The year is 2024, and we now live in a world where Capcom considers Dragon's Dogma to be one of its "key brands". According to the publisher's latest financial report, the action RPG series currently sits alongside the likes of Monster Hunter, Resident Evil, and Street Fighter as a pillar property.
Sure, it's just some wording in a document, but this is still a fairly big deal when you think about the relatively humble beginnings of Dragon's Dogma. The original game released in 2012 and was, by most metrics, a bit of a flop. It immediately established a hardcore audience, but it was far from being the fantasy RPG blockbuster that Capcom wanted.
It wasn't until years later that the game would get the recognition it deserved. A combination of the excellent, game-changing Dark Arisen expansion and plenty of price cuts helped the release reach an audience beyond its dedicated fans, and it became something of a cult hit.
But even then, it took Capcom 12 years to launch a sequel. So far, Dragon's Dogma 2 has been Capcom's fantasy RPG blockbuster, selling 2.6 million copies since its release on the 22nd March. And that level of success has, again, elevated it to "key brand" status.
With that in mind, it'll be very interesting to see what's next for Dragon's Dogma. We'd be shocked if Dragon's Dogma 2 doesn't get some kind of Dark Arisen-esque DLC, but could there be an eventual Dragon's Dogma 3? Will Capcom keep pushing the property? We do wonder...
Are you happy to see Dragon's Dogma break free? Remember the days when it was just some really weird and niche RPG in the comments section below.
[source capcom.co.jp]
Comments 32
Yay! Very good news.
Now please make my dream of Darkstalkers’ return a reality. Or my pipe dream of Sega vs Capcom.
Guess all that impatient gamer-pay-for-fast-travel money added up!
So DD1 PS5 Remaster incoming?
>combination of the excellent, game-changing Dark Arisen expansion
I might be misremembering, but I keep seeing people saying this yet DA was the exact same game but with a new dungeon and hard mode. Imagine FFXVI's first DLC, a new dungeon, being described as changing the entire game. People talk about it as if it was Cataclysm, which totally redesigned all the vanilla areas and quests in WoW.
If it runs at a solid 60fps on pro I’ll grab it until then nope
@dskatter You couldn't pay for fast travel. Ferrystones are used for fast travel and you can't buy them with real money. You could pay for one, and only one, extra fast travel point that you could place (a portable port crystal) but fast travel itself was not for sale. Do you watch Jim Sterling videos by any chance? He was one of various content creators that BS'd about the DLC in the mad rush for views after DD2's release.
@Matroska There were quite a few changes made alongside the new area they added.
Am I weird for not liking this series? I just couldn't get into it
@Matroska it is a genuinely amazing social study to see that people still believe these random bits of misinformation about DD2 that was just used to hate on something for views.
And some people genuinely believe they designed the actual game the way the did to force microtransations, despite it being nearly exactly the same game design and features as the 2012 release 😅 and basically one person's vision of how a game should be
I'm more curious about the long term growth of the game. 2.6 million is great launch but the game disappeared from Steam and console stores quite fast and in Asia had a pretty tepid reception overall. Even now its Steam rating remains mixed too even among recent scores.
Love this game but if it’s so important please fix the frame rate. Game still runs like sh*t even with the ray tracing and everything turned off.
Outside of that yes please more, just optimize it this time
How about some cross over content, like adding the boss Dragon from Dragons Dogma into Monster Hunter.
@Cloud39472 Or Mega Man
@Matroska that still seems incredibly greedy to me. Can’t say too much as I haven’t played it myself yet. But could you imagine if Skyrim had done this
I sort of felt like Dragon’s Dogma 2 was just slightly above average, honestly. The more I played it, the less I liked it and the more routine it felt, but hey I’m not a Monster Hunter guy either for the same reason! Outside Exoprimal, it’s the first big Capcom game that didn’t knock my socks off in a while.
I’d rather they felt this way about Megaman. I miss that little guy.
DD2 having a good sales run is exactly what I'd been hoping for, because it deserves its acclaim and hopefully it'll translate into some Bitterblack Isle style DLC and another sequel... maybe even another Dragon's Dogma Online if we're super lucky??? 🤞🤞🤞
The thing that a lot of people don't realize is that "DD2" is really just the original DD as Hideaki Itsuno wanted it to be 12 years ago, without the hardware and budget restrictions of the era, and you're effectively playing Dragon's Dogma until the very end of the game when it cleverly becomes DD2. It was a risk for Capcom to put a ton of money into a brand new IP and so what we got in DD was a very tapered back version of what was originally desired by the dev team.
This time round, they were able to put a whole lot more into it, although I don't believe that even now the budget was really full-fat AAA tier relative to what a MHW or RE budget would be. Given that it has sold so well so far thanks to all the dedicated fans and new players (🫡🙏) hopefully it will continue to sell well and we see a bigger, bolder DD3 sometime down the line. Just don't let it sit for 12 years please, Capcom!!! 🫵🤨
@TheAmbienWalrus @Matroska You both do realize that this was reported on by Push Square themselves and generated just a bit of anger from folks originally, right? And no, I don’t watch Jim Sterling, I’m just amused at the whole thing. I have no horse in this race, nothing against DD2 personally. I just love munching popcorn and watching drama.
Now, how ‘bout a new Breath of Fire game?
That is weird given Devil may cry sells more.
Not sure i buy too much into that.
It’s a good game and initially had me invested but it’s just way too easy for me and I lost interest.
I’m not a particularly great gamer either.
I wish they’d add a hard mode and I’d dive back in.
N.i.c.e. dragon dogma 2 is a instant hit.dragon dogma dark arisen is excellent.so i believe a dlc would be cool.word up son
Just started playing this ...and I don't see the hype ...seen loads saying it's unique ...but from what I've played it seems bog standard and average...and also the framerate does not feel nice
Need an expansion with added difficulty and Dino Crisis.
@Mikey856 horse armour is a classic
Near the end of my first playthrough, I had 14 ferrystones in my inventory. I ended up gifting them to other players' pawns.
Also, I feel that the frame rate is blown way out of proportion. I thought that the game looked a lot smoother when turning the camera than FFXVI did.
Lazy,boring and repetitive as hell,another remake from Cap'gods',this is not arpg you are looking for,move along
How about giving Dino Crisis another shot for once? Or hey about more y'know hmmm what's that incredibly iconic and beyond popular franchise you own 🤔.....oh yeah DEVIL MAY CRY!!!! DMC is way more popular than Dragon's Dogma yet is severely neglected and where the hell is Mega Man? Didn't Mega Man 11 sell well?
"The original game released in 2012 and was, by most metrics, a bit of a flop. It immediately established a hardcore audience, but it was far from being the fantasy RPG blockbuster that Capcom wanted."
Afaik at the time it was their best selling game so not sure how that was a flop by any metric..
@Ravix The guy made a joke about fast travel. Why are you getting upset? Also, well the director's vision sucks in this case. The open world is boring and filled with the same enemies.
@Ravensbane It wasn't a flop but it was never their best selling game either. It didn't even come close.
@TheAmbienWalrus Elder Scrolls isn't any good. Dragon's Dogma was already better. Unfortunately, Dragon's Dogma 2 has fallen short. Capgods? Not this time. Between the bad technical performance, the open world still has the same flaws as the first game with repetitive enemies and the combat feels waaay more janky. Stop this stuff about vision. "Director's vision" isn't an excuse for bad game design or not improving over 10 years later.
If Capcom spent more time and money on the game instead of paying for social media influencers to shill the game, it probably would have been better. But for now, it still deserves that 6/10 rating on Steam.
@TruestoryYep Ah I misremembered.
From the wiki "The PC version, while suffering from lower sales due to less marketing, became both Capcom's fastest-selling and one of the three best-selling titles for PC in the company's history."
Also "These strong sales broke the previous record holder for the fastest-selling new intellectual property of the seventh console generation.[109] ".
And "By the following month, the game had sold 1.05 million units worldwide, being considered a major success by Capcom. According to the report, sales in Japan "exceeded expectations", while the game struggled in Western markets.[113] Alongside sales of Resident Evil 6, the game was credited by Capcom for their record-breaking earnings during 2012.[114]"
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