Akimbot isn’t related to Ratchet & Clank in any way, but we don’t think it could look more like Insomniac’s series if it tried. Due out later this year on PS5, the Plaion-published platformer sees you assume control of a robot named Exe and his sidekick Shipset – is any of this sounding familiar yet? The gameplay, which focuses on third-person shooting in a sci-fi environment, looks practically indistinguishable to the aforementioned Lombax’s escapades.

Unsurprisingly, you’ll be upgrading your weapons as you progress – an underlying staple of the Ratchet & Clank franchise. One feature which appears poised to set this outing apart is the fact that you’ll also be able to commandeer vehicles, which is generally less common in Insomniac’s titles. Nevertheless, there’s no denying the similarities here, and you’ll be able to experience them for yourself when the title launches later this year.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 24
Man i must say....i'm sold.
I mean, it looks A LOT like R&C but it's one of my favourite IPs and it's so hard to find something similiar these days.
One thing that stuck to me from the trailer is the uncanny similarities to the running animation of lombaxes.
@Bamila Yeah it's almost identical.
This looks mid as hell
Well RC is a toothless shell of its former self, so maybe this'll bring some spice to the genre
”We have Ratchet & Clank at home.”
this looks exciting, but the voice acting is way off for this kind of game, in my opinion. Reminds me of the narrator in Biomutant (and unfortunately the main character's performance in this game seems worse. And I don't mean the voice actor, but the direction of the character)
Happy somebody decided to clone R&C, as it definitely deserves it.
As for trailer, looks a bit mediocre but I'll give it a try if priced properly.
every games a knock off of something nowadays
Oh this is a clear rip-off lol
Could be good though
If the gameplay focuses on third person shooting it’s a shooter with platforming elements and not a platformer. R&C is also a shooter not a platformer.
As a fan of platformers it’s annoying to me that anything colorful with a jump button gets called a platformer regardless of what the gameplay is actually like.
It does looks like ratchet and clank.we will see how akimbot does.word up son
Interested. Looks fine to me for now
I am totally buying this! You just can't rely on Insomniac Games these days. No new Ratchet & Clank since PS5 launch no new Resistance game since Resistance Burning Skies on PS Vita. They are just not interested.
I'm down.
It's clear we won't be getting multiple R&C games each gen like we did during the PS2 and 3 eras so ill take what I can get.
Insomniac is probably too busy making Marvel crap now to do a game after Rift Apart.
It looks like a fun time. I love me some Ratchet games and this looks like it's right up there.
I can see the comparison. Looks pretty cool.
@Coolmusic 😆😂
@get2sammyb hey, man. Off topic but I thought this could be interesting news. Want to look deeper into it?
I'll check it out, but it looks sub R&C. Fingers crossed it gets the gameplay right 🤞
About time that the gem that is ratchet and clank got a copy cat. If they can get it even 75% close to the feel of the ratchet and clank we're in for a treat
Is not like Insomniac is going to be using the ip any time soon as they have been excile to super hero purgatory 😐
I am on board. Looks like R&C and Metal Arms.
If Sony are unwilling to back quality platformers I'll back somebody else that does! Will definitely give this a go.
Hopefully they'll do knack knock off too...
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