Romancing SaGa 2 Remake Flirts with PS5, PS4 from 24th October 1

Old-school 1993 SNES RPG Romancing SaGa 2 is getting a full-blown 3D remake for PS5 and PS4, with the release date slated for 24th October worldwide. The game, originally released more than 30 years ago, is the fifth entry in the SaGa series, and depicts the “epic story of the wars fought between the imperial line of Varennes and the Seven Heroes of ancient myth”

The blurb reveals: “Revenge of the Seven reworks the battle and character growth systems and adds in numerous new features, such as difficulty selection, making it easily accessible to both long term fans of the series and complete newcomers. The expansive world of Romancing SaGa 2, that was originally depicted using pixel graphics, has been fully updated to gorgeous 3D.”

An upgraded port of Romancing SaGa 2 launched on the PS4 and PS Vita in 2017, so this isn’t actually the first time the title has been playable on a PlayStation platform. Of course, as a full-blown remake, the experience here will be completely different, although Square Enix is promising that many of the themes, art, and story beats will remain consistent with the original.
