As promised by Capcom earlier in the month, Dragon's Dogma 2 has a new update on PS5. Patch 1.10, which weighs in at a very manageable 563MB, features adjustments to various aspects of the game, like making dragonsplague easier to spot, and improving pawn behaviour.
Those who caught the initial patch announcement wouldn't have been expecting them anyway, but it's worth mentioning that this update doesn't come with performance boosts. The game's frame rate remains rough in places — although Capcom has said that it's working to address the technical side of things in future updates. The wait continues...
Dragon's Dogma 2 Update 1.10 Patch Notes
- Reducing the infection frequency of dragonsplague and adjusting the signs of Pawns infected with dragonsplague to be more noticeable.
- For example, when infected, glowing eyes will be more noticeable.
- Adding the option to zoom in on the faces of the Arisen and Pawns in the status screen, shops, etc.
- Fixing some issues and implementing adjustments related to the mini map.
- Treasure chests that have already been acquired won't be displayed on the mini map.
- Adjustments to Pawns’ behavior and dialogue
- Fixing issues where occasionally the player couldn't high five Pawns.
- Fixing issues where Pawns wouldn't start guiding after offering to guide.
- Making Pawns less likely to fall off cliffs.
- Reducing the frequency of some Pawn dialogue lines.
- Improving Pawn lines to better match circumstances.
- Fixing some issues where Pawns stop speaking outside of combat.
- Fixing some issues where the Main Pawn speaks support Pawn’s dialogue.
- Making Pawns more likely to aid the Arisen if the Arisen commands them to help while being held by enemies.
- Reducing the frequency of Pawns offering to be hired by the player while in the field.
- Fixing issues where sometimes escort quests are considered failed when accessing Character Edit or other specific situations.
- Fixing issues where the player could be jailed when fighting monsters in town.
- Fixing some crashes and freezes in specific circumstances.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes.
Are you still playing Dragon's Dogma 2? Which of these adjustments are you most happy to see? Watch in awe as your pawn avoids the brine in the comments section below.
[source dragonsdogma.com]
Comments 13
I got the Platinum and going to put it down for a while. A Bitterblack Isle type expansion would bring me back real fast.
I've finished the game twice and I'm just going to mop up remaining trophies for the platinum now on my main account. Looking forward to an expansion some time.
@Ravix I bumped into Tim Roth just strolling around Battahl and his eyes were wildly glowing red. Poor Tim got the plague.
Edit* Just got the platinum. I've done everything and now I'm a bit sad. Fantastic game.
I need that performance patch asap
"Adding the option to zoom in on the faces of the Arisen and Pawns in the status screen, shops, etc."
Seems like an odd adjustment to waste development cycles on...but, okay....
@GamingFan4Lyf it is pretty hard to find right angel and zoom, trying to figure out, whether the pawn has gone mad or not. And missing that moment may result in loosing the whole party. So, nope, that is a nice addition. And this function could be done with ease, because rotating and zooming was already present in game during the character creation.
@Tomato_Goose Oh...okay. So..it does have gameplay implications, then.
Never played Dragon's Dogma, so it just seemed like a weird thing to fuss over from an outsider's perspective.
@ApostateMage aww, he must miss you
haha I think I've left him in Limbo tbh as the endgame was quite plaguey, let's say, and I didn't click new game since finishing, so my last pawn server save is technically just before the end cutscene 🐲👀
I found dragons plague to very noticeable before this patch. My normally friendly pawn wouldn't stop sassing me when she caught it. 😂
I swear YouTubers were letting Dragonsplague get out of hand just to make a "Dragonsplague Wreaked My Game!" Video. You have to flat out ignore the signs for it to become a real issue.
I don’t think usually beg for DLC but I really hope they expand this game. I loved the ending and the payoff from the first game.
Edit: whose pawn is falling off a cliff? I trip and tumble down mountains all day and my pawn is like “I will go find some stairs or a path. Someone grab a potion so we can heal this clumsy idiot.”
I completed it just last night and while I had a lot of fun with its exploration and gameplay the story is just... ass
Where's muh hide helmet option, capcom?
It's not out yet for me which is strange..
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