Resident Evil 9, the sequel to Resident Evil Village, shall be announced "pretty soon" and release next year, potentially as early as January, noted horror game insider Dusk Golem has this morning claimed. They then reiterate past reporting, suggesting a seven-year development timeline, the largest budget of any entry in the series, and "ambitious" plans for the title in general.
For a number of years now, new Resident Evil games — both original entries and remakes — have been announced at a Sony event. If the announcement really is as imminent as Dusk Golem claims, the game could be revealed during the PlayStation Showcase that's rumoured to take place this month. "Resident Evil 9 should be revealed pretty soon and release next year. If what I heard previously holds true, should be in January," they said.
What pours some amount of doubt on the claims, though, is only a week ago the insider claimed Resident Evil 9 might have been internally delayed. On their Discord, they said there were suggestions of a different Resident Evil title getting announced and released before Resident Evil 9. However, apparently now these murmurs "can be pushed aside".
What's your take on this? Might we see a Resident Evil 9 announcement as soon as this month? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 77
I think we're all very ready for this!
It will definitely be a day1 buy for sure anything resident evil
I really do have to make a start on this series before the mainline entries reach #10 😅
@tameshiyaku not all of us ☝️
Day 1 for me. Always love January games, especially from my favorite developers! Happy birthday to me!
Fingers crossed. I think we're all ready for the story to continue. Looking forward to watching RKG play it. Their R.E Retry series is next level.
I've been insanely hyped since the restart announcement with RE7. Never played them though.
Always wanted to play them on VR, but goddamn Sony has RE7 only on PSVR1, so I've been stuck ever since.
I'll just get a quest or something, since Sony is pulling another Vita. The irony of Vita meaning life lmao
Not a fan of the 1st person take the series went. I still haven't bothered playing RE8 and it feels odd as RE used to be my favorite series.
Currently replaying RE5 (PS4) and having a blast. I will say that as good as the graphics were in 2009, it would seem even RE5 could use a graphical update.
I think the shocking news to me in this article is the 7 years of development time. It now takes an entire console lifespan to create one game. 😐
Not really concerned about its release date, it'll be ready when it's ready. Far more concerned about 9 being scary enough in parts and the overall creepy RE vibes 9 will have. Going from the fun scary RE7 to more actiony RE8Village was disappointing personally
I hope it is not first person view or at least there is 3rd person view option.
@Uncharted2007 play 8 in third person then 👍
@Uncharted2007 Hence, I feel the price rise to 70 is justifiable. Gone are the days of late 90s and early 2000s when sequels came almost yearly. No matter what people say, I enjoyed all RE2, 3 and code veronica, although they came really close to each other. Gamers' expectation has unrealistically risen. Even this website marked down excellent Spider-Man 2 and RotR for similarity to predecessor or other games.
I agree with RE 5 and 6. I wish they remastered them. Had a blast with the co-op run. I like them a lot, although some really hate them.
Finally a game for relaxing before bedtime
Loved RE2 and RE4 remakes, hated RE7 and RE:Village. Not interested in RE9 If it's a continuation from Village and still primarily designed for first-person gameplay or a non-linear open world as rumours would suggest.
Reveal at playstations showcase, calling it now.
Cool.this should be fun.word up son
I hope it's not open world like the rumors have suggested, and hopefully the third person perspective makes a return
@AhabSpampurse I did see they eventually patched that in which I was thankful for, but it didn't launch with 3rd person. I'm hoping the gold edition gets a physical release.
@colonelkilgore I feel like I'm just always going to be behind on Resident Evil, Yakuza, and the Trails series.
Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, since I'll be getting the Ultimate Super editions (where applicable) for $20 or less in sales when I do get to them lol.
@mrbone $70 is justified but as gaming is a luxury, and the world economy is in shambles, the vast majority can't afford it and won't purchase at that price. For me, I'm stubborn as hell and remember the $50 PS1 and PS2 game days like it was last week. Then given my lack of free time, I generally buy only 3 games a year and don't have time to play each of them.
Please be in third person and have semi-open world elements set in Raccoon City during the breakout
It has to be in VR. After playing Resi 8 in VR I will except nothing else.
A Lot if things are lining up for a PlayStation showcase.
Great news if true and hopefully it gets the VR treatment too!!
I hope this is still in 1st person, much more scary that way
... Thinking how I could live without R9 by my side
I'm all in loved 7 and 8 (especially 8).
@Jaz007 I barely played the RE games… don’t care for the genre… that is… until it came out in VR.
RE7,8&4 were great. Hopefully they continue the trend.
Day 1 buy for sure. Wonder where their taking it though.
And I haven't even found the time to play Village yet, yikes.
Top subheading there lads, I'll have Gloria Gaynor stuck in my head for the rest of the day
Announcement will come soon i think yeah, but probably not January release, then to soften that blow, there will come a new Remake, most likely RE4, I dont be live code Veronica will ever get redone unfortunately
"largest budget in the series ever", "ambitious plans"
Yeah, I smell an open world, GaaS (to some extent) experience.
Capcom wants to take the series into the future.. And the future is not 10-15 million units sold per entry single player games.. No it's a successful GaaS game that still has some appeal to the old fans.
Yet another story where it looks less and less likely we’ll ever get the Code Veronica remake we all crave…. 😔 Just that one game Capcom ☝️ After that you can do whatever you want I promise lol
@Americansamurai1 Agreed, the last few RE games were announced via Sony events so it's a reasonable guess that the next one is too.
Fingers crossed for PSVR2 support and at release, or at least announced that it is coming so people can ensure their first playthrough is the correct one.
Plus PSVR2 support for RE7 would be grand as well, just a simple port would do (for me), dualsense is fine.
@colonelkilgore I always think it is good to be a little behind with RE as they often do gold editions, decent dlc and other things like VR. But I shake my head at someone who is 25+ years behind.
@colonelkilgore then why are you here?
@mrbone if it's first person get over it
@Specky so hyped you never played them.
Really got into this series over the past couple of years. Played RE7 and 8, I adore 7 and liked 8. Then this year have played RE5 coop, which is a bit rubbish in many ways but absolutely hilarious and so much fun with a friend. Just beat RE4 remake and it's absolutely superb, best shooter I've ever played and possibly in my top 10 games of all time. I'm going to get to the other mainline games this year in prep for RE9!
@DennisReynolds Chris Redfield and company probably going after the BSAA which has been taken over by some new variant of corrupted soldiers would be my guess. Hoping Jill will be involved and Claire makes a reappearance.
Love anything Resident Evil. Can't wait! Would still love a CV remake, has a lot of potential but personally hasn't held up as well as the other originals for me.
January 2025 release is kind of stretching the meaning of the word imminent lol
Capcom have been top tier with the remakes and the next resi evil is day 1 for me.
@RicebinBernacky I think imminent refers to the announcement drop, as we’re entering summer show time and Sony has a history of revealing big Capcom titles (further hinting at a May show coming soon, hence “imminent”).
I dont get it why the series took the first person path. I wish they returned to third person. If RE5 is first person, Im not gonna bother.
That is quite likely, in which case the title should have been something like "Resident Evil 9 Reveal Imminent, To Be Released in January"
@Uncharted2007 Only one of the new RE games out of the five has mandatory FPS
@FantasyExplor3r88 Because it added to the horror of Ethan's games and they needed to change course hard after RE6. It worked as RE7 and Village are two of the best selling games and two of the best entries.
Village was a good horror game, but a bad Resident Evil game. It lacks a lot of lore, the dlcs are terrible too. I hope RE9 turns out to be good and not a nonsense mess. Ofc for casuals and not so fan of franchise people, they will love it
But I'm glad Capcom is still remaking the old ones, they are much better than the current main games.
Is the Rose DLC for Village VR compatible? It’s always on sale and if it is I’m going to buy for the weekend
Hyped since the RE7 announcement... Which was unplayable then...
Also explained why I never played them, so what do you want?
@BusyOlf IIRC it's 3rd person only, so probably no.
Looking forward to seeing what it's about. Hopefully a return to third person with a focus on older characters. Be cool if Jill is back in a leading role.
@RicebinBernacky Agreed, I imagine that’s what they meant, I see why that could be unclear. Here’s hoping this is true and we see it soon (it’s rumoured to be open world, so I’m extremely curious to see if this is the case)
Hopefully we'll get a new 3rd person game with the og resident evil characters instead of another game that's in the new direction Capcom went with for 7 and 8, they are fine but it's not resident evil.
Booooo I want third person resident evil
@FantasyExplor3r88 "I dont get it why the series took the first person path"
Probably because Resident Evil 6 was such a disaster and bomb (worst game in the series by a mile 🤢) that they had to go back to the drawing board including making new characters and world.
Well their gamble paid off massively and thanks to 7 & 8's success Capcom made so much money that they are able to confidently greenlight pretty much any remake they please (except Veronica apparently 🥲).
@Grumblevolcano definitely expect a few things from Capcom at a potential showcase like the next re game, pragmata, and possibly new trailer for monsters hunter.
Heck yeah. Excited for this. Stick with first person 👍
@Czar_Khastik lmao 🤣 i have to listen to classic music on radio after each session of playing RE7 at night. This game - anxiety/panic inducing lol. The scariest game i ever played. Love RE8 but not so scary as 7
VR Mode baby...let's go!
@PJ5 It will most definitely be 3rd person, you can thank the abomination that is RE6 for almost killing the franchise. I love RE7 & 8 equally but now is time to return to it's roots with the og cast!
@Tecinthebrain I've played re6 a few times and I'm not ashamed to admit it lol.
Not sure what to think.
I bounced off after RE6 cause first person isn't for me and i had no interest in the new cast.
RE8 3rd person came too late for me to care.
If we are back to the popular characters in 3rd person i'll go for it most probably. Otherwise i doubt it will re-ignite my interest.
I really want a code veronica remake most of all.
Really enjoyed both 7 and 8. Longtime fan of the series, and those two really reignited my love for Resident Evil. Great characters and gameplay, and both felt very fresh, despite obvious influences.
Unpopular take… I didn’t really enjoy the RE4 remake. Not sure why, just got bored of it by the island. Looking forward to 9 hopefully continuing on the path set by 7/8. Also hope Capcom gives fans the Veronica remake, mostly so we can stop hearing about it…
@Ralizah unlike other series, catching up on RE is at least feasible thanks to the short length of each game. In the past year I played through the 5 latest RE games which took under 60 hours total (so less than a single JRPG). I loved all of them too!
@bestuardo Definitely a fair point. I guess, for me, the thing is that, despite loving (good) horror, I have a limited tolerance for it, which keeps me from binging series like RE.
That said, these games come out infrequently enough that I could play, say, two a year and catch up sooner than later. If only I could tear myself away from these blasted 80+ hour JRPGs and open world games!
Think after DD2 I will not even bother much with this until either a demo, or Digital Foundry reports on framerate.
@Czar_Khastik understandable , me and you are alike in that regard. i recommend outlast 2, one of my favorite games and very chill
I loved Village so I hope that RE9 continues where the previous game left off with Chris heading towards the BSAA HQ.
@VicerExciser Appreciate the heads up. Maybe I'll pick it up around Halloween.
@Americansamurai1 I think Dragon's Dogma 2 DLC instead of MH considering they said Summer for next Wilds info.
@LiamCroft I'm just here for the tagline, it's still a bit of a wait until it's by my side, but I will survive
I think it should be called Resident Evil BrIXham , so they get to incorporate the IX into the title like they did with Village
Hopefully Chris will be the main character so we can see an entirely new team horrifically slaughtered in the first cutscene. It’s like his character trait. Getting his team killed horrifically.
As much as I liked the remake, it was ultimately inferior to the GameCube original. One thing the GC original had that the Remake removed was how corny the entire thing was. RE4 is one of the corniest games I’ve ever played with an ultimately stupid story and lots of politically incorrect time period jokes straight out of a Will Ferrel movie. The Remake turned it into something very serious and a complete absence of jokes.
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