Take-Two, the publisher behind Grand Theft Auto and owner of other labels such as Private Division, has denied reports it recently shut down Rollerdrome, OlliOlli developer Roll7 and Kerbal Space Program 2 team Intercept Games. Having been questioned by IGN during a financial call today, CEO Strauss Zelnick responded: "We didn't shutter those studios."
Having explained the company is "always looking at our release schedule across all of our studios to make sure that it makes sense", he continued: "So we are being very judicious because we are in the middle of a cost reduction program that we've already concluded and are now fully rolling out. We've announced that we're saving $165 million in existing and future costs, but we haven't shuttered anything."
Confused by the response, IGN followed up and asked Zelnick if he was denying the reports both studios had closed, based on Bloomberg articles and a notice to shut down a Seattle office. At this point, a PR representative stepped in and said: "What we've said is, in the 8-K filing that we put out we talked about the cost reduction plan is approximately 5% reduction in headcount worldwide, but we did not give a label-by-label breakdown of what that looks like."
Asking one more time for clarification of whether the two developers still existed or not, PR again responded: "We have not provided any additional colour beyond what I just said. We just tend to leave those announcements to the label, so we're not trying to be cute or difficult today."
As pointed out by the IGN article and Bloomberg journalist Jason Schreier, this wouldn't be the first time Take-Two has shut down a developer and then never acknowledged the closure publicly. In 2013, it shuttered BioShock 2 studio 2K Marin and never spoke of it publicly. Today's comments leave the situation in an uneasy state where we can't say for certain whether Roll7 and Intercept Games still exist, and the status of their employees.
[source ign.com]
Comments 29
Some of the people at the top of these companies really are just complete ghouls. People's livelihoods are at stake here.
Shoot Strauss to the moon on a rocket!
We don't call them layoffs. We prefer the term surprise job displacements.
Because they didn't put actual shutters on the closed studios, the CEO will die on that "we did not shutter those studios" hill.
Am I allowed to say this here? What an A-hole he's being!
@Hundred_Hand_Slap And crash it into the moon! 🤪
If your going to close studios, at least have decency to own up to it.
The two studios are now staffed by ghosts, and their offices are on the barge the drifts around the north Atlantic
Strauss Zelnick
Nah, they 100% know what they did, and they don't care. They shut those studios down then brag they saved x amount of money.
All of the anger and upheaval about this, yet y'all still gonna go buy GTA6 the moment it releases and put tons more money in this dude's pockets
What a strange line to take. Especially now that we have things like X where I guarantee someone that worked at one of these studios is going to tweet about this at some point if they haven't already. Then your just going to look worse.
Heck thinking like a heartless jerk for a moment, shareholders seem to love shutdowns. So why hide it?
They were shuttered.
That is just a CEO sweet talking shareholders.
So it was a stealth kill on those studios?
I don't think take two are publishers, I think they just own gaming companies that handles the publishing, Rockstar and 2K. So when you say GTAs publisher, it sounds like your talking about Rockstar.
"We're not trying to be difficult", the PR guy says, while trying to avoid answering the question so desperately as to effectively answer it between the lines - it's not "yes, the studios are still running", but they don't want to say no.
If the studios aren't already shut down, they're either in the process of liquidation or only still "exist" on a techincality.
This is indeed BS. I contacted Thomas Hegarty, president of Roll7 and said I was sorry his studio got shut down. (I used to write for a PS Vita website and he was a contact WAY back then when OlliOlli was first released for the Vita!) He was really nice about it, but it was clear they were getting shut down.
“Your arms come off”
“No it hasn’t”
Strauss Zelnik & Take-two: "We haven't shuttered those studios!",(frantically waves hand), dammit,it always worked for Obi-wan in Star Wars!🙄😂
Sure Strauss,& the GTA Trilogy remastered "definitive edition",only had a "minor" problem at launch & didn't need months of patches which still didn't cover up the missing soundtracks & terrible underbaked port by a mobile dev!😂
We haven't shuttered those studios, we just sacked everyone in them.
@Jayslow The good old EA technique its nor loot boxes its surprise mechanics. 😐
All these massive companies buying up everything and closing it down without any shame. That's why we need more independent studios nor less.
Bunch of yadayada talk from Take Two.
Strauss-Zelnicks-thoughts wrote:
Damn it I was hopeful for a second that they were still alive but Take Two's dodging of questions makes me feel it's more a case of they don't want to announce it yet rather than it not being true.
Schreier's tweet about the BioShock 2 studio says it all.
It's absolutely criminal if true as Roll7 are one of the gems of the gaming industry. I really hope they can rebuild from this because we need people like them making games with class and heart.
@Olskeezy who cares about these small games. the only studio i'm sad with being closing is tango gameworks. All the other studios were shuttered because they made games that mattered to few people
Ah the classic Shaggy "It wasn't me" defence.
"Sir, why did you just crash into this building?"
"No I didn't."
"But sir, you're sitting in the driver's seat, and everyone saw you do it."
"What are you talking about? I'm not even here."
If you believe the CEO from TT then your an idiot that man is all about profit for his shareholders and would have ads and MTs in every game Tomo if he could and would charge £100 for a game
What does Rockstar as a studio have anything to do with this?
With the amount of people buying rushed, terribly written/ playing garbage "AAA" games by trash publishers like Ubisoft, Rockstar actually puts out insane quality of games.
It's a damn good business model to work on games for 7+ years and make huge bank. Other publishers need to take note, but they never will. Therefore GTA 6 is day one. Has nothing to do with Strauss. RDR2 ridiculed Strauss btw, he's hated through and through
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