Publisher Secret Mode and developer Ice Beam have announced the PS5 and PS4 versions of Make Way are now available. The game launched on other platforms earlier in the year, but this party racing title is now ready to hit the road on PlayStation systems.

If you're unaware, Make Way is a four-player, top-down racing game you can play locally or online, complete with various weapons to deploy against your opponents. However, it's fused with a DIY track-building mechanic, that sees all players adding random elements and track pieces to the course, creating increasingly chaotic races to overcome. Think Micro Machines meets Ultimate Chicken Horse.

The PS5 and PS4 versions launch alongside a major update that adds bots for online races to fill empty slots, improvements to connectivity, bug fixes, enhancements to weapons, and more. On top of that, Make Way features cross-platform multiplayer, meaning you can dive in with players across all systems.

Make Way is out now on PS Store for £11.99 / $14.99. Will you be checking this one out? Make your way to the comments section below.