Bethesda has today revealed the long-awaited PS5 version of Fallout 4 will launch on 25th April 2024, with current PS4 owners getting a free upgrade to the native edition. The update adds new Performance and Quality Modes, which introduce the options for 60fps and an improved resolution. There'll also be "stability improvements and fixes".
Here are a selection of screenshots from the new current-gen version:
In addition, the PS5 version of Fallout 4 will have additional content by way of the Creation Club. There'll be a new quest called Echoes of the Past centered around The Enclave. The following previously released Creation Club packs are also being included:
- Enclave Weapon Skins
- Enclave Armor Skins
- Tesla Cannon
- Hellfire Power Armor
- X-02 Power Armor
- Heavy Incinerator
Are you excited to return to the wasteland of Fallout 4 later this month? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 77
Will still have god awful character models i bet. I really wish Sony allowed the asset mods on their consoles that MS allows on theirs.
Wow this is great. Kind of have Fallout fever atm
I doubt it'll get me to come back for a 6th attempt at playing it. My problems with F4 are all related to the very limited scope it gives you to complete quests your way or role-play.
I wish they'd do it for Fallout 3 or New Vegas. Those games deserve a glow up.
@StrickenBiged I agree, imo Fallout 3 was such a huge step above fallout 4.
Possibly a stupid question, but will there be access to Fallout London eventually?
And when is the PS5 version of OBLIVION coming? Seriously OBLIVION is a classic and it needs to be released from PS3/360 limbo you've re-released Skyrim about 10 bloody times OBLIVION deserves it's due
But the movement will still look like Step Motion.
"Another settlement needs your help".
Now if Bethesda could do a PSVR2 upgrade of Skyrim VR, please!
I wonder if PS4 saves will import? I'm kinda hoping they don't as I'd love to experience it all over again.
I'll definitely pick it up regardless.
Time to spend another 300 hours building a vault, hand placing every book and pencil... I think I have a problem.
This was the last game I played to try to get into Fallout but it just didn't click just like with 3 and New Vegas. I just don't click with this series for some reason but have fun if your into it.
I have 9 days off then, so I'll probably end up playing it along with Stellar Blade. I've tried to get into it a couple of times, but it never clicks with me. I'm hoping this time it will and I'll end up loving it. Took me a few tries to get into Cyberpunk 2077 and that's ended up being one of my favourite PS5 games.
Now I’m really glad I picked up a used PS4 copy of Fallout 4 for just £2.50 from CEX last month. It was in near perfect condition, too!
@Korgon kinda the same for me. My problem is the drab settings. I know that its supposed to be look like that for a reason but i much prefer the lush colours of something like a Skyrim or anything non post apocalyptic.
Will this extend to all the DLC that came out for this game or just the vanilla release? Far Harbor and Nuka-World were cool stories and all the "workshops" expanded the base building a lot.
4 isn't as good as previous entries but there's still a lot of fun to be had with it. It's on sale at the minute for £3.99 if anyone's interested in playing the upgrade, and all 6 dlc's are currently on sale as well until the 24th, separately or as part of the season pass.
@MikeOrator I would guess it's all of it, would be very strange of them to not upgrade the dlc.
Hell yes, issues aside it's great. Just completed again on steam deck.
Woot! More PS4 games on PS5!
@LifeGirl Woot! More negativity!
@Maaster89 It's a mod, so no chance. Only on PC.
Only played and beat it once way back when I was still on XBone.. cannot wait to jump back in on the superior PS controller with little or no load times!! I’m stoked
Nice. I'm probably in the minority, but I actually liked the voiced character dialogue system. Playing through Starfield reminded me of how much I dislike the whole "stare at someone in first person and select silent dialogue options" system.
@Kidfunkadelic83 It might be worth looking into some of the free mods available (even on PlayStation). There were several that added more color and vegetation to the game. Some of them were a little overbearing, but I remember at least one being pretty tasteful and lore-friendly.
I have been checking for news of this for months, so it's good to have a date, finally. I never liked the voiced character, though the female voice was preferable. But the sense of discovery was great, and the fact you could jump while running - a feature still missing from Skyrim after its many iterations, irritatingly.
Do you think there will be a new trophy list?? 😏
Does anyone know if those of us who got it for free when buying the ps5 will also get the upgrade? I'd build another town.
@LifeGirl - It was already a PS4 a game on PS5, being salty about a free update to make it PS5 native is bizarre. What on earth is your beef with that?
Huh, I don't remember a PS5 version of Fallout 4 being announced.
Not going to lie, I had assumed this was vaporware by now.
Hopefully it's not a disaster.
@StrickenBiged @Keyblade-Dan I'm with you guys, I would pay full price EACH for PS5 remasters/remakes of Oblivion, Fallout 3 and New Vegas
@roblivion1 I'm sure it will autopop once you load up your save hopefully, would be nice to get another stack for fallout 4 😃 I have fallout 4 modded on my steam deck OLED so I'm not sure if I want to start another play through on the PS5, not decided yet 🤔
Just a heads-up about mods but I'm sure people know this already that mods block trophies, hopefully the autopop can take care of that before I mod away soon after
Will the version on ps plus extra version be updated too?
Adaptive triggers? 🤞Probably not cos PS5 Skyrim didn’t get them. Damn you Microsoft. (Shakes fist at sky)
Sadly it won't ever be like Fallout 3 and new vegas. There was too much focus on settlement building and less overworld content.
I’ll definitely check this out as I’ve never played a fallout and watching the first episode of the show last night got me interested.
I just spent like 75hours finishing the spaces edition outer worlds, completely finishing all quests. Will surely give it a go since it's been around 8 years since I played fallout 4 and have been waiting for this update for 2 years.
Also, I have all the dlcs that never played and such, plus never finished the main game too after spending over 120hrs, so lots to look forward.
fallout 4 is my least favourite fallout game
Some devs believe that if you want a game to last 10+ years, you should make an MMO or Live Service game. Bethesda believe that if you want a game to last 10+ years, you should keep re-releasing it across multiple generations of consoles...
Bethesda Softworks where our motto is "Re-release it, Re-release it, Re-release it and Re-release it, because we know someone will buy it!"
Yaaaaay! I was waiting for this upgrade before finishing the game. Excited to dive back in! No, it's not the best game ever, but I had a good time with it.
@tangyzesty Seriously like do you hate money Bethesda?
Meh - Fallout 3 was the highlight, everything since has been a bit pants. I got so bored with F4. The character models looked like they'd been taken straight from the PS3 on the PS4 so I can't imagine a 60fps boost or extra spangly bits will be enough to gain any interest from me.
@JalapenoSpiceLife awesome. Thanks for the info. Would love to get the trophies over from scratch on this. It's been a while since I played and I'm pumped for the show. Gonna grab some beers to watch with my wife. I hope they make benevolent leader trophy straightened out
Ha ha looks exactly the same to me. But yes. OK. I’ll play it again. And thanks for making it free. And 60fps. Now please put Fallout 3 and New Vegas into the same engine.
I was just saying to my wife that I missed fallout 4. I always preferred 3, but I'll take this seeing as it's free!
Swatter swatter swatter swiiiiiinngg swatter!
Please just let obsidian do one. Please
I'm not yet in the mood to return to FO4, but some day I will and it's nice to know it will be a more smooth experience then^^
I'm well buying this because I'm one of those rare breed who actually really enjoyed Fallout 4.
@pyrrhic_victory I feel the same. Mute protagonists have no personality whatsoever.
Good to see its a few weeks away but would have been great if it was today.
Just a heads up that there is a bug out now where fallout 4 won't even get to the title screen on ps5...typical Bethesda. Also personal opinion but remember the next-gen update we got for Skyrim and temper expectations everyone. Had to remind myself to lol
I reckon I'm going to boot this up after so many years to be greeted by Preston telling me another settlement needs my help
I’m going to give this a try. Currently I’m playing Days Gone with a little bit of Immortals Fenyx Rising on the side. This could be a fun game to get into a bit
I would guess that too. But as we all know stranger things have happened.
So, we get the PS5 version for free?? Nice!
@MikeOrator You're not wrong, but with it being only 2 weeks away they'd be crazy to omit that from todays announcement. You've also got to wonder how that would even work. If you're playing the game at 60, it would need to load you in to a 30fps lower resolution world to do the dlc, or make it completely unavailable. I can't see that happening.
Yeah, not gonna care much for it. I've had my fun with it a long time ago, but the focus on gunplay over improved RPG mechanics is what makes it a big disappointment.
Wishful thinking..But i would like a remake of Oblivion and Morrowind..Oh well..
I'll check out the new quest since I have no backlog currently but I wouldn't have paid for this so I'm glad it's free.
@Keyblade-Dan The leak from the FTC vs Microsoft/ABK suit mentioned that there is an Oblivion remake in the works.
I'll try it for the 10th time, I guess. It just doesn't stick for me. And I'm a huge Fallout 2-NV fan.
@Intr1n5ic I's deserved. I have a PS5 and play PS4 games almost exclusively. While it overheats and hard crashes. Cool system!
@The_Pixel_King still got my deluxe edition or whatever it was, with the postcards I got from Game for a tenner back when it was on the Elite programme (I bought a lot, and bought games for friends on the cheap, sometimes; don't judge, haha!).
I will be popping the disc back in at some point to re walk the red route!
Im going to wait for reviews first with this one im not very trusting with the amount of games that a horrible performance and Bethesda and Playstation isnt the best example of great performance on the platform.
@StrickenBiged fallout 3 is already 4k 60fps on series x
@ROTTIEMAN16 Fair play to what they're doing over on the green team with backwards compat, but I am not going to buy a second console to play retro games on when PS keeps me busy enough.
They'll all come to PS eventually too, and I am a patient man. But let's not get into that.
I got onboard the fallout franchise by trying and really loving Fallout 4.
I was not coloured by earlier experiences, but I felt encouraged to try New Vegas and Fallout 3, and eventually Fallout 76.
My favourite is still the fourth one, so for old times sake, I'll maybe start it up to see if I can spot a single improvement.
@LifeGirl @Mortal Did you notice the ‘free’ part?
The thing that stops me from going back is that i was one of those people that picked up EVERYTHING for scrap and materials.
Ive put close to 2000 hours in making insane settlements, without the use of any mods or cheats, as i am playing on ps4/ps5.
I DO NOT want to have to go trough all that again.
@PinderSchloss absolutely did, but that's only a free upgrade to the PS5 version if you've already got the PS4 version. If you don't have the PS4 version but you have a PS5 console, good news! Bethesda are re-releasing the game on PS5!
Let's not get into how it's quite likely that the improvements are lifted from various mods, making this a quick low-effort cashgrab.
If Starfield and Redfall hadn't bombed, I doubt this release would be happening. Bethesda have released flop after flop after flop, and no doubt Microsoft are leaning on them to create maximum revenue with the absolute minimum expenditure, so re-release whatever can be re-released!
@Mortal If you don’t own the PS4 version yet, it makes sense that you’d pay for the game, right?
@PinderSchloss are you trying to be sneaky by leading me to a conclusion that you want me to go to?
@Nem agreed, if you’re in the mood to build/sim, Fallout 4 will scratch the itch, but if you aren’t then it just detracts from the rest of the experience, at the very least in the forum of development opportunity cost
Downloaded FO4 again in anticipation of the patch only to find it crashes every time within a few seconds of starting up.
@The_Pixel_King overpaid, I paid £1 three years ago
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