Update: We're glad Dragon's Dogma 2 is out soon, because this ongoing debate over the game's PS5 frame rate is already out of control. Yesterday, a bunch of fresh previews for the action RPG dropped — and just about every single one of them gushed over how good the game is shaping up to be. Some even went as far to call it a guaranteed Game of the Year contender.
However, for many, there's a clear sticking point hiding amid all the praise — and that's the uncapped frame rate. As outlined in the original article below, IGN went ahead and actually analysed the frame rate during their demo — and it averaged at around 31 frames-per-second. Which, needless to say, isn't great for a current-gen action game.
The panic didn't stop there, though. Others who played this preview build also noted just how choppy the frame rate was. Twitch streamer Oroboro told his audience (as posted on Reddit) that the frame rate was "really bad, really, really bad", and that it was definitely not a stable 30fps. However, much like IGN, he was informed by Capcom that the frame rate will be better in the finished release.
But this is where things get a bit confusing. There are other previews out there — multiple, in fact — that clearly highlight a much smoother frame rate. Some, like Twitch streamer Prod, state that the preview build was running at around 60fps, but with some dips during busy combat scenarios. RPGFan also say that the game "ran smoothly" during their time with it.
So what's going on here? Well, it could be a number of things. It's possible that the uncapped frame rate really does fluctuate to a crazy degree — but if that is the case, you would expect more of the previews to bring it up. It's even possible that the fault lies with Capcom in that the preview build itself may have had technical issues. Could something like prolonged play over multiple preview sessions cause the frame rate to decay, while resetting the PS5 put it right? We just don't know.
As if it wasn't already obvious, we're going to need to play Dragon's Dogma 2 for ourselves before jumping to any conclusions.
Original Story: Fresh previews for Dragon's Dogma 2 are dropping, and you know what that means! Yep, it's once again time to discuss the game's frame rate, which has been a hot topic over the last couple of months. Previously, director Hideaki Itsuno confirmed that the game would feature an uncapped frame rate — meaning that it won't be capped at 30 frames-per-second.
However, as many were quick to point out, the problem with an uncapped frame rate is that it can fluctuate, resulting in a potentially choppy experience.
And so here we are, with IGN putting said frame rate to the test in a new video. Based on what IGN played, Dragon's Dogma 2 averages 31fps on PS5, complete with ups and downs depending on how busy things get. So, the frame rate is uncapped — but it's barely approaching that hallowed 60fps.
It needs to be noted, though, that this isn't the final build — something that Capcom was apparently eager to stress. IGN's testing is based on a preview version of the action RPG.