The awkwardly named Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft launches in just over a month on PS5 and PS4, but all we've seen of the project up until this point is a small selection of screenshots and roughly 20 seconds of trailer footage. The lack of fresh information has eager Tomb Raider fans on edge — and so plenty of them have taken to social media in order to put the squeeze on the game's official accounts.
Thankfully, one post on Twitter got @tombraider talking. Pleading for more gameplay, the franchise account replies: "We'll have plenty more to share soon," followed by a cheeky little wink.
We've observed a somewhat mixed response to the remastered trilogy. Although most fans just seem happy that the PS1 classics are finally being revived, there has been growing concern over the actual quality of the project. And of course, that stems from the aforementioned lack of information and footage. Hopefully developer Aspyr spills the beans sooner rather than later. After all, that 14th February release date will be here before you know it.
Oh, and it's probably worth pointing out that this remastered collection actually ranked in the top ten of our community's most anticipated games list for 2024 — so there are apparently plenty of eyes on it.
Are you looking forward to Tomb Raider I-III Remastered? Dual wield some pistols in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com, via gamesradar.com]
Comments 51
Its Aspyr so expect many issues and a coin flip if they will actually fix them.
How about New games?! lazy *****. enough with this crap remasters. we already play this games.if Someone want to play old games buy a ps1,PS2 etc for god sake
I love me some Tomb Raider so I'm certainly interested. The Anniversary version of the original was really great back in the day so hopefully it's at least somewhat comparable to that.
@Vladspartan I know, there's nowhere near enough new games for everyone to keep up with 🙄
Amped about this. The only negative is it is lacking TR4.
@doctommaso yeah, TLR was a really good "back to basics" entry that felt more akin to the original, but with much more finesse. Hopefully they do a volume 2 or DLC at some point.
@doctommaso 100% agree. The Last Revelation was arguably the best of the PS1 Tomb Raider games.
@Vladspartan nah dawg I have the ability to play these games if I really want to through thrift stores, but for people who want to play these games but don't have a ps2 would be able to through this collection.
It is missing TR4 AKA the best game of the lot. Would it have killed them to include it? Really?
Gamers these day don't want them.
I love the original Tomb Raider so I really hope this is well made and not GTA Trilogy all over again 😅
aspyr's involvement does not give much confidence. this collection will likely suck and be broken. let us be honest as well... how many people are actually going to play through these terrible games again? they were pretty bad even upon their release 20+ years ago. innovative and influential, yes. but they never played well and have aged wretchedly. enjoy it nontheless because it is the last tomb raider project we are getting for a very long time now that the IP is in shambles.
@Vladspartan I’d rather play a remaster of an old game on my current system instead of playing some poor resolution of the original. No one is lazy for doing a remaster, I’m quite grateful actually. Calm down
That TR2 screenshot perfectly shows why the modern Lara is the best depiction of Lara.
She's in the Antarctica with shorts and her breast open. Thank the lord they stopped sexualising Lara in the modern games and started treating her more like a human.
@Vladspartan A new mainline TR game is in development.
Not even remotely interested in this ridiculous looking remaster. Yes, I know it's PS1, blah blah blah. Let's have part 1 of a brand new trilogy taking place after Shadow instead.
@Porco Totally disagree. These games were great at their time and the fact they're on a lot of "eagerly expected" lists says they still have a lot of interest. And I'm looking forward to playing with the original control set because I'm a bit funny like that!
I would have preferred remakes with a modern engine, not too interested in these. And the way other speak badly of the dev, I've even less faith in them now.
I just hope the give an option to save anywhere.
The limited crystal save system stressed me out too much as a kid.
Then again I probably could look for the original on PC for a few £s and mod it to look better (and make it unlimited saves)
Can't wait. More excited for this than anything coming out before April.
@Oli-Wasp i hope you enjoy the games but i truly believe most interest for this collection is purely based on nostalgia and not on the experiences themselves, outside of the most hardcore fans. it takes a special gamer to overcome and tolerate the frustrating controls and obtuse level design/puzzles of these "classic" games. i'm a retro gamer myself but i find it all to be a tall order. by comparison, tomb raider legend and anniversary are far better and more "enjoyable" games.
it’s a win for game preservation and i’m buying it even with the dated controls. everyone wants 4k visuals but gameplay defines a game and yea the controls are extremely dated but you have to remember things weren’t as advanced as they are today with being able to control the camera angle.
Looking forward to this. Fond memories of the originals on my PS1.
They look fine. I'm intrigued. I am more the Gex trilogy returning to modern platforms. I was going to get them on Vita as the eshop is still up but have held off for PS4/Switch if they do releases whenever time they do.
I haven't seen copies of these Tomb Raider games on older platforms other than Angel of Darkness so far (or the PS3 collection of the modern ones before the reboot trilogy of 2013+ entries) (I would buy them up if I did find the PS1 games in retro stores though).
Camera/controls and resolution is fine but other bonuses from past Core Design devs or Edios/Crystal Dynamics or whoever at points would be nice if possible. Any cut content put into a menu to showcase maybe or detail about it? I doubt it but would be nice then just 'oh we sold 3 old games with new or upscaled visuals/control tweaks and making them current controller API compatible or whatever the case'. That we can 'assume' then knowing what they actually did with them or rebuilding parts or whatever the case of source code/assets they had access to.
If bonuses like concept/behind the scenes and more would be nice but I doubt it. I miss that Lair and Heavenly Sword offered those and you got them in the Ratchet games on PS2. I know it takes time but it's why I find even Blu-rays/DVDs nowadays kind of disappointing for bonuses. Which for remasters would be nice 'if they have the footage' that is. Or the games already came with them that's fine.
If merch of a Lara figure, t-shirts or something, not my thing but would be nice for some people I guess. Or a digital artbook of concept art/digital soundtrack.
@Vladspartan Playstation removed all trace of having the ps classic tomb raider 1,2,3,4 I bought 3 of them and no trace on purchase history cause its so long ago . Sneaky behaviour
@jorel262 same 🙃
@Porco I think many being dropped into TR for the first time today would probably have trouble; but the Croft Manor tutorial does a great job in laying out everything required to get through the whole game.
I don't think they're bad controls inherently; they function almost exactly like Flashback, but In a 3D environment. In hindsight I can't think of another game that had quite the same controls, even at the time.
Looking forward to playing these, will be better with updated controls
It's probably a lazy port with AI upscaling performed at minimal expense to fleece fickle fans. That's what big publishers and game devs do these days, right?
@Vladspartan Or do what I did and buy a backwards compatible PS3 so you can play the original HD remasters from PS2/PS1 titles where actual effort was involved, or original PS2/PS1 titles in cases where they don't exist.
Still got Anniversary and the PS1 original on the Vita.
But am looking forward to these - the creeping about and solving puzzles in tombs seems to have been missing from the recent poor man's Uncharted reworks (bring back Core Design!)
@Craigybear91 Not in cases where the port looks barely any different from the original, and/or has bugs and flaws the original did not due to how bad the port is.
It’s asypr…..
Expect them to just give you 2/3rds of what they promise and that be lacklustre.
I think it’s gonna be very minimal the changes. The game play won’t be change is my feeling
@MrSudocrem the stupid thing is some will disagree with you. It’s like - dude are you using a video game to get off?!?!?
Looking forward to this but I would have much prefered to pay more and get all 5 games from the PS1.
I’m not touching this with someone else’s 10 ft pole.. outdated everything.. these were some of the first games I played (and loved) as a kid but the lack of a movable camera and the clunky movement controls are gonna make this a hard pass
I’m 34 now and have been spoiled by modern gaming
@Brutal Yeah, it's not like TR1-3 told a cohesive, three-part story or anything, and The Last Revelation went down extremely well. Chronicles I could take or leave; even the original developers have stated that that game was little more than a paycheck.
@WolfyTn if it was getting a resident evil make over….. day one. A remake of RE2 proportions and this would be amazing.
More classic games need a make over done with the respect they gave RE2 and tbh the much old RE1 and RE0 remakes which both made the old games very much enjoyable.
@Fghtbk85 have they confirmed they are getting that? I thought it was just graphics and additional deleted or mod content?
Throwing up a red flag for me.
@Vladspartan I get in arguments all the time with friends and coworkers over this issue. Remasters and remakes only cause stagnation in the industry, along with the awful obsession with microtransactions. If innovation and creativity cannot be fostered in the industry then it's doomed to continue to collapse, as it has been doing recently. The only upside is that the employees that are facing being laid-off or already have been, are taking the risk to come together in smaller teams and make a game they love! I know it's not much of a consolation for them, provided the economic situation, but I do believe it's effect will be seen when there are a variety of new inspiring indie games coming out that will garner investment.
@Stocksy haven’t heard anything, but I assume they will
@Vladspartan Speak for yourself, mate. I've never played the old games and have no way of playing them now. So this remaster is perfect for me.
@WolfyTn I'd suggest replaying them man. There's much more to a game than the controls. Plus you were like 6yr old, I doubt you were really able to understand the storyline fully.
@JuiceboxMeister I can't think of one remake or remaster that has microtransactions. And TR certainly wont.
Remasters and remakes are far cheaper for someone to buy then buying an old console and then sending stupid amounts of money to buy the classic games.
For example is at least £180 for The legend of the dragoon and that’s either free with ps plus or under £10 what’s someone who hasn’t played it going to choose to spend for it?
I’d rather play the og TR games remastered then play the originals.
I still play a lot of classics on PS2 both PS one and PS2 ad they will most likely not be remastered or remade
Exactly it’s also cheaper to buy a remaster or remake of an old classic game then it is to buy the original version.
I haven’t played Tomba and that costs at least £100 now a days so I’ll wait till the new version is released by Limited run games to play it.
Same I’ve played Anniversary, Legend and Underworld from OG TR.
Be my first time with the OG trilogy
@jedinite I didn't mean for those examples to be in conjunction with each other. I was talking more to what I believe are bad practices in the industry not just within remasters/remakes.
@JuiceboxMeister yeah I agree microtransactions suck. Fortunately atm seems to be confined to mobile and online. Though I guess releasing a 'Deluxe' version of a game with a few extra skins amounts to the same.
Guilty of this myself. Recently bought Robocop:Alex Murphy edition on Xbox just for the Hero skin and OCP shotgun. Though due to the xbox algorithm it was actually cheaper than standard version 😀.
@jedinite It's a weird conundrum for me. I do see how it benefits developers, easy way to create revenue with minimal effort, ie: cosmetics and skins, but the other side of the coin is that it's abused by developers, or I should say publishers. I do not believe it to be a wise decision to buy skins/cosmetics because it is literally money for nothing, but that's just me. The true detriment of microtransactions is its ability to pay-to-win. I'm all for capitalism and free enterprise but I do not support what I believe to be greedy practices within those structures. Greed is good for no one in the long and very rarely in the short also.
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