Alan Wake 2 was one of the best games of 2023, but one recurring complaint Remedy fans had was that it wasn’t available physically. The Finnish studio alleged at the time that a “large number” of players had already transitioned to digital storefronts like the PS Store, and while that’s certainly reflected by financial data from firms such as Sony, many fans still want to own retail versions of their favourites.
It’s perhaps not surprising, then, that the developer is finally plotting a Blu-ray run. Announced at Summer Game Fest, there’ll be a few options available for physical fans, with pre-orders opening later today, on 8th June. The Deluxe Edition will launch on 22nd October, and will cost $79.99. It’ll include the base game and a download code for Alan Wake Remastered, a bunch of in-game skins and cosmetics, and the Expansion Pass, which features new DLC Night Springs. (More on that shortly).
In addition, the Limited Collector’s Edition will be distributed by Limited Run Games, and will cost $199.99, with orders shipping in November. It’ll include all of the above content, contained within an exclusive box, an Angel Lamp replica, an Ocean View Hotel keychain and key, a Coffee World pin set, and an official artbook.
As mentioned above, new DLC Night Springs is due out later today, and features three characters from the Remedy Cinematic Universe, including a character based on Control’s Jesse Faden. As you should probably expect from the Max Payne maker, things in this add-on will get extremely meta, with each of the expansion’s three episodes running for roughly an hour apiece. We’ll have a full review as soon as possible, so look out for that.
[source x.com]
Comments 68
So complaining works? Horrah!
Excellent will finally pick it up then 👍 - It's a shame there isn't a cheaper version without the D/L code for the first alan wake though - will be interesting to see if it makes a big difference to sales.
They say that it's because people kept asking, but I reckon it's most likely that sales were softer than they wanted because of the decision to go digital only
Especially a game like this, is one for the collection.
I hope the "digital only" thing was just a phase and games and movies get the same physical hype again like Vinyl does right now.
I'm not a collector myself though. But feel like there would be a huge part missing if this stuff would be gone.
More like because they totally ***** themselves with releasing it only in digital form. But i hope these clowns learned their lesson
Well, too late. If they had done that in the first place....well..they would have had much more profit.
Some of us only buy physical for financial reasons. I can buy a game cheaper second hand or share my game with my family and sell it on after etc.
Alan Wake 2 screwed over those who like physical. But they screwed themselves over too, the lack of sales proves this. Im unlikely to buy this game even physical, because I don’t like bad business practices. I’m not going to reward them now.
Giving all gamers the option to play and collect games how we like is the best way. And developers/publishers need to learn that.
But yes, let’s moan at the customers.
That’s one way to get we to buy the game twice. If remedy can find another way they could get me to buy Alan wake 2 a third time like they did with control and I guess Alan wake 1 when I buy the deluxe edition of 2……..sneaky *****
Excellent news, haven't played it yet due to no physical but I can now & can't wait, day one for me!!
Score one for the physical buyers! 🙌
The lack of a physical disc made me skip this game. Now I will buy it. Another victory for us gamers on top of the recent Stellar Blade and Helldivers controversy.
@Kienda Get used to it as chances are next gen will be digital only. AW2 suffered in sales for reasons more then just being digital only.
Good. That’s how you get things done.
Will there be a regular non deluxe/collectors edition? I already own Alan Wake remastered.
Was a daft decision in the first place to have it digital only
Common sense prevailed?
We win? Yes. I remember one commenter here saying this would never happen.
Well I'm happy that it gets a physical edition,but I'm also angry as a fan.When they tell you upon release that there's not going to be a physical version,if you are a fan and love the game you get it day one(that's what I did) and all of a sudden you need to pay again to get a retail version.Thats a bad practice for the fans and it makes me quite angry.
Happy days. That's me on board
I'll definitely pick it up then if it's still available
Remedy make exactly zero money from this. This is exactly the kind of thing they want to avoid.
Its about time.i knew it was gonna happen.alan wake 2 is to good of a game to only get a digital version only.now that it got a physical version it definitely will boost its sales.word up son
Bout time. Bit pricy, but a promise is a promise. Will get it day one. See Remedy, easiest 80 bucks you ever made.
That's their problem though lol.
Me and many others just shrug their shoulders and went on with their lives until a physical release was here and now it is. 80 bucks is BS though, so I'll wait for a sale lol
The other positive for this is that you'll have a finished game ON DISC forever. You'll be able to play it even in an apocalypse
I'm happy this is finally happening but also bummed as an early adopter. Love this game and would love a an actual copy to sit on my shelf, but not dropping $80 to buy a bunch of stuff I've already paid for, including the base game, expansion pass AND AW Remastered
Still, hopefully holdouts take the plunge and this helps the game turn a profit. Because honestly, the most important thing to me is that Remedy gets to stay independent and weird.
Reading the comments, everyone is so cynical about it going physical now. It sucks that it wasn't physical at launch, but Remedy was up front about not wanting to use more resources to make discs. They even said they were passing the savings onto players by charging $60 when it could easily have been a $70 game these days.
All the reports say the game still hasn't been profitable, but it makes sense for them now to invest in making a physical version. If spending a little more can help them move the needle into the black, coupled with the renewed interest of the DLC, it's a good risk for them to take.
I know businesses exist to make money, Remedy not excluded. I just feel like players thinking this was some elaborate ruse or tricking players is a bit ridiculous. Again, it's a bummer they didn't launch on disc - I would have bought one myself - but this doesn't feel all that calculated to me.
@Cry_Zero I laughed out loud at your comment, because it's so true! Clowns is a very apt term to describe them!
This is why you should never believe them when they say it won’t be getting a physical release. Glad I waited.
Awesome!!! I haven’t played this yet and I’m a big physical media guy so I will definitely be getting a copy.
And they made it limited by LRG + $80? Welp.
I am glad those wanting a physical version will be able to buy it.
This game is fantastic, and I hope this will finally make it profitable for Remedy.
So is the deluxe an actual regular release, or do we have to go via LRG’s site? I don’t see this info anywhere as of yet.
Good. Expect me to never shut up about and just do it from the start.
This is great news. Hope people put their money where their mouth is!
"...many fans still want to own retail versions of their favourites."
You dont really "own" digital versions. Thats maybe why they want a physical version.
@PuppetMaster No. Deluxe version is being sold through Amazon and GAME. LRG is distributing the Collector's Edition.
@Frmknst I'm double dipping for the physical, I'm sure I won't be the only one.
@dskatter Deluxe physical is now available via Amazon and GAME.
They'd better sell out after all the complaining.
Sweet baby detected. Hard pass!
Physical will never die as long as gentlemen like us live
Ah great! I was holding off on the digital edition with this in mind 😅 super!
Finally! (After complaining about it multiple times, now I have to buy it )
I'd get it if I find it on the cheap, but besides control I never understood the fuss about remedy's games. Control however, wow!
Doesn't appear to be on amazon UK atm (Xbox version is tho) only Game and I don't wanna buy from them if I can help it (especially now they've done away with their reward scheme)Glad the game is finally available physically now though! Digital only is the devil 👿
Very cool to see Remedy supporting a physical version not to mention offering a collector's edition for hardcore fans. Not having a physical release at launch definitely hurt them alongside being exclusively on Epic Games Store for PC. AW2 is one of my favorite games of 2023 so I'm excited to jump into the DLC, especially with Rose, Tim and Jesse returning!
Was hoping for an episode as Barry but I really enjoyed the first episode and will play the next two tonight!
At this point, Remedy should wait until all of the AW2 DLC has been released and package the game in a Complete Edition with all of the content on disc.
I'm all for physical media, so when it was announced that AW2 would be digital only it kinda killed my hype for it, but I gave in and downloaded the game a week after release to show support.
Time to pre-order physical copies for PS5 & Series X
@ChrisDeku yeah, but that’s why I don’t like this practice of all digital.
Second hand gaming, trading, and physical collections are part of the culture of gaming that I enjoy. They will kill that off with corporate greed unless we stand against it (yeah, I sound like a revolutionist. 😅).
The suits at the top might want my money. They will get it if they make a game worth buying first hand (most of my purchases are first hand but discounted btw).
The developers and creatives for the game though, a lot of their motivation is having people play and enjoy their work.
It’s a bit sad if the industry becomes all about squeezing money out of us.
@OM1993 Thank goodness. I freaking hate dealing with LRG. Thanks!
Edit: Hmm. Not on US Amazon yet that I can find.
@DennisReynolds I think Xbox will be digital only soon.
I do not see this for Nintendo and Sony. It will take a couple more generations.
Regardless though, I will keep being physical as long as possible. Trading and physical collections are something I enjoy and so will support that over convenience.
Finally! They should have done this in the first place, but at least they’ve done it. Will be preordering it today!
@Kienda I agree with Nintendo but i expect Sony will because digital sales are better then physical sales on PS5 and Sony make more from digital sales then physical sales. Like it or not digital gaming is the future.
Can’t wait to play the night spring dlc soon. So excited. 😆
@DennisReynolds I have to disagree with you. There's a reason they still sell CD's and DVD/BLU RAYS because there's still a demand for them due to collectors. Will be the same for games for the foreseeable future. Don't get me wrong I can't predict the future and how life will look in 30 years but I can see games still having a physical presence for a while yet. It's also anti consumer to only sell digitally, same argument as shops not accepting cash only card, restricting people is bad and shouldn't be allowed
@Cloud39472 mate you made my point but typed faster than me lol
P.s your not the only one
@dskatter US version? Remedy were making that available on Best Buy I think. I checked 5 hours ago and the Best Buy link hadn't popped up.
Amazon links provided on the Alan Wake website were predominantly for us in the UK and EU territories.
I won't buy again, but for anyone that didn't, I highly recommend. Such a great game.
@OM1993 Ahhhh, makes sense.
…I guess I’ll give my money to Best Buy this time. I don’t like to, but it’s my only real option. Thanks!
@Malaise of course its a tactic. It may of been a great game but unfortunately it didn't sell brilliantly and remedy them sells are still in the red over this game, they haven't a made profit. So part wring up with someone and making some extra money maybe the only way.
@Kienda I agree totally mate. I actually make quite a bit of money buying and selling on eBay to collectors. I’ve brought tons of factory sealed games over the years and stuck them in the spare room on a shelf. Now most are worth mad money
I came back after a few month to finish this last nite. Little did I know I was at the end anyway was left cold man, felt anticlimatic
@Cloud39472 Its not that i want a all digital future its more i don't care either way. You mention Blu Ray/DVD but they're dying, shops like HMV are all but dead, supermarkets barely stock them and my local WHSmith that had a whole top floor dedicated to films now has a top floor that is staff only and now closed. Hell look at Game its pretty much on its death bed now in the UK, can't even trade in games anymore.
No excuses now guys. Buy this amazing game.
I have no regrets buying it digitally but given choice at time likely would have bought physical version
@Icey664 paying 200 bucks for a physical disc is a "solution" from a sketchy company too, I don't think this is the solution most people want when it comes to consumer choice 🤨🤨
@PuppetMaster more than that it seems, UK would mostly have to pay more, I wouldn't trust LRG with my left leg with how awful their customer reports have been
It wouldn't surprise me if this was the plan all along: maximise profit from digital sales (that can't be sold/refunded/traded), then have second wave with physical sales.
And they still screwed it up by including a voucher for the DLC talking about stupid people. You could not wait to include the DLC.
@Cloud39472 Also if they include stuff that only is available digitally you can doctor the numbers.
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