Filmmaker Chad Stahelski, best known for directing the John Wick movies, has provided a brief update on the Ghost of Tsushima adaptation. A film based on Sucker Punch's open world samurai epic was announced a couple of years ago, and new comments from Stahelski give us a better idea of how far along the project is.
Speaking to Screen Rant, Stahelski — who's directing and producing on the Ghost movie — says they "have a script", and that the team is "very close to getting our sh*t together". He adds that development of the film has been "tricky", elaborating that "it's studios, it's strikes, and availabilities, and scouting" contributing to slower progress. "You have to will things into existence."
He goes on to further comment on his love for Ghost of Tsushima, labelling it one of the things to which he's "closest and most interested in". He calls it "one of my favourite properties of all time".
It's not the first time he's shared his passion for the game. Stahelski did much the same in an interview earlier in the year, going on to talk about condensing the game's story into a two hour film. "...Like that's the real challenge, how to take so much great and get it down to a watchable level." Additionally, he's talked about recreating the game's visual style for the film, and a commitment to casting Japanese actors and having Japanese dialogue.
The Ghost of Tsushima movie may still be a ways off, then, but it really does sound like it has the right person spearheading the project.
[source, via]
Comments 36
People seemed a little cool on GoT but I absolutely loved it. The setting was fantastic the combat was simple but fun and the platforming sections were extremely underrated - I thought it even outperformed Uncharted in this regard so I really hope they expand on it in the inevitable sequel.
One of my favourite games of all time. I'm really hoping the movie delivers and lives up to the expectation!
@Ooccoo_Jr Agreed.
And Legends mode was great for co--op with a friend too. I played that for months. It was far better than I was expecting from what I incorrectly assumed would be a tacked on mp mode.
Tsushima was amazing - cant wait for this. No doubt there will be some Kurosawa style black and white scenes included for like a beach set sword fight
By the time this movie is fully made and ready to go for cinema, guessing SuckerPunch Ghost of 2 will also be ready for a double whammy?
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Awesome game and i played it to death and got the platinum trophy to boot. I played it on my ps4 and i keep meaning to play through the directors cut on my ps5 but i just have too much on the go right now. Glad its the john wick guy making this movie because it wont shy away from the brutal action and i'm glad he is casting japanese actors etc because not only is that awesome but it'll keep the woke/appropiation lunatics at bay.
@GreatKwyjibo There were no AC clones before AC
And there's my reminder to jump into the Directors Cut at some point and experience GoT again on PS5. Is there an upgrade path available for those of us that have the PS4 version on disc?
@GreatKwyjibo I guess it's just a Japanese thing
Not really interested in the movie, like any movie truth be told, just give me some info on the GOT sequel. That’s what I’m interested in 👍
I sometimes forget I own this game.
Wow, if the big update after a couple years is “we have a script” and “we’re close to getting out s*** together” then that doesn’t inspire confidence that this will show up anytime soon. I was hoping for a sequel to the game but here we are over 3 years after the first game’s release and nothing on the franchise other than “we have a script”
@Beerheadgamer82 That's probably the aim!
This still sounds very far off in the distance, but my interest is mainly in a game sequel anyway.
I only really started getting into gaming this year. I bought a ps5 and played GoT with ps plus and was blown away. Probably my favorite game so far. I hope the movie can capture the same feeling from playing the game. I don’t really watch movies though. I’d rather just play a sequel to the game 😅
One of my favorite games. Cautiously optimistic about the movie. Even though the game-adaptation film/tv curse seems to have waned recently, I am still weary. Though Chad Stahelski as the director is promising, and I'm happy to see a commitment to casting Japanese actors and having Japanese dialogue.
@Triumph741 if AC was anywhere near as good and polished as GoT, then I'd be all over the entire AC series but it's not
My favourite game of all time. Setting, art, story, action and exploration was all excellent. Hoping the movie can do it justice. Also hoping we hear something about a sequel soon.
@Beerheadgamer82 Dunno about modern AC, but if you think that GOT is better than 2 and Brotherhood you might have taste issues.
@nomither6 But making cinematics is easier than making games. Just ask Naughty Dog.
@Triumph741 i don’t even want to go there , honestly .
you’re quick though 🤣
@Triumph741 All AC games never interested me new or old, over the years, can only really speak for GoT. Do remember trying AC1 or 2 back in the PS3 early days and got bored super quick. You speak of copy but isn't AC the one copying GoT with the Japanese setting. Yh I do think GoT is better than all AC games combined just my opinion. So many gamers don't bother with any AC games and still have great gaming tastes. Soon rather replay Shadow of Mordor or GoT again than play any AC game, nothing wrong with that
@Beerheadgamer82 There is nothing wrong with that only if you admit that you like mindless grinding. In most other areas old AC stomps Ubisoft clones like GOT.
@Triumph741 it's not a clone though is it. Its roughly based in the Mongol Invasion of Japan from 1274 which is something AC series hasn't been anywhere near before. Every open world game that has a map with stealth involved doesn't mean its an AC clone. What was SuckerPunch meant to do for it to not be considered a clone, make Jin Sakai use handguns with silencers or shotguns or use night vision goggles for stealth in 1274 just to make it not be a clone makes no sense whatsoever. Not once did Jin Sakai climb a very tall building and fall from it into a bundle of hay. Ubisoft ain't the first for open world maps or the first to use stealth in any game and they certainly aint the best top tier pinnacle at it either
Seems to be more news and activity lately on movies based on single player Sony games than actual single player Sony games. Anyway that's my moan for today thanks for your time.
It has everything- story, combat, musical score and visuals. Even multiplayer component was great. Bogging down the score due to a few bad side quests was inappropriate. It should score higher. I guess every open world game has some or more rubbish side quests to pad out.
Where will the movie be available to watch? I didn't watch the last of us coz its on a streaming service I don't have. I can get netflix, Amazon or Disney. If it's on one of those, I can watch it.
Ghost of Tsushima is Sony's best IP since Last of Us. Really hope to see a sequel.
@Ooccoo_Jr such a jaw-inspiring game with graphics/setting/atmosphere.
Probably one of the best exclusives PlayStation has ever had I would say in some parts of the PlayStation world
Sony's best, sucker punch is their best studio, also thought so during ps3 era and infamous.
@GreatKwyjibo oh ok. I don't really go cinema. Might wait til it's on something I can stream from.
@Triumph741 Calling Ghost of Tsushima an AC clone is about as accurate as calling AC: Origins a The Witcher 3 clone. The similarities and influences are clear, but they made it their own thing.
The silliest part is where you actually refer back to AC 2, while GoT is literally nothing like that. That was still a mostly social stealth-based game centered around maps with a single, dense city, not the large open maps of later games that GoT draws inspiration from. It just doesn't make an iota of sense.
@Ainu20 The fact that you don't consider Origins a W3 clone makes it obvious that you can't recognize laziness. I was like you about a decade ago. With time you will learn.
@Triumph741 You have an interesting definition of the word laziness. Just as interesting as your definition of the word clone.
I'm not quite sure what I'm supposed to learn with time, that the vast majority of games are inspired by or derived from other games to varying degrees, something I realized back in my younger gaming days in the 90s? That would be some stunning revelation indeed.
Why it hasn't come to PC I don't know
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