Game Science, the developer behind the highly anticipated Black Myth: Wukong, has already explained why the game will only be releasing on PS5 and PC on 20th August – but that’s not stopped bizarre speculation from spreading on social media. You may recall at Summer Game Fest, there was momentary outrage when the Journey to the West adaptation was only confirmed for Sony’s system and Steam, however an FAQ from the Chinese studio later clarified that it was taking additional time to “optimise” the Xbox Series X|S versions.
A new report from Windows Central has cast scepticism on the studio’s comments, however. A statement from Microsoft about the delay noted: “We can’t comment on the deals made by our partners with other platform holders, but we remain focused on making Xbox the best platform for gamers, and great games are at the centre of that.” The article then goes on to allege that if a PS5 money hat is involved, it would be “within Sony's interests to cast doubt over the Xbox platform by keeping details of the deal a secret”.
All of this has, unsurprisingly, prompted hysteria online. Some are accusing Sony of “secretly” stealing the title away, and preventing it from releasing on Xbox. Of course, a similar backlash occurred last year with Baldur’s Gate 3, until it later emerged that developer Larian Studios was having issues getting some aspects of the experience to run on the less powerful Xbox Series S. While no such thing has been officially confirmed here, it seems the most likely culprit.
It's much more likely than PlayStation signing a “secret” timed exclusivity arrangement, anyway. While there’s no doubt Sony enjoys a money hat, it’s often extremely transparent about the circumstances of said arrangements, usually revealing the duration of said contracts in the small print of any trailers. Similarly, it tends to put a lot of effort into marketing timed exclusives; Black Myth: Wukong’s release date was revealed at Summer Game Fest, and skipped the firm's recent State of Play entirely.
This just seems like more manufactured outrage for an issue that Sony seemingly has absolutely nothing to do with. It’s unfortunate that Game Science is having issues with the Xbox version of Black Myth: Wukong, but from our perspective, it’s better the developer releases a fully polished, completed version of the game – rather than rush out a broken build that will need to be fixed later regardless.
[source windowscentral.com, via playstationlifestyle.net]
Comments 82
Just saying, if it wasn't for the Series S there would not be a delay in the first place for both Baldur's Gate 3 and Black Myth Wukong.
It's almost like it never happened (ehm. Stellar Blade), right?
I'm not implying that this is what happened. I'm just pointing out that it would be no surprise to me if that was the case. Because it would not be the first time...
Slimy comment from Microsoft there. They already established that they’re working with the devs to get it up and running on Xbox, which wouldn’t be the case if a timed exclusivity deal had been struck.
Also, don’t you think the game would’ve been at the PlayStation State of Play if a deal was in place?
But obviously the bots are running with this and moaning about Sony money-hatting, just a year or two after Microsoft spent 80 billion buying up the industry smh
not sure why this matters to PlayStation owners isnt this more an article for pure xbox
@trev666 I think it's very relevant to explain why it's unlikely there's a money hat involved here, especially when the story has been picked up by other PlayStation websites without any context or explanation.
@Godot25 It has happened before, but please read the article for why this situation is different. Sony ended up publishing Stellar Blade; it is not publishing Black Myth: Wukong.
Removed - unconstructive feedback
Just seems like a certain crowd are making excuses to defend the Series S. If Sony wanted an exclusive deal then it would have been done ages ago and we would have known about it by now as they make it clear in trailers, yet this dev have already stated it was a multi platform game from the beginning. The developers have even commented themselves saying that's its delayed due to Xbox Series X/S optimization.
The only thing I can see that could have happened is that the dev was going to delay the game for all platforms because of the Series S but Sony asked them to release the finished working PS5 version sooner.
@get2sammyb moneyhatting without Sony being publisher is also nothing uncommon for Sony. See Silent Hill 2, Kena: Bridge of Spirits, FF games and many many more.
But i don't think Black Myth was moneyhatted tbh. But it would be nice if devs were just straight with their customers for once. Larian clearly stated "no, we haven't recieved money from Sony, problem is splitscreen on Series S"
PlayStation timed exclusivity brought to you by the Xbox hardware development team and the Xbox series S.
@UltimateOtaku91 Assuming it is the Series S holding it back, is just as foolhardy too. It is just as likely that as Xbox has almost no market share in Asia that they are delaying both the Series X and S versions until they have got it out on platforms that DO have a decent market share both in Asia and globally. Dev time is limited makes perfect sense to concentrate on largest platforms first.
So sad xbots. When will they accept that the series s is not up to mark. They jump at any excuse to defend it.
@Godot25 Stellar Blade was different, they needed a Publisher and when SIE took them up on it the project shifted to an exclusive. Thats not really much different to how when Microsoft bought out companies they shifted games to being exclusive. Its just a company going for the best return of their investment.
As for Devs being straight Game Science has said its down to optimisation. MS are just not confirming the optimisation to protect their brand, at the same time not commenting on the exclusive rumours because its deflection for fans and media that they are not liable for.
@Godot25 And as mentioned in the article, in all those cases Sony does a lot of marketing and will usually communicate the terms of the exclusivity, albeit in small print.
None of that is occurring here, making this a silly allegation.
But developers has stated its because of problem with quality on Xbox.
Microsoft money hatted Halo cause they didnt want it to come to other platforms.
This generation Microsoft has had more timed exclusives then Sony have had. Differrent is that its bigger games Sony gets and smaller indies Microsoft snatch.
Once again the Series S (wonder what the S stands for...) showing what an absolute potato it is
@get2sammyb Thats one of my biggest issues with the term "Money Hatting". Too many people imagine it as a company just paying to deny a product to the opposition. Where as the money is normally to aid development and marketting, which results in a better end product which they rightly so want to see a return on that spend.
Imagine wanting to play various types of quality games and owning an xbox while both its competitors have delivered said games for every single generation...
And then proceed to complain this keeps happening
It's best to stagger releases if the studio is rather small, and doesn't have the manpower to work on different platforms at the same time.
Look what happened when even a big studio like CD PR tried to bite a lot more than in could chew with Cyberpunk, and it's releasing on various platforms at the same time... The abysmal state that the game was in... they had to spend a lot of time after that repairing not only the game, but also the studio's reputation.
And that's a big arse studio, that already had prior huge successes to rely on, like the Witcher series.
For a small one like Game Science, with almost nothing under it's belt, to find itself in a similar situation it could very well spell bankruptcy.
To my eye they did a very smart thing. Also, it's not like it's a straight up PS5 exclusive, it releases on PC too.
It'll come to Xbox when it's good and ready.
People making baseless accusations on social media serves no one and nothing but their own interests.
@trev666 It’s not relevant to a PS owner, you are correct.
It isn't much more likely both are plausible Sony has been known to do this
Removed - trolling/baiting
MS made this bed for themselves. Lie in it
People love a conspiracy, don't they? It's not that uncommon for a game to stagger its launch across various platforms. The developer has quite clearly stated it needs more time to work on the Xbox version, it's no more complicated than that. Just relax.
Why would make exclusivity secret if that's not going to be a selling point?
@kailun game pass ain’t free and you don’t own any of them games bro
@Godot25 Stellar Blade was revealed during a PlayStation showcase and was quickly announced to be a PS console exclusive due to Sony publishing it. It's not like the the game was announced to be multiplatform, and then suddenly released only on PS as is the case here.
Also, not for nothing but Microsoft purchased two entire publishers so that they can pick and choose what they want to "money hat."
@nitram2k11 S for s##t maybe
@kailun PC's and consoles work differently, just because the component parts used now are similar the machines are still different due to custom OS's and other custom parts. Its fairly common for PC games to run at differing performance levels soley down to if you are using an Nvidia or AMD gpu. So its not as smooth as you claim it to be.
We don't have the 'truth' and until someone does come forward and explain why, then its likely to people will speculate and/or make up conspiracies.
What we do know is that this is a UE5 game being developed by a new Studio with little/no experience of porting to Console. Sony only have the '1' spec and with the 'majority' share, may have more 'Priority' to Optimise and ensure releases the same 'day'. Its 'easier' to optimise for 1 'spec' requiring less time/money. Not only that, Playstation has the largest user base to 'sell' to, thus make most money so takes 'priority' - maybe even 'assisted' by Sony.
Xbox has the Series S which may take a lot more 'work' optimising for and they don't have the time/resources to optimise for both that and Series X whilst also finishing the game for PC/PS5. All that extra work that may not see as many 'returns' due to lower install base.
Another 'out' there theory of course is that Sony is planning to release the PS5 Pro and this 'could' be one of those launch titles. Maybe its not Sony at all, but the 'partner' in question is Epic Games for example but everyone assumes its Sony...
Part of me thinks that the Series S isn't really the Problem - its just easy to blame. It could be inexperience with the Engine or the optimisation process as none are using the Hardware to its 'fullest', not using Multi-threading performance, not using the feature set fully etc. PC's too range from the high-end down to below Series S specs. On the other, its proven to be 'difficult' to deliver parity before...
No doubt we may find out the truth - maybe not until after its launched. It could be the Series S or it could be they didn't have the 'resources' because the Xbox doesn't have the install base to dedicate more time/money to...
It's Jez Corden. He's spent the last year or two burning away any and all credibility he's gained with console war baiting shenanigans. The Bg3 nonsense was started by him.
Microsoft suffering with the Series S optimization with third parties was always expected and is just more signs of their short sighted strategies.
@Nepp67 console developers just haven’t optimized their workflow for the weaker series s which has the same architecture as the series x. They need to have the mindset and workflow like PC developers. As if it was up to console developers every console by the three would be exactly the same. Even then complaints would arise about the OS for each console!
Sony paying for exclusivity and then not heavily marketing the game makes absolutely zero sense. That tells us enough about this conspiracy.
@themightyant There's legitimate basis for assuming the Series S is causing the problem, because we've seen multiple indie devs claim the exact same issues, and Microsoft's requirements for feature parity across its consoles is already known. This is the exact same scenario as BG3 last year; Larian outright said the Series S was causing issues (specifically split-screen), and Microsoft had to specifically allow Larian to remove these features for the S build. That's why this "rumour" is the most claimed; it's the only one with basis.
@Vaako007 at some point, it's going to be accepted that developers are somewhat reasonable in feeling that having to develop for 2 specific Microsoft platforms (whilst maintaining this feature parity and performance) is a little excessive. There's also a fair reasoning that games are getting more-and-more complex and powerful, whilst also being held back by the idea that the game has to be able to run on Xbox Series S if you even want to release it on Xbox (for example, Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is reportedly only 25% bigger than the original, because the that's the best that can be done on Series S).
Thing is, even if this one ends up not coming out for Xbox, that doesn't mean Sony had anything to do with that decision. At GDC 24 there were some developers wondering whether it's worth supporting Xbox going forward because their not sure the console has sold well enough for it to be worth the effort. If people are asking themselves that question, sooner or later some dev is going to say "no, it's not worth it." Sony console exclusivity without Sony having to do anything,
What a nothing burger. What if they did? What if they didn't? Either way it doesn't matter. The game doesn't even have the wider appeal people might think it does. It's completely irrelevant.
The Xbox market is the smallest of the console markets. There is nothing surprising about skipping it or not giving it priority, given it's a market for game pass and not actual game sales. The big bucks are in PS, Nintendo and PC. So, yes, this will keep happening. The MvC collection also skipped Xbox. Oh no! Sony must've paid for Xbox to not have it. Cmon now... Sony is not responsible for Xbox's woes. Microsoft is.
It may not be true but wouldn't surprise me though.
Sony does like to pay for stuff like this.
I do love some of the essays on the comments that appear on stories Involving Xbox as well 😅
The bar is low when a game can even be considered 'exclusive' when it's day one on PC lol. I know console exclusive is what they call it, but cmon now. But many many people enjoy these games, you really can't please everyone.
@kailun I mean, Larian literally told everyone it was because of the series S. Warhorse have thrown the series S under the bus too as they are developing Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 saying they are more limited with scope. And more importantly, Xbox have literally said "we are working with them to try and optimise the game"
But apart from all that, no it's not the Series S 🙄
What's next, are MS gonna accuse Sony having an exclusives deal with Capcom too because MvC Collection skipped Xbox One & Series? Lol what a silly comment from MS. Not like i expect they can do better but eh.
If Sony has an exclusives deal for Black Myth then they already put it on SOP and promote it like nuts, just like they did with FF VII Rebirth, Stellar Blade, and Rise of the Ronin. They're not MS who released one if not their biggest release of this year without any fanfare cough*Hellblade 2*cough
@2here2there 100%
Ofcourse it's a timed exclusive
I think if Sony had signed the game as a timed exclusive, then they would announce it as such.
You know, like they do with all their previous timed exclusives.
Can’t believe how gullable people can be. Sorry if you have to wait for it to release on your favourite plastic box but thats not Sonys fault or problem. Either developers are to small to simultaneously release it on multiple platforms at once or the series s is making it more difficult again.
Removed - trolling/baiting
Here we go again....
Removed - trolling/baiting
Thank goodness you're not spreading reports about a silly bit of unsubstantiated speculation, what would be the point? .....oh wait...
So sad xbots. When will they accept that the series s is not up to mark. They jump at any excuse to defend it.
You are completely mistaken, @DragonSlayer1759. People that own an S understand its limitations, and for the most part accept it. People that own a Series X, are often seen to be bitterly complaining about the mistake they believe the S to be. It is rare to see people that own a Series actually defending the S, they either accept its limitations, or complain about its existence...
I own a ps5, series X and series s....and the series s is a great machine ....got my missus and the 2 kids one each....great budget entry
Only people who really complain are the no lifers probably no family just themselves and all they live for is miniscule graphics upgrades that half the time can't even be noticed unless they are analyzed by digital foundry
@Fiendish-Beaver It really depends how far you go back and what games you are classing. They were rife for it in the 360 period: Bioshock, Mass Effect, last remnant, dead rising. This trickled into the early days of the Xbone: Titanfall, more Dead rising, Rise of Tomb raider etc.
Their decline in market share obviously meant that they struggle to make these deals nowadays for the massive games but they proved during 360 and One era that they are more than happy to do it. They still do with games like High on Life, Tunic, Gunk, Rogue legacy 2 just off the top of my head but obviously just not able to secure the massive AAAs. I don’t know if you are suggesting Sony are bad for securing timed exclusivity deals so don’t want to put words in your mouth but if that is the case you don’t have to go back to far to see Xbox doing exactly the same thing and what’s good for the old goose is good for the gander.
Edit: You appear to have removed the comment I was responding to so now I look like some sort of insane person 😅
I also just want to add on topic that:
"Silly Speculation" that is given more oxygen by having an article on it.
Good one.
I don't know what was the exact question asked to xbox, but I think they were just replying to say that they can't comment on what deals happen on other platforms, not really trying to hint that there was a deal.
You only buy exclusivity as a marketing point to push your platform. With no Sony marketing of the game and it not even showing up in their SOP, that's very clearly not the case.
That fervent Xbots wish to blame Sony for everything should hardly be a surprise right now, anything to deflect from the fact it's their own team giving the brand the biggest kicking.
Just silly internet bitching...
@DarkTron Out of the thousands of games released on the XSS we have heard a handful of developers bring it up as an issue. In the case of Baldurs Gate 3 this was a specific issue related to split screen co-op which doesn't apply in this game. Meanwhile hundreds of single player action games, similar to Black Myth Wukong, release on the Series S with no problem, ergo it's less likely to be a Series S issue specifically.
Regardless I didn't say it wasn't the Series S, only it was foolish to ASSUME it was without additional information, just as it was foolish to ASSUME Sony was moneyhatting without additional information. Both sides are foolish for jumping to conclusions with incomplete information.
Additionally will it be 'excessive' when developers develop for both PS5 and PS5 Pro, or do different rules apply?
So you are telling me the same company that put "Only on PlayStation" in the Persona 5 boxes without an exclusivity deal and only taking advantage of the situation now is silent about an exclusivity deal with one of the most awaited games of the 2020s? Pfff ... please, MS thinks everyone is a gp user to believe their bullsh*t or what?
You can't ever doubt Microsoft to throw a few small comments to get people to rally against a rival company.
When they know full well the worst decision they ever made was to make a under powered console for a cheaper price and make it mandatory that everyone has to develop for both.
They can try all they like but every decision and every word they spoke is always digging a bigger whole for themselves to get out of
First thought i had was similar to yourself - small studio, so needs to complete the larger install base 1st (with just the single spec to cater for)- not to mention that a decent number of those with series consoles only use game pass and wont buy a full price game.
"Additionally will it be 'excessive' when developers develop for both PS5 and PS5 Pro, or do different rules apply?"
I imagine it will be different. If we look at PS4 Pro, games were never optimised as much as on PS4 e.g. if a game was pushing PS4 to 90% utilisation, the Pro might only be at 70% - it was a case of whats the best we can achieve with minimal extra optimising.
Where Series X / PS5 are the target, series S requires a lot of optimisation work given its much weaker specs.
That all said, I would have thought a better plan would be to design games around SS and upgrade for SX and PS5 (and Pro) - that way you know the game will 'Work".
You will have the narrative "series S is holding this gen back", but i dont really hold with this in any major way - its not like any of these consoles are complete powerhouses.
@PuppetMaster That's already started xbox people claiming "because Sony has the rights to Spider-man" that it isn't coming.
@Rich33 Moreover as 90% of games that push the consoles also come to PC, usually with lower specs, if anything is holding us back it would more likely be PC not Series S.
Looks like the typical MS deflect, blame PlayStation for anything that can be perceived as a misstep on their part because it seems to work on twitter and such.
The situation is a bit different in that a game designed to run on PS5 and Series X will obviously run on PS5 Pro, but not necessarily on a Series S without additional work.
I know you're referring to having extra enhancements on the Pro, but we don't officially know whether that will be a requirement or just an option. Either way, the baseline development platforms will still be PS5 and Series X.
I wasnt sure where the "average" PC was in terms of power
@pharos_haven Lol those Xbox people are silly. Marvel Midnight Suns and Marvel Rivals has Spiderman and both games released for Xbox. But Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 is Switch exclusives and it has Spiderman.
Sony only own the license for Spiderman movies, not the whole IP lol.
Yes, apologies, @GeeEssEff. My initial response was just talking about this generation alone, but then I realised that the person I was replying to had also mentioned the scale of the games, so my comment was pretty redundant.
It's obvious that the ambiguous, evasive statement is just a way to avoid saying anything concrete, because if he were to say something concrete and true here, we'd have a Microsoft spokeperson admitting on record that the Series S is garbage and causes nothing but trouble.
@Nepp67 Yeap, MS definitely shot themselves in the foot be requiring every game to run in Series S. and it pays the price when games take longer to come in its platforms, trying to blame Sony with their snide remakes won't change the fact they messed up.
@themightyant I mean, it is normal to assume XSS is the problem here since it has a notorious memory bandwidth problem that requires a fine tuned memory management. If it wasn't for that it would be similar to XSX and PS5, but that one aspect breaks the box entirely.
Also, if PS4 Pro is anything to go by, development for PS5 Pro and base PS5 will be same thing, you just turn some settings on if you're running on Pro to let the game know it can use more resources now.
@CielloArc I wouldn’t say it “breaks the box entirely” it just means they usually have to run at lower resolutions and visual settings than Microsoft originally intended.
As for PS5 Pro, while I agree it will be easier to develop for, especially as it likely wont be a mandated requirement, it is a lot more than “you just turn up some settings” studios will still have another whole round of testing, optimisation and QA on that SKU. It’s still a lot of extra work, though likely less than Series S.
Seems like "manufactured outrage" is the order of the day on the internet. Very tiring. Add it to the pile.
Yes, this is very dumb and just MS trying to play the victim like they always do.
@Fiendish-Beaver no worries mate.
Yes, you are correct. It is the series x owners that do the most of the moaning. Unless Microsoft eventually cut the ties between X and S this issue is only going to get worse as games develop more as the gen moves on. But why do these series x owners blame Sony when the developers say otherwise.
I've not personally seen Xbox guys moan about it, @DragonSlayer1759, though I have no doubt that some are. Most are simply blaming the S...!
What is telling though is that neither the Developers or Sony have come out and denied the existence of an agreement. After all, it is entirely possible for both statements to be true; an agreement could be in place, thus making the game a timed exclusive, and the Developers will use that period of exclusivity to work on the Series version (perhaps having put it on the back-burner once the deal was struck).
The point being, that what the Developers said could be true as they did not say that they were encountering problems with the Xbox version, just that they were optimising it. Neither party just outright denying the existence of an exclusivity deal is kind of suspicious, as simply saying one does not exist is very easy to say. I never understand the silence in these sort of situations as saying nothing simply allows these rumours to swirl round, getting worse and worse, when a statement, either confirming or denying, puts the matter to bed pretty quickly...
I don't believe that the PlayStation 5 will have excellent game optimization because of UE5. If someone wants to get the best gaming experience with this game, they should take the PC version because it will have a much better optimization than the PlayStation 5. And this is the reason why Sony should soon announce PlayStation 5 Pro, which will be able to run such games made in UE5 at 60fps. Xbox and Sony made a mistake by not making their consoles much stronger, which will be able to run games made in UE5 at 60fps. I don't think PlayStation and Xbox are ready for games made in UE5 yet.
The PC version will be much better than the PlayStation 5 version because the PlayStation 5 is not strong enough to run games made in UE5 at 60fps.
That pun is truly mythical.
It's almost as if Micro$oft / Xbox regret releasing 2 SKU's with one significantly weaker than the other, yet demanding all 3rd parties optimize their games to run on both...
Sony's strategy of releasing 2 SKU's, one with a disc drive, one all-digital, but BOTH having equivalent specs is obviously the much smarter move. So now M$ resorts to starting rumors of Sony buying console exclusivity.
@Gabriel04081994 You also have to have a powerful enough PC to run it. A lot of "PC Gamers" play games on $300 potato Walmart laptops.
@SleeplessKnight i keep seeing people wanting to talk about investing in a gaming pc , but if you really want something that will last you a while , you can easily drop 3-4k , other wise you'll either be playing games pretty watered down based on your pc specs , or have hardware that would be outdated in a year - year and a half. i mean you might as well spend way less money and play on a console.
@BAMozzy this is exactly whats happening, people want conspiracy theories and one of them is that Series S is a potato witch is false. The narrative they're trying to push is that there is a "hardware" problem with the Series S witch is also a lie! There is nothing wrong with the tiny console just small inexperience studios that don't have the time and money to optimize for more systems. From what we have seen so far there isn't a big AAA studio complaining about the Series s but the smaller ones. Larian is the perfect example for this, at first they said it was the system ram fault but at the end with the help of the xbox engineers they have admitted that there was a big headroom there and the optimization they made for the Series S it would benefit the biggest systems too. So as anyone can see there is no hardware problem with the console as the narrative goes on in social media but the lack of skills/time and money the smaller studios don't have the privilege to spare.
As for the wuKong I don't think Sony money hat the game but only time will tell.
@twitchtvpat My thoughts exactly!
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