Tomb Raider I-III Remastered developer Aspyr has confirmed the Lara Croft posters removed from the recent PS5, PS4 collection will be restored in its next patch. Without saying when the update will land, the team explains that the posters were "inadvertently removed" as a result of "several texture and graphical updates to the HD version".
It was noticed last weekend that two posters featuring Lara Croft in erotic poses were removed from the Sleeping with the Fishes level in Tomb Raider 3. Seemingly scrubbed during an update deployed over two weeks ago, their removal wasn't directly noted in the associated patch notes. The closest bullet point would have been: "Graphical overhaul of The Lost Artifact levels." Now, a third update is required to bring them back. "Thank you to the Tomb Raider community for your continued feedback and support," said Aspyr.
To accurately preserve the original PS1 trilogy, the developer shipped the remastered collection with a content warning screen that alerted players to "offensive depictions of people and culture rooted in racial and ethnic prejudices". While the message focuses on those racial issues, Aspyr's intention was to respectfully bring back the content of the three classic titles, which the posters were a part of.
[source support.aspyr.com]
Comments 50
Well, thank goodness for that.
Now the other half of the internet can have a heart attack about it, lol.
Seriously though, good to know it was just an error and not post-release censorship, because that's a slippery slope into a spike trap full of problems.
Justice has prevailed
Now life is alright again.😌👍
Seriously though, good to know they are back.
i miss when things like this wasn’t a big deal
censorship is trash
They just needed some fresh Blu Tack
Asspyr apparently can't help themselves with mishandling legacy titles such as BattleFront: Classic Collection, so I cannot believe that this was accidental at all.
They most likely wanted this to fly under our noses, like Pierre's jacket and other character redesigns.
Devs patching back in stuff that THEY THEMSELVES cut isn't much of a win cuz it never should've left, and they surely wanted it to be gone & forgotten about.
I don't work in game development so if somebody here does have experience and wants to tell me why I'm wrong, I'm open to it but I have a very hard time believing this bs 'inadvertent' excuse. With how pathetically censorship happy (only one way of course) these companies are there's zero doubt in my mind these pieces of garbage thought they were being slick and figured they could censor the game after taking money from people who thought they were buying one product only to end up with another.
Gotta love things people get angry about. Both sides look equally ridiculous imo.
With this and stellar blade censor shenanigans I don't think I'll ever trust western gaming corporations again when they hyping their latest games, it's really scummy to censor their games after getting the players money. It's good that this game change back the censor though.
@naruball It's not funy when some corporations change the game after players bought the game with their money, it's called false advertising. Unless they can gave the players refund, but of course they won't do that.
Nice to see them returning. I'm not sure I fully buy the inadvertent excuse, but it's good that they're fixing this.
Thank god. Now I don't need to have this thrown in my face online as an example of "SJWs" destroying video games for the next ten years.
And it wouldn't be cool to deliberately remove that sort of thing in a post-release patch anyway.
@nomither6 It’s also nonsensical. If they weren’t in the game already, wouldn’t necessarily argue for them frankly, but at the same time we have the weird stuff in BG3 and that’s fine. Stuff that actually “crosses a line” is fine so to speak, but anything more “normal” and is just a bit spicy and not terribly offensive is problematic.
I'll sleep well tonight.
I’ve said this before, but I’ll never understand why it’s not okay to have women be seen as sexy but in video games today, there is all sorts of weird sexual stuff and heavily sexualized men.
Companies are still to cowardly to apologize for little stunts like this but at least they are writing themselves.
I hope everyone’s happy again. Whether it was really unintentional or not.
@MrBook If it makes it even better, I’m from (Derby) the city where Lara Croft was originally created! We have a road called Lara Croft Way.
The fact that they can change and censor whatever you've bought at a heartbeat...
Crap like this shouldn't be so widely accepted or normal.
People often say it's not a big deal, but bit by bit, we're losing more and more.
Whether it'd be consumer rights, censorship, rights in general or our privacy. It's all slowly going down the drain
Dude on one hand they're fighting tooth and nail to prevent this stuff for social politics and on the other it seems like half the population is on OnlyFans.
You cannot have your cake and eat it too.
The world is a two-faced clown world
@wiiware games change all the time. With patches and everything, so your point doesn't hold much water, unless you mean that it was part of the promo of the game (hence the false advertising). Even then in movies you see a lot of times scenes in the trailer been cut from the released movie.
But my point is over the ridiculousness of the complaint. It's not like they removed Lara or guns from the game. It's just some pin up pics ffs.
I don't think you'd be seeing that. Everybody who knew about this censorship realized it was an Aspyr choice and not 'SJWs' or 'woke.' Aside from the modern controls, I didn't see anybody who bought these remasters complaining about anything. It was near-universal praise. Then they pulled this crap.
@Gamer83 You underestimate the ability for anything and everything, regardless of intention, to be subsumed by the culture war.
I'd give it a few weeks max before somebody found a way to connect this incident to Sweet Baby Inc, lol
@Gamer83 It was only a few weeks ago that Insomniac accidentally left the debug mode enabled in the release version of Spiderman 2. Mistakes happen, and as yet nobody has been forthcoming with evidence that removing the posters was anything but that in this case, either.
I'm no fan of SBI myself, but it's obvious there's no involvement here. What would happen, and what did, is some people would blame Crystal Dynamics because they blame CD for everything they don't like about TR now. I look at the situation and think it was made in-house at Aspyr. What the reasoning would be to do something pointless like this is beyond me but as a Sega fan I learned a long time ago companies don't always do things that make sense.
@Kidfried Or the developer is lying and the backlash from the ''anti-woke'' crowd is what made them change it back. Just a thought.
Gaming is healing
Already knew this was a manufactured controversy from within to get people worked up, (they already knew the exact reaction they were going to get) then "fix it" which will certainly lead to more sales they originally weren't going to get. Congratulations to everyone that got worked up and bought into it, you got played 🤷
@Summer235 it's a thing in the west now and I find it very offensive.
Sure they were.
Can you elaborate?
@Kidfried by winning? Have and other details been removed in a bug like manner? I see no reason to believe them as this kind of thing has happened before.
@wiiware Stellar Blade is a Korean game dude not Western and a redesign is not censorship.
Cool. Patch them bazookoids too give r ‘em pointy nips
The pictures aren’t a big deal really but I wish they would stop trying to sanitise her character. So what if her character is sexualised? Lara can use her sexuality to exploit her enemies if she wants to, she can steal artefacts from other countries to fund her extravagant lifestyle (better safe in her vault than to fall into the wrong hands), she can kill without remorse. Why does she need to be a saint? The reason Lara stayed relevant all these years is because she’s a flawed character. She does what she does because she enjoys it and occasionally she saves the world.
I still hope this IP is held by Square Enix rather than some western companies.
It was so obvious that they were creating their own controversy just to drum up publicity for the game and get more eyeballs on a already forgotten title, well it worked 100%!!
I expect more studios to do similar stuff when attention for their game dies down and there's no more hype, unfortunately it will work every single time because gamers I'm sad to say are predictable 🙁
@Nowings Nope Crystal Dynamics own it now and according to what they've said Lara won't actually raid any tomb's anymore.
@Nowings You want SE of all things to still own Tomb Raider because you hate western games for some reason? Wow 😂
@DennisReynolds Nope, censor is not redesign, somehow western gaming corporation people don't have problem with full nudity in baldur gate 3, cyberpunk, witcher 3, or even full on sex scene on tlou 2, but when it comes to asian games they suddenly become very conservative and want to cover up the protagonist. Different standard for different country (asian vs western), I think it's called racist.
@naruball No, where it comes to remaster I don't want anything removed, especially when I bought the game and see the poster, and suddenly the devs patch it up to remove it. If they remove it, do it from the beginning, not when gamers already purchase the game.
@DennisReynolds It is rather suspicious, if this redesign was the design the developer was always wanting for this outfit why is it in a day one patch instead of being in the released version? Why not just make it a variant instead of removing it? It just seems like it's too much for it be a coincidence.
@wiiware You played Stellar Blade? You understand there's way more revealing outfits then the redesigned bathing suit right? Like the bare skin suit has everything shown except Eve's nipples. If Sony was censoring why only the bathing suit? Why are the skin suit and bikini outfits unchanged? Maybe just maybe Sony had nothing to do with it and it was just a redesign?
The NG+ update Spidey 2 changed the Raimi suit so i guess censorship?
@Nepp67 I won't repeat so just check out my reply to the other person.
@TimeDelayedGamer the other half of the internet likely doesn't even care.
@Cutmastavictory Now wouldn't that be nice.
Oh good... I was wondering where all the smutty Lara portraits were in the games as I was getting shotgun blasts to the face..
@TimeDelayedGamer Let's pretend it was a mistake and they didn't roll it back because of the buzz.
This woke stuff is really, really getting out of hand
@DennisReynolds If it's not important and just a little change, why change it at all. And keep in mind it always censoring to cover it up and not vice versa. Why baldur gate 3 can have full frontal nudity, tlou 2 can have nudity in sex scene, but stellar blade have to cover it up. I don't have problems if the censor is for all the game, either it asia or western games.
I still like the game but I still don't like the censorship. And spider-man 2 is a western games, I'm sure if insomniac make peter parker nude outfit sony won't censor it 😕
Good. ***** excuse aside, I'm glad they're doing the right thing. The people who want this stuff censored don't even play or have any interest in video games, ***** em.
@Ichiban @Steel76 and the people who desperately want it uncensored are weird. It's literally low-poly pinups. Yeesh
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