We've had no official word on a PS5 Pro, but that hasn't stopped rumours about a souped-up model from circulating. Rumblings about a half-step upgrade, much like what happened with PS4 and PS4 Pro, have been doing the rounds for a while now, though nothing substantial has emerged yet. Now, though, new word from Insider Gaming's Tom Henderson suggests we might be hearing more about the machine pretty soon — whether Sony likes it or not.
Responding to alleged technical specifications of the PS5 Pro posted on ResetEra, Henderson says he "can't comment" on information he hasn't sourced himself. However, he adds that Sony is prepared for the real specs to be outed in the coming weeks, as dev kits for PS5 Pro are going out to third party teams:
While we can only classify all this as a rumour for now, Henderson has leaked plenty of information before, and he seems pretty confident in what he says about PS5 Pro dev kits. This is probably the most compelling evidence of the hardware's existence so far, and it sounds as though we might learn more in the very near future.
We'll obviously keep you updated if and when PS5 Pro's tech specs leak. Until then, what do you think? Would you be interested in a PS5 Pro? Discuss in the comments section below.
[source x.com]
Comments 98
If its absolutely true ,which seems like a gd probability after all we've heard from other sources that a ps5 pro is coming maybe towards end next year, then I'm all in on it and will get one
I just picked up a PS5, and my TVs max out at 1080p (a conscious decision due to the chain of upgrading and the fact that from where I sit, I can barely see - if at all- each pixel anyway.).
So, probably not interested at this time.
The super sampling effect the PS5 does looks really great, and the stable 60 fps is definitely nice at 1080p with the base PS5 (well “slim” in my case).
This is probably great for the majority of people with their 4ks and such.
Just in time for GTA 6, eh?
@JDCII I’m in the same boat. My TV is 1080p and I can’t see individual pixels so a 4K or even 8K screen isn’t a priority for me (esp as the max size I can fit is. 50” screen) so a PS5Pro isn’t going to do much for me.
I work in a tech store, got myself a 77 inch oled for 700, PS5 Pro will be wild
N.i.c.e. i bought the ps4 pro and i will buy the ps5 pro when it comes.word up son
May as well get the pro, my ps5 has served me well maybe time for a new one then, let me guess though scalpers will be all over it.
@Arkham24601 48" oled sounds perfect then. When you eventually do upgrade the jump will be massive. 1080 LCD to 4k Oled will be like you've stepped into a Sci fi in comparison 😁
I'm certainly down for a Pro model. I expect it'll run $600 minimum. PSVR2 is going to be the greatest benefactor from it.
@Arkham24601 @JDCII 4k is good but i could live with 1080 if i had to. HDR is the game changer for. I could never buy a TV not that didnt support HDR.
I’ll get one for sure, providing they are easy to come by!
At this rate you just have to choose either the base camp or the pro camp so you have some significant years in-between to tell the technical differences. I might just stick to the base camp.
It’s a bit annoying that the PS5 hasn’t really yet got going and we are talking about a Pro but, on the other hand, being able to move the base unit into the bedroom and use a pro for PSVR2 is appealing…my Portal suddenly became a bit less useful though.
Name your price 💰💰💰
I hope they go nuts and drop some PC size specs with PS quality efficiency and just unashamedly go for the premium market for it. I'd rather have an insane PS Pro than get a slightly beefier PS or a gaming PC, I want to play console games with Max Ray Tracing settings above all else. Nothing makes a game more real than the lighting.
Can't wait.
GTA 6 running 4k 60fps we will be there.
Would love for some actual first party non predatory live service or remasterakes game news to leak Sony.
That would be far more interesting than more less consequential hardware. Although if it improves the targets of third party output that's nice but without a road map on exclusive software, it's hard to commit to the mid gen platform upgrade rather than dipping my toes into the other platforms potential future first party software if it turns out to be good stuff.
Nice, scooping a new Sony Tv for Christmas replacing my 8-9 year old one, and will happily scoop the upgraded model for specs and storage space
Yes yes and yes. I love the pro consoles. I will pre order this if i can and hope they all don’t get scalped. Cause we know those people never sleep on release days. But this will be great to have 4K/60 on everything. Sony is smart for this move even tho they don’t need it as they are selling the base console at an alarming rates around the world. This is going to be good and the console is going to be large haha
Bundle it with GTA VI and see that thing flying off the shelves.
@Arkham24601 @JDCII haha glad im not alone! Rocking a 43 inch 1080p that i bought in 2012 and my wife is saying new to a new one until ours breaks. Really fascinated to see how transformational it will be.
As for PS5 pro, im not interested in half gen refreshes. I still dont feel we are seeing what the base model is capable of and are still a year or two away from that due to the cross-gen releases. Feels like it will be more of a niche product like the PS4 pro - albeit one i would pick up if my PS5 were to die. Would not be surprised to see a bundle / marketting deal for GTA6
The various leaks I've seen online seem to put the GPU around a 7700xt which whilst a decent bump, people need to get their expectations in check. It's RT capabilities should be much improved though, even if still in the mid range of where PC 's currently are.
I'll certainly be getting one though and those with VRR TV's are going to see the biggest benefits and hopefully we get even better looking PSVR2 games
@Ravix we speak the same console language. I have no interest in a gaming PC. I have the money to build a top of the line one. But i am an Apple user of around 18 years now. I own all 3 consoles and do all my gaming there. I am not into learning driver support and tweaking settings all night to find the sweet spot. However i have 2 high end TV’s, one upstairs in a media room and one in the downstairs living room. So i want the best output a console can give me. So a pro PS5 or a Series X pro would be an easy purchase for me. I agree go big with it Sony, but at the bare minimum make sure no game can’t be at least 4K/60
sorry but i would ugrade my TV before i got a PS5. the difference between a 1080p tv and the 4kHDR OLED was transformative for all content
Will definitely be buying this day one if it can deliver 60fps for every game
@Rob_230 while i agree we are not seeing all of what the PS5 can do, we have seen enough from the dev’s to know 4K/60 on unreal 5 is going to need more power. 4K/30 is becoming the baseline on Series X and PS5. Sony know’s this internally and is giving the extra power and i couldn’t be more happy. This is an easy pick up for me as i have no interest in PC’s.
Guessing it will just be a upgrade to allow Ray tracing & 60fps at the same time.
I'll definitely get one.
I reckon I don't need it, but I'll definitely get one.
@Loamy In need of an upgrade?! Half of all new titles are still crossgen
May we bask in the light of perennial 60fps and let the terrors of the long 30fps night become a legend we tell our nerdy children to scare them before bed time
If it means new releases that are currently 30fps can run at 60 with no loss to image quality, features, then i might be interested.
If its just a cash grab it can get in the bin
Would be a day one for me even though I know is going to be chaos trying to fight the scalpers and other customers, I still think is a battle worth fighting
If I somehow didn’t have a PS5 already, I’d probably get a Pro, but I don’t see myself selling my PS5 to get this upgrade. Games are already stunning on PS5, at least in a 65” screen. Would maybe be nice for some VR games but that’s it.
@HonestHick If you're going with the PS5 pro that means you will be playing more third party games on it? I know you said you prefer the Xbox controller so maybe you can get one of the third party controllers that switches the joysticks?
Wonder what they'll do, I know they won't update to Zen3 or RDNA3. Maybe they'll do 3D V-Cache for the CPU and increase the CU count of the GPU.
I am looking forward to PRO. I will buy it for sure
I still think this is completely unnecessary but I won’t deny that if it gets the best version of GTA VI I’ll eventually upgrade my PS5.
But why would Sony do this when the current PS5 has an 8K output??? Bizarre.
Looks like I’d better start saving my nickels and dimes now
Questions are:
1) will it have a disc drive, and
2) will it be less butt-ugly than the current one?
I'd settle for 4k @ 60fps from the Pro as the current one seems to be struggling (game specific)
@spoonard While I do agree that VR2 could use it, it’s far from its biggest problem at the moment, as long as people have trouble with the clarity of the headset more power won’t help. Also there aren’t that many title that are properly pushing VR2 at the moment, most of the time poor optimization or lack of foveated rendering are the problem.
I like my VR2 but can’t deny that it seams that there’s so much untapped potential at the moment and more power won’t really solve that.
If it means more devs give me 120FPS option. Yes please, take my money.
another console and still no sony games announced for next year
The PS5 box still says 8K on it at the top. It didn't even get an 8k update yet right?
@Ravix I think it will do better ray tracing than the base ps5, but it definitely won’t come close to max raytracing in AAA titles. The supposed leaked specs on resetera put its gpu at about 50-60% faster than the base ps5. That would make it somewhere between an nvidia 4070 and an amd 7800xt. The 7800xt is probably a better benchmark with regards to the levels of ray tracing the ps5 could achieve given that amd provide Sony with their SoC. I have this card right now and its raytracing performance isn’t great at 1440p. In fact, it’s so lacklustre I don’t even bother enabling it in the majority of games. Nvidia are the world leaders in raytracing with their rtx dedicated hardware. If you want to max raytracing in something like cyberpunk or Alan wake 2 and want decent frame rates and resolution you’re looking at a 4080 minimum and preferably a 4090, both of which are pushing towards upwards of £1000. There’s no way you’ll be getting max raytracing on a ps5 pro as the hardware costs would make the product completely unviable for the console market.
I wonder how big of an appetite there is for a Pro version TBH. Availability of the PS5 just became stable earlier this year. Hell, I just got my PS5 late last year. I'm not excited about a pro version at all.
I think a PS5 or Series x Pro is definitely needed.
I’m playing Avatar and it looks great on those consoles. But have seen it on a high PC Rig it’s another level.
So yes bring on the PS5 Pro please.
The existing consoles already seem a bit out of date, let alone in two years time.
If this ends up being a thing, I would definitely wait until there was a real reason to pick a PS5 Pro up. Up until now, there has hardly been anything released on PS5 that would not have been possible on PS4 or PS4 Pro, so I would like to see literal games that would be impossible on PS4 and pushing the PS5 to the very limits before I jumped on a new console bandwagon!
With the rumours indicating very little increase in cpu performance, just a minor clock boost, I really do not see the point in this or any other pro console. We have barely seen what the ps5 can do yet with cross gen games everywhere. The leaked specs are not a "4k/60fps" on everything machine
Last gen the increased gpu performance got you a 4k image for 4k tvs. We already have that with the base consoles. I will be waiting for next gen to upgrade
@Tecinthebrain i haven’t made that decision yet. But i think i just might. I mean i will still use the Xbox controller for FPS games for sure. But i really like what Sony has done this generation and I said it before Xbox is making a huge mistake not having a Pro console to match Sony.
@OldGamer999 agreed, i mean consoles release out of date compared to PC and i am fine with that as we are only paying $500 for hardware and a controller. But i do think either A the console generations need to go back to 5 years like they used to be and not 7-8 or B then if they are going to be 8 years we need a Pro console in the middle of it.
@PixelDragon why?
@Neither_scene I'm tongue in cheek saying make it as good as a high end PC at any price for me and a few others willing to tap into the premium market 😁 so that is fair. I do wish they would throw out the rule book and just go for it. Build it and they will come etc, etc. Maybe a Pro Premium 😄
To be fair the PS line usually does perform a bit better than its direct PC equivalents, maybe by sacrificing infinity FPS. So if, like you say, that is what the Ps5 pro GPU will match up as, Sony will probably be squeezing a little more out of it with the way the games are optimised and how the system works.
For example a current 4070 runs Cyberpunk at 1440p high/ultra and the PS5 right now runs Cyberpunk at 1440p upscaled to 4k in raytracing mode.
Whatever it may be, any upgrade that's noticeable and I'll be buying one to replace my older PS5. I do think they just slightly undercut what the PS5 and series X launch models should have been in terms of next gen capability.
The question is will Xbox follow and make a Pro console, agree bad mistake if they don’t.
As Sony will have the third party titles at their very best on PS5 Pro and another bragging right for sure.
@Sakai at 4k resolution, a more powerful GPU is required before bottlenecking the CPU. And Ray Tracing is also more taxing on GPU and not CPU. Likely that a faster CPU is not really required for 4k/60 or ray tracing improvements
I'd be 100% into this if they make it a more "premium" console, as in they upgrade the build quality, have much better cooling, and finally actually insulate the PSU. Even if it's super expensive
@Rob_230 you are not alone. Im playing my ps5 on old samsung 1080 tv 😂😬. Tbh the graphics is quite nice to my eyes.im always prefer performance mode instead of graphics.But i do planning to buy 4k tv next year. Not oled though as oled tv here is quite expensive. And ps5 pro is so tempting. I might get the pro too
Don't see the point....What more could it really do that it's not doing now? Most likely will wait for a PS6 unless the Pro can do my laundry and run out to the chip shop for me.
@SlipperyFish BVH construction is done on the cpu, just one of many possible examples. An increase in CPU performance is very much needed for ray tracing improvements, just look at PC benchmarks as evidence of that
@OldGamer999 i don’t believe Xbox will cause Phil said they do not, however it seems like the play at hand for MS is to come out with the next gen Xbox in 2026 and rumor has it that Sony was planning 2028 but now could try and do 2027 to not give MS as much time alone selling next gen hardware. It did work out well for the 360 and i think most people know MS is going to try and launch with elder scrolls 6 as an exclusive. So thats the play i see playing out for MS. Sony has already won this generation and will sell a ton of GTA 6. However look at what Sony has done this generation for a gamer like me. I was Nintendo and PS console exclusives only and everything else was played on my Xbox and I’ve been doing that since the 360. I can count how many 3rd party titles I’ve bought for PS on one hand since PS3 and now that is starting to flip. So Sony has done a lot right this generation for my gaming needs.
@Sakai oh ok fair enough, sounds like you know more than me. I've only really looked at resolution benchmarks on PC which is where CPU is not as important. I thought ray tracing was mostly done on GPU as well. Although this leak says 4.4 GHz clock speed when PS5 is 3.5ghz peak I think. Surely that's quite a boost?
Wow it’s all wheels within the gaming industry.
Yes if Xbox went 2026 with a new next generation console, though one thing I will say those lines between current and next generation are very blurred now not like in the Xbox360 days, so it may not help xbox much like in the Xbox360 days, far less I would imagine.
So to me that is not the best tactic and a Xbox series Pro might be a better way to go for them.
Anyway time will tell.
@OldGamer999 depends if they release that digital-only bathroom bin version of the Series X. Which was meant to release already according to the leak, if they're behind schedule they might just focus on next gen instead of a Series X pro (or whatever they call it)
They have barely had any PS5 exclusives and many games are still releasing dual PS5/PS4. There is zero incentive to buy a pro unless game development significantly ramps up…
@PixelDragon That’s a shame. May i inquire as to why?, as I know you are a big PlayStation fan.
I'm not sure what the point of a ps5 pro is. Is it to guarantee 60fps at 4k? I don't think that many people have 4k TV's, but whatever.
It's just... the bottleneck was easily felt on the ps4, but i have yet to feel it on ps5.
@KundaliniRising333 - it's hard to commit to the mid gen platform upgrade rather than dipping my toes into the other platforms potential future first party software if it turns out to be good stuff.
Yeah Nintendo is probably a safe bet with their track record.
If it's reasonable enough in price and I can get my hands on the Pro then I'll definitely buy one.
@OldGamer999 i agree. It could work or not depending on what they have to offer. Sony fan’s now have PS4 and PS5 digital libraries built up. So the best MS could hope for in that sense is GP has enough content that new players would by into that and that would be their collection of games. But yeah i see the PS5 Pro as a smart business move on Sony’s part. I mean i love the Series X hardware but there is little to no chance of GTA 6 running 60fps on it unless they really scale it back. The rumored PS5 Pro specs would give it to us with bells and whistles. That is a power play card to have up your sleeve. That is how you win in the console space and until MS wants to get more serious about the console, they are going to keep losing big to PS. Now before everyone reads this and thinks MS is dead in the water, no they are playing a different strategy. They leverage the millions and millions of PC players day and date. So if Xbox only sells 55 million consoles, that don’t matter cause the games aren’t going to only 55 million players. PS games only go to PS owners day and date so Sony needs that number to be high. Long story short i will get the PS5 Pro as soon as i can and i really look forward to it and think it’s a very very smart move and again on that Sony don’t even need to do since they have people buying the base in record numbers, so i actually thank Sony even that much more for doing it.
I bought a PS4pro on release (it’s now my dedicated PSVR machine) but I won’t be replacing my PS5 with an interim pro model.
The current one does me well; it services my PS4 backlog and it entertains me with a select choice of PS5 games. I don’t need to get the machine with the best specs and tbh I don’t have the “wow” factor of this gen like I did with the PS4.
I do think it’s a good idea to have such a machine exist, as it can push developers or enable existing ideas to be realised - and great for those new to this generation.
It’s just not for me.
I don’t think the all digital bath room bin will sell that well at all and if they remove the disc series x of the shelves they are cruising for a bruising.
@Ravix yes that’s true. Console will always be better optimised than pc and devs will get more performance from the hardware than they would from the equivalent power on pc. Also, while Microsoft utilise directx based dev tools which are ubiquitous across pc and Xbox, Sony use their own bespoke dev software for playstation. Sony’s toolset always seems to be the most efficient in terms of performance output when compared Xbox. Will be interesting to see what the ps5 pro is capable of when it launches.
Yes, similarly to you, I wanted Sony or Microsoft to produce a bleeding edge system at whatever premium that cost. I eventually realised that this will never come to pass and decided to buy a pc this year. I want to guarantee that I can play every new release at 1440p native 60fps, which I now can. I’ll probably spend the ps5 pro cost on a gpu when it launches instead. If the nvidia 5070 is available at that time and affordable I’ll be buying that and enjoy greater performance coupled with 4th generation rtx features, frame generation and 5th generation dlss.
I still have my original variant ps5, but the majority of my time is spent on the pc where I can play multiplayer for free, pay less for titles at launch and can jump in and out of gamepass when I want.
I definitely don’t regret the switch.
Wild to me that we talking about a PS5 Pro when we barely even have a handful of PS5 only games, I'd understand it if these games were pushing the PS5 games to their limits, but none of them have even tickled its capabilities yet.
Add me to the "I don't see the point" crowd, b/c I don't. 🤷♂️
Well I know the point, to make more money for Sony, but for everyone playing FIFA, Madden, Fortnite, Roblux, etc I doubt it's worth it.
Like everyone else I did see the point for PS4 Pro w/ the FauxK checkerboard on 4K tvs but there are very few 8k TVs out there yet, HDR hasn't improved that much, and while variable rate TVs may be a thing now I don't think most people are really using it.
I think Sony would be better off making a Portable Player Pro that let's you crowd stream than a PS5 Pro. But they'll make a few extra bucks, that's all this is really about. 🤑
@Nem the main selling point of Pro would be a huge resourceful AI intensive game like GTAVI, I doubt PS5 / XSX will be able to play it at 60FPS. It won’t be released on PC either (initially). So the ultimate way to enjoy GTAVI would be on PS5 Pro (4k/60FPS). Day one for me!
Sony be releasing more hardware than actual games for said hardware.
Not a single game that uses PS5 power now or in coming at least 2 years.
but alas capitalism, enough people having to get a "higher number" to feel better about themselves
Strange timing, I’m actually more interested in a better Portal now that I’ve settled back into the preferred method that is remote play and with 4k being irrelevant on a screen that size I’m only thinking OLED…. gaaawd that thing needs OLED………
I got a PS4 very early and was happy with my PS4 Pro. Having had a PS5 since launch, I’m still very happy with it. It would really depend on what the upgrades are and how much of an upgrade they are. I just bought a new 75” 4K tv and won’t be getting a new one for many years, so it would really depend on what kind of improvements we’d see in the system itself and whether or not they are worth it to me. At the moment, that’s completely unknown, of course.
@rjejr most games still aren't native 4k/60 so that's still the aim.
I was skeptical until now, but the rumored specs do make sense. The star of the show here would be the fixed function hardware for both ray tracing and AI-based upscaling.
The RT part should serve as a nice bridge towards a path-tracing focused PS6. But the killer feature would be the NPU. UE5 games that employ its main features - Nanite, Lumen, virtual shadow maps - have been struggling to achieve good image quality on current-gen consoles, with resolutions reaching as low as 720p and lots of upscaling artifacts (note: FSR2 sucks).
So, a DLSS-like approach should work wonders. The rest of the specs are pretty standard iterative upgrades enabled by the more advanced process node (4nm versus the current 6nm).
Now, the big question is obviously the price. Judging by its rumored holiday 2024 release window, I'd speculate the current model will go down to $400 (with drive) and the Pro will be priced at $600 (no drive). But don't worry, you won't need a second job. Adjusting for inflation, the $600 price tag of the PS3 in 2006 would actually be equivalent to around $800 today.
This generation has barely started, and people are clamoring for an update already? Wild... 😳😳
@x3King84 People do forget it, but Sony is a hardware company first and foremost, isn't it?
I love hardware as much as games, so it's great that Sony give us enthusiasts the option, right?
Everyone else can just chill. Look, games take up to 10 years to be developed these days. We all need to adjust to this reality. The release cadence is getting slower, and that's the price we pay for the sheer complexity of current titles.
And c'mon, third party has been killing it this year. Can we just stop complaining and go play games?
Hopefully it won't require much more work from Developers and mostly be automated. As making another version will just add to the already high cost and time it takes to make games these days.
Gimme the Pro!!
Most people will have to wait a year after launch date to get one unless they want to pay the scalper price.
I can’t wait, will be preordering the moment I can.
@EVIL-C it's 3 years, by the time it releases it'll be. I don't know about anyone else but I don't really want to wait 8 years for a new console
You mean more fighting with idiot scalpers, I love hearing the storys one went to meet som buyer paid a taxi to sell the ps5 buyer says na mate I just bought one out of the shop 🤣 absolute cracker. I prefer the scalpers ps5 to gather dust it's fine il wait til it's readily available in the shop. Never ever buy from scalpers no warranty with a shop they honour the year.
So the rumoured new Dualsense V2 is for the Pro then? Makes sense if it is so. I would buy a Pro to get even better PSVR2 games, otherwise it's 50/50 at the moment.
I’m up for one, loved the PS4 Pro, it certainly stopped the PS4 generation aging as fast for me. Just hope they can get GT6 up to 30FPS at 1080p! 😂. This is why I bought it so many times! The PS3 version chugged. PS4 was pretty good, Pc was awesome (but I’m not upgrading my pc again any time soon for GT6)
Would be annoying to me personally, as I just bought the new PS5 model, after holding out for an upgraded model.
Don’t think I’ll like “upgrading” consoles like I would graphics cards. Plus a lot of people are now getting their hands on the PS5 from recent sales and after 2/3 years of it being scalped
Maybe I won't have to pick between resolution, framerate and ray tracing like some peasant schmuck... just kidding, graphics/performance snobs are just the worst!
@get2sammyb Gonna need it to play GTA6 at 60fps with all that RT lighting
Was fairly against the idea of a pro but the more it sounds like a reality the more tempted I am. But it depends on when it comes out. If it's 2024 then nah but I think I'd be ready by 2025.
Ugh, I still remember the Switch Pro rumors.
Wish they would put in a disc drive with Dolby Vision and HDR10+ support. Neither Sony or Microsoft has support for those formats with HDR Blu-ray discs.
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