Rare, the developer behind all-time classics like Banjo-Kazooie and Perfect Dark, has never made a PlayStation game before – but all that changes on 30th April, when the studio will ship Sea of Thieves on PS5. Despite being founded almost 40 years ago, in 1985, the UK developer has never worked on any of Sony’s systems; Nintendo previously had a stake in the studio, before it was wholly acquired by Microsoft in 2002.
Headquartered in Twycross, Rare is arguably one of the world’s best-known developers – largely due to its efforts on the Super Nintendo and Nintendo 64. Goldeneye 007 is one of the most iconic first-person shooters ever made, and it helped prove that the genre was not only viable on home consoles, but could excel. Its post-acquisition efforts haven’t been quite as iconic, although Sea of Thieves has now attracted an impressive 35 million players overall.
Interestingly, it’s not actually Rare working on this conversion, but UK-based outfit Third Kind Games. It confirmed on Twitter: “We’re delighted to announce we’re working with the incredibly talented team at Rare to bring the hugely successful Sea of Thieves to PS5 in April.” It’ll be interesting to see if the PlayStation version retains pace with its PC and Xbox counterparts, as Rare regularly updates this release with new content and features.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 46
A Rare occurence then.
Genuinely looking forward to this. I hope the port comes out well because this would be a barrel of laughs with my PS only buds
@DrClayman Excellent. 😂 The world needs more dad jokes.
@DrClayman Haha, nice!
Much like Bungie on PS4 seeing Rare on PlayStation is gonna be wild, something I never thought would happen growing up with them pretty much being a Nintendo studio.
If you PS guys see a ship named Butter Pie Enjoyer then don't bother chasing it. I've been running away and hiding my loot since 2018 so you'll never catch me🏃🏽♂️🏃🏽♂️🏃🏽♂️
Wow I remember seeing this R logo a lot when I had GoldenEye, Donkey Kong 64, Banjo Kazooie in my N64 days, it meant what I'm about to play is pure quality. Now the R that has replaced that is none other than Rockstar!
@Decoy_Snake Oni on PS2 was made by Bungie so they had been on playstation before Destiny
It's a shame Rare isn't the developer they once were. They pretty much carried the N64.
@bindiana yeah but when Destiny landed they had pretty much become the xbox studio at that time.
@DrClayman A Rare occurrence indeed. I hope people have a Perfect (Dark) time (Atic) Atac-cking other ships to get all the Gold(eneye). You’ll need a Killer Instinct to survive but as long as you’re having a Blast (Corp) and don’t act like a Donkey (Kong 64) you’ll be Head Over Heels. 👍
Final nail in the coffin for Skull and Bones I would imagine...
Too bad its Microsoft Rare and not the good one.
Anyway, I'll avoid Sea of Flops.
@Martijn87 They are really Rare in name only, I think Gregg Mayles is the only person left that was part of the golden age of the studio.
It's unlike Sammy to miss such a classic subtitle!
The award is yours mate
'It’ll be interesting to see if the PlayStation version retains pace with its PC and Xbox counterparts, as Rare regularly updates this release with new content and features.'
I understood that crossplay was going to be across all platforms? Surely that mandates that all platforms will have feature parity and remain on the same build? My experience with cross platform releases would suggest that not keeping all platforms on the same build is a recipe for disaster..
It will be insane to see a MS splashscreen on a playstation console but I'm here for it. I've looked at Sea of Thieves fondly since it arrived on xbox. And my number one obsession is Piracy, particularly the golden age of piracy. They've already sold me a copy.
It’s funny all the youngsters on here remembering rare in the n64 days.
I remember them when they were called ultimate play the game on the zx spectrum! 😬😁
Went for an interview at Rare in the Nintendo days and their office walls were full of all the original Ultimate: Play The Game artwork; Atic Atac, Jetpac, Underwurlde, Sabrewulf, Knight Lore and so on.
To say I was awestruck, even in my mid-twenties at the time, is an understatement!
I tried the game on PC awhile back. Not for me.
I’d really love them to put Conker, Banjo Kazooie and Tooie, Viva Piñata and Viva piñata trouble in paradise onto PlayStation if Sea of Thieves does well on PS
Nope they haven’t this will be Rare’s first PS release.
Kinda like Behemoth hasn't done a game for PlayStation other than Alien Hominid (original) and Castle Crashers.
Is Sea of Thieves actually any good? I gave up on Rare years ago.
Interesting.we will see how PlayStation fan welcome sea of thieves.word up son
@shonenjump86 It’s fun - the game is set up for having a laugh. You can fight other ships if you want but quite often people will team up to do missions and the map is big enough to let you putter about and do your own thing.
@Old_Man_Harper might be worth a look, thanks
@bigkingy This absolutely!👆 I was a despised C64 owner so a mixed bag on their conversions but there was some good stuff!
Might be wrong Sammy,but after their Microsoft purchase,didn't several leave & go onto games like Croc & some on the Yooka Laylee games for a time?🤔
Rare Replay was such a nice trip thru video game history it really is a shame it hasn’t been ported to PS or Switch yet. Switch is getting a few of them but not what I would consider to be the better ones.
Yeah that’s true. Never got round to playing Sea of thieves on Xbox but probably will on PS it does look good.
Hoping we get more of Rare’s games on PS
@TheArt Or Remedy. I can't believe this is Rare's first ever Playstation game. Crazy. Now, I hope Rare Replay comes over. I ree-hee-hee-heeeelly (Dr. Cox extra syllables emphasis) want to platinum Goldeneye.
I know they weren't directly involved in it but I'd love for the more recent Killer Instinct to come to PS5.
We can’t forget the amazing donkey kong country games they made on the snes either!
I miss the Rare of the old days...
Wow. I never realized that before. But then again, it's been close to 25 years since the N64 days when Rare was most special. Better late than never.
@HoodedSpirit don't forget Conker-ing the seven seas 👍
Ao reality is and still rare hasn't made a game for playstation.
So its a non story and it is just sea of thieves good game but come on rare is a shell of its former self. Microsoft made sure of that for those years of wasting Rare talents.
Definitely looking forward to trying this out on PS! My friend and I already said we are gonna pick it up (as long as it's not a disaster - which hopefully it shouldn't be)!
@AdamNovice don't worry, it will eventually
@CielloArc obviously you have never played the game. 35 million players makes it a flop???
Stop being one of those inadequate fan boys.
@Decoy_Snake When Destiny released, Bungie had already split from Microsoft and had a very cold relationship with them. When Destiny released is when Sony began partnering with them. If I recall correctly, Sony handled a lot of the marketing for Destiny in 2014. It was even a big deal that Bungie was releasing a game on Playstation. Now, if Sony could just get Bungie to make a single player campaign for Marathon....
I really hope MS release the Rare Replay collection to pc, switch and ps.
I still have My orginal Conker's Bad Fur Day on N64. Bought it on launch day and never selling it. Best game ever!
Give me some updates Conner’s and 100% remastered perfect dark!!!
@CielloArc I don't care for Sea of Thieves either, but you are aware its Rare's best selling game ever right?
The minds behind DKC, Banjo-Kazooie and other games are not at Rare anymore.
Playtonic is the true Rare nowadays and they made some games for PlayStation: Yooka-Laylee and its spin-off The Impossible Lair.
@HammerKirby3 Do you have a source to corroborate this?
Goldeneye 007 sold over 8 million units, last steam figures I saw for SOT were 5 million and Im doubting consoles sales make the difference?
Obviously MS make a big deal about player counts, but when you give your games away, thats not engagement or sales. Thats like U2 claiming they have a no1 album because they gave it away free. 😁
Id be grateful if you could provide the source of the sales information if you would, thanks! 👍
No1 or not, its been a big hit for them. Personally I would have preferred it if Rare had been able to develop anything else at all apart from SOT since they were purchased, its a studio whos stock has fallen far imo.
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