We’re in an all-new era of video game preservation, where classics are being re-released on contemporary platforms at an alarming rate. Nightdive Studios is one of the developers leading the charge, regularly resurrecting the retro masterpieces of yore, like System Shock and Blade Runner. And its next target appears to be The Thing, the legendary PS2 adaptation of John Carpenter’s iconic horror movie.
For those who didn’t play the original all the way back in 2002, it had some incredibly ambitious and imaginative gameplay mechanics. For example, you’d need to earn the trust of your squad, otherwise they’d start to think you may be The Thing and turn on you. You’d also need to keep your teammates calm to prevent them from going insane and potentially committing suicide. The game was janky and the systems didn’t always work, but it was forward-thinking stuff.
Writing on social media, Nightdive Studios asked: “Who wants to guess the game we'll be announcing this Friday at IGN Live?” It then attached an image of some cropped artwork from The Thing’s box, with the colours altered to throw fans off the scent. Presumably, this will release on PS5 and PS4 much like the dev’s other projects.
It’ll be interesting to see whether any adjustments will be made to the original game, because as mentioned, not all of its ideas came together. But as far as horror titles go, this certainly brought some brilliant ideas to the table, and it’s going to be fantastic to see it readily available for a modern audience in the hopefully not-too distant future.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 31
I really hope that it's a remake. The monster designs on PS5 would look so good!
have never played this on ps2 loved the first film
a purchase from me
@Nepp67 Unlikely to be a full remake considering Nightdive's history, but it should come with a lot of modern improvements.
I would be down to play this John Carpenters the thing is one of the best horror movies with some of the best use of practical effects
@get2sammyb Did they not remake System Shock 1 though?
I never played this game but I remember the somewhat intense advertising surrounding it at the time (on games magazines, etc.). I guess nobody truly asked for it to be re-released on modern consoles, but I’ll be buying this for sure!
It was good game though i prefer to treat it as non canon as it spoils the ending of the film otherwise.
@Nepp67 They did and its a good one.
@Nepp67 That's true, I guess that is a remake. Possible, then, I suppose.
Gahh I still have my PS2 copy from when I was a kid. Absolutely day one buy for me.
If this is the game that I'm thinking of, then Noah Antwiler's review back in the day nailed it perfectly.
"Repair fuse box... repair fuse box.... repair fuse box..."
@DennisReynolds Yeah I still gotta buy it(Especially since it's on PS). Hope System Shock 2 gets the same treatment!
Cool. Any PS2 games devs want to remaster id gladly support.
@get2sammyb It could be possible that you are right with it being a remaster though because in the twitter post it hints at the game with the old cover art but with a different color instead of it being blue like the original.
That sure is unexpected. Haven't gotten the chance to play this, but I do love this era of PS1/PS2 horror.
Never did play this game but The Thing is my favourite ever horror film.
Will definitely be picking this one up.
I remember the game as a kid, it was definitely janky, and a bit scary for early-teens me, but it also did things I’ve not seen in any game since. The risk of one of your men turning was always tense, and when they did it was always scary.
Hopefully it’ll be a remake though, even at the time it was janky.
I played and finished the og game on PC and i loved it especially the fear/trust system. I think i keep every NPC in my group alive but at the end of chapter or a new chapter most of them always gone or turn into monster.
I don't mind a remaster though.
The Kurt Russell film is one of my favourites, and I did enjoy the game for all it's faults.
I remember playing this way back on my PS2. Never managed to finish it so I’d definitely pick this up
But will it have the Saliva song?
Nightdive are doing the Lords work. Loved getting to play Shadowman and Turok again after all those years. Looking forward to this one too! It was too hard for me as a kid, the modern touches tend to make them easier though (or maybe I just got better at games idk).
Did play this on PC a long time ago, but never finished it due to one of the bosses seemed unkillable. Great game, will definitely buy the remaster.
Good game I played it on PS2 as a kid, I would say it is a bit of a cult classic like the movie.
Can someone remaster Scarface the world is yours, really.great PS2 game.
@JohnnyShoulder second favorite from me, first goes to...
"When some wild-eyed, eight-foot-tall maniac grabs your neck, taps the back of your favorite head up against the barroom wall, and he looks you crooked in the eye and he asks you if ya paid your dues, you just stare that big sucker right back in the eye, and you remember what ol' Jack Burton always says at a time like that: "Have ya paid your dues, Jack?" "Yessir, the check is in the mail."
Great game, I still have my PS2 disc version. Might pull it out later
Fantastic game on PS2. Day one for me if they've done some upgrades to it.
@Americansamurai1 I second this.
Also, John Carpenter's The Thing is in my top 3 movies of all time and I never got to finish this back when it came out.
God I have so many great memories playing this back in the day. I can't wait for this. Not played in over 20 years and the film is one of the best horrors of all time
Assuming they'd need to renew the licensing for this?
Can't be cheap, the movie has only gotten much more deserved praise and attention over the years.
Would expect any remake/remaster to be a top notch effort to recoup some of that outlay.
It's good they have the original to build on. Showing my age, but there was a time when the majority of movie tie-ins were awful.
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