It’s crazy to think there was a time when we awarded Fallout 76 a 3/10 – but credit where credit’s due, the game’s come a long way since then. To be fair, the improvements couldn’t have come at a better time: the title’s now enjoying a resurgence in popularity, following the success of Amazon’s television show adaptation. Time for a big expansion, then? You bet – and this one’s due out next week, from 12th June, and free.

“Fallout 76: Skyline Valley lets players explore a wholly new region showcasing the rolling hills of Shenandoah and uncover a new storyline that introduces the vault dwellers of Vault 63: Ghouls,” the blurb reveals. “In this upcoming expansion, players will encounter a new enemy type, a supercharged Ghoul with electrifying weapons and armour, and expose their mysterious origins. Through chasing storms in Dangerous Pastimes, a new Public Event, and battling a new Region Boss, the Storm Goliaths, it’s raining new content and stories to play with Fallout 76: Skyline Valley.”

You can check out a new trailer embedded above.
