Kratos’ voice actor Christopher Judge has p*ssed off the Call of Duty team, after he roasted Modern Warfare 3’s campaign prior to presenting the Best Performance award at this year’s The Game Awards. The actor – who infamously rambled for several minutes when he grabbed a gong last year – said: “Fun fact, my speech was actually longer than this year’s Call of Duty campaign.”
The latest from Sledgehammer Games has attracted strong criticism for its half-baked single player mode and recycled multiplayer maps. In our Modern Warfare 3 PS5 review, we described it as a “truly anaemic” release. “A franchise in serious need of a complete reboot, Modern Warfare 3 has to be the straw that breaks the camel's back,” we said.
But some of the game’s developers have hit back at Judge’s comments. “Honestly, as Call of Duty developers, we've heard way worse,” admitted Sledgehammer Games’ Darcy Sandall. “But we don't expect it from a peer, at an event that supposed to be celebrating this year’s achievements in gaming. Especially with all the information that was leaked about its development.”
Ajinkya Limaye, a former Infinity Ward employee who now works at Bungie, was even more pointed: “Funny,” he said in a Twitter post that’s since been deleted. “But yeah, the metrics that Call of Duty absolutely destroys all of the God of War games (probably combined to be honest) is also equally laughable (if not more).” He went on to explain that he intended “no hate” to God of War.
So yeah, a harmless gag has clearly ruffled a few feathers here. It’s worth noting that the latest Call of Duty was developed in a shorter than usual timeframe, as Activision pivoted from what was intended as DLC to a full-blown release. Obviously this decision turned out to be an error from management, and it’s paid the price with poor reviews.
[source twitter.com, via ign.com]
Comments 122
Ah, I thought it was funny.
Their reaction, with all "Sheldon-like" answers backed by data and analysis just tells you all you need to know... It's a joke, it's not a sales report.
They'll get over it. It's not all their fault, but it's not like the campaign is not a joke already.
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It's double funny when you consider how heavily monetized the CoD multiplayer is and later in the same show God of War got a free DLC announced
You're supposed to make fun of your peers in award shows. Plus it was one of the few jokes that actually landed. Without it we would just be left with whatever that was that Anthony Mackie did on stage for a few minutes.
@HMazzy111 this is so patronizing but it honestly made me chuckle 🤭 I have never played COD but I don’t think it’s that bad 😂
I mean where's the lie?
Which Sledgehammer refuted in totality. So which is it? Was it all lies or something that should elicit sympathy? Can't have it both ways.
Difference is one was made to be an artistic experience and the other was made to bring in as much money for as little outlay as possible. CoD employees giving it large is like them trying to claim that CoD is more popular by their metrics than the Sistine Chapel.
Wow, someone needs to learn how to take a joke, **winks at CoD Dev**
Say what you want but art does go into COD. People do work hard on it. I liked the joke but I can understand it’s not the place for it when it is supposed to be a celebration of the work in the industry throughout the year.
There could be some young talented devs who worked on COD and already got shat on at the biggest gaming event of the year. Not exactly a great encouragement. At least it was just about the length.
this is so cringe
COD is cancerous trash. I hate the franchise, and how it consumes the player playing it both in terms of bloatware but also how little else COD players reportedly play.
Rampant cheating and try-hard sweatiness is the main ingredient in the product they cultivate.
If your expecting me to sympathize with Activision it aint happening. Judge was called out for his speech being too long so he called out COD for a short campaign. He couldve called out the other things on COD so he was being nice lol
It was pretty funny though 😂
It was the funniest😊😀😅😄 moments at the video game awards.haha.he was like a rapper out there dissing them.nas queensbridge.haha.word up son
@K1LLEGAL there hasn’t been art in COD since black ops 3. COD is the most soulless copy/paste ***** ever
Was a good joke! Funny too.
Them developers are just easily triggered and clearly lack some sense of humour so their tweets just came off as immature children that think their better than everyone else. #WhySoSerious
Truth hurts. Instead of defending Call of Duty they should be apologising. And using popularity is not a measure of quality. Weird how working for Sony (via Bungie) he can get away with criticising God Of War sales fogures
While I do think they overreacted and need to learn how to take a joke, people talk trash on COD all the time online so I can kind of understand why they wanted a break on just one night that's suppose to be a laid-back celebration of the industry.
Still it was a harmless little joke, nothing to get too salty about.
It was a funny joke but when the camera panned to one of the audience members, the expression on his face I thought he was going to shout "Get my game's name out of your filthy mouth"
Highlight of the entire night and i'm glad he had the balls to say it, the fact he then said "another company he won't work for" was even better. Anyway the dig was more aimed at Activision then the Devs.
"at an event that supposed to be celebrating this year’s achievements in gaming"
Good thing that MW3 wasn't an achievement in gaming then
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"Struck a nerve, did I?"
Call of duty team is the same mentality as their fanbase. The same developers that probably grew up playing their toxic online now making the game. No surprise really, that they can't take little bit of roast.
The campaign will probably be even shorter when they start giving away the game on Game Pass.
There has been more unfinished junk released and layoffs than great games. Not sure it can be considered as "achievements"
If Kratos makes a joke, you laugh. End of story
Hosts and presenters tell jokes at award shows. This is nothing new. I understand it wasn’t the team’s fault to release it as a full blown game when they were originally told it was going to be DLC. They should be more mad at management for changing the plans than the joke. The joke didn’t bash CoD, it was just about the length and he was also poking fun at himself.
Boo ooh. Maybe make a good game next time and try to do something decent
I thought they were used to jokes, I mean they did release this year's call of duty and that was a huge joke....
Just watched the clip & thought it pretty funny. Obviously scripted with Judge being ‘played off’ as soon as he started talking.
People need to lighten up.
From Koticks perspective, this years game was expected to be MS's issue - not a big new AAA annual release but only a DLC - the 'first time' ABK would miss its annual Cash Cow. Then we had both the CMA and FTC putting spanners in the works and maybe threw the whole deal into 'jeopardy' and so Kotick insisted on a 'Full' release just in case ABK remained in 'full' control.
It is a 'disappointing' campaign, its MP is playing the Nostalgia Card and Zombies is OK but not worth the asking price alone. Coupled with the aggressive monetisation of Multi-player more befitting the F2P model, its not a great 'buy' these days...
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Oh boo hoo. I have nothing against the devs but as a franchise it's a creatively bankrupt, overly monetised, trend-chasing, predatory game series. It doesn't just deserve the criticism, it deserves much much more.
Removed - flaming/arguing
COD made for teenagers by teenagers.
Kratos made us sad.
The fact they tried to clap back over a harmless joke shows just how much fun they must have at Activision.
My god... developers are at a point where they can't take a joke anymore.
I love Christopher Judge 🤣
Seriously though perhaps if the developers made better games instead of recycling assets over and over people wouldn't p**s on these games.
@Artois2 Grow up and stop trolling.
I’m suddenly thinking about that gif of woody harrelson drying his eyes with dollars.
But yeah, the metrics that Call of Duty absolutely destroys all of the God of War games (probably combined to be honest) is also equally laughable (if not more).”
And this is why Sony need to take a stronger hand with Bungie. Having member of one Playstation studio call out a VA from another Playstation studio comparing franchise sales is just not a good look.
Ajinkya Limaye retort was completely butthurt. Who cares if codes destroys the metrics, it's a worse game overall.
It was funny and the developers responding with tweets of data and engagement drop offs etc are just embarrassing.
Imagine crying like a baby over such a tame joke, need to grow up.
The world has gone so bloody soft it’s insane.
I think Sledgehammer made this COD.
That Bungie devs probably just salty that Bungie is about to be completely absorbed by Sony.
@__jamiie quiet fool, or I'll set my butler on you.
Damn, I thought the joke was over, but then they had to respond with “the metrics”. 🤣
"You know it ain't funny if you gotta talk about your money!"
It was hilarious AND truthful, the fact that they responded to it shows how much of a sore subject it is for them, and they pulled out numbers? Only Kratos can cause that softness with one joke.
The simple solution to not getting roasted is...don't make a 3 hour campaign!
Wow, a little sensitive aren’t they? He was doing a little self-deprecation while also making a joke. He was making fun of himself more than anything.
COD should know that when you’re the biggest game in the industry that you’re going to be a target. The whining does not become you. It’s the cost of success; People poke fun at you and roast you. Judge doesn’t need to apologize.
@__jamiie do you not get humour where your from?
Not even 6 months and they already "defend" like the regular crazy xbox fans on twitter LOL. I was indifferent about Activison because I don't like their games but MS actually bought the right people, impressive.
That God of War diss obviously was braindead dince a GoD is an alltime classic but ok
that being said that "length joke" was easy but also pretty dumb since the latest campaign wasn't shorter than most cod campaigns
I thought his joke was one of the best jokes in the show. I find it kind of odd at how so many people didn't think the joke was funny and got offended. I work in the creative industry, and we crack jokes like this all of the time. It's all in good fun.
Boy, if these people ever watch a Roast, they’d probably cry in a corner.
In haven't watched a TV & Film award show in a while, but it was pretty common for these kinds of things to happen.
Usually, it’s a sign of love and respect for their peers, not hate.
He's right though, isn't he. Year on year the CoD campaigns get shorter and shorter, and I'm convinced only get "made" (read: recycled) as a way to tutoralise new players or returning ones who might not have bought a new title for the past few years. That's it. It actually reminds me of the super short tutorial missions in the original Counter-Strike at this point, but at least those were more obviously just brief tutorials to prime you for online competitive play modes, which weren't commonly known to all players at the time like they are 2 decades or more later.
It's not exactly a well-kept secret if you know the games industry, and it's kinda refreshing for a somewhat high profile voice actor within it to call it out with a joke at an event.
Also draws attention to an increasing social problem especially online - people's inability to take a joke, and react to it in the most po-faced defensive way possible rather than simply acknowledge someone might have been indulging in the dying art of tongue-in-cheek humour. However, Infinity Ward staff reacting like that inadvertently proves his point, because most jokes have a grain of truth so it hit home.
I guess the truth hurts, huh?
While we’re all like “Hahah… it a joke”. He should have kept it professional on stage. His actions last year already had a negative effect on this year show.
On a public stage at a public event. You shouldn’t be making jokes especially as a PoC. And while he may never work for Activision. People like to company hop, and have friends in high level positions at other companies. That 5 second joke just closed so many doors for him.
COD MW3 was supposed to be MW2 dlc but I suspect it was changed to sell for a higher price,, compare it to the God of War Ragnarok dlc which will cost how much... nothing cos it'll be free (Christopher Judge could've mentioned that), we can hope Sony will continue to give us the odd free dlc or maybe upgrades for ps5 games in the future.
@3Above It was the second funniest moment in the show, right behind Sam Lake dancing to Herald of Darkness. It was an honest and funny comment and I’m glad he made it. And CoD devs can go suck on a lemon. I’m not even a GoW fan, but c’mon… they know Ragnarok > MW3 objectively.
And yes I totally agree with you. If there was an employee supporting not just another company but a direct competitor in a public space at my company, that person would be on thin ice or terminated. I’m glad Sony is going to start running Bungie like they own them. Bungie employees have been playing devil’s advocate in the industry for far too long, and it’s time for them to understand the ramifications of being acquired, for better or worse.
Yeah, f* this Limaye guy. He should be fired for working against the interest of his employer. All he has done is to churn out the same *****, different season for years on end, presumably.
Kinda hilarious that the devs for CoD are getting mad about it and do the whole "Well OUR game sells more then HIS game"
I genuinely laughed at the joke with a friend on a Discord VC when watching the show.
@3Above completely agree. Can see which Bungie head is next on the line now
Also, a Dev named Darcy something expects that the leaks about them pushing a ***** DLC for full price should somehow make everyone kiss their arse!?
They haven't earned any award or even nomination as far as I remember, so why are they watching a Game Award show that celebrates passion, creativity and awards innovative, new ways of playing.
COD is the antithesis to this.
Is it only the gaming industry or the entire younger generation that is so incredibly sensitive and self-righteous?
1) First was about Future Class and their demand to "address" the Gaza situation (Israeli here, so I take personal offense with that).
2) Then it was another demand to address the layoffs (Tech worker here, and every sector of the tech industry was severely affected by downturn this year, game devs were nothing special).
3) Then people were offended for the award winners and "how dare they present a 'wrap it up' sign to them? so insulting!"
4) And now this unnecessary backlash at a well deserved and not mean spirited jab at CoD.
It's becoming really tiring navigating all the negativity around the gaming industry, while trying to enjoy games with an optimistic attitude.
"But yeah the metrics"🤓
The most embarrassing and pathetic one was from the Bungie developer, perhaps Sony is not taking over fast enough? This is probably one of the clowns that gets to look down at Sony's other studio's multiplayer and decide which one he gets to scrap... worst acquisition in human history!
Well, Judge literally said 'guess that's another group I won't ever work with' after his joke landed, no one's losing sleep angry CoD devs, go back to counting your moneybags.
I saw it more of a jab at Activision than their devs. And yeah, people get to clown on you passing a dlc pack as a new release.
I mean where was he wrong? MWIII is a complete joke and laughing stock. It redeemed both Vanguard and Ghosts, previously the worst Call of Duties ever made.
Eh. If you don't want to get roasted for making short, crappy campaigns, don't make short, crappy campaigns.
I get that Christopher Judge works in the video game industry, but he's an actor, not a developer. So not really a peer. And besides, he wasn't wrong. Activision had the gall to charge $70 for what is basically MW2 dlc. We know it is because the trophy listing proves it
Instead of acting like stiff corporate... individuals... they should have poked back with their own joke, something like : "BOY! That's funny, but when duty calls, more people answer!" or some shenanigan like that...
They wouldn't have been bothered by this if it wasn't true, anyway... CoD is on the decline, and in dire need of a break, reset and a clean slate... This year's campaign was a joke (pun intended) weather they admit it openly or not.
It was a joke at an awards ceremony. Some people need to grow up and get a sense of humour.
Can't be under fire if you ignore complainers
Get over it?
It's not like the shot he took at them was anything but the truth.
the terms these devs are using like "engagement", "metrics", "consumed" are just so pathetic. its a total self report, showing they dont think of what they make as an art form at ALL, just pure corp speak from people trying to suck at your wallet.......deeply, deeply embarrassing.
Seems like an over reaction, doesn't it? He didn't say the game was bad, just that the campaign was short. Not sure why COD even has single player anymore.
@DennisReynolds highlight of the night? Yikes.
It's not the devs fault, it's Activision's. So why he defensive?
It's perfectly called for. MW3 is $90 CDN DLC, priced as a full game, made by a terrible publisher that crunched its workforce to put out a shoddy product.
He didn't attack any one developer. It's a shot at management, cause ultimately they decide, not the low level workers who actually do the work. More of this honesty would be refreshing to see, not just in gaming, but in business in general.
It was just a joke that happens to be true, whats wrong with that? seriously, people now days are made of glass 😂
All Activision had to do is laugh it off and do a much better job next time! They just had to poke a stick at it and turn it all super negative. I thought it was funny that is all. It never made me think ill of Activision or the Devs. But the push back did.
@FatalBubbles Why yikes? It was a funny joke/dig at Activision's expense and said more about this industry then an awards show who cuts off winners after 20 secs, is more concerned with celebs and ads and really had nothing to say on the layoffs or any of the issues that could get in the way of blowing itself off.
"A franchise in serious need of a complete reboot, Modern Warfare 3 has to be the straw that breaks the camel's back,”
Lol a reboot. Like they haven't done that already 5 times. That isn't even getting into how that doesn't address the actual problem Mr Post Launch Game Dev.
MW3 hasn't broken any backs either. It certainly has given the franchise a black eye, but it isn't emblematic of what is actually going on.
Games media seems to have a short attention span for a yearly franchise. It's no longer yearly. This release was intended as dlc. Its all there. Plain as day. Problem is share holders pushing ceo's to continue the yearly premium model. I think next year you'll be eating those words. Black Ops usually follows MW, they've had an extra year to work on their game thanks to this disaster.
It's not the joke, I think it's the wrong time and place to make these kind of jokes where all the gaming industry is watching. It's offensive and disrespectful to a bunch of people in the industry. If he was making a fun of forspoken by the way for been a bad game it will still be offensive and disrespectful to developers even everybody in the industry know that cod campaign is bad and forspoken is trush. You just don't make this kind of jokes in a stage that the whole world and all developers are watching.
@DennisReynolds Tons of new games announced. This joke would not be even remotely close to the best thing of the show. If that’s the case for you, it indicates to me you didn’t like any of the games announced more than a pot shot, which you’re entitled to, just odd to me.
It's a joke not criticism he wasn't attacking anyone Jesus smh 🤦
@ChrisDeku It would be even more funny if the free DLC would be 4 hours long and is good. 🤣
@Arxagelos @NotSoCryptic It still was €70 excluding monetization. The Industry has no spine anymore so what is there to break anyway.
Didn't hear the joke it's probably nothing special. Its rude to tell the truth better to act like its all fine and dandy. How classy is that towards paying customers and selling them a mediocre game at full price that is mediocre with all recycled content.
If even the biggest fans say it's not so bad instead of that it's good that's really bad. The industry is already a mess that is looking how low can go without massive repercussions instead of how can we get better.
The call of duty community actually seems pleased with the game. I havent played it yet so i cant give a personal opinion yet. I really don't think they care that much about poor reviews especially when you consider that they only paid for 17 months of development time and it still sold like hot cakes.
It's probably more likely that they abandon the singleplayer campaigns before doing any sort of overhaul. I always found it kind of strange how the campaign gets like 90% of the review coverage but 10% of the players actually play the campaign. It will always be a multi player game at its core. Campaign and zombies are a bonus until they finally get the axe.
The Shol'va Kree's over there at Call of Duty better not piss him off. Indeed.
@FatalBubbles I just have a sense of humour and i got more from that then trailers that showed nothing and an awards show more concerned with jacking off celebs then celebrating the people who actually make games.
@Arxagelos I have to disagree. That's the perfect place to make such a joke. If you watch The Golden Globes, the Oscars, The Emmys, etc it's where celebrities make fun of each other. It's why you can't go through an award show without hearing about the age of Leonardo Di Caprio's girlfriends.
Most people (Will Smith isn't one of them) know that it's all in good fun.
I think we'll collectively remember god of war Ragnarok longer than CoD MW 3 2023, thank you and good bye
The only thing worrying about all this is why the hell is a bungie dev mad about it??? Bungie keeps reminding sony what an absolutely awful decision it was to buy them.
Sorry but modern COD deserves every bit of criticism it gets. 4 hours for a campaign on a £70 game and having it listed in the trophy collection as a DLC to last years effort. Really is taking the P that is
@DennisReynolds Wow.
The guy spoke the truth, said exactly what everyone felt and they didn't like it 😂
Can't believe how weak some people are it's a joke and it's true the game was a rip off charging fans £70 for a ***** dlc robbing *****.
MW3 is a big money grab for Activision. Why release a DLC for MW2 when you can just slap on MW3 name and call it a day. Pretty sleazy. But it's Activision after all.
@Arisen bunjie are arguably as bad but if I had to choose between COD and Destiny I’d probably go for the latter.
It was a fairly innocuous joke. Why should he be under fire for something like that? Can't people laugh at themselves?
@BAMozzy Kotick did not want to miss his last COD check and in the end lots of people were stupid enough to buy it in the end.
@Mikey856 With no new multiplayer maps don't forget that one. 😆
I get it can be stressful making such a game on a tight deadline but it was a light hearted joke not actual criticism. Have game developers become so sensitive that they can't accept someone having a bit of fun at their expense? It doesn't have to be serious all the time.
@Flaming_Kaiser it’s staggering what’s on offer for your £70 isn’t it lol
@Flaming_Kaiser Maybe not as many as you'd think - Sales were reportedly down a considerable margin compared to last years CoD and they have had to rely on 'engagement' metrics to spin some positive take.
If only the 'dedicated' fanbase buys it, chances are they will be more 'engaged' than many who perhaps decided not to buy. You haven't seen it really 'top' the charts like previous games have and I doubt it will be one of the 'best' selling CoD games.
As 'weak' as this years CoD is in terms of 'expected' content, its still one of the best games of its kind and a LOT play it for its MP more than its campaign. Those maps are Iconic to CoD veterans too. It perhaps offers more than an 'updated' list of teams/players that Fifa usually offer yet still sells every year and the 'CoD' community now eager for the 'new' - inc improvements to movement which does 'change' how those 'old' maps play - new weapons, levels, skins, etc etc etc to unlock, new challenges to complete etc having done everything in MW2.
I don't think ANY game is worth $70 myself - not GoW:R, not CoD, not Spider-Man 2, not GTA6, not Starfield - no game! Many games don't even release in a 'playable' state with consistent frame rates, missing 'content/features' that will come post-launch etc. But everyone is different with different preferences and I'd probably spend 'more' time playing Zombies in CoD than I would play God of War or GTA6 for example so in a cost per hour basis, it may well be 'better' value to me but at $70, not the 'best' value at all...
My biggest takeaway from this was that he was also taking a shot at himself with the comment about his speech last year.
Call of duty devs being utter melts, it was a joke. Their game is severely bad for single player, but people buy it mainly for online. As for saying the ga,e crushes the god of war series. Yes sales, in story telling, no
It was the perfect joke, about the best selling franchise, and not joking about quality at all, now they are ofended and we can see what kind of people the developers are
@nomither6 obvious you didn't play MW19 campaign lmao
Is it funny in a way yes. Professional though not in the slightest of course.
I don't play current COD games but I won't deny what they do is tough and the quality is there. Are they the same ever year technically no. I've seen the 3 studios (obviously many assist with assets in multiplayer) do many interesting spins in the campaign from loadouts to mission structure to stealth/movesets and more from WW2 to modern to sci-fi and cut off sci-fi. They have tried many different angles by this point and I congratulate them on that it's hard to do so every year make them different. They may be slightly and the level design or story telling may or may not get worse or more basic and that can be a good thing for the audience their targeting. Many of us clearly do prefer different games and that's up to us.
COD always ends up a punching bag and however many of us actually see what they do or go 'oh it's annual it must be bad' even though as someone into non-annual racers it's hilarious to me people go oh 'annual ones and non-annual ones are to be treated the same'..... why? They are the only connection is they have cars. That's it. They are completely different games but for idiots who know nothing about them I'm not surprised they group them because it's easier then having brains. Oh there is guns/military it must be the same. Yeah...... since when are the events, Black Ops and other forces 'the same' the umbrella sure but an umbrella is just that. Not all the same just a category they fit into.
Even besides the 'accessible game' it has been over the years of the casual shooter for people to play a tutorialised campaign, an action movie, many NPCs help you, you can easily get through them, they do or don't
I do feel for Sledgehammer though most people prefer Treyarch or Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer have done many things and I liked Advanced Warfare and WW2 they were good. I don't play multiplayer but to me when people said oh Ghosts sucks I was like? But Advanced Warfare whenever I saw the multiplayer menus were like still building it up while Ghosts had the same modes as past games? I didn't see the issue at all.
The COD community is confusing to me I'll say that.
I don't play the games, I don't care to anymore but yeah being a punching bag without context because people in general, actors or otherwise not even part of the games, and fitting a narrative/joke/meme and don't know the context, don't care about the context, yeah clearly very unprofessional and very ridiculous I don't deny that.
Clearly the devs have heard it all and move on but yeah some people just throw shade/jokes for the sake of it.
@BAMozzy If I have to choose for a €70 game that is quality or a COD game that should have been cheaper because of the massive monetization alone Ill gladly pay more for the higher quality games.
And a big game that is great fun and polished I will gladly pay €70 for that look at BG3 that game is worth price easily. I think I payed more for my SNES games if I would add inflation.
I have played Guild Wars for 5000 hours, Gems of War 1660 hours just because I play it every day in short bursts. To be fair what kind of competitor does COD have nowadays anyway.
@Flaming_Kaiser To be honest, I'd rather wait for games to drop in price to a point I'm willing to jump in for. CoD may not be your thing and therefore most games may 'appeal' more to you anyway.
All I was saying is that if I broke it down into cost per hour, I can easily get more 'value' from just Zombies than I would from BG3 because BG3, even though I accept its a Game of the Year for a Reason, it has NO appeal at all and cannot stand Turn based Combat. So from that perspective 'CoD' is a better buy for 'me'.
For hardcore fans of Call of Duty - it is after all very popular (like Fifa that barely changes year on year), it may not be as 'great' as previous years, but it is still the ONLY game that really does what CoD does. It also will give them the type of Game-play they enjoy and all new weapons, camos, attachments etc to unlock. Games like Apex, Fortnite, PUBG, BF2042, The Finals, DefiantX etc etc are not the same so those 'CoD' enthusiasts really have little choice but to buy MW3 to keep playing CoD, and having already unlocked 'everything' in MW2, more 'new' stuff to grind for.
Its not as if there is a real competitor in that sense - as the 'others' all have their 'own' thing. Some don't like Sci-fi settings or maybe don't like more cartoony style aesthetics for example so there are Alternatives, but not a 'direct' competitor since Medal of Honour disappeared...
I also believe that the decision to release as a Full price release instead of 'DLC' for MW2 as was its original plan was, is most likely a directive from Kotick (or ABK board). They were 'expecting' to be out by June but with the FTC/CMA potentially 'blocking' the deal (if they couldn't resolve things by Oct), ABK had to pivot back to Annual $70 release for their Shareholders in case MS isn't able to purchase those Shares and if it backfires, maybe it will be an MS issue to solve...
We're about 6 months away from you literally not being able to joke around about anything ever. My goodness, he was KIDDING. Why is this a story??
These days you get roasted for saying jokes based on facts.
@BAMozzy Value with BG3 is higher on all points, quality, new content, polish, original campaign. It's kinda weird to talk about value of a game even if you don't like turn-based you can see without the shadow of a doubt that this deserves the €70 more then this joke called MW3.
It's has a joke of a campaign that should be in a free to play game. The multiplayer maps are rehashed decades old content. It's stuffed to the brim with macrotransactions nothing small about these in COD so I won't call them micro anymore, battepasses.
Also the excuse of the developers should not be blamed is a decent one but it won't change the case that AB should be held accountable for this. I don't if it's Kotick or the board of bloodsuckers you try to drain every inch money from the vains of this IP.
In the end the developers get fired if it does harm and all highrollers won't feel a little bit of pain. Being hard on a game isn't the same as being hard on developers probably the few that do care about the product. But i won't let them be abused as a shield to let big Corp get away with everything.
Would be nice to see that gamers have a little more backbone for once and let themsel be heard. It's really weird that mainstream seems to be hurting the quality a lot lately in games.
That why I always laugh when people say this game isn't worth so much because I don't like it. COD isn't €70 it's a starting price with lots of monetization and a €109 edition with some digital crap content.
I haven’t played either game nor have I watched the game awards in a long time but honestly the professional thing to do was not respond. Not a thing he said impacted anyone’s livelihood (at worse his own if that) so why make it impactful?
The fact that people are still buying cod and it outsells god of war is a problem, not something to celebrate, I'm super glad he said it tbh as it needs to be said by people with a voice, I think the way Activision treats the cod fanbase is pretty disgusting, selling dlc with a rushed campaign as a full game is just trashy.
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