Next-gen bullet hell shooter CYGNI: All Guns Blazing knows exactly what it’s doing with some of the scenes in this release date reveal trailer, but hey, at least you’re now paying attention to a highly promising upcoming PS5 game. Due out on 6th August, and available both physically and digitally for $29.99, the publisher is promising “an unrelenting onslaught of eye-popping visuals, ear bursting soundscapes, and mind-melting action”.
The blurb reads: “Outgunned, outmanned, and out on your own, plunge into a sky full of hell in a last-ditch battle for survival. Choose to route power between weapons or shield systems and go up against unrelenting waves of ground and aerial enemies. Upgrade your ship by picking up new tech and take down colossal alien bosses in visceral combat. Do whatever it takes to survive.”

Interestingly, the press release is quite honest, noting that the title “does not seek to reinvent shoot-’em-ups, but to elevate the genre to deliver the heightened sensations of a truly next-generation experience”. That seems like a reasonable goal to us! If you’re not familiar with the game but want to see some gameplay anyway, you can find almost 20 minutes of footage through here.
Comments 34
You had me at panty shot but lost me bullet hell.
Article thumbnail source: 0:15 to 0:29.
You are welcome.
Removed - trolling/baiting
Let's hope it is August, seems to get pushed further away.
@Coolmusic thanks
@BrettAwesome I'm really trying to understand this comment.
I'm one-handedly writing how offended I am with this
Could never get in to butt hole games, uh, i mean bullet hell. BULLET HELL!!
Reddit is gonna have a field day with this trailer
Reminds me of an Ace Combat or Ridge Racer cinematic
Saw this in the pre-order section of the ps store yesterday and wondered what it was but not enough to click on it to see at the time lol. I like bullet hell/shmups. $30 can be a tough sell for those type of games at times but I have some interest, it does look good visually for these types of games. We'll see what im doing by the time this releases, that will determine my interest in buying it then or maybe waiting for a down the line sale.
They’re doing the thing from the 80s where the arcade cabinet has all that eye-catching art over it, and the game is a space shooter. In 2024.
@Kidfunkadelic83 🤣👍
Looks really cool but I don't know if my old man reflexes would cope..
@Northern_munkey yeah that looks too wild for me lol. I dont understand how people play these games. Theres some awsome looking games like Raiden etc but the just look too crazy for me.
@Axelay71 Yes it's been coming FOREVER (seriously years I think) ...and I have been hopeful because Konami are publishing. A new Axelay maybe?
Sammy already preordered. Lol.
@Absymbel yes it has mate, hopefully soon. With regards to a new Axelay I wish 🤞 it worries me they will probably spoil it nowadays though. Adding unnecessary crap to appeal to the new crowd. Instead of keeping old school.
@Axelay71 Keep expectations low...getting EDF Wingdiver vibes unfortunately
Which part confuses you?
@BIG3 You bet I did! (I actually think the game looks like a lot of fun!)
@BrettAwesome i don't know what a "positivist" would mean. Or when a game has gotten cancelled by someone outside of the publisher.
It looks like a fun shmup but with a detail 3D graphics. And it has a physical release too? Cool.
Off topic. Anyone know if Kunitsu-Gami (Capcom new game) will have a physical release for PS4/5?
@Frmknst someone said something about anyone complaining? This cartoon lady just looks like a normal 20 something, so I can't even understand what your comment is supposed to be endorsing here, lol, let alone what phantoms you are sparring with.
All those positive individuals who fly off the hinges at the very first glimpse of female skin, cgi or otherwise. Of course they won't get a game cancelled. Fortunately the positive minds behind cancel culture haven't been successful in that regard...yet
@BrettAwesome you keep saying "positive." I do not think you know what this word means. Are you talking about the body positivity types? Cause none of them are here...unless only you can see them!
Are they in the room with us now, Brett?
It was just some cartoon lady's butt. Just like always, maybe someone on Twitter will roll their eyes, but that's as far as it will go on that end. The real annoyance are the ones fantasizing that they're in some culture war about it...when it was just some person rolling their eyes. Their so annoyed by it that they need to build that darn annoying strawman everywhere they go, ya know? It's like they have no actual problems.
@BrettAwesome Name a game that’s been cancelled or review bombed because of characters showing skin. That’s ***** bigoted conservative weirdos do when they see black or woman characters.
It looks fantasstic!!
Also the game looks like a blast...
Removed - flaming/arguing
@BrettAwesome as always, thank you for the irony my dude, looks like there’s only one person ‘flying off the handles over a bit of skin’ and it isn’t ’a positivist’
@CallMeDuraSouka So I will take that to mean that no you cannot name a single instance of the thing that you feel persecuted about. People like you want to play victim when you're really just projecting.
Also your response to me makes literally no sense. That idiom doesn't apply at all when the problem with the initial statement is that it is a strawman arguement.
@get2sammyb I agree it looks phenomenal. Not really my genre though so I'll pass on it. Hope it turns out peachy.
@Absymbel my expectations are always low now. Not many gems in the sea of ***** that's out there unfortunately.
Removed - flaming/arguing
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