While the general sentiment around Astro Bot, the upcoming PS5 platformer, is very positive, some of the character's more hardcore fans are a little disappointed to see a lack of PSVR2 support in his latest adventure. Indeed, the character got his start with Astro Bot Rescue Mission, a PSVR exclusive and an excellent platformer in its own right that really takes advantage of that immersive medium. So, how come the new game doesn't utilise Sony's current generation headset?
We asked creative director Nicolas Doucet about this during an interview at Summer Game Fest Play Days, and the answer is quite simple: it was never designed for PSVR2, and so that wouldn't make sense.
"So, we focused 100% on this one from the get-go after Astro's Playroom. [It] was the hope that if it was welcome, it could be a platformer that stands on its own feet, and we could go off to make a bigger version of it," he says, explaining that it was always the intention to follow up their pack-in tech demo with a full-blown PS5 game. "So no, [PSVR2] was not a consideration," he says.
"When we talk about VR versus non-VR, for a game like Astro, if you were to make a VR version, it has to be fully designed for that medium. And if it's not a VR version, it has to be fully designed for that medium," he elaborates. "Certain games can afford to be hybrid, like first-person games, because there's a closer similarity. But in our case, the design philosophy for both are very, very different. So, you know, it was a decision to expand on the world of Astro's Playroom and bring Astro to the big stage. So from the beginning, that was really our focus."
So, there you have it. The game doesn't support VR because it isn't designed to. It sounds like, if we're ever to get a PSVR Astro adventure, it'd have to be fully developed with that in mind in order to make it work to Team Asobi's satisfaction, and, frankly, that probably isn't going to happen. Never say never, though!
Are you looking forward to Astro Bot on PS5, or are you disappointed in its lack of PSVR2 support? Sound off (nicely) in the comments section below.
Comments 55
A shame but the Astro games were designed around the hardware in mind. I think the VR audience would find it a easier pill to swallow if Rescue Mission was ported over.
There goes all the hope for more first party VR content. Maybe a VR hybrid from Firesprite? Highly doubt it though.
Sounds logical that if they did both either Normal or VR would suffer, and with the very low number of VR2 units sold compared to PS5s it makes perfect sense.
Im in 2 minds - im very pleased because if it had been aimed at VR (even if it had a bolted on non VR mode), I wouldnt be looking forwards to it, and Sony already have a massive drought of 1st party games. But i can also see that one of the main reasons VR2 isnt selling well (aside from the extra cost involved) is lack of major games.
@AdamNovice yeah really surprised Sony hasn't ported a lot of their psvr game over to psvr2 and pc vr
To be honest I am selfishly happy it is a proper standalone non VR game. I never played on VR and after playing Astros playroom on my ps5 and loving it, I hoped they was going to make a full sized game just like it, so was very happy to see it revealed at state of play.
@Americansamurai1 It's because you can't just port them like that due to the entirely different tracking systems. They'd have to manually do that all over again, which probably costs way too much. Bummer though, would have loved to replay some of them.
Massively disappointed to lose scale, depth and immersion. Platformers really benefit from that, otherwise you are often just lining up shadows to colours on a flat screen. Still, I have faith it’ll be the best non VR platformer possible, so it’ll still be great. Just nowhere near as great.
I get that people wanted a PSVR2 version, but it does make sense from the developer wanting to reach a wider audience to shoot for just a PS5 version. Everyone has their preferred platform, but more people are able to play Astro Bot this way and for that I'm happy. The bitter anger shown directed at the development team by some commenters is unfortunate. It seems like there was no winning for them in this case. They're just trying to make a fun game.
@AdamNovice At least do this I’ll consider getting this one again, because Astrobot is a VR franchise first and foremost to me.
I’m not happy with the lack of PSVR2 stuff since it’s such a great headset.
I guess if they had just said that early and up front it would have avoided all the disappointment for VR fans. I think it’s that blatant snub that has angered so many people that invested in Sonys PSVR2.
As much as I’m loathe to agree with the usual pSVR2 haters (they’ll be here any minute - price too high, DOA, my Quest makes my breakfast…) it’s a pretty sure sign Sony have lost interest in PSVR2.
Hopefully third party games like Behemoth will keep it moving forward
@TurboTom if you played rescue mission on VR1, Believe me you would have a different outlook. Dont get me wrong the new one looks amazing, & I will buy it. But for us VR2 users it really feels like a in the teeth.
Personally that Says it all !! an official kick in the teeth from the developer himself. They should at least give us Astrobot rescue mission, being as its VR to VR experience. Surely that's not to much to ask for.
Surprised you didn't ask about a possible port of the first one. That would be the 1st thing on my list!
I can appreciate that it is disappointing for people that got a PSVR2 headset, that Sony dosent seem to be supporting it properly. However after what happened with PSVITA (which admittedly I didn't own either) then people shouldn't be too supriced really. Did Sony do a better Job supporting the first PSVR? I never took much notice of it to be honest.
@TrickyDicky99 hey I own one, I know exactly where I stand with regards to VR2. Sony has let it sink like PS Vita.
@WhiteRabbit ha ha - who doesn’t?? Yes, saw it got some good reviews - it's on my list but got a bit of a backlog at moment, Synapse next then Vertigo 2 (with graphics update hopefully!). Thanks for the suggestion 👍
Sure a VR version of a game which is fully designed for VR is better than a game that is not designed for VR and adapted later for VR. But there are many games for example in Dreams which were not designed for VR but are awesome in VR. Resident Evil 4 also was not designed for VR neither the remake, but the VR mode of Re 4 remake is the best way to play. There are countless VR mods on PC (also for platformer) which are very much enjoyed by PCVR community. From a perfectionists point of view I can understand the argument not to offer a VR mode if it is not "perfect", but the argument feels just like an excuse. I don't see anything in Astro's playroom that would not work in VR. I would be very surprised if is different for the new game.
It is a shame that sony does not "want" to produce more software for their excellent VR platform apparently.
@TrickyDicky99 lol After all this mess with Astro bot not for PSVR2...this Is the last nail in the coffin for me. So I will say it...you haters were right lol about Sony leaving PSVR2 to die basically.
Thank you Push Square! For asking them about PSVR 2. This what the real fans of Astro Bot wanted to know and get a complete answer.
Now I will acknowledge that my PSVR2 is the new PS Vita.
@Hamst88 Exactly. I love PSVR2 but yea this the what broke the camels back for me. My PSVR2 the new Vita for sure.
Cool im down with it.word up son
@TurboTom I'm not disappointed with my PSVR2 at all. I'm disappointed totally dissapointed at Sony for sure, and for PSVR1 it had amazing support.
Guess the showcase is just another reminder that Sony has left the PSVR2 and its users behind. Actually, they did that after Horizon Call of the Mountain and Gran Turismo 7. If they haven't done anything else by this point, folks, they aren't going to (and that PC adapter isn't NEARLY enough to make everyone who plunked down that $500 forget that).
Not disappointed in the least.
I know it’s a different setup, but the fact that PSVR1 games can’t be played natively on 2 just turned me off completely. I skipped the VR1 and was actually considering the 2…but that right there was the nail in the coffin as far as me ever adopting it. At least at the current price point.
Bring on my non-VR Astro Bot goodness!
@TrickyDicky99 Chicken or egg? It's easy to just dismiss the PSVR2 as a sales failure, but it would at least have had a much better chance to succeed had Sony actually bothered to support it beyond a couple of early titles. You don't release a new piece of hardware, let alone one that costs more than the base system itself, without plans in place to support it...and yet that's exactly what Sony did. FIRST-PARTY EXCLUSIVES could have made all the difference for a library whose games can almost all be played on other platforms. The PSVR2's failure is on Sony and I guarantee that those who made this investment will never forget that breach of trust.
@TrickyDicky99 "PSVR2 guys need to take the hint"
Pretty sure they know already, is not that big of a secret or puzzle to solve 🤷
I can't believe Sony repeated Vita's mistakes, what makes PSVR2's failure more incredible is that the Portal and PS5 are flying off the shelves at the same time PSVR2 is failing!
@TurboTom PSVR 1 had some really good stuff on it. Dont get me wrong the support wasn't strong. But when Sony committed to releasing VR2, i really thought they were serious about the tech & thought the support was going to be something special. Its really annoying as the headset has brilliant tech. But yes I was wrong it looks like they couldn't careless. Obviously sales were low. But without great content what did they expect. Great software drives hardware that's the way it works. Let's just say I'm done with VR especially from Sony. I will keep the headset for now at least.
Sony really threw the PSVR2 bros out to the wolves lol. I get not making this an exclusive, but not even having a mode for PSVR2 owners? Brutal.
That said, I learned my lesson with the PS Vita: Sony won't support anything other than its home console line in any long term sense.
I must admit it does look like a impressive piece of hardware. If it had better support from Sony and if the price was a little lower then it would have probably sold a lot better.
You know, if Phil Spencer can come out and talk hardware after all the "Xbox is getting out of hardware" talk, you'd think someone from Sony could come out and just publicly laugh at all their Betama...err...Minidis...err...UMDerr...PSVit....err...PSVR2 buyers to our faces instead of pretend they never sold it to us. When it comes to Sony unless it says "Bravia" or "Playstation #" on the lid, don't buy it, they won't support it.
I still will enjoy the game for what it is, but I'll never buy another Sony product other than a numbered PS console, maybe. Why buy from a company that proves over and over they'll abandon the product after sale?
Time to buy a Quest. And buy all my VR games somewhere other than the PS Store. And then when I have that ecosystem going, do I need their next oversized phallic router? Probably not.
@Bluetrain7 The problem with "to reach a wider audience" to abandon a platform is, if we take that argument al the way we should say "they should have made for iOS and PC, and skipped PS5." Sony has a PSVR platform. If they're not going to support it with Asobi's game, then who's game are they going to support it with? And if the goal is to reach "the widest possible market", why are they selling the headset then? For that matter why bother selling PS5? Apple, Nintendo, and PC has most of the world covered. Just publish games where most people play them and stop selling 30fps budget PCs.
@WhiteRabbit "Especially if you like grabbing skeletons and punching them!"
Can I mod it to skin them all with Jim Ryan so I can grab him and punch him in 3D?
@AtlanteanMan Heck, Sony's so big on money hatting exclusives for PS5 rather than making their own, you'd think they could have money hatted some VR exclusives? No, meanwhile Quest got Asassin's Creed and everything else. Quest had, what, 2, 3 exclusive trailers during SGF? PS....tweeted about a PC adapter so you can play without it's key features somewhere else.
@TrickyDicky99 "what PS was thinkng with price."
They were thinking they didn't believe in VR enough to be willing to take a loss on it, while Meta is betting the future on the tech and willing to. They were thinking they didn't realease it to sell, they released it to vote "present" so they can jump the line if Meta or Apple makes VR big, and they were looking at all those $1000+ PCVR headsets thinking their $550 set looks cheap, while somehow ignoring the existence of Meta, because nobody's heard of Facebook because Sony didn't invent it.
VR is something I would like to try, however I don't know anyone who has PSVR2 to give it a try. I do sometimes suffer with travel sickness so don't want to invest in something than expensive without being certain it won't make me feel dizzy. Also as someone with OCD then I think all the extra wires and mess would drive me mad 😂 although to my understanding the PSVR2 has less wires etc than the first one.
@TurboTom PSVR2 has just one USB wire to the console, plus the two separate controllers and one or two USB charging cables to charge them.
It's not the wiring mess VR1 is. It is a good experience, and if you're not all in on VR, I can't say it's not worth it as long as you expect only indie games. But if VR is important to you, someone else's VR is going to give more back.
Of course. That makes sense, but it's still a bit indicative of how Sony is mistreating the PSVR2.
It was nice to finally get some games on PS Plus for it, recently, but otherwise, since Horizon: Call of the Mountain there hasn't been a Sony first party title built for it.
Symbolically, Astrobot was a Sony first party game the was designed to show off the PSVR so VR fans looking to Team Asobi for an Astro VR game isn't too far wrong.
Equally, I'm definitely buying the new Astro game. Playroom was loads of fun and nostalgia.
@TurboTom that's fair enough, the VR2 uses one wire. From headset to usb.
That's good to know it has less wires and mess. I think if it becomes a lot cheaper and has more software support from Sony then I might consider a purchase at somepoint.
If it gets a big price drop ( which I don't see happening ) and better software support then I might consider it at somepoint. I would prefer it to be completely cordless though lol. But I understand it requires a physical connection, and I imagine it is probably easy to wrap up neatly when not in use with the single cable.
As a PSVR2 enthusiast, I'm disappointed but I get the decision. Sony clearly wants to make Astrobot its next mascot, and limiting the next game's audience to VR would just not cut it.
Regarding a Rescue Mission port, people seem to miss a key point. That game is designed around a feature that PSVR2 doesn't have: gamepad tracking.
Yes, they could compromise and either rely on the DualSense gyros or remake the whole thing to use the VR Sense controllers. But both of these options are half measures that don't seem to be up to Team Asobi's standards.
And btw, those same standards were the reason a hybrid was discarded as an option, as they alluded to.
@Malaise Honestly, I'm not upset at all. PSVR2 has completely killed my interest for flat games, and I still have a backlog that could last for a lifetime.
Getting VR games on PS+ and PC compatibility are just the icing on the cake.
And btw, I'd be happy with GT7 alone. As a fan of the series from the very first iteration, GT7 VR is a dream come true.
The doom and gloom out there just seem to completely miss the point of this accessory. People need to understand that this is a niche product for ultra enthusiasts, and the fact that Sony would cater at all to the relatively few of us calls for celebration, not hate.
'It's been a sales flop'
You don't know that. The only actual sales figures we have are 600k sold in 6 weeks.
'Sony had to halt production due to low sales'
Incorrect. The claim is that they paused production, not halted. And that claim was made by Bloomberg (who've gotten multiple claims wrong before), and hasn't been verified to be true. Yet here you are repeating it as if it's the truth.
'Firewall Ultra (published by Sony) Studio shut down due to poor sales'
Yeah, because the game was crap as the devs didn't listen to their audience.
'PC adapter released'
'Astro Bot not playable in VR'
This is a genuinely bad decision from Sony.
'No 1st party games announced'
The dearth of first-party games is a PlayStation problem, not just a PSVR2 problem.
There are around 200 games out for PSVR2, with more quality ones than I'll ever have time to play.
I'd of course love some more AAA PSVR2 games..just as I'd love some more AAA PS5 games.
These games take years to make, so the decision to make it non-VR was probably taken long before PSVR2 was out.
Complete and utter betrayal of the most hainus nature. A skyscraper-sized middle finger to all who showed loyalty with both VR1 and VR2. Objectively this game looks amazing but I'm so darn bitter toward it I'm not sure when I'll come around.
Seems like an extremely easy game to have done both flat and VR compatible like RE4 and 8 did. But Sony despises its VR fanbase.
@TurboTom Sony seems preeeetty clear they're never going to give it software support... . But yeah I'd still recommend VR either Sony or Meta depending if you get the chance and have an interest. If it clicks with you physically it's just a whole other world of games!
@TrickyDicky99 'Facts'? You literally just misrepresented an unsubstantiated claim (saying that Sony halted production, when the <claim> was that they paused production).
Link for the 1.3 million claim?
Edit: found the claim:
'There is reason why all VR games focus on Quest store.Disclaimer; I exepct PSVR2 install base is now 1.3m, Its just my thoughts based on my research, so no proof for the number.'
So even though this indie dev doesn't have access to the PSVR2 sales figures, doesn't know how many are sold via PlayStation Direct, is making a guess and says "no proof for the number"...you're accepting that number as a 'fact'.
Holy moley. You need to re-check what 'fact' means.
@invictus4000 couldn't agree more, if they can't be bothered to bring the new Astrobot to VR2. At least convert resue mission for God's sake!!
@Axelay71 I know, right!!?? If they announced both this and a Rescue Mission VR2 port at the same time, my frustration would be diminished by like 90%. But they can't even be bothered to do that. What a MASSIVE blow to my trust in this company.
@invictus4000 yes I'm with you 💯 just like you I spent over £500 on the damn thing. The least they can do is support it !! And yes if they would of announced Rescue mission as well. Then i would of felt some consolation. For me personally I'm done with VR especially from Sony I won't be buying VR3 that's for sure.
@TrickyDicky99 This isn't Capcom; they're an indie dev.
Again, they said they have "no proof for the number", and again, they don't have access to the PSVR2 sales figures, and don't know how many were sold via PlayStation Direct.
So no, they don't know. They're guessing. They could be right or close, or they could've made a mistake and be way off.
Refusing to accept guesses as 'facts' is not 'coping', it's being honest.
@TrickyDicky99 I didn't say whether I thought Sony cared or not. I'm simply refusing to accept guesses (and misrepresentations of unsubstantiated claims) as 'facts'.
@klog60 wouldn’t waste your time - he’s a big pcvr / quest fanboy that has a rather worrying hate obsession on the psvr2. He says the same things on every single article. He doesn’t even own a PSVR2. 🤣🤣 you won’t get a sensible discussion - most of us just ignore him now.
@TrickyDicky99 'X is a fact even though we don't actually have the data to confirm it's a fact'
Nope, still not a fact just because you say it. Seriously, google 'fact'
@Hamst88 Ah that would explain a lot. Thanks, will put them on ignore list.
For me this type of game is a blast in VR, but not very appealing in 2D. Buying PSVR 2 was a regrettable decision, since Sony is all but ignoring it.
@Trickydicky99 🤣🤣🤣 did you actually just say “I bet I have more PSVR games than you”??? 🤣🤣🤣
Bet you can ride faster on your bike too… 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Can you only play first person in the Resident Evil games that got VR?
@Trickydicky99 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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