Dragon Age: The Veilguard finally has a release window (not a date). It's heading to PS5 this autumn / fall, and we get our first look at the RPG via the above reveal trailer. Our immediate takeaways are that BioWare's actually going with a slightly cartoon-y art style, recurring dwarf character Varric is a lot older, and whoever put this trailer together has absolutely butchered David Bowie's classic Heroes. Horrifying.
The gameplay reveal for Dragon Age: The Veilguard (we very nearly wrote Dreadwolf there) is happening next week, on the 11th June.

What do you make of this first glimpse of Dragon Age: The Veilguard? Gather a party in the comments section below.
Comments 43
I'll be honest, the new art direction really doesn't do it for me.
Bad art direction and characters. Just remaster origins and 2
I thought this was a spin-off. I'm a bit sad about this as it looks like they've gone the wacky fortnite/marvel route.
My little interest in this has been knocked down even more by this trailer. The art style, tone, the awful Bowie cover, the cheesy character introductions. Rough first glimpse for me, hopefully, the gameplay will be good.
The new art direction makes the game feel like it lost a lot of the gritty-ness the original and sequel had.
I'm still skeptical...hopefully the gameplay does something for me.
Why not just reveal gameplay at the same time? Unless it’s a 5v5 shooter.
All I ask is please do justice to the story they revealed with solas during the trespasser DLC
Yah not much to go off of from this. I really hope they don't show up with some obscure gameplay loop nobody wants. holy crap though, the Xbox showcase has already proven to be the best showcase out of them all thus far. Most what has been shown thus far I want to Play and hope it all comes over to the Ps5 🤣
Just sad how sterile and Formulaic Sony has become with how they communicate with fans 😔
Yeah that new art style isn't doing it for me. I hope they don't butcher the story that Solas set up in Inquisition. I honestly thought it was a fortnite update trailer until I saw the Warden character.
I hope the gameplay and deep dive reveal on Tuesday will change my mind but that first trailer was bad for me.
God, that art direction is so crap. What the hell is BioWare doing?
@QualityGeezer I hope they do it justice. I also am curious if we'll even recognize Solas with this new look.
Please stop with doing over dramatic versions of the likes of Bowie, The Pixxies etc please gaming industry. It’s been over done
@ShogunRok the trailer was jarring, at first I was thinking, okay CGI Trailer... then the dragon looked good. But then it looked like a mobile game and I genuinely thought it was going to be a fortnite style spin off rather than actually the Veilguard trailer... Then it was confirmed as The Veilguard 🤦♂️
Yes yes yes I’ve been waiting for so bloody long!!! Bring it BioWare!
Edit: I get the art direction thing sure but let’s wait and see the gameplay that’s the important bit, but I’ll take anything at this point info wise 🤞
Dude I thought this was a hero shooter until I saw Varris.
What the actual HELL is this polished turd!?
This is NOT the game people who love Dragon Age want to see.
I'm shocked because this announcement kills my hopes of seeing where the story was going and it effectively kills everything Bioware was to consumers like me.
Wow. It is immensely
I am not sure what to think, if I’m honest.
Perhaps that is representative of the new Dragon Age? Perhaps it is just a light-hearted teaser trailer? Who knows?
There is no guarantee that they are going to carry that art style through into the full game. The slight teaser we got when they still called it Dreadwolf was much darker.
Until I see “actual footage” and genuine gameplay, then I shall not pass judgment.
I was skeptical, with the number of staff that have left BioWare, not to mention the complete disaster (being polite) that was Anthem.
The trouble is that I am so used to Inquisition, that anything else that looks slightly different feels somehow “wrong”.
But I still have faith that the story will be dark and sinister. It is supposed to be set in the Tevinter Imperium, right?
@QBGaming12 I'm not sold on the new art direction either but I'm going to give it the benefit of the doubt. The trespasser DLC blew my mind so I really hope this game is epic
N.i.c.e. dragon age inquisition game of the year is a incredible game.so dragon age the veilguard is going to be incredible also.word up son
I don't get the complains about a game that's clearly a spin-off
What do you mean it isnt't?
It definitely doesn't feel like a dark fantasy anymore, at least not going by that trailer. Makes me nostalgic for the Sacred Ashes or Warden's Calling trailers for Dragon Age: Origins.
That said, I don't mind the visual style. They were going that way in the Inquisition trailers too. Plus, I love Harding and Varric.
I can stay patient until we see some gameplay.
Inquisition was a great Christmas Day game. I won't say nope to this either.
Wtf is this sh*t💀
It looks so cartoony
Shrugs in diversity
You know what? No, I won't join the whinging ranks... I kinda dig the art style. Art direction has never been consistent across the franchise and this adds a load of character.
I'm really looking forward to gameplay... Also I am chuffed that Scout Harding is back!
Trust EA to ruin this as well, went from potential day one to being a game I rent or buy second hand.
That hurt
I'm so excited for this new Pixar movie!
After watching wutang (the game from chinese devs), this western art styles looks really bad, also wtf that harding face.
You know how Kill the Justice League did everything wrong and became the biggest flop of the year?
BioWare “Hold my beer…”
It feels so dishonest to market the new Dragon Age as Dread Wolf, the conclusion to the story in Inquisition, only for them to be like "Just kidding! We didn't actually make that game so we're calling it The Veil Guard now!" as soon as it's almost ready to be released. Just a real bait and switch.
Damn BioWare...The bar was so low it was practically a tripping hazard in Hell, yet here you are, limbo dancing with the devil.
I had been excited about this game for the better part of a decade, but after the trailer I'm out. I despise the art style, it's like WoW but more cartoony, not to mention the whole thing with the title change KIND OF feels like a bait & switch if I'm being honest. I'll pick this up when it's on sale for $19.99 six-to-twelve months after release.
The first game and last had pretty formulaic stories that were super cheesy, but ultimately the characters had depth in an interesting world.
I’m willing to see how this plays out, I can forgive a cheesy, weird CGI trailer for now. As long as we get an indication of their being proper meat on the bones
I hate to say it, but I sorta think BioWare might be dead to me. I don’t like the way this one looked at all.
Oh boy... such a generic trailer.
All this did was make me really sad for the future of Mass Effect.
I'll have a look at the gameplay reveal, but so far my excitement level for this remains low. Like most others, that art style did not do it for me and I am getting a little bit worried about the next Mass Effect game (though I don't expect them to mess to much with the existing formula there)
Unfortunately I have to agree with a lot of the comments. That art-style, though I don't hate it, I'm just not feeling it for Dragon Age.
Butchering of Bowie aside, I enjoyed the trailer and the art style doesn't bother me since I'll spend most of the game in some kind of zoomed out isometric mode, no doubt. Looking forward to the gameplay reveal tomorrow.
As someone who never played a Dragon Age game and knows nothing of the series, I enjoyed the trailer and characters could be cool. As for the art style, I quite like the Overwatch-y character models. Didn't realise it was Bowie till I read the comments, it's mainly a very bland rendition,
I like the new look it has going on. I'll keep an eye out for it's release.
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