The rumours surrounding a potential Horizon and LEGO crossover game have picked up steam today as Insider Gaming reports the title is called LEGO Horizon Adventures, and is essentially "Horizon Forbidden West but LEGO", and features "realistic graphics". In trying to envision what this game might look like, some people have pointed to LEGO Builder's Journey, which places LEGO pieces on a blank but colourful background.
The outlet then claims they've heard that an "advertisement trailer" for the project was recently completed, which could mean it appears in the PlayStation Showcase heavily rumoured to take place this month. The collaboration was hinted at last weekend — when it wasn't entirely clear whether this would be a game or a new LEGO set like the Tallneck one — but now it appears to very much be a new video game, if the suggestions are true.
What do you make of this latest claim? Are you interested in something like this? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source insider-gaming.com]
Comments 68
Yeah, I'm not against this. However, I don't want it to be designed like The Skywalker Saga since I found that game tedious. I hope it's the rumored PlayStation game that Sumo Sheffield has worked on for years because I really liked their work on Sackboy.
This might be the least excited I've ever been about anything ever.
Way too much horizon
We have the following coming/rumored:
Horizon remaster
Horizon 3
Horizon co op game
Horizon MMO
Horizon tv series
And now Lego horizon.
Hopefully this isn't the start of the showcase's lineup getting spoiled.
@americansamurai1 The remake might come this year, possibly the Lego one if it's a smaller game but the others are years away.
@Americansamurai1 and you've also explained why we're getting a LEGO (read: child-friendly) version of it too: they've invested quite a lot into future installments.
@RBMango actually you might be right, I think that leak said it was open world and multiplayer which is common for Lego games
Sounds pretty sick
What a strange left turn for this series of true. I don't necessarily hate the idea but I'm just having trouble picturing who this is for. I never pegged Horizon as a franchise for kids (not that there's anything wrong with liking Legos as an adult. Just saying Lego is more geared towards kids is all.)
I also just look at Horizon as a showpiece style game for visual quality and presentation so a Lego version of that is just...very hard to picture. Definitely an intriguing project if true. That's for sure.
@DarkTron yeah wished they gave their other franchises this much attention. I think Herman is playing favorites.
if they make this Lego game exclusive to PlayStation and PC they will deserve all the ridicule
Too much Horizon is definitely true. Then again, I suppose Sony has a one-track mind these days with only a few games getting attention (Horizon, Superhero games and of course God of War).
They now have Stellar Blade too, but I struggle to think of another Sony franchise that actually got a new game these last two years or so
I wouldn’t mind this as I love horizon
Lame, pretty much all I can say about this. Just lame.
@Maubari Ratchet
I'll play it because it's Lego but as much as Horizon is boring it could mean other PlayStation crossovers are in the works.
Lego Uncharted?
Lego Last of Us?
Lego Ratchet & Clank?
If a Lego game means more Lego building sets then yes, please. The Tallneck set looks fantastic in my game room and I would love some more giant dinosaur robots for the shelf.
Sounds like something that can be easily skipped by me, I don't even need to see a trailer I know exactly how is going look and play as most of these Lego games have the same dna.
If true, this is starting to sound like it may turn out to be annual franchise territory:
“ In trying to envision what this game might look like “
Why would anyone have to try, there have been dozens of Lego games that look and play pretty well - DC, Marvel, SW, LotR, 2/3 of the Hobbit movies.🤪 Then you have the non-licensed games like Lego City Undercover and Worlds, their Minecraft clone.
Aloy is colorful, she rides mech animals, has a bunch of friends in the 2nd game though I don’t they’ll attempt too much water, explores and discovers. Seems a pretty good match to me. If there’s a co-op story I’ll play it with my wife. If it’s a world builder like Minecraft or Lego Fortnite it’s a pass.
I don’t have a problem with the number of games, they’re targeted at different audiences.🤷🏻♂️
Edit: Fixed the name of Lego Worlds and was reminded of Lego Jurassic Park which we own but have never played. That game was from 2015 so 10 years later they should be able to release a similar game that looks really good on PS5, Xboxen and maybe even Switch 2.
"Too Much Horizon"
Same people who play 4-5 Mario, Zelda and Pokémon games every gen and don't complain 🤦.
I would actually play this although I don't usually play lego games, but the "realistic graphics" and the fact Horizon is one of my favourite Playstation IP's it actually has me hoping it's real.
There had to be a first Horizon game I didn’t buy eventually.
@UltimateOtaku91 Same. I've always liked the look of the lego games but never committed to any of them.
I'd definitely get this though. I love Horizon and Aloy was probably my favourite new character from the PS4 gen, along with Quill from Moss.
Absolutely f***ing grim state of the industry.
If with realistic they mean realistic lego pieces and not Decima Aloy building LEGO LOL then this is going to look FANTASTIC.
I would absolutely play this! Would be cool if they ran through the story of Zero Dawn through Forbidden West but just shoot a Lego thunderjaw and watching the piece fall off would be dope.
Does Sony have some secret data that I don't know about? It feels like they're treating Horizon like it's their most successful IP, but I don't hear anyone on the consumer-end super enthusiastic about it, apart from Colin Moriarty, and even he's indicated that this is way too much.
i can only assume they will hand over the assets to Traveller's Tales and let them handle the development. they will recycle the entire map of zero dawn/forbidden west and redesign all the characters and enemies to look like lego. a souless cash grab to be sure but could net sony some easy dough which is what the gaming industry is all about these days.
God gamers love to moan.
Gamers - ‘Sony has no games’
Potential new game
Gamers - ‘don’t want it’
@wildcat_kickz you might be surprised to know, but horizon zero dawn sold over 24m copies, whereas the sequel, forbidden west, only sold 8m copies (as of 2023). so at one point, it did look like sony had found a massive new IP, but the poor sales of the sequel have put this into question. all these spinoffs of late (including an MMO and tv series) come across as desperate and may be a way to recoup their losses from fobideen west.
Not big on Lego games but it being Horizon I'll certainly play it at some point. Couldn't care less what anyone says Horizon games are so much fun open world adventures and adore Aloy as protagonist and she's gorgeous too. Love what Guerrilla are doing. Bring on this HZD remaster and Horizon 3
Hard pass if it happens to be more than just a rumour.
@Americansamurai1 “ I think Herman is playing favorites” Not just Herman… I think there also another ex Guerrilla employee that head of development of something at PlayStation.
So much negativity, but I think it sounds adorable! I'll be curious to see how well the gameplay translates, but I'm optimistic!
I'm intrigued. I never could have ever possibly predicted a project like this.
I like the prospect not so much if its inline with the other Lego games like Indiana Jones, The Lego Movie, etc. But if its more like Lego City Undercover that sounds like alot of fun.
Horizon is my favorite modern Sony IP (HZD and Astrobot are my only platinums), and I love Lego games (Lego City Undercover remains a special game to me and always will be), but somehow the idea of Lego Horizon just comes across as....IDK...desperate? A display of corporate synergy? Play the same game you played before but simplified and in a Lego skin feels awkward.
All I really want is a PS5 version of Horizon Zero Dawn. Yes, yes. I know..another remaster.
And then I would be quite happy if Guerrilla were to concentrate their efforts on producing a new Killzone game. Would anybody else be up for that?
Congratulations on the platinum trophy. Quite an achievement.
Nothing like taking the game with the most boring, plastic and artificially written characters and literally making them plastic to hammer the point home.
If this is what they meant by upping their first party offering... Count me out ahead of time. This is ridiculous.
@Porco I beat HZD, thought it was good, and the world very intriguing, but found Aloy pretty wooden and uninteresting as a character. My suspicion is that many people felt the same way, which is why there was a steep falloff in sales in the sequel (I recognize that its inclusion in PS+ Extra was also a large factor). Her origins and the circumstances she finds herself in are very cool, but she's just not a particularly emotive or sympathetic character. Sure, there are plenty of people in the real world like that (myself, included), but they make for pretty poor protagonists.
Maybe if they move away from her in subsequent games, there will be more of a drive to return to that universe, but I still think all these games and cross-media plans are oversaturation to the point of overdose.
@Americansamurai1 Why come with games that are not even released yet?
I feel like they wouldn't put marketing and budget into this if the game wasn't shaping up to be pretty great. Such a bizarre crossover but if whatever team is on it knows what they're doing, I'm sold.
@Flaming_Kaiser because I'm saying they have a ton of horizon products in development. I didn't even mention the 3 games already out which makes it a total of 9. Way too much of horizon.
@Matthewnh Haha, thanks!
@Americansamurai1 might be just a fortnite mode for lego fortnite suvival part of the game.
on aliexpress lepin/off branded t-rex thunderjaws sell very much.
some sellers sell around 400. (for 150 euro).
knowing lego they could sell the official version of the thunderjaw for 400 bucks very fast.
@The_ghostmen we'll find out.
If this is true I don’t get why Sony wouldn’t do Lego The Last of Us first which is clearly their biggest IP right now, unless it’s too “gory” for Lego. Personally I’d prefer Lego Uncharted though.
Sony are obviously looking at making some games for a younger demographic but sadly games like Sackboy a big adventure didn't sell and Astro's Playroom, while free has a very low completion percentage judging by the trophies which makes me worried that a full game will just not sell.
So the best bet for Sony is take one of their biggest IPs and pair it with another popular brand...hence Lego.
@Americansamurai1 COD, Assassins Creed, BF, Gears of War, Super Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Forza, Halo.
Aloy looks adorable as a Lego character.
This is supposed to be part of the "incredibly bright future for Playstation" the interim CEO Hiroki Totoki was referring to the other day? Laughable... They are milking this IP to the bone...
@Flaming_Kaiser and your point is? Never said other companies don't do it nor did I say I like it with other franchises. I said too much horizon, it would be too much for any franchise to have this many products in the works.
Astro's Playroom is a very underrated demo/game.
Part of the lack of completion is the people's misconception that it's somehow supposed to be a AAA title.
If one has the patience and open mind to play it 'till the end, one will find out there's no other game exactly like it.
It's the perfect title for people that have never played a game before, to have an easy and fun start into the activity.
And it's perfect for children of 5-8 years, that don't yet master reading, or the English language if it's not their mother tongue - since it doesn't have any dialog, or story, or quests to follow in order to progress through it.
Just simple, clear, relaxing fun, worth playing even for adults.
My son can't wait for the rumored next Astro game to come out in Q4. And I'm not too far behind actually...
I just can’t get in to any of these Lego video games. Guess I’m not the target audience anyways. Never understood how aesthetics like Roblox and Lego spinoffs had such mass appeal.
Lmao. There's no such thing as "way too much Horizon" when the franchise only has 2 main games + expansion and 1 spin-off VR game in the span of 7 years. Horizon isn't Pokemon or COD.
Anyway. I enjoyed Lego Batman and Marvel so i'm interested with this because i like Horizon.
No interested, but i will buy it so in the future we get ghost of tsushima or gow or other sony franchises on Lego
So a kid friendly Horizon game even though it's teen? I would likely believe this rumour. The audience is so loyal or so casual focused on these of appeal they would. I myself find things like this to be 'cool' but also a reason I have left the 1st party releases. Is stuff like this.
Lego games with a spin is cool yes but I mean no matter the mature IP to make it more family friendly (which I have nothing against) or couch co-op fun for sure this would be of great. I hate them milking IPs because audiences are so limiting of possibilities with games being so bland or things like this a cross over wow we need more of those like no thanks and companies enforce it on us or audiences suck it up so the company responds with it. It's just sad.
To have a game they are a few years too young for. I mean sure but it's not like you can't have a swear filter or a less swearing script either or the themes I get are above a kid. But parental guidance is a thing oh wait. Or a game with yes less complexity sure but I mean jumping genres in Ratchet was complex yet more adult games for the time were very focused then all over the place of experimentation.
So I mean who really got the more complex games with different variety in it and yet prepared me for any genres I hadn't stepped into properly all from Spyro or Ratchet series among other games that were focused. Games these days are so dumbed down I just find it sad of themes, game design and more. The mechanics are just so basic I don't understand why. Or we have games for casuals like Assassin's Creed with their complexities of an RPG anyways besides their worlds appealing to a wide audience yet GTA 5 felt like the most clunky thing I'd ever played yet people get past it for the things you can do in the series because controls don't matter if they are just everything else to most people.
So for easy to play games I do question studios and audiences actual appeal or ability to play games.
What laziness on Sony's part to 'get them while their young and make them buy the teen/mature version, and watch the tv show, and milk it more and more and more'. What a joke. Actually offer family friendly IPs for families, and games we people into animated films in our later years (like myself) would also buy and support like we did many Japan Studios games or Sackboy/Ratchet/Modnation/many others of the past but no 'lets milk our teen/mature IPs to make them family friendly'. What a disappointment.
Sony wants those safe sales. I mean it's not like I won't support companies I buy up many family friendly games. I did and want to buy all their PS1-3/PSP/Vita games. I experienced both but not every one does that I get it. But I mean I like the Nintendo variety and buy up either regardless of demographic because I care about the game design/genre and I enjoy them a lot.
Microsoft HAS variety but they just don't hit the same way. I still buy them to collect though or do actually care about some of them. OG Xbox/360 more so many I never heard of and have enjoyed then Xbox One where the second party deals were better than the 1st party that gen but I still buy the 1st party games (not Series though not really as many misteps there no thanks, the good are good, the bad are just disappointing, sigh Forza Motorsport 8 why did you have to have bad marketing hiding things and bad game design).
Even then I remember seeing an article or photos/videos with some young girls being happy about the 2017 original game and I mean why wouldn't they Aloy is a great female protagonist/role model character. But at the same time. Is a few years waiting that much of sales Sony NEEDS to get from customers.
I played Star Wars games as a kid but yes did get weirded out by Resistance Fall of Man or COD as rightly so. I just happened to see what they were like, I didn't play them like many did GTA as a kid. I over came that years later of course but still. I played Ratchet games with no understanding of the adult jokes but yet those games were for 7 year olds. They had their tough moments. I played Gran Turismo 3 when I was 4 I didn't get the career mode structure till years later I don't remember when. The people in QA were kids. Yet the games were like all ages movies of the 2000s then things changed over course over time.
I mean Indy movies to Lego made sense because of the way the themes/certain scenes are let alone they are long films and as good as they are I still find them kind of too long but this. It just screams desperation of sales. I mean can we have a Muppets Horizon too next as well? I'm not even into the Muppets (respect them) but still.
But the Star Wars films to Lego or other Star Wars game existed.
I get they want to push IPs to many audiences and even at a younger age their MATURE/TEEN IPs but what about Sackboy/Ratchet and Clank, what about the other IPs they had in the past, just dump them I guess they don't care about them the way many of us that have played or explored a lot of PlayStation IPs over the years have enjoyed them or will for the first time when collecting the ones we missed out on.
I get they already messed Ratchet up and old fans question the series (or really enjoyed Rift Apart, I didn't it felt safe, not hardware pushing correctly and felt like God of War 2018 like with the your old but mentoring their alternative dimension counter parts. Like no thanks Sony I'll pass I didn't need to be told that when I played Nexus they didn't do it then, I don't now. I don't take kindly to nostalgia from Indies for pathetic games neither do I AAA) or the game didn't sell well but I mean just try harder or are your studios to outsource a family friendly game to not possible or a new IP not possible so milk the ones that work but make them family friendly.
Why not make a Horizon LEGO tv show at this point. Like stop milking IPs give us something ACTUALLY compelling for once.
But even still to me a REALISTIC LEGO game is why I always get confused. I haven't cared for the formula in years and even then Skywalker saga was too 'we have changed the format but we added more walking' and I'm like uh why?
Like to explore areas they could do before with Complete Saga or the PS2 versions sure I get that but more 'nothing' was just dumb.
Not to mention I like LEGO environments like we got with the bonus areas with the Lego City levels of those games not the actual level environments. But we get realistic backgrounds. Do something exciting I mean nothing like rendered plastic environments sometimes. Not just plastic looking art styles.
I get it's putting the Lego set characters like a kid playing with them or the characters actually going on the adventures but I just find it distracting more and more.
I like some fiction to it you know.
Sounds like — based on almost nothing — it could be awesome and a fun couch coop game.
I'm not entirely opposed, but aren't LEGO games usually film, comic and television franchises? Why are they making a game based on a game?
@Mythologue The games are but the Lego sets themselves range to many other IPs including games not just the tv shows/films/comics or of course your Lego City, Ninjago and others of Lego originals.
Same with Megablocks Halo sets.
I don't remember a Horizon Lego set (probably is but even then I wouldn't be surprised if they make Lego models anyways.
Not all Star Wars models were finalised by the time Lego Star Wars the first game came out. You notice with some models for GBA (not just hardware limitations it was also the case I think in differences of the first game to Complete Saga models I think) or others too what ones were or weren't updated or had a reference to go off of but that's doesn't matter so much now).
Honestly I’d like a Lego Sunwing to sit next to my Tallneck!
One hopes that they lean into the usual Lego games penchant for humour and expand the character roster with some PlayStation favourites. Imagine being able to ignore all the stealth and hunting mechanics and just tear up the machines as a Lego Kratos!
@Mythologue The one area PlayStation always pays some attention to is family games. From launching with Sackboy’s Adventure to this, PS5 is a console you can play games alongside your kids on.
I guess I am just too out of touch but I really don't get this huge Horizon push, the first game was good but it was nothing special the concept is fairly generic too as its been done countless times in books
They have so many other amazing IPs that they are letting die instead of reviving m, I guess the current youngish generation just loves this franchise
@Gamestation Can you tell me what books that you've read that has tribal human live together with mecha dinosaurs in a post apocalyptic setting like Horizon? I want to check them out which maybe they have interesting stories.
And the IP's that has died are they either really niche with the sales barely break even / below expectation or they just finished aka there's no more story to tell. For example. I love Forbidden Siren because it's an excellent survival horror and i wish Sony keeps making new Siren at least one game per console generation. But none of the first, second, and third Siren game earn Greatest Hits label (a minimum 400K-500K copies to achieved this status). Even after Sony tried to gauge the series popularity again by porting the first game for PS4, but most people just don't care at all which is sad.
Meanwhile. As of May 2023, Horizon series already sold 32 million copies ww. It's a big contrast compare to Siren, Gravity Rush, Wild Arms, Legend of Dragoon, Alundra, Arc the Lad, and other Sony IP's that already RIP.
@wildcat_kickz interesting take. there could be something to it. hence why the last of us 2 performed much worse than last of us 1 (in sales). it could be attributed to people generally not liking abby as a personality and character. now, what does this mean for last of us 3? i have no idea. i don't think sony is prepared to go all in on a $300m sequel if it is destined to further decline in sales (which means changes may need to be made in some areas related to the story). imagine if nathan drake wasn't as likeable as he is — perhpas the uncharted series wouldn't have taken off in the way it did. character attachment is an important factor as you have pointed out. and yes, i agree that an oversaturation of spinoffs in a franchise takes away the focus from the core experience which will likely lead to fatigue and cheapen the brand. i think persona 5 is the worst case example of this in recent memory. i'm not very excited about persona 6 due to the fact that there has not been a break in between persona 5 releases leading up to the inevitable release of persona 6. part of the excitement is the build up of anticipation, but that is lost when a publisher is constantly trying to keep its franchise in the headlines at all times.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner this is exactly what's weird these days , its pure fake outrage. people want games , and when games are announced they complain they don't like any of those games. which is why i tend to stick to just buying and playing what i like. to me if people dislike it or like it doesn't effect what i purchase because at the end of the day i'm the one spending money to buy games for myself.
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