Final Fantasy 9 Remake

We've been humming and harring over the supposed Final Fantasy 9 remake for a long time now, wondering whether it's really happening. But it's getting harder and harder to ignore the evidence, with this latest leak all but confirming that the project exists in some capacity.

The recent launch of EpicDB, a website that tracks the inner workings of the Epic Games Store (much like SteamDB for Steam), has unleashed a tidal wave of fresh leaks. Buried within a long list of registered software is something called 'Momo' — a codename for the Final Fantasy 9 remake.

How do we know? Well, it's registered under Square Enix, and it's tied to a whole bunch of additional listings, such as 'Thief's Knives' pre-order DLC, and — most importantly — 'Tetra Master Starter Pack' DLC. Tetra Master is the card minigame from Final Fantasy 9.

However, it's important to note that many of these Epic listings date back to 2023, and so they may no longer be accurate to the eventual release. Still, if feels like we're just waiting for Square Enix to make an official announcement at this point. There's clearly something happening here, and going by the sheer number of software registrations, it's entirely possible that a reveal is coming sooner than we think.

What do you want from this long-rumoured Final Fantasy 9 remake? Kidnap a princess in the comments section below.

[source, via]