Sony and PlayStation Studios have announced a partnership with Kojima Productions on a project titled (or at least codenamed) Physint. Going by how all of this is being framed, this is essentially a successor to Metal Gear — which is of course owned by Konami, and has nothing to do with Kojima anymore. The game is already being labelled "action-espionage" — a genre that was defined by the Metal Gear series, always subtitled 'tactical espionage action'.
"It will be a brand new, original IP," says Kojima. "A next-generation action espionage game."
He also confirms that active production will begin as soon as the studio is finished with Death Stranding 2, which is aiming for a 2025 release. In other words, it's going to be a while until we see anything of Physint.
And in classic Kojima fashion, this project is already raising a lot of questions. He states that it'll be a "movie" as well as a game, and will "transcend the barriers" between the two mediums. Sony's own Columbia Pictures is involved, so it's clearly investing a lot into whatever Physint ends up being.
What do you make of all this? Give us your best Snake impression in the comments section below.
Comments 32
Does Hermen Hulst kinda look like a vampire or is it just me?
Come on Sony just acquire the guy already 👍
This announcement seemed unnecessary after that bombshell of a Death Stranding 2 trailer, but still exciting news
At this point, Sony should snag Kojima Productions.
See you in about 5 years when we'll probably see the first glimpse of this game.
Kojima’s been working to meld the two mediums since MGS. He says himself this will be a culmination of his life’s work. It looks to have a ridiculous amount of support, from every conceivable angle. Yeah, I’m excited.
This is the very rare time I was excited by an announcement that showed zero footage.
Kojima's going to be spread thin with ds2, od and then this "tactical action espionage" game, but I'm happy for anything mgs like these days. Death stranding is too weird for me story wise, though I did like the gameplay.
Huge announcement. HUGE!
Got me hyped. Just please be a game and a movie and not a strange hybrid. This could be superb
Love what they showed of DS2 can't wait for that next year, and then I lost my s... with this announcement. I know next to nothing about it but I already know both games are Day one buys for me. Something that a rarely do anymore. Super excited 😆
Snake...? Snake....?!
So offense to the Death Stranding fans out there but...can we rush that one out the door to get to this please?😂
@Splat I was about to say no… but in this image he does. Lol
This is cool, but to be honest I’d prefer something entirely new, not Metal Gear in all but name. Hopefully it’s not that
Buzzin bigstyle 😗
I want whatever it is Kojima is taking that helps him have this level of productivity. Does the guy ever sleep? 😅
This is ****ing mental!!!!
Biggest announcement ever. This will be a huge deal! Also return to action espionage and stealth? Yes sir!!!
Kojima always loves to make out his next game is always something more than it is....not a bash just similar comments with death stranding and also with the Xbox exclusive and now this lol
@UltimateOtaku91 it wont ever happen. The guy you mention wants to be independent. After Konami’s nightmare.
I would say this was a huge announcement if it wasn't almost guaranteed to not be done until the PS6 is out. He won't even start it until Death Stranding 2 is done, and then there's also OD for Microsoft. Hard to get too excited until there's a light at the end of the tunnel of it's development.
Fair enough.
Fair enough
That's a terrible name though.
This guy is getting whored out left right and centre exclusive for ps exclusive for xbox exclusive for ps just sell your games on both consoles!
Interesting. I suspect that "INT" is a suffix. In intelligence work, HUMINT is intelligence gathered from human sources, SIGINT is intelligence gathered from signals, etc. I'm not aware that the intelligence services refer to PHYSINT at all, so maybe it's some sort of sci-fi thing, like referring to "intelligence gathered from physics" or something like that.
@Splat No it's not just you. I had the exact same thought😂
I am already so in for this.
I will probably look like Old Snake by the time it's ready to play, but believe me, I'm here for this.
Hi there fellow gamers.
I have to be honest, as a MEGA Metal Gear Solid FAN, this anouncement was HUGE.
A brand new Action Espionage game from the Master himself?
I mean, I´m all about Death Stranding 2, since I loved the first one and have like 100 plus hours, but......
Like @Korgon said, can we get this next project done alongside DS2 so we can still play this on PS5 pretty please?
Make this good kojima-san. Please, make this good.
Cheers everyone and happy gaming to us all
I must have missed the "Haha, f#@k you Konami" translation when I blinked. Stupid eyelids.
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