Sony is still aiming to ship an impressive 25 million PS5 consoles this fiscal year, and it’s got a little over a month to achieve the milestone. Right across Europe, it’s currently discounting the price of the remodelled PS5 Slim, where in Italy you can get savings of up to €75 through 25th February. That makes the system €474.99 as opposed to its usual €549.99.
A similar “flash sale” is being offered in France, with some retailers creating their own doorbusters all the way down to €449.99. While nothing official has been announced at this stage, we wouldn’t be surprised to see similar deals roll out right around the world as the Japanese giant looks to take total control of the current console generation.
Assuming the company can achieve its goal of 25 million units shipped, it would set a new record for PlayStation consoles, when the PS1 managed 22.6 million units in a 12-month period over 25 years ago. Do you think it’ll get there? Let us know in the comments section below.
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[source videogameschronicle.com, via twitter.com]
Comments 36
Gotta get more units out before Halo Infinite drops
Sony are being savage, and going for throat this gen.
PS5 goes for the kill
Surely it's Overkill by now.
It feels more like Xbox killed itself, really. And now Sony is looting the corpse.
Stop… it’s already dead!
Awesome, kill it with fire!
Well, last year was big for games and whet people’s appetite for PS5 and this year seems just as strong (if not stronger).
It would be mighty impressive to see 25 million sold this year. But I doubt it will kill off Xbox though. They’re gonna be sticking around.
I can see that Sony is preparing to release PS5 Pro at €500/550. PS5 Slim dropped to €400.
and this benefits us because
@nomither6 well if you're just a ps5 owner , more consoles means more games for that system.
@nomither6 it benefits Sony from a business point of view but the bigger impact is from a psychological aspect.
People are psychological machines.
Everything is psychological in life. Everything.
@nomither6 does it have to benefit us? It’s just news…
They might as well make the most of the minimal console profit now while consoles are still viable. I'm certain they have a long term strategy like MS, I just wonder when we will see it.
Phil Spencer was most likely hoping the Bethesda/Activision purchases, gamepass debacle, US politician palm greasing and the long drawn out court process was going to end Playstation for good. I guess you will get Sony next time Phil, next time!. 🤣
@Mio_Nakashima might not be a next time for Phil if Xbox keeps tanking. Close the door behind you on the way out Mr Spencer…….
Love it when companies first increase price and then lower it again to offer a "sale"
Sony learned from both the printer industry and Microsoft: Printers are dirt cheap, ink is super expensive. While Microsoft demonstrated how to create a quasi monopoly.
I don’t want a world in which PlayStation totally dominates and games are 80+ Euro.
im very skeptical they can even get half the numbers even if they dropped the console to 349.99 Europe is going through a historical economic transformation right now folks hardly have money for a console and enough for bills and rent hell its very difficult to purchase more than 2-3 games right here in america
They have been on a mission since announcing the target
Feels like the PS5 has been on sale one way or another since Easter last year. (That was when I started seeing the reduced prices here in the UK anyway)
It makes sense, since that Taiwanese business web informed, that Sony had to cut production of PS5 because they have full warehouse of consoles, because they oversupplied during holiday.
I really doubt that they will hit 25 million during current fiscal year.
Will be interesting to see ps5 and Xbox sales once switch 2 releases. If the current switch is anything to go by Nintendo will have a hard time keeping up with demand. I wonder if it will be able to catch ps5, as I fully expect it to eclipse Xbox series sales.
Sales ends right before Rebirth launch, they are probably aiming for that boost.
@Matroska Actually it's more like Xbox wrote Sony into its will. "All of my belongings will go to Sony".
Because Sony has just been chilling.
Don't see anything in the U.K.
Commenters: "Sony is winning!"
Microsoft [Bathing in $3.1 Trillion]: Cool story, bro!
At the end of the day, corporate value is all that matters to any of these companies, not plastic boxes. And if Microsoft does go multi-platform and racks in over MORE money...well...value goes up.
Microsoft and Sony aren’t in the same game. They just happen to have consoles that are. And that $3 trillion dollar company wants a return on their $75 billion investment in Activision, which means more games for PlayStation!
Cool story indeed, bro!
@GamingFan4Lyf I believe “Sony is winning” means Sony is winning the video game war against Mircosoft. PlayStation fans aren’t necessarily Sony fans. XBOX fans aren’t necessarily Microsoft fans. While what you’ve stated is absolutely true. No one sees PS5 outdoing XBOX as Sony being more valuable than Microsoft.
@GamingFan4Lyf you are conflating two different things. Microsoft is extremely successful often #1 in each of the fields they are involved in and a $3 trillion corporation.
But their Xbox division is not as successful, currently third in most metrics in a three horse race. Xbox reportedly lost around $450 million last year, Microsoft won’t be happy with that. And the $7 billion acquisition of Zenimax (Bethesda) hasn’t helped them gain market share, hence it looks like they are changing strategy.
@PSme yeah
@themightyant A change in strategy that could make the Xbox division very successful - potentially more successful than Sony's PlayStation division. Time will tell.
@AhmadSumadi "the video game war against Mircosoft"
The very problem with people's mentality (on both sides).
I honestly don't care who sells the most consoles. I follow the games I like and if it means spending less money on plastic boxes to play said games, I'm all over it!
@GamingFan4Lyf For sure, I didn’t say otherwise, but right now it’s not it.
i mean... it's about time sony did a permanent MSRP drop anyways. this sale price should be the norm 4 years into the console generation.
@nomither6 Actually the real benefit to us from Sony selling loads of consoles is it means PlayStation is sometimes prioritised by 3rd party developers.
@MrMagic haven’t they been for like over 10 years now? lol
@nomither6 Yeah but this just ensures it keeps happening.
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