Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League embark on their murderous mission on 2nd February on PS5, and players pre-ordering the game digitally will get access to some killer new looks.The Rogue Outfits pack features new fits for each member of the Squad.
King Shark gets a laid-back look with a tropical necklace made from .50 BMG rounds, and Harley Quin predictably has opted for a harlequin look, for which her mother presumably named her. Deadshot is the only one dressed appropriately, donning an armoured combat suit for the occasion. Finally, Captain Boomerang has become even more of an Australian stereotype than usual, balancing his titular boomerangs with the traditional Akubra hat.
What do you think of the PS5-exclusive Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Rogue Outfits? Are you feeling confident enough about this one to place a pre-order? Let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 14
Pre-order a game that I want to play single player, only for that mode not to be available on release? No thanks
Nah, don't think I will
Wow, this game still isn’t out? Feels like I’ve been hearing about it for so long
When I read the headline I heard the crickets chirping...
Yep, those outfits have changed my mind about buying this incoming train-wreck.
Painful February for Rocksteady and WB incoming
Not gonna lie, I'm low-key kind of excited for this.😅
As in its obviously a game I'll get on sale for about 12 quid or something, but I'm really interested in the story stuff man. I love DC comics and seeing my favourite characters (the justice league, not the suicide squad 😅) in a videogame makes me happy😂.
No. No I will not.
Pre-order? If there were still bargain bins around you would soon find it there, but I'm guessing $5 on PS Store soon amounts to the same thing.
I didn't have high hopes for this game. Playing the alpha build reaffirmed that. Didn't find it fun at all
is this some sort of playstation exclusivity promotion or something? don't know why it would be posted on here otherwise, especially with all the hostility this game is receiving on the internet at large. wb will likely pull support for this game within 12 months, followed by the closure of rocksteady.
With the exception of Deadshot, who's putfit looks based off of the SS film, prior to Gunn's second release, all these costumes look a bit lame, no? Subjective, I know. But objectively...
@homelesscretin I think the story will be it's only redeeming feature. Played the beta, thought it did that well enough, and the dialogue and characters seemed well acted. Gameplay seems a bit repetitive, but I could see myself enjoying the cutscenes, at a sale price.
@J2theEzzo That's great if the story is fun then it's easier to wait for the discount on the game. 😁
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