of Sony Triple A games have zero missable trophies
It's a damn good platinum. I haven't gotten it yet because I didn't do enough web line takedowns. But that my fault for not looking at the trophy list sooner.
Out of all the platinums I got from insomniac games this one was by far my most easy going on and I can’t wait for more content if we get any
@themightyant I’d argue any game designed around Trophies/Achievements is bad game design.
I do have some Platinum/100% Achievement on some games, but I felt like it was because the content was simply engaging and fit the overall narrative/gameplay rather than obvious padding for the sake of Trophy/Achievement
I remember a time when trophies were challenging and seen as "bragging rights"
I guess the aim for accessibility means lower challenges.
Seems like only third party games offer challenging trophy lists these days.
Warhawk was a first party title I believe, and that was a slog for the platinum. Around 1000 hours that I gladly put in back in my younger years
@GamingFan4Lyf I don't think is HAS to be bad design, some games have really great trophy lists, and some open up other ideas for gameplay and give a reward for mastery. But I think most games do it really poorly. Gaming should be fun and anything that turns it into drudgery should be prevented.
@The_Pixel_King Depends on the game. Some, like Spider-man Remastered, you open up and the trophys pop one after another automatically. Others share the same list, you can only get them once. And Yes some you have to do it all again.
@WizzNL that’s not true. There’s plenty of trophies that are combat related and some are random things that you have to do. You have to go out of your way to get this platinum.
@WizzNL to be able to determine if it's low or not, you'd have to compare it with other similar games. How does it fair?
58% of people competing the main story is super high, that's about as high as any game you'll see
@themightyant Alan Wake 2 did the whole collect-a-thon for Trophy/Achievement really well. Finding the stuff actually had a world-building and story aspect to them and I liked the puzzle element to some of them.
There was really only 1 "Hidden" Achievement/Trophy that I had to look up after I finished the game. It was so easy to do that all I had to do was load up an old save and do one small thing to get 100%. Otherwise, I basically got everything on first run. I clocked 30 hours in AW2.
I actually went back to replaying Control because I couldn't let go of the Remedyverse so soon. Plus there are so many details in Control that tie into Alan Wake - and opens up even more questions for the future.
I never did get that custom avatar for platinuming the first game on PS4. Crazy how many years ago that was.
I got mine and thought it was decent platinum, you only have to do 1 side quest after the main story to plat if you do everything before the last mission, great game, great list!!
A few years ago, I would've gotten the platinum in a heartbeat, but nowadays I'm not bothered with trophies or achievements anymore, but hey, more power to everyone that still trophy hunts.
I miss the days where platinum trophies were actually challenging to get. I'm not talking about "find all 500 of these collectibles." But I miss those "beat the game on the hardest difficultly setting." Or "complete all combat challenges." Like, getting a platinum use to feel like a great feat, and now it just feels like a lot of games just hand them out...idk, but this platinum doesn't feel special at all.
That’s shockingly high.
Personally, I am notorious for not finishing games. But this is one I might Platinum.
I know the platinum can easily be done in one playthrough but I wanted to wait awhile then play it again once NG+ is implemented. Even if NG+ is already out (I have no clue), I want to give it at least half a year until I play it again.
This should be a blueprint for how to design trophies in a game. You basically achieve 80% by just playing and enjoying the game, no "trophy hunting" required. Then you do few hours to polish the rest, and voila, your first platinum you had fun getting.
remember when platinum trophies used to be special and werent just participation trophies?
I don’t have the platinum yet, but I’m well on my way. Just taking my time with Spider-Man 2 and having a great time with it. The city traversal feels great and the combat is so cinematic with the camera angles chosen and the spectacle of things like finishers and abilities.
Hoping to have that shiny plat soon.
The difficulty for the platinum is basically a silver trophy difficulty........
The Platinum was simple, I got it in a single play through!!!!!!!
Was very dissatisfied with the trophy list for the game, I mean there is no reason to play through again, I sold the game on the 3rd day of owning it
The Platinums for both Spider-Man 1 and 2 were super fun. Well done insomniac.
Its a pretty easy but fun platinum so i'm not shocked at the numbers.
That's because the hardest part of getting the platinum trophy was how utterly boring the game was to play.
Spider-Man 1 and Miles Morales were leagues better than this sequel.
@danzoEX No because it's just collect and complete everything in the game for trophies. It would be nice if some of the trophies were creative like they were before but devs nowadays are too afraid to do that.
Ngl I wanted to continue playing it but I didnt feel any desire to do so I just deleted it. It sucks because I platinumed the first game.
Wait, so did people really “brag” about the trophies they’d earned? I’m a trophy hunter but I don’t think I’ve never talked to anyone about all the trophies I’ve earned. They’re worthless lol.
Barely played it myself....got it day one but i wanted to finish other games so I can fully invest init
@themightyant check out the Callisto Protocol 100% completion route . Like 5 playthroughs with unskippable cutscenes
Well... it just came out, but it is indeed impressive nonetheless.
Must be a platinum that doesn't require you to run upside down and balance 2 plates on one leg. Which should be them all. Completing the main and side content should always award the platinum.
I've had an Xbox my whole life, but I got a PlayStation for the first time just for this game and I love it! It's cool having an extra 100% trophy, but I've never gotten every achievement in a game so this is my first! Both first with all achievements AND first for PlayStation! Honestly more games need to be like this. WAY too many game have impossible crap that require sheer luck or skill or playing with other people which I refuse to do. The achievements in this game were actually pretty easy which actually encourages people to do it instead of ignoring it!😁❤️
@Gunnerzaurus It's nice actually having achievements people can actually do because it actually encourages people to do it. Most games are filled with impossible crap requiring sheer luck or an insane amount of skill most people can't do or playing with other people which many don't want to do. Having a sense of completion is actually great and it's so nice having something you can actually do! Never got every achievement in a game because most are too impossible and they don't understand the point of getting a achievement and having that satisfaction so it's nice having one that's not ridiculously impossible for once! This is the first that a lot like me got 100% in which is great!
@BNAG_Gamer Exactly! It can actually be finished which is amazing! Too many games are way too long or don't even HAVE an end. And there's too many games that require our attention now and I end up not finishing much so it's great having one that can actually be done and out of the way!❤️
This was my first ever PlayStation game and it was SO satisfying! Being able to get every achievement AND being short enough to actually be DONE with the game?! Amazing! Too many games are too long or don't even HAVE an end and there's too many games to play so having one done and out of the way WITH everything done is an amazing experience and feeling! I hope future games take an example form this game! Achievements people can actually do and a manageable runtime so we aren't stuck on one thing we never finish. I love this game!😁❤️
@Cikajovazmaj Exactly! This is actually my first PlayStation game after having an Xbox my whole life so it's great having EVERYTHING done! More games need to follow this example! Most games have impossible achievements that ruin the fun so it's great actually being able to get it all!
@J_Warrior That's the problem with other games. Too many require playing on the hardest difficulty which many of us can't do and it isn't fun constantly dying. It's way more fun to just beat enemies and beat a game so games shouldn't FORCE you to play on the hardest difficulty or anything. That's so annoying when they do it and why this game was so good and fun!
@zhoont exactly the sort of ***** I was talking about. But there are worse games. JPG’s in particular are often pretty egregious many require you to play through multiple times, on hundred hour plus games, or require picking up every single item, which realistically requires a guide. God awful game design and a bloody waste of time.
@FuzzyOtterPaws I wholeheartedly disagree with you on this. Like I said, platinum trophies were suppose to be challenging. If you couldn't beat a game on hard, then you just wouldn't get the platinum lol. No one forces you to get a platinum, so I don't really see your point. This platinum trophy just isn't all that special if anyone can get it without really testing themselves.
Yes. It was a fun game and I didn't find it as hard to platinum as others I've tried. That's far from a criticism though!
@themightyant I don't dabble in JRPGs much, but Persona 5 is hilarious. Someone wrote guide of the year on PSN profiles with a like 20,000 word step by step guide to the choices required for getting the platinum
@zhoont Utterly ridiculous! How developers cannot see that is a fundamental design flaw is beyond me. Following a 20,000 word guide letter for letter is not fun - imagine missing one step and having to do all 200+ hours again - this really needs to be addressed on a wider scale. Achievements and trophy’s can, and should, be fun, even if a challenge, they shouldn’t be needless busywork amounting to a full time job.
It is a really easy trophy tbf. I only plat a few games here and there but got it on Spiderman 2 recently.
A shameful boring game story wise, so getting the Plat was the only meaningful thing to do and it was almost too simple to get it.
@Gunnerzaurus Totally agree with this.
@themightyant agreed, as a huge fan of the Gears of War games and Red Dead Redemption. The Trophy and Achievement list for those games are just dumb insane hard and tedious. I have 1000 hours into them and still only around 40% complete. I always had this idea that beating the game should give you 40-50% and then that allows the dev’s to mess around with the other half. If you beat a game and are sitting at like 10-20% that just seems lame to me. Collecting stuff is fine and all but when there is another game i want to play i don’t want to stay with the game i finished and scrub the entire map to find 20 or more collectibles. I think Sony has been getting their trophy lists right lately and Diablo 4 is a great list also, only 25 to get and many of them can be done on on the first play.
@nomither6 yes but there needs to be a balance there. I don’t think they should be easy or giving away. But don’t make me lose day’s of my life to get 1 gold trophy. Or having to have a 6 man party and beat a boss like in COD zombies. Which me and buddy play together and it’s fun but we don’t have 4 other players to play with nor should we have too. There just needs to be a balance and i have always said I think beating the game should be 50% of the list and then let the dev do whatever else they see fit with the other half. Plus a huge request i have had since 360 and PS3 is let me delete games from my profile, nothing worse than getting a 5G or Bronze in the tutorial only to find out the game sucks and now it is stuck on my profile forever. I will gladly give back the amount i earned to just have it gone forever. I know that seems nit picky and not important, but hey some of us have OCD and like everything to be clean and organized haha 😆
@FuzzyOtterPaws sounds like you’re just making personal excuses for why you couldn’t plat games , in other words - skill issue. trophies are 100% optional and have no effect on the game what so ever, & they’re for people that actively hunt and go out of their way for them. platinum trophies were exclusively for dedicated trophy hunters and tryhards , and now to just hand it out like candy is selfish and unrewarding.
nowadays there’s no damn reason to play games on the hardest difficulty or do challenging things anymore, thank god for the most part this is still only with sony games
@HonestHick but the thing is though - trophies are 100% optional and does not effect the game . it makes sense for it to be a grind
@nomither6 i agree that they are optional of course and while i think it’s ok to have some that are a grind for that level of skill and satisfaction when completing it i don’t think 75% of the list should be fetching collectibles on the map or killing something 500,000 times like the seriously achievements in Gears of War. There needs to be a balance to them. Otherwise whats the sense in Bronze, silver and gold if they are all going to be a grind.
@HonestHick i’m talking about the platinum trophy in particular , not trophies in general
@nomither6 yeah that makes more sense. I don’t think those should be easy. They should have a few % that makes us earn it or it don’t feel like it means anything. But some of the stuff that just seems lazy for a few silver or gold kind of stinks in my opinion and could be better. I have like 3-4 games on PS5 that i am so close to the platinum and just don’t want to do the last 2-3 trophies to get it. I beat the last of us Part 1 twice and still haven’t heard all the optional conversations and Ellies jokes.
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