Not content with breaking boundaries with its incredible ongoing Negro Leagues mode, MLB The Show 24 will also introduce female ballplayers for the first time in its RPG-inspired Road to the Show. Selecting a lady will trigger a unique storyline where you’re accompanied by your childhood friend and fellow prospective superstar Mia Lewis, and will explore the “camaraderie professional players like Kelsie Whitmore have said is so important to their success on and off the field”.

All of the features of Road to the Show will remain the same, so you’ll be able to progress your ballplayer how you want to, and will gradually work your way up from the Minor Leagues and into the Big Leagues. But the narrative flavour will be different, with the unique cutscenes changing depending on how you play and your overall progress. There’ll also be unique commentary, MLB network segments, and more to document your journey.
Comments 28
I never expected to see MLB The Show and RPG-Inspired in the same headline, yet here we are.
I've always been intrigued by The Show but haven't given the IP a chance yet. Maybe someday.
@Deadlyblack Road to the Show has been a little bit like a simple RPG for many years to be honest.
You know what could be cool would be if they did something similar to the Negro League thing but with the All-American Girls Baseball League. I bet there's some very interesting history there they could pull from.
I do like what they are doing with the whole documentary thing. I haven't played it myself (just too many other games at the moment) but I definitely want to. Maybe later in the year.
If they are doing this, can they atleast add some stellar blade sliders
Removed - flaming/arguing
There's been baseball games in the past that featured female players, cool to see Road to the Show add more options for people.
I think it would have been better to expand and improve franchise mode. But this seems like a cheap easy win. Add a woman option and a couple cut scenes and you can brag about some whole new story or mode without doing much. I wonder if the RTTS mode will be any different at all for male players from last year?
@stugotz male players can play as girls bizarrely.
It's okay not to like it. Every sport has their own quirks that attracts people to them.
Baseball for myself at least is great because of the highly tense situations that come about because of its structure. I also love how no matter how big the deficit each team has a chance turn things around. There's no running the clock out, playing keep away, or anything like that.
It also probably helps that I grew up in an American Baseball loving family.😄
@get2sammyb Oh that makes sense.
My biggest surprise is that this series gets between 1-2 million sales every release. Wild.
This is bound to be very popular with my female friends. After all, so many of them are professional baseball players and/or striving toward that goal.
Totally making a Geena Davis character
This is pretty cool actually. Women can theoretically play all the way up to the MLB so this mode really should let you considering it’s supposed to be the route to the MLB through the minors and such.
A League Of Their Own mode sounds awesome!
I look forward to the day when they add a Blernsball mode.
Removed - inappropriate
Nice addition, my niece is going to love it!
@Troubbble How many of your male friends are baseball players or striving towards that goal? For that matter, how many of your friends are samurai, space soldiers, cyborgs, robots, cats, or any of the other hundreds of avatars in games?
@CVCubbington Baseball is as boring as Mom and apple pie. they need to jazz it up.
@RBRTMNZ I have known a guy or two who pursued baseball as a career--although none of them ended up making it. But you're taking a sarcastic joke a bit literally.
In actuality, baseball games are somewhat different from games about space soldiers and cyborgs because professional baseball is something which actually exists in real life, and an MLB simulation is presumably intended to entertain people who enjoy that sport. If you think "baseball is as boring as Mom and apple pie" (whatever that means), maybe you're not the first person who should be consulted about what an MLB game should include.
If legitimate fans of baseball--people who might actually purchase this game--are excited about the addition... more power to them. I'd be interested to know whether they are.
@Troubbble based on your comment history I don’t believe that this was an innocent joke. Your comments on this site make you come off as sexist and just generally kind of backwards and self centered in your views.
that's cool but I still find unacceptable that this is included in gamepass and not ps+
Can't wait for 2B to be playable dlc
Adding women as a playable option…. cool
But RTTS has been a dumpster fire since adding archetypes and tying it to Diamond Dynasty. I long for the days of RTTS 08 to 17 when the mode was a lot of fun. It’s been franchise with player lock for me for years now.
This is actually pretty cool. Reminds me of that show Pitch back in like 2015 about young pitcher who becomes the first female player in Major League Baseball.
Can I play as woman who identifies as a man? I want MY story represented. That's all that matters after all. Unlock my dreams.
Ok, Sony I will buy.
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